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Monday, 29 October 2018

Blog and Tweet 30/10/2018 9: 5: 3 Vs 3: 5: 9

Blog and Tweet 30/10/2018    9: 5: 3 Vs 3: 5: 9
不是采取多数决 为什么要这么样安排马来亚9个(加主席);沙巴5个;砂3个? 不然这么安排了砂8个砂政府自己选人;沙巴8个;马来亚3个。怎么样? 时代不一样了。独裁 随时都要面对人民的审判。虽然砂罗越卖国者还是保持不变。但是,这时代做卖国贼,好像也不容易哦。天天都要面对人民的诅咒。张健仁是否有调查95%支持希盟的,现在还有10%支持吗?

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Associations support DM's stand on rights over O&G resources
        MIRI: The Bu­mi­put­era com­mu­nity here are in full sup­port of Chief Min­is­ter Datuk Pat­inggi Abang Jo­hari Tun Openg’s state­ment that Sarawak will not com­pro­mise on reg­u­la­tory rights over its oil and gas re­sources.
Miri Malay As­so­ci­a­tion( PMM) pres­i­dent Radzali Ali­sion, in par­tic­u­lar, said PMM fully en­dorsed the state gov­ern­ment’s firm stand on Sarawak’ rights to its min­eral re­sources as stip­u­lated in its Oil Min­ing Or­di­nance (OMO) 1958 and its rights un­der Malaysia Agree­ment 1963 (MA63).
      How­ever, he said PMM would like the state to get all its O& G in­dus­try play­ers to im­me­di­ately ad­here to all reg­u­la­tions un­der the OMO with­out any grace pe­riod, es­pe­cially in the case of Petronas.
“   PMM sup­ports the Chief Min­is­ter on the rights over Sarawak’s oil and gas re­sources,” Radzali told The Bor­neo Post on Sun­day.
       Radzali also said PMM sug­gested that the Sarawak gov­ern­ment seek de­tails of how pay­ments/roy­al­ties are cal­cu­lated by Petronas all these years and to im­me­di­ately, be­fore the end of this year, claim back all ar­rears due to the state and its peo­ple.
        He said Petronas must also give guar­an­tee of em­ploy­ment of lo­cals, which should form part of the terms of is­su­ing li­cences un­der the OMO or other rel­e­vant or­di­nances.
        PMM sup­ports the Chief Min­is­ter on the rights over Sarawak’s oil and gas re­sources. Radzali Ali­sion, Miri Malay As­so­ci­a­tion(PMM) pres­i­dent.
        On the MA63 is­sue, PMM would like Gabun­gan Parti Sarawak (GPS) and all Sarawak mem­bers of Par­lia­ment to pro­pose ap­pro­pri­ate amend­ments to any rel­e­vant fed­eral laws in the com­ing par­lia­men­tary ses­sion with­out wait­ing for the fed­eral gov­ern­ment to ini­ti­ate such changes, he added.
        Shar­ing the same view, Per­sat­uan Ke­dayan Miri ( PKM) chair­man Mohd Ab­dul­lah is con­fi­dent that Abang Jo­hari is look­ing at the is­sue from a big­ger per­spec­tive.
He said what­ever de­ci­sion made should be of Sarawak’s in­ter­ests and rights and no other par­ties can just step in and do what­ever they want to the state’s re­sources.
    “The peo­ple of Sarawak have waited so long for our rights to O& G and MA63 and to wait any longer will be very frus­trat­ing and un­for­give­able,” he said fur­ther.
   “Our CM has made his re­search and find­ing on our rights be­fore we joined Malaysia as we (Sarawak and Sabah) are equal part­ners with Malaya and stay firm on the de­ci­sion.”
       Per­sat­uan Jat­tie Meriek ( PJM) com­mit­tee mem­ber Sarkawi Hamzah said the as­so­ci­a­tion sup­ported the chief min­is­ter’s stand.
The Borneo Post

My Comments:
     I hope that more and more organisations like the ones above will stand up to give their point of view on Sarawak's rights.

