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Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Tweets 12April2018 A morbid phenomenon

Tweets 12April2018    A morbid phenomenon
        Yesterday, I nearly knocked down a motorcyclist with a pillion rider at the backseat.  It was a nerve-racking feeling.  Before I had that nearly knocking down somebody experience, I saw a car damaging another car bumper.  The two car drivers were standing there to settle the problem.  After my own experience, I saw another road accident involving two motorcycles on my way to town. 
What does this tell you?  Do you think that there are far too many cars on the road.  There are more and more cars on the road in every passing day.  It is a morbid phenomenon to me because of those national policies related to this condition.  It has been ‘n’ years but the BN government seems to be as helpless as a baby to resolve the problem.  Hence, I think that we need to trust this task to a new party to try and see. 
Improving the public transport effectively should be one of the conditions to choose or not of the concerned party.   Be wise.  Don’t think like fools, act like fools and behave like foods to prevent yourselves being treated like fools.

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