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Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Gedong folk enjoy slew of devt projects August 9, 2020 theBorneopost


Gedong folk enjoy slew of devt projects  August 9, 2020  theBorneopost

KUCH­ING: The un­wa­ver­ing sup­port given to Gabun­gan Parti Sarawak (GPS) gov­ern­ment and its elected rep­re­sen­ta­tives has al­lowed a slew of de­vel­op­ment projects be­ing planned for Ge­dong con­stituency, says Deputy Chief Min­is­ter Datuk Amar Awang Ten­gah Ali Hasan.

He said one of ma­jor de­vel­op­ments planned and be­ing im­ple­mented was an em­bank­ment project for Kam­pung Ge­dong. The first phase (30 me­tres) cost­ing RM7.4 mil­lion had al­ready been com­pleted.

“The sec­ond phase with the price tag of RM15 mil­lion is un­der­way. Work on the third phase (RM26 mil­lion) will be­gin in Septem­ber,” he told a press con­fer­ence in Ge­dong yes­ter­day.

Awg Ten­gah added that ‘An­jung Usa­hawan’ (en­trepreneurs’ porch) project cost­ing RM5 mil­lion would be built in the (Ge­dong) con­stituency. It is a cen­tre for food pro­cess­ing and for con­duct­ing work­shops and train­ings, among oth­ers. Site for the project had al­ready been iden­ti­fied.

“The peo­ple of Ge­dong can also ex­pect a sports com­plex to be built soon, equipped with many fa­cil­i­ties such as run­ning track, fut­sal court and swim­ming pool. It is ex­pected to be ten­dered in Novem­ber.”

“The peo­ple of Ge­dong can also ex­pect a sports com­plex to be built soon, equipped with many fa­cil­i­ties such as run­ning track, fut­sal court and swim­ming pool. It is ex­pected to be ten­dered in Novem­ber.”

The build­ing of road com­plete with two bridges is in the de­sign stage. The RM50-mil­lion project is ex­pected to be ten­dered lat­est by Oc­to­ber.

The Sec­ond Min­is­ter of Ur­ban De­vel­op­ment and Re­sources said the state gov­ern­ment un­der the lead­er­ship of Chief Min­is­ter Datuk Pat­inggi Abang Jo­hari Tun Openg was com­mit­ted in mak­ing sure that all house­holds in the con­stituency would be able to en­joy 24-hour elec­tric­ity and wa­ter sup­plies.

“I am also aware there is a Rest House be­ing built here, which was sup­posed to be com­pleted ear­lier this year but due to the Move­ment Con­trol Or­der, it is only 60 per cent com­pleted.

“I have in­structed Pub­lic Works Depart­ment Sarawak to look into the con­trac­tor’s ca­pa­bil­i­ties and if it is found that the con­trac­tor is not ca­pa­ble of com­plet­ing the project, then we may need to look for a new con­trac­tor to fin­ish it,” he said.

He said all the projects were funded by the state gov­ern­ment, and there­fore the peo­ple should con­tinue to place their trust in the state gov­ern­ment to bring change and de­vel­op­ment to the state, in­clud­ing the ru­ral ar­eas.

As­sis­tant Min­is­ter of In­ter­na­tional Trade and In­dus­try, In­dus­trial Ter­mi­nal and En­tre­pre­neur De­vel­op­ment Datuk Mohd Nar­o­den Ma­jais who is also Ge­dong as­sem­bly­man was among those present at the func­tion.



       The 12th Sarawak election is definitely not too far away now.  There are again, one promise after another, Awg Ten­gah made on behalf of Naroden, whom I guess must have broken too many promises to make anymore.  

Of 5 projects  promised to be implemented in Gedong, the BN-GPS government has started

(1)    an embankment project and only the first phase has been

completed.  The second phase of it is underway.  The third phase..

(2)    The rest house has completed 60%


I am not sure about the quality for these projects to be materialised.  I am afraid that BN-GPS has no more time in hand to renew the promises which they used to practise. 


The promises made to build

(3)   An­jung Usa­hawan’ (en­trepreneurs’ porch),

(4)   A sports com­plex

(5)   The build­ing of road com­plete with two bridges

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