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Saturday, 15 August 2020

Mycomments on Hanifah: Final Report will not be debated in parliament or made public


Mycomments on Hanifah: Final Report will not be debated in parliament or made public – Borneo Post online   August 11th, 2020   

I wonder why the Special Cabinet Committee of MA63 wants to make the final report of their discussion so secretive and sensitive when the legality of MA63 is widely believed to be void and null.  Is it the reason for rejecting it to be debated and made public for fear of wide exposure to the scrutiny of the whole wide world? 

The legality and controversy of MA63 has been widely discussed in various quarters  and open to all for discussion.  Refusing to make public the final report of the Special Cabinet Committee of MA63 only invites speculation of negotiation of the big guns for self-interest and benefits at the expense of Sarawakians and Sabahans in general.  For the past 57 years, it has been the norm practice.  We all have borne witness how the BN-led Sarawak and Sabah governments practised the government by and of the people but not for the people.  

        Hanifah Hajar Taib represents nothing but the Taib family and his fellow accomplices to plunder, exploit, oppress, suppress, rob and bully Sarawakians.  Sarawakians have been impoverished by Taib Mahmud and his cronies who colluded with the colonial masters.  The evil practices that he created during his tenure as chief minister of Sarawak from 1981 to 2013 are still prevailing in Sarawak.  He is well-marked by his evil deeds being an extremely greedy, selfish, self-interested, egoistic, nepotistic, abusive, corrupt and devilish person. 

        The Sarawak BN-GPS government should declare Sarawak independence unilaterally, not indulge themselves in the make-believes that MA63 is legal and fool-play Sarawakians with the help of so-called federal government.  Enough is enough.  No one on earth in his right mind will cling to illegal agreement like the BN-GPS government. 

Abang Johari only makes a fool of himself being so submissive to the colonial masters and imperialists.  What is Abang Johari after all if Sarawakians see him a trash to be discarded?  Sarawak belongs to Sarawakians not the BN-GPS government which has impovished every aspect of Sarawak ranging from the infrastructure like the proper road system, public transport, quality medical services,  good quality of education system, job opportunities, water and electricity, telecommunication system and the like. 

Facing the dire conditions of Sarawak, like TaibMahmud, he has created dreams for Sarawakians to be fulfilled in the future.  He told Sarawakians that Sarawak would become the most developed “state”  in Malaysia (Malaya in disguise).  Who on earth in the age of internet still takes his words blindly without any research on the related literature on the tendency of this kind of political thugs?   The more incapable a leader is, the more indulgent he is in creating “future dreams” to be fulfilled. 

If we allowed BN-GPS government to lead Sarawak beyond the 12th Sarawak election, we would be dragged into the maelstrom or mire of suffering and torture.   Be prepared to discard this abusive, corrupt, incapable  and weak government for good.  

By Ling Moi Hung August 16th,  2020


何俐萍.一道筑在东西马之间的高墙    2020-08-15 07:50:00  绵里藏心










作者 何俐萍
文章来源 星洲日报 2020-08-15



我不知道何时开始“马来亚”这称呼会变成很刺耳的呼号。这怎么一回事呢? 马来亚这国名是否已经累积太多太多太多负面的代名词呢? 马来西亚是马来亚联邦的伪装。据说马来亚,新加坡,砂拉越和沙巴四国联邦。马来亚政府打从开始就抱着拼吞新砂沙三邦国的野心。新加坡无法认同马来亚政府的霸道,很庆辛的,就跟马来亚脱离关系。从此砂沙两邦国,被无限掠夺和打压,就。。。。沦落到今天的地步。

        今天,还有多少%砂人不认为马来亚化名名马来西亚不是殖民霸权呢? 他们用各种方式洗脑砂沙两邦国人把马来亚当‘祖国’来对待。我们被狠狠掠夺,剥削,打压,抢劫和霸凌到今天。

有至少30%的人,以我个人观察已经完全马来西亚化,把侵略者当自家人看待。 完全没有砂拉越当成是国来爱戴,不管砂国跟马来亚有多少岁月的关系,那能接受他国霸占咱们国家而都无所谓呢。有人听到砂拉越独立这事儿很不是味道。认为这种关系马来亚和砂拉越联邦和“州“最好要维持下去。

        马来西亚本来就是个‘怪胎’。 马来西亚/马来亚本来就地理,文化风俗。。。非自然的联合。  马来亚和砂沙筑有一道很高的墙没有什么奇怪。这57年被掠夺,剥削,打压和霸凌才是砂沙人心头恨和愤怒。 两地之间相隔1437 公里用非常手段硬凑在一起的,是时候来个了断了吧!


