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Tuesday, 31 July 2018

 Reject GPS, peninsular based candidates, PBDSB tells Sarawakians
        KUCHING: Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru ( PBDSB) has called on Sarawakians to re­ject Penin­su­lar Malaysia- based coali­tion par­ties and Gabun­gan Parti Sarawak (GPS) as both are op­por­tunists in lever­ag­ing over Sarawak’s rights as a plat­form for their po­lit­i­cal in­ter­ests.
        Its in­for­ma­tion chief Bobby Wil­liam be­lieves that the right choice for Sarawakians is Sarawak Baru, which will be set up by lo­cal Sarawak op­po­si­tion par­ties.
       He said un­like Pakatan Hara­pan (PH) and GPS, Sarawak Baru is not only sin­cere in cham­pi­oning the rights of Sarawakians which are em­bod­ied in Malaysia Agree­ment 1963 ( MA63) but also the exclusive rights of Sarawak peo­ple over their land.
Pro­vid­ing an ex­am­ple, Bobby said the state­ments on oil and gas roy­al­ties over the past months by both PH and GPS had been quite a “push and pull” predica­ment.
Pro­vid­ing an ex­am­ple, Bobby said the state­ments on oil and gas roy­al­ties over the past months by both PH and GPS had been quite a “push and pull” predica­ment.
        He claimed that Sarawak PH lead­ers had made the same mis­take as Barisan Na­sional (BN) law­mak­ers from Sarawak in the past by agree­ing to the Petroleum De­vel­op­ment Act 1974 ( PDA74), mak­ing it as though Sarawak’s oil and gas and also sales tax belong to the fed­eral govern­ment en­tirely, which is clearly not at all.
        He al­leged that Sarawak PH was will­ing to com­pro­mise Sarawak’s rights by of­fer­ing their so- called ‘new deal’”, that comes with terms and con­di­tions, while the state govern­ment’s ac­tion to em­power the Oil Min­ing Or­di­nance (OMO) 1954 from July 1, 2018 was late in com­ing.
        He said the fail­ure of for­mer prime min­is­ter Datuk Seri Na­jib Tun Razak and Chief Min­is­ter Datuk Pat­inggi Abang Jo­hari Tun Openg to re­solve the is­sue also had a bad im­pact on Sarawak.
        Bobby pointed out that based on the above, both PH and GPS were not a good and trans­par­ent govern­ment, say­ing their po­lit­i­cal or­ches­tra was only based on their po­lit­i­cal game to ob­scure the peo­ple’s eyes and sub­se­quently take ad­van­tage of Sarawak’s nat­u­ral re­sources. “Let’s look at the facts as Sarawakians. Are we re­quest­ing for an in­crease in oil and gas roy­al­ties or the ‘whole en­chi­lada’ of Sarawak’s au­ton­o­mous rights in the Malaysia Agree­ment 1963 ( MA63)?
      “If we want MA63 to be hon­oured and re­spected as how it was agreed prior to the for­ma­tion of Malaysia, shouldn’t we just fo­cus on such ob­jec­tives in­stead of be­ing in­flu­enced by other means which could com­pro­mise such fo­cus?” he stressed.
       Bobby noted that it is an un­de­ni­able fact and also known that the Fed­er­a­tion of Malaysia was formed with Sarawak based on equal part­ner­ship and not as a subor­di­nate sub­servient to the fed­eral govern­ment or Malaya as a whole.
       He said ac­cept­ing what­ever of­fer which might com­pro­mise the full recog­ni­tion of Sarawak’s au­ton­o­mous rights shows clearly the weak­nesses of Sarawak’s lead­ers, when they con­tinue to give the im­pres­sion that they were will­ing to ac­cept or es­tab­lish any ‘new deal of­fer’ at the ex­pense of Sarawak’s au­ton­o­mous rights
       He said ac­cept­ing what­ever of­fer which might com­pro­mise the full recog­ni­tion of Sarawak’s au­ton­o­mous rights shows clearly the weak­nesses of Sarawak’s lead­ers, when they con­tinue to give the im­pres­sion that they were will­ing to ac­cept or es­tab­lish any ‘new deal of­fer’ at the ex­pense of Sarawak’s au­ton­o­mous rights
He said Sarawak should not be of­fered a new deal be­cause the state’s au­ton­omy was in­sti­tuted as an in­te­gral part of MA63 dur­ing the for­ma­tion of the fed­er­a­tion.
     “In ac­tual fact, Sarawakians ex­pect their state’s lead­ers to ‘tell off’ the fed­eral (govern­ment) to re­store the state’s au­ton­omy to its orig­i­nal state, as how it was when the fed­er­a­tion was formed.
    “It is not sup­posed to be seen as though Sarawak is de­mand­ing for some­thing new, it is some­thing which had been long over­due since Ar­ti­cle 150 of the Procla­ma­tion of Emer­gency was lifted in Novem­ber 2011,” he said. Bobby be­lieves that what ev­ery Sarawakian ex­pects from the state’s lead­ers is not to ‘ask for’ for Sarawak’s rights to be re­turned but ‘ to tell’ and ‘ de­mand’ the fed­eral govern­ment to give back Sarawak’s rights as stip­u­lated dur­ing the for­ma­tion of the fed­er­a­tion.
        He said af­ter 55 years in the fed­er­a­tion, the state’s lead­ers should have learned more than enough lessons.
        He lamented that the bit­ter pains hid­den un­der­neath the smil­ing faces of Sarawakians for the past 55 years had caused Sarawakians to con­stantly re­mind them­selves of the ex­pe­ri­ences they had un­der­gone, for be­ing too com­pla­cent, too naive and too ac­com­moda­tive and also will­ing to be com­pro­mised over the years.   
     “It is best that GPS too should se­ri­ously re­flect on them­selves what they are do­ing be­hind the scene and not just lever­ag­ing over the MA63 is­sue for the sake of their po­lit­i­cal well­be­ing and sur­vival be­cause all Sarawakians are watch­ing now and know very well their ways of ‘trick or treat’.”

