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Saturday 15 June 2024


(Robert Pei 15-06-2024)




 他們透過血腥征服和克服當地抵抗,建立了一個具有「英國殖民特色」的獨立主權半封建國家。   但這並不意味著它成為一個殖民地。  *作為比較,秦帝國也征服了周圍的众多中國王國,創造了大一统中國。

 *但是,由於其獨立的國際實體,必須與殖民地區分開來*。 它不受英國汶萊或其他任何人統治,而是由布魯克家族王朝獨立統治。



 在被禁止進入砂拉越25年後,他做出了許多個人犧牲。 他去世後,骨灰安葬在古晉。 他是一位真正的砂勞越民族主義者。 



I have thought about the statement: " _Origin: The first stage of the anti-imperialist and anti-colonial struggle of the people of all ethnic groups in Sarawak started from 1841 to 1949_ ."

We need to acknowledge that during this period, the Brookes created an independent sovereign state Sarawak recognised by the USA on 1850 and Britain in 1863  

In 1839 the Sultanate of Brunei had sovereignty over Sarawak but transferred it to the Brookes who expanded the territory by conquest. 

By bloody conquest and overcoming local resistance, they established an independent sovereign semi-feudal state administered with "British colonial features".  But this does not make it a colony. *For comparison, the Qin Empire also subdued surrounding Chinese Kingdoms to create China.*

*However, it must be distinguished from being a colony because of its independent international entity*. It was not ruled by the UK Brunei or anyone else but independently by the Brooke Family Dynasty.

Concerning the anti-cession issue, in fact, the Brooke government at first rejected British annexation in 1942 but for reasons we discussed the Rajah was forced to surrender Sarawak sovereignty to the British with some personal gains.

In 1945, the Rajah Muda Anthony Brooke led the resistance to British rule, For this he was condemned banned and ostracised by the British and even blamed for the assassination of the second British Governor. 

He made many personal sacrifices after he was banned from entering Sarawak for 25 years. When he died his ashes were interred in Kuching. He was a real Sarawak nationlaist. 

For these reasons, I believe we need to modify our anti-imperialist views and acknowledge that the Brookes were also anti-colonial and anti-imperialist by opposing the British annexation.

Sarawak history has many unique features which make it very different from Sabah which has always been subdued and submissive.

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