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Thursday, 10 August 2023


  ( 2023 年 8 月 1 日)

 因此,当首席部长表示拟议的联邦宪法修正案将反映签署 MA63 的政党的真实精神和意图时,YAB 首席部长拿督巴丁宜阿邦佐哈里必须予以纠正 - 请参阅《婆罗洲邮报》2021 年 10 月 16 日。


 MA63的真正精神和意图,是创造一个马来超级种族,以及马来亚对婆罗洲英国殖民地的种族、宗教统治。 这也是马来亚对新加坡沙巴和砂拉越的新殖民化。 印度尼西亚总统苏加诺意识到英国和东姑制造的这种新殖民主义的意图,导致印度尼西亚和马来西亚之间从1963年到1966年发生了婆罗洲对抗。


 据估计,马来亚控制的联邦政府每年为马来亚夺走不少于2000亿令吉的砂拉越财富。 据估计,沙巴每年也向马来亚损失同样数额的资金。

 海洋财富、石油和天然气的损失让砂拉越人难以承受。 其中,每年仅向砂拉越提供约40亿令吉的微薄回报作为发展基金。 因此,砂拉越的发展一直落后,许多地区迄今仍没有适当的基础设施。


 东姑阿都拉曼在马来西亚概念被提起时大肆谈论平等伙伴关系,这是一场政治政变,将新加坡、沙巴和砂拉越纳入马来亚领土,在从英国手中获得这些殖民地领土后, 1963年9月16日起将马来亚改名为马来西亚。



Voon Lee Shan : Notion of amendments to the federal constitution is to incorporate the spirit of equality in partnership with Malaya is joke by a clown
 ( August 01, 2023 )

Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) was a political deception carefully crafted by the British and Tunku Abdul Rahman to hand over Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak as a gift by the British to enlarge Malaya in 1963.
Therefore, the YAB Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari has to be corrected when the Chief Minister said the proposed amendments to the federal constitution would reflect the true spirit and intention of the parties who inked the MA63 - see The Borneo Post October 16, 2021.

This error by the YAB Chief Minister has to be corrected so that Sarawakians should know the truth and not to believe the untruth.

The true spirit and intention of MA63, was creating a malay super race and Malaya dominance of race, religion over the British colonial territories in Borneo. It was also a neo- colonization of Singapore Sabah and Sarawak by Malaya. President Soekarno of Indonesia was aware of the intention of this neo-colonialism crafted by the British and Tunku, which led to the confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia called Borneo Confrontation from 1963 to 1966.

This neo-colonialism could be evidenced by using economic, cultural imperialism and conditional development strategies implemented by Malaya through the federal cabinet and Parliament to control and take resources of Sabah and Sarawak.

The federal government which is controlled by Malaya is estimated to have taken not less than RM200 billion of all Sarawak's wealth away annually for Malaya. It is also estimated that Sabah also has lost this same amount annually to Malaya.

The loss of marine wealth, oil and gas are too painful to bear by Sarawakians. Out of these, only a meagre return of about RM4 billion each year been given to Sarawak as development fund. For this reason, Sarawak had been lagging behind in development with many parts having no proper infrastructure.

Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg should know Sabah and Sarawak had been made dependents and beggars for funds and developments from the federal government since Malaysia came into existence in 1963.

The so much talk about equal partnership by Tunku Abdul Rahman to the run-up of Malaysia, was a political coup to take Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak as territories of Malaya, in which, after having acquired these colonial territories from Great Britain, then, change the name of Malaya to Malaysia from 16 September 1963.

Therefore, if the notion of amendments to the federal constitution is to incorporate the spirit of equality in partnership with Malaya is joke by a clown.

Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang

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