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Sunday, 4 June 2023

Heavy machinery BDM

Vehicles that are Carrying heavy machineries or equipments, type of vehicles which are used for the necessary operation are called PRIME MOVER(S) hauling a LowBed loader(s) & if a Prime Mover is a 6 wheels/TYRES or 6X2 hauling a Low-Bed Loader with 8 wheels/tyres, the RELEVANT AUTHORITY IN PUTRAJAYA would only approved for GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT (goods weight plus vehicle) for only 32,000 KGS.;

And if the PRIME MOVER is a 10 Wheelers/TYRES hauling a Low-Bed Loader with 8 wheelers/ Tyres, The Engineers of the Technical Division in PUTRAJAYA would approved for G V W of 36,000 KGS. & at one time in the past, if they r not in good mood, they only approved for 34,000 KGS. For the prime mover with 3 axles & is a 10 Wheelers/Tyres;

In Technical terms & calculations, the GVW is 21,000 KGS FOR THE PRIME MOVER ALONG & one maximum weight for (1) rear axle with 1,000 x 20”x 10 pliers is said to have a maximum carrying Capacity of 8,000 KGS PER AXLE;   

If the front PGU with 3Axles is 21,000 Kgs & plus the rear low/bed with 2 axles & with 4 TYRES each of the axles (one axles can withstand a weight of 8,000 KGS) that means the rear carrying capacity is 16,000 kgs. Plus the front prime mover (PGU) with a total gross combine weight of 37,000 KGS & the Technical Division has already downgraded the GVM of around 1,000 KGS to prevent any untoward incidents that may happen & in actual fact, Each axle with 4 TYRES of 1,000 X 20” X 10 pliers (rear 2Axles) each axle can withhold a maximum GVW Of 10,000 KGS & if they only approved 8,000 KGS. There is already 2,000 KGS less to prevent most eventuality that my May happen???

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