SUPP wants equal footing for federal govt, Sarawak and Sabah in MA63 Committee

Michael Tiang
        KUCHING: The Pakatan Harapan (PH) government must initiate an Inter-Governmental Committee (IGC) for the Federation of Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak to meet and honour the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).
The PH government, by heading and dominating the MA63 Special Cabinet Committee, will defeat the original spirit and intent of the three regions coming together to form Malaysia in 1963, said Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) Youth chief Michael Tiang.
     “In order to sincerely and effectively review the enforcement of MA63 after 55 years of the formation of Malaysia, for a start, the PH government must initiate an IGC for Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak to meet and honour MA63,” he said yesterday.
Tiang, who is a political secretary to the chief minister, noted that the MA63 Special Cabinet Committee has only two state representatives each from Sabah and Sarawak.
        The two representatives are the Chief Minister and State Attorney General (AG), he said.
     “The rest are mostly federal cabinet members and federal officers. I’m afraid by setting up the committee in such composition, it is definitely not intended to set a convincing platform for inter-governmental in nature, not to mention to review equal partnership of both Sabah and Sarawak in the federation,” he said.
Works Minister Baru Bian from Sarawak and International Trade and Industry Darell Leiking from Sabah are among the federal cabinet ministers in the special committee.
        As such, Tiang said he supported Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg’s earlier suggestion that the special committee should follow in the footsteps of the IGC 1962 structure.
       The SUPP man said the committee should comprise the three governments (federal government, Sarawak government and Sabah government) headed by the British, which serves as a neutral party to the federation.
    “It should not be a steering committee under the federal cabinet headed by the prime minister. The first footing is already not made on the right path.
    “To review MA63 enforcement in Malaysia, the three governments should be given chances to meet on an equal footing too,” asserted Tiang.
Back in 1962, he said there were five representatives from the British, eight from Malaya, 10 from Sarawak and eight from Sabah.
   “Each brought their own AG, state secretary, financial secretary, chief minister and other relevant members of the state assembly,” he added.
Last Wednesday, de-facto Law Minister Datuk Liew Vui Keong announced the formation of the MA63 Special Cabinet Committee to review and propose measures to rectify the status of Sabah and Sarawak.
      He said the committee, headed by the prime minister, comprised eight federal ministers and other members including Abang Johari and Sabah Chief Minister  Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal.
      The eight ministers are Liew, Baru, Darell, Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng, Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Azmin Ali, Communications and Multimedia Minister Gobind Singh Deo, Foreign Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah and Transport Minister Anthony Loke.
       According to Liew, the committee will meet in a month’s time, after which it will hold a meeting once a month for the next six months.
       He said everything including oil royalty and other developments will be discussed, adding: “We would like to go to the core of  the matter, mainly the implementation of the Malaysia Agreement.”