        对砂被殖民57年累积的愤怒转化成偏执和有人看起来很狭隘的思维是可以理解的。我不认为会流传到后代呢。 砂拉越独立了,一切摆平了,偏执和狭隘都主动化解了。 对排斥侵略者的代表本来就是人性,何必小题大做呢? 我说当砂国获得独立后,一切自然就摆平了。游客带来国家的收入,那来的排外呢? 

        对不起,天底下那一个殖民地可以跟殖民宗主国共筑国家。或者那一殖民宗主国真的有心 发展殖民地。砂沙两国今天的状况是谁造成的? 大家都是马来西亚/马来亚一份子,砂沙两国还要要求继续共筑宗主国家,认贼做父吗?  砂人还能不愤怒吗?   心中很恨的表达被看成偏执和狭隘,那就要看谁做诠释了。


Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Oh, Sarawak, my homeland 12th August, 2020


Oh, Sarawak, my homeland   12th August, 2020

Oh, Sarawak, my homeland rich in natural resources with vast stretches of land of 124,450 km² in comparison to those countries so much less than this size but is not so vast compared with the countries like China, USA, Britain, … which are many times bigger. 

        Saying that Sarawak is too vast to be developed is irresponsible and incapable when I see that the countries like China, USA, Britain … so many times bigger with more rugged terrain are developed well enough.    

Taib Mahmud, the most corrupt, nepotic, greedy, autocratic, selfish, evil …. had so often repeated that Sarawak was too vast to be developed when he was in tenure as the Chief Minister of Sarawak for 33+ years.  So for 33+, he practically did nothing to develop Sarawak but build up his immense business empire speedily with no evidence in black and white of his corruption and collusion with the Malayan high ranking officials in the acts of plundering and exploitation. 

        It is said that he has at least RM63 billion/ RM63,000,000,000 of wealth in his and his family’s possession.  Prove to me that it is not true and condemn me for fake news.   I wonder if this money is put in  two times A4 sized boxes, how many boxes there are.  But is it possible some day, to force him to pour out what he has swallowed?

        Why has Sarawak become the third poorest “state” (from a nation being debased into a state in the federation of Malaysia/Malaya)?  Who gave them the permission to do so?  Who has been colluding with these Malayan officials to plunder, exploit, oppress, suppress, rob and bully Sarawakians?  Sarawak has been impoverished by the BN-GPS which many Sarawakians overlooked.

        Whenever there is unfair and biased treatment towards Sarawakians, not a time, I see that BN-GPS ministers, be they Sarawak assembly ministers or so called “federal” ministers, have come out to protect Sarawakians.  I only bear witness that these ministers help oppress and suppress own people to please the colonial masters. 

        Time is more or less up for BN-GPS government to step down for good.   

Sarawakians have been impoverished by our own government!  Adenan Satem had tried to undo the practices which Taib Mahmud had established under the pressure of Sarawakians who had voiced out louder than ever before the rights of Sarawakians.  Adenan Satem who succeeded Taib Mahmud did not live long enough to complete his mission.

        Abang Johari who has succeeded Adenan Satem has not lived up to the standard to what Sarawakians expect him to do.  He sways easily.  One minute, he is firm to the principle of integrity and talks about transparency; next minute, he is indulgent in his hard-core habits of kleptocracy with his cronies.  Prove me wrong if he is not.  One minute, he declares his stand for the rights of Sarawak; next minute he complies himself to the will of colonial masters. 

        In the time of wide awareness of Sarawakians, he cannot anymore indulge himself in the practices of TaibMahmud at will.  He has to will himself to keep up to the demands of Sarawakians.  But he falls prey to his own weaknesses.  How can Sarawakians tolerate this kind of leadership to fight for the rights of Sarawak?

        Knowing that MA63 is voil and null but he still indulges himself in a lot of plays and make-believes with the colonial masters and imperialists so much to the disgust of Sarawakians in general. 

       Yes, we are scutinising and studying him and BN-GPS government.   For 57 years, we just count 33+ years under TaibMahmud, 3+ years of Adenan Satem and Abang Johari from 2017 up to now August 2020.   We Sarawakians have become clearer and clearer who should hold 70% of responsibility for the widespread poverty in Sarawak.  We can boldly conclude that the BN-GPS government has been done nothing good as far as the road system, public transport, water and electricity, medical services, school buildings, housing rights, job opportunities and infrastructure are concerned.  These should be the indexes to grade a government.  If you are given A – F to grade BN-GPS, which grade would you give?


