If Chinese or other races have scolded the Dayaks as "babi" or disrespectful to Dayaks, it is out of love and the truth.
They want you to help them to take over the government from lazy people! Dayaks should not support these lazy people anymore.
Take the insults positively and fight on!
Dayaks should rise up like what the Chinese did fifty years ago.
Chinese was said "Dogs" " Dogs are not allowed" were common signboards in Shanghai.
Chinese were not allowed to enter places where the Westerners were but Japanese were allowed to enter.
It was the insult that made China great today.
China is able to get about 800 million Chinese out of poverty within fifty years after China gained independence. For this reason, the United States and western countries now feared China and is trying all sorts of nonsense to kill china economy. China will not fall again!
If you see Bruce Lee films you can understand better the anger Bruce Lee displayed when he saw the signboard " Dogs Are Not Allowed".
Please tell our Dayak people to rise up. Chinese has reasons to be angry with the Dayaks because Chinese are also being marginalised. Chinese know how to do business and build the economy for Sarawak but they have to "scold" or have to be angry with the Dayaks for they also suffer because of Alibaba system in doing business. The Chinese in this Alibaba system have to give at least ten percent to these lazy people to secure the projects.
These lazy people are all in power to grant projects and business licences.
There are also many Malays that don't like these lazy people who hold power and they are with us. These lazy people don't help Malays in the Kampong Therefore we are not alone in fighting this war. We have to fight as a Sarawakian Race, not as Dayaks, Chinese or Malay. If we think bey fighting as a Dayak, Chinese or Malay, we will for long be trapped by race politics created by UMNO and PBB.
Sarawak Chinese in 1960s knew the problems if Malaysia was formed. About ten thousand Chinese in Sarawak were either arrested, killed and ran into the jungle and into Kalimantan to take arms to fight the British and Malaya against the Malaysia Plan but they didn't get much support at that time. They joined clandestine organisations and used communist ideologies to hold them together to fight on. Their ideologies was "equal share for everybody" and everybody are to help each other and this was what communist ideology was at that time. They were infact nationalists, fighting for Sarawak independence.
To the Dayaks, most of you could have misunderstood the good part of their ideology and unknown to the Dayaks, such practices are also in the Dayak culture in longhouses. It is about communalism. Dayak share many things together in longhouses. When they got animals they hunted they shared among themselves. This was how communalism and communist ideology came from. All are to a share whether you were involved in the hunting or not.
Had more Dayaks helped them as that time, Sarawak could be independent by now.
Had Ningkan and Jugah disagreed with Malaysia Plan, Sarawak could declare independence.
Let us fight together as a Sarawakian Race, not to fight against the lazy race as Dayak, Chinese or Malay.
If we fight as Dayaks, Chinese and Malays we will be weak because we will not have the numbers to fight these lazy people.
Tell people to rally behind Parti Bumi Kenyalang to fight for Sarawak independence.
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