Grounds to sue UK Government and Federal Government

By Voon Lee Shan

Voon Lee Shan
        The Cobbold Commission Report was misleading and should not be used to draft the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) for the formation of the Federation of Malaysia.
        This is because the inquiry conducted by the Commission interviewed only about 4,000 out of the 700,000 people in Sarawak to assess whether they wanted Sarawak to be included in the formation of Malaysia.
        It revealed that only 1/3 agreed to the formation of Malaysia, 1/3 disagreed and the other 1/3 doubtful. The 4,000 people interviewed (less than 1 per cent of the population) could not represent the voice of the whole people of Sarawak at that time.
         Therefore, MA63 should be declared null and void because it was based on a misleading report of the Cobbold Commission to the British government at that time.
        The effect of any null and void agreement could not be used to form a binding contract be it an agreement like MA63.
        Worse still, MA63 is an International Treaty which should be perfectly drafted and should not be based on misleading findings or information. My humble view is that Malaysia should not be formed based on a void MA63.
        Now, the federal government wants to rectify the wrongs caused by the Cobbold Commission and is trying to convince the peoples of Sabah and Sarawak that MA63 is a valid Agreement.
        The formation of Malaysia had not benefitted the peoples of Sabah and Sarawak and, being sovereign nations before Malaysia, both Sabah and Sarawak were then reduced in status to states only.
        The sovereignty of these nations had been affected.  The federal government wants to overcome the unhappiness of the peoples of Sabah and Sarawak by first amending Article 1(2) Federal Constitution by putting back the status of Sabah and Sarawak from states to their rightful status as nations of their own within the Federation.
        The federal government argued that the erosion of rights of the peoples of Sabah and Sarawak as entrenched in MA63 could not be rectified unless the Constitution is amended.
       My humble opinion is: What have we to rectify when the legality of the formation of Malaysia is questionable?
       Even if MA63 had been legally passed or constructed, the several fundamental breaches of MA63 by the federal government had made Malaysia no more a sensible political union between Sabah and Sarawak with the Federation of Malaya.
Now, we are waiting in suspense how and when all flaws caused by MA63 could be rectified.  The governments of Sabah and Sarawak should not be trapped by the call by the federal government through the Law Minister, YB Liew Vui Keong, a Sabahan, to go to the negotiation table to review and to rectify the loss or erosion of rights caused by the federal government as entrenched in MA63.
         To put all things right that went wrong which began nearly 60 years ago may take 60 years or longer to undo. Our pride that Sabah and Sarawak are sovereign nations had been affected.
        Since there is an admission of the erosion of the rights of the peoples of Sabah and Sarawak by the federal government, this perhaps could be a good ground to sue the federal government for loss caused till now.
       My humble opinion is also that since MA63 should be flawed the UK government should be responsible for the loss incurred by the peoples of Sabah and Sarawak.
       The Sarawak government is urged to sue UK and federal government for loss incurred by the peoples of Sarawak.  Such a legal process is possible because if Hindraf could do it or file such suits in UK, there is no reason the Sarawak Government could not do it.
The writer is a lawyer and former Batu Lintang state assemblyman.

Soo asks why Sarawak PH silent on revenue sharing

Lina Soo
KUCHING: Sarawak Reform Party (STAR) president Lina Soo is puzzled as to why Sarawak Pakatan Harapan (PH) seemed to be muzzled and failed to address Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng’s statement in Parliament that revenue sharing with Sarawak will only be upon improvement of the Malaysia economy.
        Soo also questions Lim’s ambiguity and political doublespeak in saying that the federal government requires more time, or Sarawak has to wait until next year and also to wait until the country’s financial position permits, before sharing revenue with Sarawak.
    “What excuse is he using, to hoodwink Sarawakians to cover up their tracks to continue to plunder Sarawak’s resources, specifically oil and gas, and taxes contributed by Sarawak?” she said in a statement issued here.
       Soo also named Pakatan MPs from Sarawak – Chong Chieng Jen, Baru Bian and Dr Kelvin Yii – for failing to live up to their promise of increased royalty to 20 per cent and the return of 50 per cent of Sarawak’s taxes to Sarawak.
     “Are their pledges just empty words before general election? Why are they lost for words now?
     “It is the duty of the federal government to ensure that Sarawak has money for development after collecting Sarawak’s oil revenue and taxes.   Furthermore Pakatan had promised that there will be more money as there will be no more corruption. Why is it not happening?” she asserted.
        Soo also alleged that the previous Barisan Nasional (BN) regime took oil-producing states’ wealth and taxes, and made sure that no state could survive without federal aid.
     “And now the Pakatan regime is simply continuing the exploitation of Sarawak’s wealth and making Sarawak a beggar state.  This is not by accident but by design,” she added.
        Soo reminded the Pakatan government that there is no condition in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) that revenue sharing is subject to the economic and fiscal condition of Malaysia.
        She said this was another unilateral or one-sided imposition of terms and conditions by the federal government which repudiates the MA63, and compounds the multiple breaches of the international treaty upon which the Federation of Malaysia exists.
       “If the federal government refuses to return its revenue, then Soo questions what is the meaning of Sarawak remaining in the federation when it defeats its very purpose, in a situation where the federal government sabotages Sarawak’s economy and continues its flagrant breaches of the Malaysia Agreement.
     “Sarawak is at the crossroads, and the Sarawak people must be wise to stand up to more bullying and exploitation, regardless of whichever regime is in power,” she said.
      According to news reports, Lim had said in the Parliament on Wednesday that although a formula on revenue sharing with Sabah and Sarawak will be inked next year, this will only be implemented when government’s finances permit it.
      Revenue sharing with Sabah, and Sarawak as well as higher oil royalties are among the promises made by the Pakatan Harapan government in its election manifesto.
       Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri (GPS-Batang Sadong) then asked Lim to give a proper deadline on the implementation.
      Telling her to be patient, Lim said before Pakatan came to power, there was no plan to share revenue with Sabah and Sarawak.
   “This is wrong.   I was involved in the committee discussions. Please retract the statement,” countered Nancy, the former minister in the Prime Minister’s Department.

