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Thursday, 31 October 2019

质疑—判断 1/11/2019

质疑判断      1/11/2019
          现在,咱们砂国是处于人心慌慌又。。时刻,人心很不定,这非常时期,很多人都有[信心危机]。所以,我还是认为[个人的认知,知识和智慧] 很重要。 这可以让个人懂得辨别和判断。 不会陷入这种[自乱阵脚],混乱,颠倒是非,青红皂白分不清或者MWb d f t分不清楚的问题。
509所谓的[国选]被政客们狠狠耍弄一番后。很多,很多,很多。。。。人对政治人物就产生极端不信任。所以对新进场的政治人也产生很不理性的质疑。这对这些新进场政治人物是非常不公平的事。对肯雅兰全民党的政治人物质疑再质疑,不断的质疑他们是否会像砂希盟。胜后不愿实现[砂独立]而做[青蛙跳]XX等等。都是种种[莫名其妙]的硬扣帽子。完全颠倒是非,不分青红皂白的质疑。 没有人民的支持,没有一个政治人物可以生存的。 看,火箭党还有明天吗? 不顾诚信的政客们,有好下场吗? Mahathir这邪魔是不会有好下场的。 他的时辰剩下不多了。 看看希盟现在的支持率,还剩下多少?
我对肯民党政治人物信心百分百。只有这一党敢敢宣告天下,他们要追寻砂国独立和拯救砂拉越。我们还有更好的选择吗? S4SSLM SIASPASAPA。。这些民运能组成政府吗? S4S期待[公投]决定[Sarexit/砂。。独立]。这要等GPS政府的认同哦。这是非常渺茫的事,是有年无月的等等到底,还要等的事。 [公投]需要[公投法令]。没有[公投法令]在砂议会通过,就没有[公投]梦想的实现。 这一点,大家现在应该都很清楚了吧!
我们团结一致做肯民党的后盾。胜选后,他们可以马上马下单方面宣布独立。 再通知联合国。 砂国的独立是砂民和联合国的事。我们原本就是个国。联合国的官方网站,咱们的身份是:改。这表示我们有独立的权力。跟马来亚没有一点丁关系。沙巴和砂拉越都不是马来亚领土。不想香港和台湾是中国的领土。 马来亚政府敢打过来吗? 有能力打过来吗? 他们严重的依赖咱们砂国资源生存。 到时有联合国维和部队在砂拉越维持次序和和平的。
          让肯民党攻破56年的政治垄断,经济垄断,。。。。还原民主,民治,民权,民有,民享,以民为本。。等等。  在这些人民意愿为意愿的前提下,你们说,肯民党敢背叛人民吗?    林梅芳