My comments:
In 2021 Sarawak election, I am for sure to vote for the alternate party or party other than GPS or PH.  It is confirmed.  I have been waiting for the Sarawak-based party with the heart and mind focus and stand firm on the Sarawak autonomy based on MA63 or secede for good.  This party should band up with other local parties with the same aspiration.  They should have the same logo to go to be recognised by the symbol to vote.  I hope that the leaders have started to make known themselves to the locals where they are going to stand.

The Malayan government have become too dependent on the oil and gas resources of Sarawak to survive.  Without our oil and gas supply, they will go upside down and collapse at no time.  After 55 years of plundering and exploitation, they think that they still can go on as they wish.  In the past, only political thugs who betrayed us as the people in general were naive and ignorant.

Now with the full awareness of Sarawakians, we people should have a strong part to play in fighting for our autonomous rights or secede for good.  I believe that we need a really strong government who have the full support from 90% of Sarawkians to drive away the plunderers and expoiters.

We all must learn to protect the autonomous rights of Sarawak at all cost.  Yes, we should secede for good if it is so meaningless to continue to stay in this Federation which stands for nothing but plundering and exploiting us.  Yes, 90% of Sarawakians ask, "Is there any good reason to stay on in the Federation?"

Yes, we need new leaders in full co-operation to lead Sarawakians to establish ourselves once again as a nation.  To remain in the federation or not, it is up to us, we Sarawak people to decide.   It is no longer just the leaders who can decide everything for the people like those practices in the past.  There were in between leaders colluding with leaders to plunder and exploit Sarawakians at will all for their own interests and official positions.

Petronas to export world’s first LNG from floating production unit

SINGAPORE: Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) is about to export the world’s first liquefied natural gas (LNG) produced from a floating production unit, according to shipping data and people familiar with the matter, beating rivals like Royal Dutch Shell in a race that has cost developers billions of dollars.
       The Petronas Floating LNG Satu (PFLNG Satu), sitting off the coat of Bintulu on Malaysia’s Borneo island, is currently loading LNG into the 144,000 cubic meter capacity LNG tanker Seri Camellia, according to trade sources and shipping data in Thomson Reuters Eikon.
     “Now, Satu is loading up a tanker, which will leave within the next day or two, making Satu the world’s first LNG that was produced from a floating platform,” one source close to the matter said, declining to be named due to the commercial sensitivity of the deal.
        Eikon data shows that the LNG tanker arrived on March 25 and has started loading the LNG cargo. Traders with knowledge of the matter said that PFLNG Satu’s first export cargo was heading for South Korea.
Petronas declined to comment.
        The Satu facility, which is estimated to have cost as much as US$10 billion, arrived in those waters last year, preparing for first operations.
        Other producers currently developing floating LNG production facilities include Royal Dutch Shell, which with the over-US$12 billion Prelude FLNG is building the world’s biggest maritime vessel for use in Australia. Japan’s Inpex is building a similarly big FLNG unit as part of the US$37 billion Ichthys export project, also for use in Australia.
          Both these hugely expensive projects have been plagued by delays, allowing Petronas to become the first company to produce LNG from a floating production unit.
        The huge development costs have led some to question whether FLNG units on this scale will be ordered again in future.
       The LNG industry is undergoing huge change as the biggest ever flood of new supply is hitting the market, with volumes coming mainly from Australia and the United States.
       The oversupply resulted in a more than 70 per cent fall in Asian spot LNG prices from their 2014 peaks to around US$5.50 per million British thermal units (mmBtu). — Reuters
張鸿泰 9:32 PM#晚报特约过客


"用简简单单的东西就想骗取砂朥越80%的石油天然气, 门都没有!"

逆向思考的话, 我们会发现老马和老林等马来亚强盗集团的全盘计划, 其实就是用"教育"和"卫生"自主权来换取我们砂朥越80%石油税+50%税收。坦白说, 这实在是太天真, 太傻的想法了。

第一, 在签署《MA63》的时候, 砂朥越只是把"国防"和"外交"两个项目交予马联邦而已。"教育"和"卫生"本来就是砂朥越在联邦里面的绝对自主权(只是在1976年之后, 就被国阵卖掉了) 今天马来亚盗贼集团拿原本就属于砂朥越主权的"教育"和"卫生"来盗取砂朥越80%的石油税和50%一般税务, 我们砂朥越人看不出你的狼子野心的话就是我们自己的头脑有问题了。(那些舔老马舔到头壳锈逗的马奴初外)

第二, 每个人都知道, 咱们的"政府医院"是便宜到烂那种, 咱们优厚薪资的政府学校的老师也是很多人向往的"金饭碗"。也就是说, 政府在这两个方面的拨款和开销, 是非常巨大的。因此马来亚盗贼集团拿开销最巨大其中两个自主权来换取砂朥越80%的石油天然气开车税, 这笔账怎样算, 死的还是我们砂朥越人自己。当然, 马来亚盗贼集团的砂朥越帮凶是不会怎么告诉你的, 他会不断的告诉你白毛为首的砂政府如何贪污无能, 他的老板老马为首的马来亚盗贼集团如何干净廉政。

第三, 在国阵时期, 砂朥越国阵和马来亚国阵比较倾向于"合作伙伴"的关系(尤其阿德南时期砂政府频频向马来亚喊话就可以略看出一二了),有什么康头的话多数是一起分享, 当然实际上, 马来亚国阵始终是拿比较大份。现在, 希望联盟上来了, 不过从石油开采税到石油盈利税的课题方面, 我们看到的是, 以张健仁为首的砂朥越希望联盟代表反而表现得比较被动。这是因为在希望联盟的体现当中, 砂希盟和马来亚希盟的关系比较倾向于"上司和下属关系", 并不如国阵般的"合作伙伴关系", 这一点是不用置疑的。