My comments:
The Sarawak government headed by Abang Johari should take the stronger stand to stop the taxes collected in Sarawak to go into the federal coffer.  The Sarawak government should cut short the grace period from the end of 2019 to the end of 2018 for Petronas to apply for the licences to do businesses in Sarawak.  Abang Johari should be strong and has no fear when Sarawakians 95% are behind him. 

Friday, 26 October 2018

Blog and Tweet 27/10/2018 希望有人会把这恶魔控上法庭

Blog and Tweet 27/10/2018    希望有人会把这恶魔控上法庭 (重抄一遍)
老马独裁劣政数不尽,千亿罪恶账目算不完  (别人的简报)
     发成为大马10 首富之一。
2 1981
3 1983
4 1987
5 1988
6 1992
      发生全国大停电后,马哈迪拟定独立发电厂计划。 不过,前国能主席阿尼
7 1998
8.   1999
9 其他遗害
      两代学子。 第一方程式赛车烧尽国家财富,关闭告终。
Sabah activist Zainnal Ajamain. (Facebook pic)         KOTA KINABALU: Sabah rights activist Zainnal Ajamain has accused Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng of impertinence for saying that the formula for revenue sharing between Putrajaya and the East Malaysian states cannot be applied until the federal government can afford to do so.
        Zainnal told FMT Lim was presuming he had the power to decide when to give Sabah and Sarawak their rights and displaying his ignorance of the Federal Constitution’s position on the issue.
He was referring to a statement Lim made in the Dewan Rakyat on Wednesday.
       “Lim may be the finance minister, but this does not give him the authority to make an announcement on this important issue,” he said.
      “Putrajaya has no choice but to pay Sabah and Sarawak what is due to them. This is provided for in the Federal Constitution. There are no two ways about it.”
Under the constitution, Putrajaya is obliged to pay Sabah 40% of the net revenue it collects from the state. For Sarawak, the amount is fixed as an annual income but is subject to review under Article 112D of the constitution.
        However, Sabah too has been receiving a fixed amount – RM26 million a year – since 1964, although the annual revenue the federal government collects from the state has been increasing since. International Trade and Industry Minister Darell Leiking has said Putrajaya’s total debt to Sabah has come to about RM1 trillion.
Zainnal spoke of the 1990s as a time of plenty and noted that Dr Mahathir Mohamad was then serving as prime minister.
      “He did not pay Sabah and Sarawak then because he was so busy constructing the Petronas Twin Towers, Sepang Circuit and KLIA and organising LIMA (Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace Exhibition).
      “Now Putrajaya is saying the government is in debt and therefore will pay only when it is able.”
         He pointed out that the revenue-sharing terms are specified in Annex A of the Malaysia Agreement and that the annex is now part of the Federal Constitution.
He accused Putrajaya of mismanaging funds and penalising Sabah and Sarawak for its own negligence.
        The federal government had spent extravagantly to benefit only Peninsular Malaysia, he said.
     “Therefore, Putrajaya should excuse us if we don’t have any empathy for the problem it is facing,” he added. “Its debts have nothing to do with Sabah and Sarawak.”
        He suggested what he said was a “simple” way to fulfil Putrajaya’s obligation to Sabah: let the Sabah finance ministry collect all taxes and other payments due to the federal government and surrender only 60% of the collection to Putrajaya.
     “Sabah can retain 40% of the collection as provided for in Schedule 10, Part IV, Item 2 of the Federal Constitution,” he said. “In this way, Sabahans are assured that whatever is collected from them is given back directly to them.
    “For more than five decades, we’ve allowed Kuala Lumpur, and then Putrajaya, to collect for us. And always Kuala Lumpur or Putrajaya will come up with some excuse or other to deny Sabah and Sarawak what is due to them.
    “This is a very unequal partnership. Putrajaya is taking advantage of the Sabah and Sarawak governments’ passivity.”