                                                                Ling Moi Hung

Gedong folk enjoy slew of devt projects August 9, 2020 theBorneopost


Gedong folk enjoy slew of devt projects  August 9, 2020  theBorneopost

KUCH­ING: The un­wa­ver­ing sup­port given to Gabun­gan Parti Sarawak (GPS) gov­ern­ment and its elected rep­re­sen­ta­tives has al­lowed a slew of de­vel­op­ment projects be­ing planned for Ge­dong con­stituency, says Deputy Chief Min­is­ter Datuk Amar Awang Ten­gah Ali Hasan.

He said one of ma­jor de­vel­op­ments planned and be­ing im­ple­mented was an em­bank­ment project for Kam­pung Ge­dong. The first phase (30 me­tres) cost­ing RM7.4 mil­lion had al­ready been com­pleted.

“The sec­ond phase with the price tag of RM15 mil­lion is un­der­way. Work on the third phase (RM26 mil­lion) will be­gin in Septem­ber,” he told a press con­fer­ence in Ge­dong yes­ter­day.

Awg Ten­gah added that ‘An­jung Usa­hawan’ (en­trepreneurs’ porch) project cost­ing RM5 mil­lion would be built in the (Ge­dong) con­stituency. It is a cen­tre for food pro­cess­ing and for con­duct­ing work­shops and train­ings, among oth­ers. Site for the project had al­ready been iden­ti­fied.

“The peo­ple of Ge­dong can also ex­pect a sports com­plex to be built soon, equipped with many fa­cil­i­ties such as run­ning track, fut­sal court and swim­ming pool. It is ex­pected to be ten­dered in Novem­ber.”

“The peo­ple of Ge­dong can also ex­pect a sports com­plex to be built soon, equipped with many fa­cil­i­ties such as run­ning track, fut­sal court and swim­ming pool. It is ex­pected to be ten­dered in Novem­ber.”

The build­ing of road com­plete with two bridges is in the de­sign stage. The RM50-mil­lion project is ex­pected to be ten­dered lat­est by Oc­to­ber.

The Sec­ond Min­is­ter of Ur­ban De­vel­op­ment and Re­sources said the state gov­ern­ment un­der the lead­er­ship of Chief Min­is­ter Datuk Pat­inggi Abang Jo­hari Tun Openg was com­mit­ted in mak­ing sure that all house­holds in the con­stituency would be able to en­joy 24-hour elec­tric­ity and wa­ter sup­plies.

“I am also aware there is a Rest House be­ing built here, which was sup­posed to be com­pleted ear­lier this year but due to the Move­ment Con­trol Or­der, it is only 60 per cent com­pleted.

“I have in­structed Pub­lic Works Depart­ment Sarawak to look into the con­trac­tor’s ca­pa­bil­i­ties and if it is found that the con­trac­tor is not ca­pa­ble of com­plet­ing the project, then we may need to look for a new con­trac­tor to fin­ish it,” he said.

He said all the projects were funded by the state gov­ern­ment, and there­fore the peo­ple should con­tinue to place their trust in the state gov­ern­ment to bring change and de­vel­op­ment to the state, in­clud­ing the ru­ral ar­eas.

As­sis­tant Min­is­ter of In­ter­na­tional Trade and In­dus­try, In­dus­trial Ter­mi­nal and En­tre­pre­neur De­vel­op­ment Datuk Mohd Nar­o­den Ma­jais who is also Ge­dong as­sem­bly­man was among those present at the func­tion.



       The 12th Sarawak election is definitely not too far away now.  There are again, one promise after another, Awg Ten­gah made on behalf of Naroden, whom I guess must have broken too many promises to make anymore.  

Of 5 projects  promised to be implemented in Gedong, the BN-GPS government has started

(1)    an embankment project and only the first phase has been

completed.  The second phase of it is underway.  The third phase..

(2)    The rest house has completed 60%


I am not sure about the quality for these projects to be materialised.  I am afraid that BN-GPS has no more time in hand to renew the promises which they used to practise. 


The promises made to build

(3)   An­jung Usa­hawan’ (en­trepreneurs’ porch),

(4)   A sports com­plex

(5)   The build­ing of road com­plete with two bridges