第四, 作为砂希望联盟的地位在老马眼中, 或连下属都不如。509成功变天之后, 作为国阵传统堡垒区的砂朥越率先开票, 然而以火箭为首的民主行动当几乎以狂风扫叶之势, 为希望联盟夺下的所有的城市选区, 非城市选区也历史性是突破, 打下希望联盟的509换天计划的打下了一支强心针。然而, 老马的回馈视乎不如预期。夺下100%城市选区的砂火箭, 在内阁中只分得一个副部长职位, 反观, 代表达雅选区的巴鲁鞭则分得一个正部长职位。虽然张健仁的支持者没有像倪可敏的支持者那么强烈的表示不满, 不过为了顾全大局, 大家都只能把苦水往心理吞。

第五, 老马比较倾向于跳过砂希望联盟代表直接和砂朥越政府对话。作为政治老手, 老马的城府实际上深不可测。从砂首长阿邦左亲自前往布城拜访老马, 以至老马亲临砂朥越, 让砂政府官员为老马庆祝其93岁生日。这所有的一举一动, 实际上是老马发出给砂火箭的一个讯息 - "我们希望联盟领导层已经不屑你们砂朥越的那12个议席了, 因为你们在砂政府眼中也只不过是装饰品而已, 有什么重要的议题, 我们联邦政府直接和砂政府会谈就行了, 你们砂希盟把华人的情绪顾好, 必要的时候后面补助我们一把就可以了。"

因此, 我们最近可以看到, 不管是针对砂政府的课题或是马来亚希望联盟的课题, 砂朥越希望联盟的成员代表只能频频在报纸上喊话, 以及在其个人脸书上不断发帖表示个人看法, 就仅仅如此而已, 而不是在实际上实实在在参与任何攸关砂朥越重大课题。

根据29/07/18的最新报道, 由于509的竞选承诺被马来亚希望联盟统治阶层丢一旁, 同时这个509竞选宣言被砂朥越人民看破其诡计之后, 砂希望联盟领导层打算再推出最新的配套来欺骗砂朥越政府和砂朥越人民了。

文字: 过客

Saturday, 28 July 2018

Maszlee urged to see for himself conditions of schools in rural Sarawak

Samuel Aubrey,
KUCHING: Many netizens are requesting Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik to come and see for himself the condition of schools in rural and interior Sarawak following a fire at SK Batu Bungan in Mulu on Wednesday morning, which claimed the life of a young teacher.
       They made the requests through the minister’s Facebook page, after he posted a condolence message for the late Catherine Janet Tiwi, the 25-year-old teacher who perished in that fire.
    “Please pay a visit to schools in the interior of Sabah and Sarawak. All those reforms in education come in second when the basic needs like safety, water and shelter aren’t met,” said one FB user with the account name Jia Yiing Ho in response to Maszlee’s posting.
       Another FB user Nazibah Fauzi said the minister should go to schools in rural and interior Sarawak to see the schools, and the everyday life endured by the teachers and students.
       Stating that she had been there herself two years ago, she said Maszlee must see the condition of the schools and teachers quarters which are in dilapidated state.
       Izzy Asrin Maskin said there’s no use for the Education Ministry to talk about 21st Century learning if the school infrastructure is still stuck in the 1980s.
   “Many schools still depend on generator sets for electricity, without Internet line and many other disadvantages faced by the teachers,” wrote Izzy.
      Another FB user Nicholas Andrew even offered to be the tour guide for Maszlee if he were to visit schools in Selangau.
    “Many of these schools are in dilapidated condition. The wires are old, and short circuit can happen any time. I hope the ministry can come up with a budget in 2019 to assist dilapidated schools in the rural and interior Sarawak,” he wrote.
      Maszlee had earlier on Wednesday evening posted his condolences to the family of the late Catherine, and expressed his deepest sadness over the tragedy in SK Batu Bungan.
   “The Education Ministry will render appropriate assistance to those affected,” he wrote.
What do you think of this story?
  • Angry (80%)

    My comments:
    This new minister barks on a very high chair.  He is out of touch of the reality of the true conditions of the rural schools and areas .  He barks without the appalling rural schools and infrastructure in Sarawak in mind.  It is idiotic.  His statements on Independence schools are disappointing.  It is shocking to me that he is the minister of education.  He utters like Old horse/Dr. M.  He is like possessed by Old horse most of the time.  It is a curse to have such a quality of person to be the minister of education.

‘1,156 households in Balingian yet to have clean water supply’

Abdul Yakub Arbi
SIBU: There are 1,156 households in the Balingian state constituency who are still in need of clean water supply, according to its assemblyman Abdul Yakub Arbi.
He said out of this number, 687 are in Balingian and Kuala Balingian areas while the remaining 469 in Bayan Ulu, Temesu and Pengkalan Lobang.
“     Currently these residents depend on river, gravity feed and rainwater as sources of their water supply.
    “In connection with this situation, I hope the federal Minister of Rural Development can expedite the implementation of clean water projects in these water-stressed areas,” he told The Borneo Post when contacted here yesterday.
Abdul Yakub was asked on the number of households in his constituency who have yet to have clean water supply.
     He added during the recent State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting, he had voiced out the matter.
         Meanwhile, Minister of Utilities Dato Sri Dr Stephen Rundi in his ministerial winding-up speech at the recent DUN sitting said the Sarawak Alternative Water Supply (Sawas) project was very crucial towards achieving Sarawak’s vision of 100 per cent water supply coverage by 2025.
       Dr Rundi regarded Sawas as the most strategic water supply system that can provide safe water supply to remote rural communities.
        He pointed out that as a start, five packages are being implemented as pilot projects in different areas across Sarawak and each is currently in various stages of construction.
       Sawas is under Sarawak Water Supply Grid Programme – Stressed Areas, where RM2 billion has been set aside to facilitate the implementation of such projects in the water-stressed areas over the next couple of years under the 11th Malaysia Plan.