My comments:
        The governments of Sabah and Sarawak should take right course of actions based on MA63 to claim back all the revenues that belong to Sarawak and Sabah.  To do so, the governments of both countries should turn off all the taps for the flow of revenues to the Malaya coffer.  Abang Johari of Sarawak should shorten the grace of Petronas from end of 2019 to end of 2018 to teach the Malayan colonial power a lesson of respect and integrity.

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Liew: I did not misuse RM3.5mil - Nation | The Star Online

KOTA KINABALU: Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Liew Vui Keong (pic) has denied claims that he misspent RM3.5mil from 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) credited into his former party’s, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), account in 2013.
Liew said no money in the party’s accounts had been misspent and all transactions were recorded in the accounting books, which were subsequently audited after acceptance and approval by the party’s delegates from 2006 to 2012.
The ousted LDP president, who left the party earlier this year and is now permanent chairman of the ruling Parti Warisan Sabah, said he had no knowledge of what happened to the party’s monies from 2013 onwards as he was no longer the party’s president then.
“There were still monies left in the party’s account when I was suspended as a member and unconstitutionally removed as the party chief in October 2013,” he said.
        Liew said former party president and state Special Tasks Minister Datuk Teo Chee Kang and the current LDP acting president Datuk Chin Su Phin would be accountable from the moment they suspended him from office in 2013 and seized the monies in the bank’s account without his knowledge.
       “How can I have access to the office when they locked it?
       “They even changed my signatory in the bank without my knowledge and took away all the party’s files, statements of account and other related documents,” he said in a statement issued yesterday from London.
        Liew was with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on the second leg of the Prime Minister’s working visit to Britain after the United Nations General Assembly in New York last week.
         Liew’s response came after a blogger known as claimed that former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had issued two cheques for RM3.5mil under LDP’s name in 2013.
         The blog writer alleged that Liew, the LDP president then, had pressured and forced the party’s treasurer to co-sign the cheques and cashed them without the know­ledge of other members.
The claims by the blogger were deemed as factual after Chin claimed that the party secretary-general had given a similar statement to the police investigating 1MDB two weeks ago.
         Liew said whoever the secretary-general was who gave the statement to the police had no knowledge of the matter and believed it based on hearsay and speculation.
        He said the accusation that he had pressured and forced the then treasurer-general Ken Fong was simply unbelievable.
“      It shows the extent of lies they are willing to go just to achieve their vicious agenda,” he said.
         He added that all withdrawals of monies from the party’s account would require the compulsory signature of the treasurer with other signatories – either the president or the secretary-general, who was Teo at the time.
      “I was LDP’s chief for seven years from 2006 to 2013, and there was no way it could be run without political funding as everyone would know,” said Liew, adding that when he lost the Sandakan parliamentary seat in 2013, LDP ousted him as president.

lauhsion73 11:03 PM《始終說不出口的I told you so》



選前,好心勸導「馬來西亞人」老馬是頭號種族主義份子,他上台後肯定會推行提高馬來人特權的政策,肯定又會說華人有錢,馬來人貧困,所以要剝奪華人機會給馬來人,到時華人困境更加艱辛,但「馬來西亞人」不聽,說老馬已經懺悔了,這麼老的人還這麼奔波勞碌救國,我不應該在此說風涼話。選後我有多次機會說I told you so,但善良的我認為還是不要對「馬來西亞人」落井下石,I told you so還是無法說出口。

選前,好心勸導「馬來西亞人」老馬不可信,他一上台肯定會先分發政府合約給朋黨,老馬兒子一定會拿到政府各種合約,但「馬來西亞人」不聽,說老馬家族已經很有錢,不會貪政府合約。選後我有多次機會說I told you so,但體諒到「馬來西亞人」現在肯定很尷尬,I told you so還是不忍心說出口。

