婆媳的关系可以是一种很简单;也可以是很复杂。 这一切是要看家中关系的模式:权威的/民主的;强势的/弱势的;公平/不公平的;互相尊重的/单方面的;包/不包容的。。。。。。。。 婆媳的关系是一门大学问。 最好有课上。
我有看过婆媳关系很好: 一起种菜,上市场,超级场。。。。我也看过很多婆媳关系很不好的。 那很不好关系的通常都是很权威的。通常是那些来自于中国的,拥有那些传统古老的思考模式。 那种很权威专制的。那是她们经历的人生。 她们的mindset /思考模式就是那样。 365天住在一起,婆婆有她很坚持的一套;媳妇的也有她要强调的原则。 这真是价值的冲突啊!
比如婆婆说: [Mahathir 好。投他一票] 媳妇问她:[Mahathir 好在哪里?别投错了害自己和他人和国家。] 这么一来一往,大家如果都能心平气和的辩论, 没话说。 如果也像BN 政府那种不讲理方式压迫媳妇,那你想想看? 那种后果? 做媳妇的肯定像猫生气/受惊时:弓着背,站着毛,肥大尾巴准备好随时应战的。
如果旁边还有像Wong Soon Koh, 陈开/关的人为霸权把关,你们想想看,做媳妇的是不是要用更弓的背;更站得毛和更肥大的尾巴来应战。 怕你们mei! 时代不一样了。 凡事最好的是坚持民主。你肯定会胜利的笑到最后。 所以我说Najib 政府最好[好之为之]。 那些马华的,民政的和人联的政党,这时刻好好的劝一劝Najib和他的队伍别硬来了。
When people behave like a cat in anger :arching its back; fluffying up
its fur and fattening up its tail, they are well-prepared to attack, too.
Najib should stop persecuting those political dissidents in order to
silent them. He will be very
disappointed if he continues to do so.
Najib is just too racist-minded himself to think that people of
different racial origins everywhere are not in good harmony.
Najib should
stop being so abusive, autocratic, feudalistic, despotic, suppressive, and
oppressive minded if he wants to earn his respect.
人联的陈开总是用他那关不了的嘴巴为霸权开枪残酷的射杀敌方: [边骂边接受‘加薪’反对党讲一套做一套]。 如果陈开会好好利用他那关不了的嘴巴管管霸权的行为。 叫霸权不要加薪。 反对党反对/接受又能怎样? 以我们人民看只有反对党是合格被加薪的。我希望陈开要懂得开关的道理。
Arresting these political
dissidents will only bring about more and more people joining them in hearts
and minds if not in the gathering.
How long do you think they
can go on like this? It is exhausting,
time wasting and money spending in all these gatherings.
The best way to crush these
political dissidents is to let them be and let them hold as many gatherings as
they like to exhaust them.
It is very stupid to waste
the energy to arrest the political dissidents in favour of Najib who foul
played too much in the 13th general election.
I hope Ahmad Zahid Hemidi
should pay put in more effort and energy in curbing the criminal activities
like break-ins and robberies that have gone rampant.
These crowned political
clowns are clowning on and blundering on as well as plundering our natural resources and people
at will.
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