Abdullah: Sarawak PH’s offer best described as absurd

Churchill Edward,
Abdullah Saidol
KUCHING: Sarawak Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) offer to the Sarawak government two weeks before the May 9 election on oil royalty and tax collection, is described as absurd.
       Assistant Minister of Corporate Affairs Abdullah Saidol said the Sarawak PH had no clue of what they were offering.
He said this to suggest that Sarawak PH has reneged on some of their election manifestos and promises.
    “Yes it’s true that PH Sarawak chairman Chong Chieng Jen handed the Sarawak government an offer on April 26, two weeks before the 14th general election. Amongst others, Sarawak PH offered to deliver two promises to Sarawak government if PH took over the federal government; 20 per cent oil royalty and 50 per cent of all tax revenues collected from Sarawak.
    “If the Sarawak government accepted the deal, according to Chong, the Sarawak government  must take up the responsibility and financial burden on the administration of all matters related to health and education. I don’t think Chong had a clue of what’s he was offering. It’s absolutely absurd.
    “Why did the Sarawak government refuse to entertain Sarawak PH’s so-called New Deal Agreement? First, what is the locus standi of Chong or Sarawak PH? He is dealing with a legitimate elected government of the day. Chong and Sarawak PH have no legal standing to commit an obligation for and on behalf of the federal government then,” Abdullah said through a press statement yesterday.
       He added that Chong should have been aware that health and education are the obligations of the federal government as stipulated in Items 13 and 14 under 9th Schedule, Federal List of the Federal Constitution.
     “Is Chong or Sarawak PH capable of amending the Federal Constitution?” he asked.
       Abdullah said now that PH has taken over the federal administration, he suggested that Chong must first fulfil his promise to table a motion in parliament to amend the Petroleum Development Act 1974 (PDA74), which he announced and was reported by local papers on March 11, 2018.
    “According to Chong, this ‘small amendment to Section 2(1) of PDA will enable Sarawak to reclaim the ownership of its oil and gas found in Sarawak.
    “If Chong or any of Sarawak PH MPs is not capable of doing it, perhaps any of Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) MPs will take up the initiative but make sure Sarawak PH MPs support the motion,” Abdullah said.
       Abdullah also reminded Chong and Sarawak PH of their own manifesto or promises pledged before the GE14. There are seven promises described as ‘7 Guarantees for Sarawak Within 1 Year’.
      On top of the list is ‘20 per cent royalty – 10 per cent of the revenue will be declared Petro Cash Dividends for Sarawakians.”
      Their offer was initially vague but now all Sarawakians are shocked by the announcement made by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad that the oil royalty would derive from Petronas’ profit.
    “What all Sarawakians expect is that the 20 per cent oil and gas royalty should  derive from production and not profit.  There is a huge financial implication and difference between monies derived from production, revenues and profit.
    “Does Chong know that royalty derived from profit may be less than the figure quoted by himself, ie, RM8 billion. Therefore, all Sarawakian should be skeptical about any flowery promises made by Chong or by Sarawak PH. This is especially so when Dr  Mahathir had made an astonishing statement that a manifesto is not a ‘holy book’ that must be fulfilled,” he said.
      “Last but not least, Chong also announced about giving back to Sarawakians 50 per cent tax collected from Sarawak. When there was GST, more or less RM40 billion was collected by the previous federal government. Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng had announced that we are going back to SST with percentage more than GST six per cent. He also announced that while revenue from SST would be less the prices of goods would be cheaper. Is that true and happening now?” he asked.
        Chong, as Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, should  explain truthfully and not just talking about the price of items like shuttlecocks, he said.
    “If SST results in less tax revenue, how much 50 per cent tax that he (Chong) can return to Sarawak?
    “For all you know, Sarawakians may get none because the Finance Minister had said that the federal government needed money to pay the ‘National Debts’. That is why PH federal government embarked on the donation drive,” said Abdullah, referring to Tabung Harapan.
     “Has Chong ever anticipated that before making all sorts of dubious promises? To this day, Sarawak PH, especially their MPs, has made no significant or believable comment about the royalty issue as mentioned by the prime minister. Instead, they go around the bush making all sorts of silly political statement to confuse Sarawakians,” he added.
What do you think of this story?
  • Angry (71%)
  • My comments:
  • The leaders of DAP in Sarawak are more or less  dead in the sense that they  cannot stand up tall and enjoy their popularity anymore in the age of advanced internet technology as we have the records of their statements before and after 509 to compare and study.  We see them as clowns working for the Malayan government.  They are following the model of X-BN political thugs colluding with the Malayan government at the expense of Sarawakians.  We cannot stand the onslaught of these Malayan parties anymore.  
  • Hence, I repeat, they have peaked and are tumbling down now.  I believe that 80% of Sarawakians cannot accept them to replay again at our expense.