選前,好心勸導「馬來西亞人」獨裁是老馬本性,他不會分享權力,肯定會獨攬大權,架空多個部門權利,但「馬來西亞人」不聽,說希盟多黨會相互制衡。選後看到老馬架空財政部和交通部,另設經濟部,再把國家控股等機構轉嫁首相署,小黨把各大黨玩弄於股掌間,我又想要說I told you so,但看到「馬來西亞人」神壇上的神權利被架空,心裡痛苦萬分,I told you so仍然無法說出口。

選前,好心勸導「馬來西亞人」火箭已經背信棄義,為了當官,不會為華人請命了,為了討好馬來人而為馬來女路霸提供法律援助和去馬來少年飆車黨葬禮,華小和統考只是在騙取選票而已。選後看到增建華小無望,承認統考即刻變一年再變五年研究,這時我想說I told you so,但想到「馬來西亞人」從此可能沒有華小,從此可能要勒緊褲帶存錢送小孩出國唸書,心情頓時非常沈重,I told you so又說不出口了。

選前,好心勸導「馬來西亞人」老馬剛復自用,國家前景一絲都從來不在他腦海裡閃過,他老人家面子大過天,因為對華人的仇視,重新上台後肯定會跟新加坡對峙和跟中國交惡,到時也會跟美國對抗,國家經濟承擔不起這個風險,但被「馬來西亞人」說是賣華狗。選後看到國家經濟每況愈下,想到大家從此沒好日子過,I told you so又被我吞進肚子裡,說不出口。

選前,好心勸導「馬來西亞人」老馬肯定會重啟國產車計畫,壯大朋黨帝國,忽略公交系統,人民到時要買貴車,還要大塞車,但「馬來西亞人」說林伯伯說老馬不會貪污而且會非常體恤人民,所以肯定不會有國產車。現在我每一天都有衝動要說I told you so,但想到大家都要陪著「馬來西亞人」買貴車塞在路上,還是覺得沒必要,I told you so還是沒說出口。

選前,好心勸導「馬來西亞人」,取消了GST,政府必須設立另外一種稅收來平衡開支,貨物價格到時可能不降反升,透明化的GST會確保商家和政府都無法作假,但「馬來西亞人」說GST是納吉弄來吃錢的,不吃錢老馬政府是不抽稅的。選後人民迎來SST,貨物價格真的不降反升,苦日子在前方,想到大家已經是天涯淪落人了,說什麼I told you so也沒什麼意思了,最後還是沒說出來。

有這麼多次機會可以對「馬來西亞人」說I told you so,但善良又體貼的我又覺得I told you so會傷到「馬來西亞人」的心,而且現在他們也應該很尷尬之前對我的破口大罵,大方的我也覺得I told you so一直掛在嘴邊講也很沒風度,還是算了吧,沒必要再多踩人一腳,反正有的是下次,老馬和火箭絕對不會讓我失望的。

Committee of 24 (Special Committee on Decolonization)

The Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (also known as the Special Committee on decolonization or C-24), the United Nations entity exclusively devoted to the issue of decolonization, was established in 1961 by the General Assembly with the purpose of monitoring the implementation of the Declaration (General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960).

The Special Committee annually reviews the list of Territories to which the Declaration is applicable and makes recommendations as to its implementation. It also hears statements from NSGTs representatives, dispatches visiting missions, and organizes seminars on the political, social and economic situation in the Territories. Further, the Special Committee annually makes recommendations concerning the dissemination of information to mobilize public opinion in support of the decolonization process, and observes the Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories.


C24 atau special committee of 24 on decolonisation.

C24 ini adalah special Committee tentang Situasi berkenaan dengan Pelaksanaan Deklarasi Pemberian Kemerdekaan kepada Negara Kolonial (juga dikenal sebagai C-24), United Nation secara eksklusif.. special...menumpukan kepada isu dekolonisasi , ditubuhkan pada tahun 1961 oleh Perhimpunan Agung dengan tujuan memantau pelaksanaan Deklarasi yang merujuk kepada Resolusi Perhimpunan Agung 1514 (XV) pada 14 Disember 1960.

