S’wak wants IGC model in talk
Jacqueline David, reporters@theborneopost.com
Abang Johari says MA63 negotiation lopsided in favour of federal govt, suggests talks be based on the IGC setup
Johari (front row, sixth right) and his wife Datin Patinggi Datuk Amar
Juma’ani Tuanku Bujang, on his left, join Sarawak MPs, members of
Sarawak cabinet and other participants of the townhall session in a
wefie taken at Mitec in Kuala Lumpur. Deputy Chief Minister III Datuk
Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan is at front row, third left.
In saying this, Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg observes that currently, what has been proposed for Sarawak is that only the Chief Minister and Sarawak Attorney-General be included in the special committee, which is meant to implement the MA63.
“We have suggested to the federal government that we would like to have another model based on the Inter-Governmental Committee (IGC), which should be done because the federal government has recognised that we (Sarawak) are a partner in the formation of Malaysia.
“Therefore, we have representatives from the governments of Sarawak and Sabah, and the federal government; and it must be in equal numbers so that you can deliberate on issues concerning the Malaysia Agreement; otherwise, it would be lopsided.
“Assuming (that) there’s an issue that we want to discuss; if based on majority-voting, then we (Sarawak) would be voted out. This is a serious issue that we have to deliberate,” he said when met after the town hall session ‘#TanyakAbgJo’ at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (Mitec) here yesterday.
The session was a part of the ‘Lan Berambeh Anak Sarawak 2018’ programme, slated for Sarawakians studying or working in Peninsular Malaysia.
Recently, Minister in Prime Minister’s Department (Law) Datuk Liew Vui Keong announced that Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad would lead the Special Cabinet Committee on MA63, with a line-up comprising Chief Secretary to the Government Datuk Seri Sr Ismail Bakar, Attorney-General Tommy Thomas, federal ministers, Abang Johari and Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, Chief Judge of Sarawak and Sabah Datuk David Wong Dak Wah, Sarawak Attorney-General Datuk Talat Mahmood Abdul Rashid and Sabah Attorney-General Zaleha Rose Pandin, and Universiti Malays Professor of Law Datuk Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi.
The federal ministers are Liew himself, Lim Guan Eng (Finance), Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali (Economic Affairs), Baru Bian (Works), Gobind Singh Deo (Communications and Multimedia), Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah (Foreign), Anthony Loke Siew Fook (Transport) and Darell Leiking (International Trade and Industry).
Liew had said that among issues to be discussed would be oil royalties, equal distribution, the Petroleum Development Act 1974, and regional development that were close to ‘the hearts and minds’ of Sarawakians and Sabahans.
My Comments:
There is nothing further to discuss for MA63. It is a criminal case for the breach of Trust. To deal with it, it is to sue the "breachers", the devils in the United Nations Court of Justice since MA63 is an international treaty. That's it!
To avoid to get entangled further, on behalf of Sarawakians, I plead Aband Johari to reject this devil's invitation to be lured to that autocratic-and federal-centric committee.
Let the whole-wide world know what these devils from Malaya want to do again to dominate Sarawak and Sabah. Shamelessly, this evil-minded devil devised the committee headed by him to review MA63 which 80% of Sarawak see it a ploy of the Malayan government who expect to continue their evil intentions to plunder, exploit, rob, suppress, oppress and bully us at will. Now 70-80% of us Sarawakians are standing up and out in defence of our rights. There is no way now for those evil Malayan political devils to do what they desire to us. This makes us even more determined to vote to quit from the federation of Malaysia which stands for plundering, exploitation, robbing, suppression, oppression and bullying.
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