Seek ‘win-win’ solution to address O&G issues, says Hashidah

Abdul Hakim Bujang,
KUCHING: The federal and Sarawak government must seek a ‘win-win’ solution to address the ownership issues and redress the economic parity in the distribution and sharing of revenues derived from Sarawak’s oil and gas resources within the ambit of the Malaysian context, in the true spirit and intent of Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).
        Therefore, an agreement must be achieved before the situation escalates out of control, said Assistant Minister of Law, State-Federal Relations and Project Monitoring Sharifah Hasidah Sayeed Aman Ghazali.
    “The federal government via YB Datuk Seri Azmin Ali on July 25th 2018 stated in Parliament that the promise of increasing the oil and gas ‘royalty’ to the oil and gas producing states (including Sarawak) from five per cent to 20 per cent was actually not true.  It was revealed that the 20 per cent refers to the percentage of net profits, not percentage of royalty as commonly described in the oil and gas industry, including as prescribed in the PDA74 (Petroleum Development Act, 1974).
   “This is indeed a departure from what was stated in their manifesto, Buku Harapan.  YB Azmin also mentioned that any proposed changes in the distribution of revenue to the producing states could only be implemented after the PDA74 is amended and would take time,” Sharifah Hasidah pointed out.
       She stressed that Sarawak stood firm on its ownership and regulatory rights over all oil and gas resources and activities in Sarawak effective July 1 this year as prescribed under the recently passed Oil Mining (Amendment) Bill 2018, with the aim for Sarawak to assume full ownership, regulatory and licensing authority over its oil and gas resources, serving the best interests of Sarawak and its people.
She said the OMO amendment came into effect on July 1 and Sarawak is giving all stakeholders until the end of 2019 to comply with the new regulations.
      “As such, the Sarawak government calls for all stakeholders to refrain from unilaterally dictating or exercising any ownership rights to Sarawak’s oil and gas resources including distribution of revenues unless and otherwise prescribed under Sarawak’s Oil Mining Ordinance.
     “This includes the presumptions that any percentage of royalty or percentage of net profits, for that matter, is equitable and enforceable in the current effort by the federal government to redress the allocation of revenue (ironically termed by YB Datuk Seri Azmin Ali as ‘distributive justice’) specifically to Sarawak.
    “Any terms of such agreement must be determined by and with the rightful owner of the oil and gas resources, which is Sarawak.  Sarawak will not be dictated to by anyone, not even the federal government, with regard to Sarawak’s own oil and gas resources,” she stressed.
       In the same vein, Sharifah Hasidah emphasised that it is also presumptuous to assume that any remedy in the distribution of revenues between Sarawak and the federal government will have an adverse impact on any of the stakeholders, including Petronas, without firstly taking into consideration adjustments to the stakeholders’ contributions to the federal government in terms of existing royalty, profits, taxes and dividends, which effectively give the federal government 92 per cent of all oil and gas-derived revenues and Sarawak only one per cent.
      “An increase from five per cent to 20 per cent of the gross production will only mean five per cent of total oil and gas revenues to Sarawak, with 88 per cent still going to Petronas and the federal government.  This is clearly inequitable,” she pointed out.
        Sharifah Hasidah further reminded the federal government on the need for sustainability and ‘robust economic multiplier’ effects of national oil and gas exploitation policies and strategies in relation to Sarawak.
     “After 42 years of one-sided exploitation, Sarawak needs a holistic approach to redress imbalances of inequitable sharing and distribution and poor value creation for Sarawak.  This requires adjustments to legal, policy and eco-system synergy, i.e. more equitable participation amongst federal and state level entities, otherwise the federal government’s so-called ‘distributive justice’ will only be a meaningless catch-phrase,” she said.
        She also found it very disheartening to be informed that the federal government’s manifesto was devised based on the analysis of cost structures that was constrained by limitations of available oil and gas data (presumably from Petronas).
    “I would like to urge the federal government, through Petronas, to provide the relevant stakeholders access to such data in order to analyse and devise the equitable distribution of oil and gas revenue to its stakeholders,” she said.
Sharifah Hasidah insisted that Sarawak is not against sharing its oil and gas resources with the rest of the nation and has done so without complaint for the last 42 years since the formation of Petronas.
    “But the federal government must realise that Sarawak needs to develop its own ‘ In-Country Value Creation Model’ and endeavour to apply it for a more generative formula to create healthier participation by Sarawak companies, so that not all business opportunities are channelled to Malayan-based companies by way of huge ‘Umbrella Contracts’ currently awarded by Petronas,” she argued.
Sarawak, she stressed, felt very strongly that the current Petronas model of ‘federalising’ the economic perspective towards maximising revenue collection for the federal coffers did not work.
    “This approach has proven to impoverish the states with the oil and gas resources and there has been no coherent masterplan in place even until today to ensure growth of a healthy state oil and gas sector.
    “Sarawak and Sarawakian economic interests have been sidelined for too long and the state is not solely to be blamed for this situation, with Petronas playing the role of an ‘exploiter’ rather than a sustaining ‘value-creator’. It is sad to note that the recent moves by Petronas and now the new federal government itself hardly seems to indicate any different thinking or change to this stance.  This is unacceptable.  Sarawakians can no longer tolerate such economic inequity and imbalance, especially with Sarawak being the real owner of the oil and gas resources,” she concluded.

My comment:
The Malayan government must learn what is meant by "respect and fairness".  Don't push Sarawakians too much to the extent that we vote to secede in the referendum .  Don't assume that it is impossible.  Sarawakians are really angry and heated to such an extent already at the Malayan government in the name of Malaysia to plunder and exploit and dominate us at will.   Yes, they had better take heed and study our minister Sharifah Hasidah's statements seriously.

The Malayan government will go upside down when we Sarawak secedes for good.  