Special committee 24 ini atau c24...setiap tahun mengkaji semula semua senarai Wilayah yang mana Territories itu layak dan membuat cadangan mengenai pelaksanaannya. Ia juga mendengar kenyataan daripada wakil NSGT, menghantar misi melawat, dan menganjurkan seminar tentang keadaan politik, sosial dan ekonomi Wilayah tersebut. Tambahan pula, Jawatankuasa special ini setiap tahun membuat cadangan mengenai penyebaran maklumat untuk menggerakkan pendapat orang ramai untuk menyokong proses decolonisation, dan memerhatikan Mingguan Perpaduan ini dengan Rakyat menduduki wilayah tersebut.lll

文老爷 4:54 PM《老馬與大雄的故事 - Mahathir dan Nobita》


然後實施沒有經過良好規劃的SST,以致市場混亂,百物騰漲。在發現SST 不能填滿 GST被取消後留下的大洞後,加上外資撤出,股市持續低迷,馬幣疲弱不振,政府開始入不敷出,就再以國家破產為藉口,實施新的稅制。

老馬『痛苦預算案』,將拿非回教徒或非土著開刀,前奏就是不停的說『華人很富有』的言論,從被 BBC 的訪問,到昨天說的『歧視特定種族是正常的』等等噁心理由,都是為將到來的不公政策鋪路。投老馬的95趴,怎麼忘了老馬黨政的年代(80-90年代)是華社出國跳飛機打黑工的高峰年代?



10月4日, The Edge 報導,世界銀行少有的下調了大馬的經濟成長預測,從七月時說的5.4%下調到4.9,明年將是4.7%,後年是4.6%。報告說明在週遭的國家都有強健成長的時刻,大馬的下調是個異數。而且這和『砍掉大型基建計劃和政府轉向低回饋的公共投資有關』。

熱血沸騰的Hardcore火箭粉絲在 Pui 之前,先看清楚你們的馬來同胞在罵誰?他們在罵林冠英。我們都知道老馬是罪魁禍首,但是馬來人日子過得不好的群情激憤下,就是『華人財政部長』把這一切搞砸的,馬來網民叫他 Nobita ,就是小叮噹那個愚笨顢頇的大雄。

說真的也不是冤枉,這個財政部長確實是大馬有史以來最糟最無能的。除了作秀口沫橫飛謊話連篇外,一無是處。老馬在背後運籌帷幄,一切壞消息謊言由林冠英宣布。最後可能的結局是: Nobita 當災,國家破產,撤換財長, as usual,拿華人祭旗,雨過天晴,天下太平。


『不好五年後再換』是低等笑話,可見你根本不認識老馬。五年後,媒體被統一口徑,惡法不廢除繼續打壓異議,國家資產被朋黨控制,國會三分二在老馬手裏,你們還有得公平選舉才好說。難道到時你醒了,才來罵 Nobita?還是大家齊心祈禱老馬快死好過啦。

Link: 買土地償國債

Link: 達因賣國家財產

Link: 世界銀行下調大馬經濟成長預測
小俞[Sticker]俞懿德 8:01 PM       美里13日讯)砂拉越人的砂拉越团队(S4S)发起人陈宏祥对于日前刚出炉的“研讨MA63内阁委员会”名单感到震惊与担忧。他震惊5国签署的国际公约沦为敦马一手超控。
陈宏祥表示,MA63 是 5 个签署国共同签署的国际公约,即是英国,马来亚联邦,新加坡,沙巴和砂拉越。任何研讨 MA63 内阁委员会都必须有 5个签署国代表在内,同时各国代表人数必须一样,缺少新加坡和英国这 2 个国家在内是不正确的,是不能被接受的。
        MA63是国际契约,不需研讨修改删除或增加,只需还原MA63原本赋予我们的权利,按照原始合约执行就可以。还原 MA63 只需官方发布违宪 MA63 的联邦宪法一一颁布无效,至於这些废除的条文会不会影响到马来亚其他州属,就由联邦给予马来亚州属另外设限。研讨MA63内阁委员会是在拖延时间,不是在解决问题。
         S4S最后给阿邦左与整个GPS最后一年的时间把公投法做出来,如果继续执迷不悟,那么我们只好在2021砂朥越选举时把你们全部换了,巫统国阵可以倒台,砂朥越土保党GPS也未尝不可!  砂朥越改朝换代取决于砂GPS执政府的态度。

