Is Ruralisation the key to
solve the problems of high prices of houses in big cities?
If you think like a fool, act
like a fool and behave like a fool, you will be treated like a fool. Stop being so foolish for your own good.
To prevent our pupils from ‘neng-neng’ poisoning, our
milk suppliers and the ministers signing this agreement should hold the full
Be relaxed and natural. Let’s learn this value together through
stories and they will know what is the proper way to interact with each other.
Our parents, teachers and
students are just too busy to think and practise this value. Everybody is too obsessed with As’ results to
think much of this value.
Our children can learn this
value through stories, be them in Chinese, BM or English. Our education system needs to be upgraded.
How can we teach our children
integrity when our No. 1 leader is so treacherous and is ever-ready to trick
and cheat and deny at will?
Najib has become a household
name and an emblem of c_______ and s_________ to the nation. Fill
in the blanks with suitable words.
Life is actually so simple
and easy but it is made so complicated by some ill-meaning crowned political
clowns for their selfish motives.
I got the gleanings of the
truth of 513 here and there. I have
more/less pieced the puzzle to get the whole picture.
It is not good to hide
yourselves like a tortoise withdrawing its head into the shell when it gets
Who usurped the power from
our 1st PM Tunku Abdul Rahman?
Who plotted it? It is time to
come out to tell the truth. Hide it no
How can we nib those
racist-minded leaders in the bud? Who
can help us do it? If they cannot be
taught, just stitch /plaster up their mouths.
Since the Senate serves very
and very little purpose, just abolish it.
Stop squandering people’s money to create highly-paid jobs for your
What do you stand for: Autocracy / Democracy? Why?
What is your stance to stand firm in your decision? Have
you made up your mind?
We all should be ever-ready
to cat-catch mice eating our rice in the barn.
It is everybody’s business to get enough cats to do the task.
I have little trust in the
history recorded in the school texts.
The happenings we have witnessed and registered will pass on for
Najib and his team did a lot
of make-believes and magic to win in the 13th election. They were clowning around to buy votes with
their Integrity Pledge tagged before their chest.
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