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Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Road accidents 30/10/2019

Road accidents   30/10/2019
      On 20/10/2019, my friend’s son who was only 23 died when the Hilux car he was driving skidded off the road and turned turtle inside the monsoon drain at Jalan Rantau Panjang, Sibu.  He got trapped in the car and drowned.  The road condition is said to be the cause for the car to skid off the road and fell into the drain.  I hope that the family will take some actions to sue the authority concerned for the poor road conditions.
       On 26th October, 2019, six days later, another car (not Hilux) at Ling Kai Cheng Road plunged into the ditch.  The car also went upside down and the driver got drowned, too and his nine-year-old son survived.  He was saved by a passerby. 
     A day later, the Hilux car in Sarikei went upside down on top the ditch which was too small for the car to get into the ditch or the same tragedy would happen.
          Is it time for the authority concerned to do something to prevent the same tragedy to happen again and again?  For the roads which have the ditch or monsoon drain with more than two feet in width to have railings or cover up the ditches.  Don’t wait until the victims’ family to sue you for the tragedy.

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