SUPP was fighting hard not wanting MALAYSIA be formed. They even petitioned to UN. Many of them about 6, 000 were harassed, arrested and jailed without trial for years.
Many went into the jungle, took arms to become terrorists. Of course some dayaks also were with them. Dayaks hated them because they were terrorists. This was the game played by foreigners and victors.
CM Ningkan was trapped and when he fought back the foreigners kicked him out!
Jugah wanted to be Governor and it was part of the negotiations before Malaysia.
For this reason he supported Malaysia. Sarawak nearly got a Governor from UMNO but Jugah outwitted by foreigners had to settle as a federal minister yet with no office in KL. Jugah led YBs in DUN to have Ningkan sacked. We could not blame them because both didn't have good advisers at their side and were played out by foreigners.
Please see books by Prof Michael Leigh.
After Malaysia was formed SUPP preferred to play kingmaker. This is natural
because they struggled but they could not get what they wanted.
I would see SUPP, a party dominated by Chinese will not ever support and dayak to fight PBB or pull down PBB led government. They're comfortable with PBB Bumiputera Wing and PBB Pesaka Wing. There are many dayak tycoons in GPS and they live comfortably in towns and cities. I wonder how often they went back to their longhouses to see for themselves the conditions of own people in the longhouses. Despite being filthy rich, I have yet heard any of them have built a kindergarten in longhouses to help children in longhouses with their studies.
A sad thing is that dayaks also threw away PBDS in last elections. We had strategized all things with Bobby William and other dayak leaders who believe enough is enough. But PBK led by me was branded as party cina. We were destroyed when people played race card and all our dayak in PBDS and PBK candidates lost badly. PBDS was blamed for bergaul with Cina during campaign.
PBDS under Bobby knew we have to work together. We have to be realistic because race politics is bad for Sarawak. Race politics was engineered to sow discontent and we want peace in Sarawak.
We hope to get at least a few seats for local opposition parties but just for a few ringgit beer and merry making people put BN/GPS in the government again. Don't complain because they are elected by people and the dayaks supported them.
Dayak seats are many and combined with Malay seats, GPS found it very easy to be returned to power for some chicken wings and beer to make people happy in rural areas.
In towns, some donations for Chinese schools and associations were enough to get them back into power.
Why should Chinese be bothered with people in the rural areas? After all they don't use the muddy roads and dangerous rivers that the rural folks felt "comfortable"
Sarawak people wanted BN/GPS to lead Sarawak for another five years and dayaks and Chinese should be please with them by allowing the current condition to persist.
Don't complain if the NCR land be taken by Malayan companies or by the Chinese tycoons because we asked for it. We have lost our oil and gas too. Why complain?
Chinese tycoons cari makan and were willing to give people with a few tins of beers to help dayak candidates from PBB and GPS be elected to allow PBB led GPS to rule Sarawak for another five years. Lawyers also love NCR land be taken by Chinese tycoons and companies from Malaya because Lawyers whether they're politicians or not make money out of the disputes about NCR land. Worse still if they were allowed to negotiate behind the back by NCR landowners. Dayaks NCR land owners get peanuts from the settlement while Lawyers make money and laugh to the bank.
Dayaks should wake up and turn the tables! Tell your people we need to change the government or even find ways to peacefully exit from the federation like Singapore did.
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