Friday, 27 July 2018

Petronas asked to bare all records on oil, gas extraction

Churchill Edward,

Dato Idris Buang
KUCHING: Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) information chief Dato Idris Buang wants a review on all the records of oil and gas mining done in Sarawak, particularly its total output, in the state’s effort to claim back what is reasonably Sarawak’s.
        In this regard, the Sarawak government needs to ask for the account of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas), said the Muara Tuang assemblyman when reacting to Pakatan Harapan (PH) federal government reneging on its election manifesto by giving out only 20 per cent of profit from oil and gas extracted in Sarawak instead of the 20 per cent royalty on their production.
    “We need to ask for their accounts since the day they started extracting our resources. We have the right to audit and the right of tracing all the accounts on production output. This is an equitable right and legal right as owner of our soil, our land and the resources that are embedded with it,” he said.
    “Let’s see how much they owe us. I believe it would be in several trillions of Malaysian Ringgit,” he said.
“What Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his PH government are doing now to Sarawak (giving royalty based on 20 per cent of  Petronas’ profit) is not proper and is still not constitutional,” Idris added.
    “We need to review and seek a proper legal declaration of our rights. Sarawak should levy the rate of royalty by way of output at ex-rigs or ex-fields, like we do for every unit of water used at the hydrodams like the ones at Batang Ai and Murum, pay the Sarawak government royalties at one sen per unit (kwh generated),” he said.
“Petronas should pay royalty at RM x rate per barrel or gas at RM x per thermal unit. This is what royalty is supposed to be,” he stressed.
He emphasised that the PH government and Petronas could not simply tell Sarawak government what it should be getting without its terms at all.
     “As the absolute owner of our resources we should be the one imposing the rate of royalty and terms of licences that they must have before doing the oil and gas businesses on our territory. Over and above all these (royalty, tax, levies and surcharges) which the state may impose, the state may own part of the equity of the licensee company which is totally a different issue if the state decides to participate in equity.”
   He pointed out that royalty and equity participation are two separate things – royalty comes with the absolute right to impose terms while equity participation is optional.
   “How we want to fix the rate of royalty may depend – but not necessarily – on how much equity we want to participate – this is a point for negotiation.  We need to be advised by our own experts – not theirs (PH and Petronas) as to how much we want to stomach the risks of the business,” Idris asserted.
   “What the PH government and Petronas had done upon us is purely undue duress or utter subjugation – in that we were cornered to a point where we had no choice at all but to just accept what was forced down our throats.  Our life in the 60s and 70s then were by and large very poor, with poverty almost everywhere, schools not in good shape mostly, lacking modern facilities and so on,” he said.
 “We were exposed to communist terrorism and insurgency and hence the Emergency Ordinances purportedly made to facilitate the military and navy operations on our territory (not for Petronas lah). The Petroleum Development Act 1974 came into existence under a big camouflage of emergency and security exigency,” he pointed out.
       Meanwhile, Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) Youth secretary Dr Kelvin Yii said the concerns and frustrations felt by the people of Sarawak including himself was understandable with the recent announcement by Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali that the 20 per cent oil royalty needs to be based on net profit rather than gross production.
    “This was based on the question that was put up by few members of Parliament including myself, but in my question, I went further to ask about the devolution of education and healthcare autonomy to Sarawak which was also answered by the minister,” Dr Yii said.
      He said he still held strong to the principle stated in DAP manifesto where 20 per cent royalty based on gross or a value equivalent was promised.
 “That is why we will pursue greater clarification on the matter especially on the definition of such profit-sharing and most importantly the formula that is being used. We will crunch out the numbers and be transparent in the mechanism so that the distribution of our wealth can be fair and just,” he said.
        However, Azmin, when further questioned, said there would be further discussions with the relevant state governments whether it will be 20 per cent of net profit or gross value, Dr Yii said.
        Thus, the discussion is ongoing, and Sarawak DAP will keep pushing for state rights and find a reasonable ground on it, he added.
     “In the context of Sarawak, the ‘New Deal’ that is part of our manifesto specific for Sarawak clearly mentions about the 20 per cent oil royalty, 50 per cent tax returns to Sarawak, and autonomy in Education and Healthcare.
“The essence of the extra revenues from the 20 per cent royalty which is estimated at RM6 billion according to oil prices last year, and an estimate of RM3.5 billion of 50 per cent taxes collected in Sarawak, is meant for us to run the two critical departments which an estimate of running those two departments is about RM7 to RM8 billion based on budget and current allocations.
    “We do take note of the concerns by the oil and gas industry and I have personally spoken to some. We were informed that the cost itself ranges from 60 per cent to 70 per cent which today (yesterday) the minister (Azmin) has confirmed by saying that ‘From this value per barrel, 70 per cent from the gross production of oil and gas is actually the cost of recovery that is borne by Petronas’.
“  Thus, the industry is unable to give 20 per cent of royalty to remain viable, however in the case of Sarawak, if the state government decides to take responsibility on the education and healthcare matters, the federal government has pledged to ‘top up’ to a ‘value equivalent’ of the 20 per cent oil royalty so that we can run those two critical departments,” Dr Yii said.
    “So, the onus is back to the state government on whether they want to take responsibility on these two critical departments. The extra revenue from 20 per cent and 50 per cent is not to fill up the pockets of the
state but it is to determine the future of the state through these two critical departments.   Thus as Tun Dr Minister has answered on the question I put forth, there will be further negotiations with the state government on the matter especially with regards to the devolution of powers.
    “On top of that, the Special Cabinet Committee for MA63 (Malaysia Agreement 1963) will also look into such matters including the rights of Sabah and Sarawak to natural resources including oil and gas and reviewing different legislations in view of MA63,” Dr Yii said.

My comments:
It is to secede for good.  I hope that all the Sarawakians are united in one heart and mind to fights for our 100% rights of our gas and oil resources as well as all that belongs to Sarawak.  We should stop these plunderers to plunder and exploit us at will anymore. 

Be CAT enough -- Credible, Accountable and Transparent to stay relevant as a  company doing business. 

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

How did Pakistan gain independence?