[大马政治《快讯》 - 窃国大鳄马哈迪的真相 George Soros: Mahathir is a menace to his own country 文字整理翻译:Mask Man 今天Mask Man重新整理了1997年亚洲股汇风暴过后不久,美国股汇炒家索罗斯在曼谷邮报发表的一篇批判马哈迪的文章;让大家温故知新;回头看看马哈迪掌政马来西亚22年里,是如何通过栽培朋党掏空国库。
世界权威财经杂志富比士Fobes列出当今全球首富为美国微软创办人比尔盖茨,身家超过600亿美金。但是,根据【维基解密】的报导,世界上最有钱的人其实是前埃及总统穆巴拉克;身家估计高达两千亿美金;排名第二的是已故利比亚总统卡达菲,估计身家高达1,500亿美金,而排名第三的,就是马来西亚前首相马哈迪,估计身家不会少过1千亿美金。 现在卡达菲死了,所以马哈迪应该荣升排名榜第二了;如果穆巴拉克的财产被埃及政府查出而充公的话,那么,马哈迪就当仁不让,成为真正的世界首富【暗天皇】了。 既然被称【暗天皇】,当然就是见不得光的意思。
 这篇文章相当长篇,足有7,200多字,同时附上索罗斯的英文原文供大家参照对比。请大家耐心阅读,尤其是对马哈迪历史并不很了解,不明白为什么大家那么憎恨马哈迪的网友,这篇文章相信可以提供答案。 如果不是因为网络面子书的言论自由政府管制不了,相信许许多多大马人今天还被蒙在鼓里,被马哈迪光鲜伟大的外衣蒙骗,以为他真的是马来西亚不世出的英雄领袖,伟人政治家。
是的,在受到政府严格管制言论自由的平面媒体中,马哈迪被塑造成了马来西亚建设发展之父,伟大之处足以与世界最受尊敬的伟人并列。华丽耀眼的外衣,遮盖了他最丑陋的真面目。 感谢网络的出现,为大家揭开了这层外衣;终于让老魔头无所遁形。 也感谢1997年的股汇风暴,让老马的愚昧无良霸道专横的政策被摊在阳光下接受全世界检验。于是,所谓的【建设发展之父】云云,其实只是这个窃国大鳄的羊皮罢了。
马来西亚在马哈迪掌政的22年里(1981-2003),国家表面是进步了,社会是发展了;但是各族之间却比70年代之前更分化了。更重要的,是大马的国债不断飙升,国库里原本丰盛的存款也不停的被人使用【五鬼搬运】手法运往海外然后蒸发得无影无踪。 马哈迪推行的新经济政策,美其名曰扶助土著,其实只是肥了他自己的家族和朋党。他下台之后,马来民族依旧贫穷如昔,甚至原本还有自己走路能力的,在马哈迪政权不断塞拐杖给他们长期依赖之后,许多都变得懒散不事生产,尽想着找各种藉口向政府要钱过日子。
 他掌政的22年里,总共令国家不见了多少钱?有经济学者曾说,过去那22年里,被运往海外神秘消失的大马人民血汗钱不会少过8千亿。而国际货币炒家索罗斯也公开揭露表示,马哈迪个人及家族所窃取的国家财富超过400亿美金!折合马币超过1,200亿令吉! 在马哈迪视为不共戴天仇敌的国际对冲基金玩家乔治索罗斯Geogre Soros的眼中,马哈迪却是一个对国际期货买卖不懂装懂的笨蛋!
