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Tuesday, 31 July 2018

 Reject GPS, peninsular based candidates, PBDSB tells Sarawakians
        KUCHING: Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru ( PBDSB) has called on Sarawakians to re­ject Penin­su­lar Malaysia- based coali­tion par­ties and Gabun­gan Parti Sarawak (GPS) as both are op­por­tunists in lever­ag­ing over Sarawak’s rights as a plat­form for their po­lit­i­cal in­ter­ests.
        Its in­for­ma­tion chief Bobby Wil­liam be­lieves that the right choice for Sarawakians is Sarawak Baru, which will be set up by lo­cal Sarawak op­po­si­tion par­ties.
       He said un­like Pakatan Hara­pan (PH) and GPS, Sarawak Baru is not only sin­cere in cham­pi­oning the rights of Sarawakians which are em­bod­ied in Malaysia Agree­ment 1963 ( MA63) but also the exclusive rights of Sarawak peo­ple over their land.
Pro­vid­ing an ex­am­ple, Bobby said the state­ments on oil and gas roy­al­ties over the past months by both PH and GPS had been quite a “push and pull” predica­ment.
Pro­vid­ing an ex­am­ple, Bobby said the state­ments on oil and gas roy­al­ties over the past months by both PH and GPS had been quite a “push and pull” predica­ment.
        He claimed that Sarawak PH lead­ers had made the same mis­take as Barisan Na­sional (BN) law­mak­ers from Sarawak in the past by agree­ing to the Petroleum De­vel­op­ment Act 1974 ( PDA74), mak­ing it as though Sarawak’s oil and gas and also sales tax belong to the fed­eral govern­ment en­tirely, which is clearly not at all.
        He al­leged that Sarawak PH was will­ing to com­pro­mise Sarawak’s rights by of­fer­ing their so- called ‘new deal’”, that comes with terms and con­di­tions, while the state govern­ment’s ac­tion to em­power the Oil Min­ing Or­di­nance (OMO) 1954 from July 1, 2018 was late in com­ing.
        He said the fail­ure of for­mer prime min­is­ter Datuk Seri Na­jib Tun Razak and Chief Min­is­ter Datuk Pat­inggi Abang Jo­hari Tun Openg to re­solve the is­sue also had a bad im­pact on Sarawak.
        Bobby pointed out that based on the above, both PH and GPS were not a good and trans­par­ent govern­ment, say­ing their po­lit­i­cal or­ches­tra was only based on their po­lit­i­cal game to ob­scure the peo­ple’s eyes and sub­se­quently take ad­van­tage of Sarawak’s nat­u­ral re­sources. “Let’s look at the facts as Sarawakians. Are we re­quest­ing for an in­crease in oil and gas roy­al­ties or the ‘whole en­chi­lada’ of Sarawak’s au­ton­o­mous rights in the Malaysia Agree­ment 1963 ( MA63)?
      “If we want MA63 to be hon­oured and re­spected as how it was agreed prior to the for­ma­tion of Malaysia, shouldn’t we just fo­cus on such ob­jec­tives in­stead of be­ing in­flu­enced by other means which could com­pro­mise such fo­cus?” he stressed.
       Bobby noted that it is an un­de­ni­able fact and also known that the Fed­er­a­tion of Malaysia was formed with Sarawak based on equal part­ner­ship and not as a subor­di­nate sub­servient to the fed­eral govern­ment or Malaya as a whole.
       He said ac­cept­ing what­ever of­fer which might com­pro­mise the full recog­ni­tion of Sarawak’s au­ton­o­mous rights shows clearly the weak­nesses of Sarawak’s lead­ers, when they con­tinue to give the im­pres­sion that they were will­ing to ac­cept or es­tab­lish any ‘new deal of­fer’ at the ex­pense of Sarawak’s au­ton­o­mous rights
       He said ac­cept­ing what­ever of­fer which might com­pro­mise the full recog­ni­tion of Sarawak’s au­ton­o­mous rights shows clearly the weak­nesses of Sarawak’s lead­ers, when they con­tinue to give the im­pres­sion that they were will­ing to ac­cept or es­tab­lish any ‘new deal of­fer’ at the ex­pense of Sarawak’s au­ton­o­mous rights
He said Sarawak should not be of­fered a new deal be­cause the state’s au­ton­omy was in­sti­tuted as an in­te­gral part of MA63 dur­ing the for­ma­tion of the fed­er­a­tion.
     “In ac­tual fact, Sarawakians ex­pect their state’s lead­ers to ‘tell off’ the fed­eral (govern­ment) to re­store the state’s au­ton­omy to its orig­i­nal state, as how it was when the fed­er­a­tion was formed.
    “It is not sup­posed to be seen as though Sarawak is de­mand­ing for some­thing new, it is some­thing which had been long over­due since Ar­ti­cle 150 of the Procla­ma­tion of Emer­gency was lifted in Novem­ber 2011,” he said. Bobby be­lieves that what ev­ery Sarawakian ex­pects from the state’s lead­ers is not to ‘ask for’ for Sarawak’s rights to be re­turned but ‘ to tell’ and ‘ de­mand’ the fed­eral govern­ment to give back Sarawak’s rights as stip­u­lated dur­ing the for­ma­tion of the fed­er­a­tion.
        He said af­ter 55 years in the fed­er­a­tion, the state’s lead­ers should have learned more than enough lessons.
        He lamented that the bit­ter pains hid­den un­der­neath the smil­ing faces of Sarawakians for the past 55 years had caused Sarawakians to con­stantly re­mind them­selves of the ex­pe­ri­ences they had un­der­gone, for be­ing too com­pla­cent, too naive and too ac­com­moda­tive and also will­ing to be com­pro­mised over the years.   
     “It is best that GPS too should se­ri­ously re­flect on them­selves what they are do­ing be­hind the scene and not just lever­ag­ing over the MA63 is­sue for the sake of their po­lit­i­cal well­be­ing and sur­vival be­cause all Sarawakians are watch­ing now and know very well their ways of ‘trick or treat’.”

My comments:
In 2021 Sarawak election, I am for sure to vote for the alternate party or party other than GPS or PH.  It is confirmed.  I have been waiting for the Sarawak-based party with the heart and mind focus and stand firm on the Sarawak autonomy based on MA63 or secede for good.  This party should band up with other local parties with the same aspiration.  They should have the same logo to go to be recognised by the symbol to vote.  I hope that the leaders have started to make known themselves to the locals where they are going to stand.

The Malayan government have become too dependent on the oil and gas resources of Sarawak to survive.  Without our oil and gas supply, they will go upside down and collapse at no time.  After 55 years of plundering and exploitation, they think that they still can go on as they wish.  In the past, only political thugs who betrayed us as the people in general were naive and ignorant.

Now with the full awareness of Sarawakians, we people should have a strong part to play in fighting for our autonomous rights or secede for good.  I believe that we need a really strong government who have the full support from 90% of Sarawkians to drive away the plunderers and expoiters.

We all must learn to protect the autonomous rights of Sarawak at all cost.  Yes, we should secede for good if it is so meaningless to continue to stay in this Federation which stands for nothing but plundering and exploiting us.  Yes, 90% of Sarawakians ask, "Is there any good reason to stay on in the Federation?"

Yes, we need new leaders in full co-operation to lead Sarawakians to establish ourselves once again as a nation.  To remain in the federation or not, it is up to us, we Sarawak people to decide.   It is no longer just the leaders who can decide everything for the people like those practices in the past.  There were in between leaders colluding with leaders to plunder and exploit Sarawakians at will all for their own interests and official positions.

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