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Saturday, 31 May 2014

Tweets 1June2014

Tweets 1June2014
安顺补选,马袖强在674%的投标率只赢238票。 是因为很多游子没有回来投票,还有在安顺生活的人没有出来投票。 不然我很肯定Dyana会赢得让马袖强很难堪。 补选特别拨款有它在某地区某素质的人民是有一定的效果。像在砂州Balingian的补选,国阵是一面倒的赢。 安顺的补选是不分上下的竞争。  Dyana实际上并没有输。 选她出赛去竞选一点也没有错。

我希望林冠英【输了】就有那种【不该用新人的心理】;【赢了】又有另一种诠释的【摇摆不定】的心理。[赢了]说【赢话】;【输了】说【输话】。 我们都要知道【赢中的输者;输中的赢者】的道理。 这次补选人选Dyana, 我强调一点都没有错。只有【一点】问题是Dyana不是当地人。 现在人民对DAP不理民意的爱派天兵已经不再认同了。 这是【民选政府】,那里可以不理民意【中央行政】自作决定呢。

留下来在安顺生活的人,那67.4%的人,有一半加238心向国阵。有50%- 238人心向PR-DAP.  心向国阵的人民肯定不管/不懂M/W的区别。视野小和少。 只有看到,听到和想到有【糖果】的好享受的好处。其他国阵执政集团的不良行为像贪污舞弊滥权腐败,垄断,掠夺和剥削的事,这50%+238的人有多少知觉? 马袖强是靠这50%+238人【赢】了。这对国家的整体来讲是很不幸的。2018国选才是真正较竞的时刻。 补选给国阵赢,就来试试国阵的承诺的实践率有多少%

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Tweets 29/5/2014

Tweets 抱着残缺的教育政策29/5/2014
教育官爷们抱着残缺的政策强调立场坚持不承认独中文凭,也不给华小足够拨款办学,常年华小都欠缺老师。这么样病态心理的官老爷们。坐在那么大的权位虐待他人是很大的罪孽哦/ei.   处处为难和歧视他人绝不是一个有信仰的人的合格行为。  政策是【死】,人是【活】,活的人对死的有缺陷的政策死抱着不放是该死的。

活时没有做好自己,还要仗势欺人。如果有Allah,我肯定会有很重的惩罚的。如果有【轮回】,哼 哼。。。。会是那一种形式出现:猪,狗,猫,牛,羊,。。。。,或人? 有限的生命在无限的时空下是负担不起这么低等,卑鄙和不良的行为的。 这种种歧视和欺凌行为绝对不是高尚的普及价值。这些行为是令人愤怒的。

充满着邪恶的特权,让有人莫名奇妙的,能力和职权很不对称的被抬上不对的权位,手握权威后就来胡乱非为。 这胡乱运用人才就是BN执政集团的死穴。 一直犯错不知悔改,是踏进沼泽往下沉的死地。 以肤色选人才,违反自然原则:【人尽其才,物尽其用,地尽其利】,因此,我国一直往下坡滚动。

这只有让有真正能力的人流失。 没有能力的人上位。这就搞成现在乱78糟的实相。 以肤色特权收纳学生当上医务人员像医生是不会被看好。 人民要的是公平竞争。以捷径进入医学系是会令各族不分肤色的很担心。尤其是开刀动手术,这是关系到【生死】的事。 是谁会去选种族肤色选医生呢?肤色特权的事,说穿了只不过是邪恶人的设计。

有认识有30多年的一位阿姨,本来要去医院割白内障,但是医院是给她安排一位有特权肤色的医生,她对某肤色的医生是信心缺缺。因此宁可付RM3000去外头私人医院割除,也不要只付RM800服务费的大医院动手术。想 一想,特别的安排和捷径却带来那么令人尴尬的后果。这就是特权包赢的双输下场。  这是令人难过的。 这是不分种族没有人【敢投注】的风险。这是现实也是事实。

“MACC:  Inefficiency, delays breed graft in local authorities”  …David Chua Kok Tee, MACC Consultation and Corruption Prevention Panel member  (The Borneo Post 15/5/2014)

This is the main source of graft that the concerned people helplessly fall prey to.  If the source is good and people-minded, -centred and friendly, this menace will be nipped at the bud.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Tweets 27/5/2014

Tweets  27/5/2014
If the UMNO youths were mind-focused on skill development and their trades, I am convinced that they would not react in that barbaric and aggressive mob-like way.

Their expertise and engagement in trades as well as the status they acquired would discipline them from the low and mean manners so much to the disgust of the mass.

A person with mind-focus on good and right things knows what is bad and wrong to avoid and shun.  S/he would not be attracted easily by low and mean things.  Believe me.

I believe right occupation with a lot of creativity in the work is the way to make life interesting and fun to keep buoyant in nobility.  When a person is used to the good and right choice, s/he won’t fall prey to vice easily.

In the global age full of competition, no one can afford to waste time on low and useless things to ignore skills to acquire and trades to engage in to stay buoyant.    

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Tweets 26/5/2014

Tweets 26/5/2014
The UMNO youths were so Rottweiler-like in their attempt to bite and fight for their self-proclaimed “rights” to justify being condemned when ….., DAP said “damn it” when being harrassed.  

rottweiler  /'rɒtvaIlә(r)/

In return to this verbal abuse, these UMNO youths have already hit back the n times in the violent acts.  Where are the MCA, Gerakan, SUPP leaders to express their stance/stand to stop these unruly UMNO youths to go overboard?

I don’t expect evil-inclined UMNO to act justly and why didn’t the police take the prompt actions to curb these unpleasant acts of these unruly UMNO youths?
On the other hand, if this were done by the DAP youths,  would the police act in that “tidak apa” way/ lack of actions?   How can we move on in a democratic way?
Injustice is well-written here in Malaysia.  We should have enough records of Injustice in books in our country.   What a shame!  So I hope Change of government will come soon.