索罗斯在一篇公开的信函中如此批评马哈迪:《我从一开始就认为马哈迪对他自己的国民来说是一个巨大的威胁!》 在一篇发表于泰国曼谷邮报的文章中,索罗斯毫不客气的指责马哈迪是导致马来西亚在1997年经济几乎崩溃的祸首。他说:《你的人民陷入经济困境,数百万人面对一蹶不振的商业市场一筹莫展,这完全是你一手造成的!》 索罗斯以第一人称写这封信给马哈迪,但是当年马来西亚没有任何一家报章,杂志,电子媒体敢刊登;索罗斯只得将它交给曼谷邮报发表。他说,马哈迪毫无节制的推行各种大型发展计划,也是导致马来西亚经济崩溃的主要原因之一。
《马哈迪在吉隆坡兴建亚洲最高的电讯塔楼(Kuala Lumpur Tower)和世界最高的建筑物双峰塔(Kuala Lumpur Twin Tower);只能证明他是多么的愚蠢自大。》 索罗斯说:《如果你想寻找一个高地以提供电讯发射站,那么,吉隆坡附近的高坡山丘就是最理想的地点,而且是免费的!干嘛丢几亿元去建一座离地300公尺的电讯塔?更何况你们都有卫星了,根本就不需要电讯塔!》 他说:《这绝对是一个愚笨的烧钱计划!不但劳民伤财,造成更严重的交通阻塞;国家的钱财是这样浪费的吗?那是你人民的血汗钱啊!》 他说:《据我所知,你在国内推行的任何大型发展计划,你个人都会抽取20%的佣金!
你贪污所得的赃款都被隐秘的转移到海外;你在日本就拥有许多昂贵的地皮和不动产!你三个孩子,每个身家都在80亿美元以上!》 索罗斯说:《当然,你这些财富都是不义之财,都是通过贪污得来的。你就是马来西亚的马可斯第二!你利用你的身份不断敛财,使你成为身家上千亿的世界首富!》 《但是我不得不佩服你,你居然能够在巫统代表大会上痛批国家的贪污现象而声泪俱下。你的鳄鱼泪居然可以把代表们骗得团团转。事实上你就是马来西亚有史以来最贪污腐败的首相!》 索罗斯公开说:《你就是做贼喊捉贼!希望人民会被你骗得转移视线。实际上,当大家看到你拿着酒杯偷笑的时候,也没有人敢说任何实话。》 《你说过,智慧不是西方人才有,不是西方人才比较聪明。
当然,这一点我同意,不过,愚蠢也不是西方人才有;事实上,你的愚蠢,使超乎人们想像的。》 《数十亿的金钱被用来建造国家石油双峰塔,到头来谁受益?没有!只有你从中分得了超过10亿的佣金!马来西亚人民得到的,只是一个拥有全世界最高建筑物的虚名而已。但是周围的交通情况却已经因为双峰塔而更加拥挤了。》 《听说你还建议要在全世界最繁忙的马六甲海峡兴建一座直通印尼苏门答腊的海上大桥?又要追求另一个世界第一?哈哈哈哈!不如我干脆建议你建一条直通月球的天梯比较实际,再说,无论建什么样的桥,你都确定可以分得20%佣金!》 索罗斯讽刺老马说:《你称呼我为混蛋Moron;但是这个混蛋却能够巧妙利用你的国家银行的弱点,运用你国家的钱来生钱,短短期限之内赚取数以千万计的快钱!》
《由于你缺乏经验,加上你那漏洞百出的金融管理条例,不但让我谈笑用兵,也让你亏光了人民的金钱,所以,真正的混蛋其实就是你。》索罗斯说:《现在你懊恼了吗?想哭了吗?》 《我们都知道你在国际间有很多花名,在澳洲,他们称你为〈顽固自大的家伙〉(recalcitrant ego maniac);在英国,他们叫你为〈贪污的杂种〉(Corrupt bastard,那是因为你胡乱花钱购买英国的电影制片厂,还有花2亿9千万买下实际上已经濒临破产的莲花汽车公司。》