        做官做政府的不能不考量人民的意愿。当人民发动‘革命’时,这股人民的力量谁可以挡得住。 BN就是当前活生生的实例。 GPS是否是下一个,这就要看AbangJo和他团队如何当家做主,如何顺从民意。 做好一个领袖该表现的楷模。人民最厌恶就是那种畏畏缩缩。对那恶魔行90+度的敬礼。这表示什么?  不久后,又来句跟这恶魔的关系还像父子呢。想想民间人民有如何回弹看不起你。人民对马来亚霸权的殖民我们已经厌恶到咬牙切齿。你做为砂总统却对恶魔湾腰曲背的迎接。509后,那恶魔受邀请来砂参加一场婚礼。我们人民见证AbangJohari那种贱相。让我们砂人感到很不可思议。砂罗越明明是个国来的,代表砂国一国之主表现却充满着奴才相。
John Jones 8:46 PM公投法 或 选举
假设,取回MA63 -OMO57 /自主权力的路途上,遇到对方就是一个姓赖的,永远跟你pusing 就是不说认同也不会不认同?你能怎样?那么百姓们会不会因为这样的拖延而失去了大好机会?因为大家都知道,一旦土团站稳脚步!那么就难上加难!再者,如果2年里都为(公投)做准备!而没有第二个方案也是在危险边缘上!因为2年后的最直接办法是(选举)!这也是一个比较实在的机会……因为不会空等而是选举一定会到来且举行。 那么我们大家都有差不多足够的时间来准备选举。万众一心……往脱马完成独立的代义士身上(投!)假设可以达到65% 的百姓支持,那么我们真的就通过砂拉越议会动议(完成独立)!少数服从多数的规则(议会席位),我们大家今天都这么努力的做宣传,对吗?
所以,公投通过联邦认同的可能性到底有多高?OMO57 +MA63 , 我个人认为,如果敦马肯,除非太阳从西边伸出来了[Sticker],再来,砂拉越政府有权利举行(砂拉越本身百姓公投表达民意)而为何又不去实行呢?矛盾吗?
1)65% 的投票率是百姓制造出来的[Sticker]
John Jones 4:41 PM分享时事看法~



1)不以回教法治国 (宗教自由)
2)提倡以及承认世界目前交流的语言。 (英文)
3)广建 大学,学府 ,承认同考。 (教育)

由此可见砂拉越政府清楚意识到 教育 对国家的重要性是有远见的。砂拉越百姓现在也明白政府正在积极推进科技的发展好让国家能够因为咨询的发达而成功把国家推上最高峰。(与中国合作卫星发射议程)。



My comments:
 这是我们砂拉越人的要好好用我们手中一票来完成我们独立的梦想。 势在必行!

历史上新加坡曾有多个名字,古时马来语称新加坡为Neger selat,意思为海峡之国。很久以来,就有来自中国福建、浙江、广东、海南的商人到此经商,华人将新加坡称为“石扐”。1330年中国元代航海家汪大渊首次到达新加坡,称新加坡为“单马锡”。明代宣德五年绘制的《郑和航海图》,又将新加坡标注为“淡马锡”。而现在“新加坡”的名字,直到14世纪末才首次出现。
与世界上许多国家一样,新加坡也曾遭受过殖民统治和侵略,19世纪欧洲列强完成了工业革命,为了扩张领土和进行殖民统治,掀起了远洋航海的热潮,1819 年英国人莱佛士率领船队登上了新加坡岛,宣布占领新加坡,并将新加坡归属英国印度殖民当局管辖。1867年新加坡脱离印度殖民当局,正式成为英国直辖殖民地。十九世纪末、二十世纪初,新加坡凭借其在马六甲海峡的独特地理位置,大力发展港口贸易,获得了空前的发展和繁荣。然而,到了1941 年太平洋战争爆发,日本侵略军打败了英国守军,攻占了新加坡,将新加坡更名为“召南岛”,并利用新加坡扼守马六甲海峡,严格控制往来于海峡的船只,同时大肆掠夺新加坡华人华侨的财产,直到1945年日本无条件投降,英军重返新加坡,新加坡才摆脱了日寇的魔爪。