        The Indo-Pak subcontinent remained a British colony from 1849–1947. The subcontinent’s inhabitants did not approve of the British rule in united India. An uprising that occurred in 1857 eventually formed the shape of a freedom movement, which exemplifies the efforts of the people of British India in gaining their independence.
        Muslims ruled the subcontinent before the British incursion and suffered due to the 1857 uprising against the British East India Company.  Leaders such as Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Syed Ameer Ali worked diligently for the Muslim people’s political advancement.
        The Indian National Congress was formed in 1885, which later on became British India’s largest political party.  Major Muslim political leaders, including Muhammad Ali Jinnah, were members of the Indian National Congress and worked towards Hindu-Muslim unity and India’s independence.
        The All India Muslim League was founded on December 30, 1906. There was growing demand for an independent Muslim state in India.  In 1930 Muhammad Iqbal presented the idea of a separate Muslim state that would geographically consist of the Muslim majority areas in the subcontinent.  The word Pakistan is a conjunction of two words Pak meaning Pure and Stan meaning Land, a name coined by Choudhary Rahmat Ali.
        Strong Hindu nationalism gave birth to the Two Nation Theory, an ideology that is accredited as being the basis for Pakistan’s creation.  In 1940 the Pakistan Resolution was passed in Lahore demanding greater Muslim autonomy in British India.
        After World War II, it was expected that the British colonies would soon disintegrate.  The Pakistan Movement, spearheaded by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, resulted in creating a Muslim state.  Pakistan gained independence from the British rule on August 14, 1947.  At its birth, Pakistan had two parts commonly referred to as East and West Pakistan.  In 1971 East Pakistan parted from West Pakistan and became Bangladesh.

My comment:
        We, Sarawakians in one heart and mind are walking and working towards independent Sarawak.  722 is our Independence Day and we are set for it to gain our independence one day.  It is impossible to be treated as equal partner in the Federation of Malaysia.  X-BN government have proved so.  PH government also thinks of all ways to plunder and exploit us at will though it is no longer so easy now with the great awareness of Sarawakians in general.  
        We should ally with China in the development of our oil and gas resources to get a better deal, no doubt.  I believe that the China government is all willing to co-operate with us.  See how they go all out to help develop other countries for mutual benefits.  We can go 60%(Sarawak)-40%(China) in the deal.  Why not?

Blog and Tweet 26/7/2018 Dogs barks

Blog and Tweet  26/7/2018     Dogs barks
        A promise made if not kept, you are like dogs barking for nothing.  It is dog barking.  It means lies in our Foochow dialect.  My grandmother used to reprimanded those whose words were not to be trusted as dogs barking. When I was small, I often heard my grandmother saying this.   
Old horse/Dr M barks so often that he only shortens the life of PH government and causes despise and disgust in people.  More and more other team members of PH government seem to follow suit.  Azmin, the Economic Minister, is one of them.
        Refusing to return the rights of Sarawak in terms of oil and gas royalty which we owns 100%, not even 50% will only end up having nothing from Sarawak one day when we vote to secede for good.  Three years later 2021, it will be the election of Sarawak and the whole world will witness what is going to take place.  We vote for those who can really protect the rights of Sarawak and will stand firm against all kinds of  temptations to be chained up and to sell the rights of Sarawak for their own benefits like Abang Johare’s father who was chained by his own interests and official position.  He was directed to turn against our first Chief Minister Stephen Kalong Ningkan.  If I am wrong, never feel hesitated to condemn me.  Yes, this is the true history from the layman that I have read about the happening.
        Abang Johari said that Sarawak would not secede the Federation of Malaysia.  Sarawak does not belong to him and he does not represent the majority of the people.  He has not been tested himself in the election.  In the past, Taib Mahmud won because of the ignorance of the rural people  and because of the unfair practice of seat allocations.  Now in 2018, Sarawakians are not easy to be fooled anymore. 
        We are set to flush out GPS (X-BN-Sarawak) for good.  We need the leaders who can stand firm and say “No!!!!!!” to any aggression and invasion of the Malayan government.  We are set to secede for good.  Just wait and see people’s power.

Blog and Tweet 26/7/2018 Shoes Freedom

Blog and Tweet  26/7/2018    Shoes Freedom
        White shoes or black shoes, we Sarawakians should let our students choose what to wear to school.  We do not need to follow suit.  But let our students choose to wear white or black school shoes to school.   
Uniformity of shoes in white to change colour to black is the request of n% of mothers.  This Education Minister, Mazlee is eager to comply and may feel proud of the change he has agreed upon on the request of n% students’ mother from traditional white shoes to black ones with the reason that white shoes are too obvious when smeared whereas black shoes are free from this problem. 
        We, Sarawakians should let our students choose to wear white or black shoes to school.  We do not need to follow suit.  We should grant our students the freedom to wear white or black school shoes to school.  To avoid wastage, no white shoes shoes should be abandoned in any manners.  Let the white shoes still remain good and suitable to wear to school.  What is wrong if our students choose to wear white school shoes instead of black ones to school.  Shoes after all are the product to protect the feet and nobody is so idiotic to think otherwise. 
        The choice of white or black school shoes are just based on that trivial reason that white shoes are obvious when smeared.   Black shoes, on the other hand, one can wear until they smell.  Ng….ng, white or black shoes to choose to school only time can tell which one is better to act against human nature. 
        Hence, we Sarawakians should let our students the freedom to choose white or black shoes to school.  We do not need to follow suit and blindly. 

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Blog and Tweet 24/7/2018 有人寄来的 行使主權吧! 砂朥越

Blog and Tweet 24/7/2018  有人寄来的     行使主權吧! 砂朥越
















MA63是國際認證的協議,其法定效力無需質疑。依國際公約,砂拉越本來就擁有海岸線沿岸12 浬範圍的領海主權,領海內的所有物產歸砂朥越所有,更遑論砂領土內的石油和天然氣。







另外,美國企圖在第一島鏈圍堵中國,砂朥越和中國合作除了經濟上的利基,更有戰略上的意義;第一、 對中國而言,中國在第一島鏈找到突破口,確保能源命脈不被封鎖,第二,砂朥越可藉由和中國合作,達到協防領海領土的目的。互惠互利。






Blog and Tweet 有人寄来的 24/7/2018

Blog and Tweet 有人寄来的   24/7/2018
你也許不知道,汶萊(Brunei Darussalam)在東盟(ASEAN)國家裡,是唯一的福利國(Welfare State).