索罗斯说:《这些都是我们英国人已经不要的垃圾,而你却当宝,坚持要浪费钱来买下它们。那么,我们已经报废的潜水艇,你有兴趣购买吗?叫你的代理人来谈吧!我相信他们会很有兴趣的。》 《当然,顺便告诉你吧,你之前购买的英国战舰,实际上是比我们卖给其他国家还要贵多50%!为什么?因为你们要回佣啊,单单是你的佣金就要20%了,还有其他代理人,中间人的费用呢?》
以下我以索罗斯第一人称来翻译他的原文: 在英国,有超过17家报章刊登你的大头照,称呼你为《贪污的独裁者》(Corrupt Dictator);在马来西亚,你也有个外号叫作《国际大嘴巴》(IBM=International Big Mouth);在日本,他们叫你做《那个最小的》(意思是说你的脑袋是最小的,最愚蠢)(The Smallest One(Brain size) )。 还有,在太平洋岛国之中,他们叫你做《圣诞老人》Santa Claus,那是因为你经常给他们一些听了会精神错乱的劝告;还有还有,在南美洲国家,他们习惯称你为《鹦鹉》。知道那是什么意思吗?就是说你只会讲个不停,但实际上连你也不懂自己在讲什么! 当然,在菲律宾,他们也习惯称呼你为《活着的马可斯》(The Living Marcos)。
在马来西亚,当其他人费尽心思吸引外国游客前来观光的时候,你却常常口不择言把外国游客吓跑!你就是一个这样的疯子,当你不讲话的时候,你觉得大家都当你是傻瓜;当你开口的时候,你却让大家觉得你是疯子。 虽然我同意不是只有西方人有智慧,但是你的行为和决策看起来也是毫无智慧。你倡导的《东亚经济论坛》(East Asia Economic Conference,简称EAEC)完全得不到支持,就算东合国家也未必全部支持你。每年一次的最高领导人会议变成了服装秀!
你的《南南对话会议》(South-South Dialogue)同样反应冷淡。还有,我听说你还准备在全世界国际船运业最繁忙的马六甲海峡兴建一条长32公里,横跨海峡直通印尼苏门答腊的大桥!天!世界上还有谁比你更疯狂? 即使是日本人都没有这么多的财力兴建你所说的马印国际大桥。我觉得,你真的是蠢得不可理喻;或许全世界最愚蠢的东西都集中在一个人的脑袋里----那个人就是你,马哈迪!
还有一个你沾沾自喜的《多媒体超级走廊计划》(The Multimedia Super Corridor简称MSC);其实根本不知所谓!在美国,这样的概念早在一光年以前就提出来了,后来经过不断的检验,证明那根本是多余的!美国有一个矽谷计划(Silicon Valley),将所有电脑科技研究中心集中在那里就行了! 你可以将整个矽谷计划照抄过来就是了,
为什么你偏偏喜欢劳民伤财,将人民辛苦赚到的血汗钱挥霍在这些不知所谓的发展计划上?难道真的只是为了你背后可以赚到20%的计划回酬吗? 就像砂拉越峇贡水坝计划一样,这些所谓的超级发展计划到最后都成了被半途搁置,浪费金钱人力时间的白象计划。
 我一直都认为,搞政治的人不应该涉及商业利益;但是你看看你的内阁成员,几乎每一个都牵涉商业金钱利益;他们所掌管的部门,都成为他们捞取金钱油水的地方。 看看你的国际贸工部长拉菲达阿兹斯,利用职权便利,卖了多少张进口车APApproved Permit)?每一张AP价值介于两万到3万令吉,她至少拥有超过1万张AP,搜刮到的钱财高达数亿元! 还有,她拿到了多少原本应该分给所有土着的上市公司股份?许多外国企业要在

