Official Website Office of the Chief Minister of Sarawak
a press statement yesterday, Chang, who is also DAP Sibu vice
chairperson and the state DAP’s director of Women’s Affairs Bureau, said
the news had received wide coverage and was supported by the BN
She said what was reported seemed that the CM meant all elected representatives, including those from the opposition, are given the allocation.
“I want to seek clarification here because I understand presently, the RTP funds are only available to the elected representatives of the BN party, and not those from the opposition party.
“Has this stand changed to include the opposition held-constituencies?
“I am hopeful this is the case, as it is only fair these funds should be available to all people, regardless of their political leanings and beliefs.”
She said the people should not be penalised for exercising their democratic right to choose who they want to represent them in the State Legislative Assembly.
Chang said she had raised the issue during the last Dewan sitting when she moved a motion that an annual allocation fund be accorded to all constituencies, regardless of the political leanings of its elected representative.
“My motion was thrown out as it was a motion seeking a financial grant and it should have come with a recommendation by the Minister in charge of Finance.”
Now since the Chief Minister had made this publicly known, Chang wanted to know if the opposition assemblymen and women were included.
I f not, she asked why not, since they were elected by the people as well.
“Can our state government be magnanimous and truly democratic as well, like the Selangor and Penang governments, where each State assemblyman, including the opposition members, has an allocation of funds to spend on his/her constituency?
“Can our state government care for the wellbeing in our constituencies as well, bearing in mind there are also supporters of BN party in each constituency during each election?”
Chang urged Abang Johari to be the CM for all the people in Sarawak regardless of their race, creed and political leanings.
“Give us, the opposition elected representatives, the mandate to also submit the list of projects with a ceiling amount of RM5 million for implementation in our areas.”
My comment:
Each BN minister is allocated with RM5 million RTP a year. Why are the schools in the constituency of each minister still in such a bad state? How do they use RM5 million each year? I think that the people in each area should be more responsible to make these BN ministers accountable. Force them to list out the expenditures of this RM5 million annually.
She said what was reported seemed that the CM meant all elected representatives, including those from the opposition, are given the allocation.
“I want to seek clarification here because I understand presently, the RTP funds are only available to the elected representatives of the BN party, and not those from the opposition party.
“Has this stand changed to include the opposition held-constituencies?
“I am hopeful this is the case, as it is only fair these funds should be available to all people, regardless of their political leanings and beliefs.”
She said the people should not be penalised for exercising their democratic right to choose who they want to represent them in the State Legislative Assembly.
Chang said she had raised the issue during the last Dewan sitting when she moved a motion that an annual allocation fund be accorded to all constituencies, regardless of the political leanings of its elected representative.
“My motion was thrown out as it was a motion seeking a financial grant and it should have come with a recommendation by the Minister in charge of Finance.”
Now since the Chief Minister had made this publicly known, Chang wanted to know if the opposition assemblymen and women were included.
I f not, she asked why not, since they were elected by the people as well.
“Can our state government be magnanimous and truly democratic as well, like the Selangor and Penang governments, where each State assemblyman, including the opposition members, has an allocation of funds to spend on his/her constituency?
“Can our state government care for the wellbeing in our constituencies as well, bearing in mind there are also supporters of BN party in each constituency during each election?”
Chang urged Abang Johari to be the CM for all the people in Sarawak regardless of their race, creed and political leanings.
“Give us, the opposition elected representatives, the mandate to also submit the list of projects with a ceiling amount of RM5 million for implementation in our areas.”
My comment:
Each BN minister is allocated with RM5 million RTP a year. Why are the schools in the constituency of each minister still in such a bad state? How do they use RM5 million each year? I think that the people in each area should be more responsible to make these BN ministers accountable. Force them to list out the expenditures of this RM5 million annually.