汶萊人民的福利來源,簡單來說,就是這兩項: (1)石油 (2)天然氣。


 1) 不必繳稅(No Taxes): 免繳收得稅(Income Tax)、沒有GST(Goods and Services Tax)、沒有VAT(Value-Added Tax),當然,看電視也免繳License fees。

 2) 免費的教育: 汶萊政府提供國民從國小一直到高等教育機構,免費的義務教育。成績優秀的學生,政府還會送你到英國或澳洲留學,學費由政府奬學金買單。不但如此,不論你是在汶萊當地的學院就讀或是在國外留學,政府每個月會提供你接近RM3000的生活津貼。不像馬來西亞以馬來文教學,汶萊是以英語為教學媒介語,因此絶大多數的汶萊學生都擁有GCE O Level 或GCE A Level 文憑。

 3) 免費醫療: 汶萊國民看病不必付診療費,任何住院開刀手術也都是免費。如果你的疾病特殊,汶萊當地醫院無法治療,政府會送你到新加坡或英國治療,一切費用政府包了。更好的是,隨行的家庭成員,其開銷也由政府支付。待產的孕婦,所有的產前檢查費用由政府買單,產後政府還免費提供媽媽們奶粉及補品。

 4) 養老及照顧金: 所有汶萊國民和永久居留權取得者,只要年齡超過60歲,每月可領取折合約747令吉的津貼。除此之外,寡婦、孤兒、殘疾人士每月也能領取生活補助金。

5) 住宅津貼: 汶萊自1984年獨立以來,政府即致力於「居者有其屋」計劃,好讓每個國民都能擁有屬於自己的房子。如果你們是一對沒有任何資產的夫妻,政府會無條件的給你們一塊土地,然後提供極低利率的貸款讓你們可以蓋一間你們心目中想要的房子。如果你是公務員,貸款利息全免。當然你也可以選擇住進政府蓋好的房子,10~20年分期付款(Installment)完全免利息。此外,這房子將永久屬於你,沒有所謂類似大馬99年地契的約定,所以房子可以世襲,傳給你的後代子孫。

 6) 汽油和生活設施津貼: 汶萊是產油國,因此國民享有東盟區域裡最低廉的油價,Super每公升約1.55令吉(2017年10月油價)。此外水費和電費也是極為低廉。用電量在600Kwh以內,每度約RM0.03分,601Kwh~2000Kwh,每度約RM0.08分。

 7) 食物津貼: 汶萊政府致力於讓食物食品價格合理,全民都負擔得起。汶萊

 8) 免費家用煤氣和優質公路: 烹飪用天然氣(Cooking Gas)是完全免費的。由於瀝青是石油的副產品,產油國汶萊有用不完的瀝青,因此瀝青路面是鋪了又鋪,在汶萊各大城鎮,要找到一條品質不良的路,反而是極大的挑戰。


砂拉越的石油和天然氣的蘊藏量、產量,也許數陪於汶萊,但是為何砂拉越人卻無法享有如汶萊般的福利? 為什么?








別再為了5%,20%的蝇頭小利擾攘不休,停止向聯邦乞憐,我們要的是100%,百分之百,因為: 不是我們的、一分不要,是我們的,寸土不讓!

砂拉越人醒醒吧! 停止內鬥,先把槍口一致對外,為了僅有的雨林--我們的母親大地,為了我們砂拉越的下一代,為了我們的未來,

砂拉越人團結起來吧! 捍衛並爭回屬於我們的權益。汶萊有的,我們也能有,而且還能更好!


Saturday, 21 July 2018

Blog and Tweet 22/7/2018 Stop dominating and plundering Sarawak anymore

Blog and Tweet  22/7/2018   Stop dominating and plundering Sarawak anymore
        Today is the Independence Day of Sarawak.  We are working and walking towards independent Sarawak.  We want every Sarawakian to know that Sarawak is a country, not  a state/ the 13th state in the Federation of Malaysia.  No matter how our dominators bark Sarawak to be a state as it was unconstitutionally done in the house of parliament. 
By law, it is wrong to change the status of Sarawak and Sabah in that manner.  It is unconstitutional to change the international treaty in that light manner.  This shows that the totalitarian has no respect towards the treaty.  The totalitarian challenges the will of the people in these two countries.  We are countries in the Federation of Malaysia.  We are fighting and are prepared to die for the autonomy of Sarawak if not independence of Sarawak for the time being.  I am a Sarawakian and I believe that I can represent 80% of the Sarawakians’ thinking in this way. 
        If our plunderers and dominators still go on as they were like the X-BN government as ever before, they will feel sorry for the grudges and anger we have pent up .  We, Sarawakians have become mature enough to know what it means as a country in the Federation.  The Petroleum Development Act /PDA 1974 to plunder and exploit the oil and gas resources of Sarawak and Sabah at will and another act in 1976 turned  Sabah and Sarawak into the 12th state and 13th state all for the good of Peninsular Malaya and themselves.  These two acts are unconsititutional in every sense.   These acts were passed in 40 over years ago meant to dominate Sarawak and Sabah especially to plunder and exploit us at will.  
        We have witnessed how our dominators squander and embezzled after plundering and exploiting us.  They have squandered and embezzled the allocation funds at our expense.  Sarawak and Sabah are still so underdeveloped in many ways.  60%-70% of Sarawak and Sabah are in appalling conditions.   Check the infrastructure like the road system, public transport, schools, hospitals and so on, you can name of in these two territories.
        Don’t act blind to problems of the basic amenities in the rural or subrural areas.   Check the road conditions of Miri –Lawas or Marudi and all rural areas.
        Sarawakians have awakened up of the domination, plundering and exploitation of the dominators and plunderers from Malaya.  We are aware now how we have been plundered and exploited. 
        Sarawakians wants the Malaya government to respect MA63.  That’s it to prevent any ugliness to be wildly exposed internationally.  Please don’t force us to appeal to the United Nations for protection and secession for good.