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Road accidents 30/10/2019

Road accidents   30/10/2019
      On 20/10/2019, my friend’s son who was only 23 died when the Hilux car he was driving skidded off the road and turned turtle inside the monsoon drain at Jalan Rantau Panjang, Sibu.  He got trapped in the car and drowned.  The road condition is said to be the cause for the car to skid off the road and fell into the drain.  I hope that the family will take some actions to sue the authority concerned for the poor road conditions.
       On 26th October, 2019, six days later, another car (not Hilux) at Ling Kai Cheng Road plunged into the ditch.  The car also went upside down and the driver got drowned, too and his nine-year-old son survived.  He was saved by a passerby. 
     A day later, the Hilux car in Sarikei went upside down on top the ditch which was too small for the car to get into the ditch or the same tragedy would happen.
          Is it time for the authority concerned to do something to prevent the same tragedy to happen again and again?  For the roads which have the ditch or monsoon drain with more than two feet in width to have railings or cover up the ditches.  Don’t wait until the victims’ family to sue you for the tragedy.

Friday, 25 October 2019

Petronas CEO speaks on journey to world class brand

Petronas CEO speaks on journey to world class brand
KUALA LUMPUR: Petroliam Nasional Bhd President and Chief Executive Officer Tan Sri Wan Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin takes a journey down memory lane on the evolution of the national oil corporation into a world brand and Malaysia's sole company listed on the Fortune 500.
      And in doing so, he paid a glowing tribute to several of his predecessors whom he described as "great personalities that Petronas has been blessed with" for turning the 45-year old entity from the regulator for the oil and gas industry into what it is today -- a full-fledged integrated company from upstream right until the end of the supply chain into retail and everything in between.
     In an interview with Bernama, Wan Zulkiflee said it was the wisdom of the previous craftsmanship of Petronas that placed the corporation under the Companies Act for an organisation established under the Petroleum Development Act 1974 (PDA74).
     " We have been blessed by great personalities in the past among them Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Datuk Rastam Hadi, M.B. Hashim, Tan Sri Abdullah Salleh, Tun Azizan Zainal Abidin and Tan Sri Hassan Merican.
     " There has also been a pipeline of leaders in Petronas that have really shaped the organisation and so, as a result, we have evolved from a regulator into a full-fledged oil and gas company including refining, gas processing, pipeline, LNG and also the lubricants," he said.
      He said before PDA 1974 came into being, there were only concession agreements in the industry but after the introduction of the game-changer production sharing contract (PSC), Petronas was able to shape the eco-system for the oil and gas industry.
"It has been a vibrant industry and a fairly resilient industry in good and bad times. And also we have put a lot of emphasis on Bumiputera participation in this industry".
      Asked what made the industry so vibrant and resilient, Wan Zulkiflee said it was so because of the eco-system being provided.
"To be honest, I don't think that we are at an ideal point yet. I have been on record saying that we need further consolidation for the oil and gas industry. Today we got around 3,700 companies registered with Petronas to provide services. If you contrast with Norway, a smaller country but with oil production similar if not more than us, they have got 700 or so registered companies.
      "So I think this fragmentation is not the most efficient structure but we are encouraging consolidation to the extent that it is possible for us to do but a lot has to come from the industry itself," he added.
He pointed out that in this industry, efficiency and competitiveness were crucial in order to survive the oil price circle during the high time and the not so good time.
      On the outlook for the industry in the second half of 2019 up to early 2020, Wan Zulkiflee said despite so many things happening, Petronas remained very conservative as well as being prudent in its financial planning because it expected a volatile outlook.
      "Because if you look at the supply side, there are different trends on different fronts, now the US-Iran sanction which means a lot of Iranian volume will not be coming to the market. And today we got Venezuela issues affecting the production coming into the market.
      "On the hand, in North America, shale oil is really a booming business, in the past, this business was done by small players but now the big companies are already in that space and they are financially strong.
      Now we have got ExxonMobil, Total and the big boys playing shale, so that's why I think on the supply side there will be in abundance in spite of what happens in Iran, Iraq and the attacks on Saudi petroleum facilities", said Wan Zulkiflee.
      On the demand side, the US-China trade war will hit the global economic growth and so, too, the demand growth for oil.
"So with this, looking at the fundamental supply and demand, that is why we are saying that it will be volatile and lower this year for our planning purposes," he said. - Bernama

My comments: 
        The success of Petronas is at the expense of two states in Malaya and two colonized nations in Sarawak and Sabah.  Petroliam Nasional Bhd President and Chief Executive Officer Tan Sri Wan Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin no doubt must thank these great personalities in the past among them Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Datuk Rastam Hadi, M.B. Hashim, Tan Sri Abdullah Salleh, Tun Azizan Zainal Abidin and Tan Sri Hassan Merican for knowing how to tricked the colonised nations to sign such an equal treaty which is a breach to MA63 which has been discovered to be a fraud from the very beginning.
        The present Petronas ….CEO Tan .. Wan Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin is still plundering, exploiting, oppressing, suppressing, robbing and bullying the two colonised nations to enrich this company and Malaya in the name of Malaysia. 
        Refusing to give back the two nations 20% profit in the business dealings will end Petronas Nasional Bhd badly one day if they refuse to pay back 20% to Sarawak and Sabah just as how they pays properly to other oil producing countries that Petronas has business with.  They will face the curses for being so aggressive, oppressive, suppressive, and exploitive towards Sarawak and Sabah.