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Thursday, 17 November 2016

Tweets 18/11/2016 II

Tweets  18/11/2016  II
The red colour in the Chinese culture symbolises luck, well-being, blessings, health and wealth.  The Chinese usually wear the clothes with enough red colour on auspicious days.  So you see the Chinese wear the red clothes during the Chinese New Year and other special occasions like the Wedding feasts and the like.  No Chinese in his / her right sense would wear red clothes on the funeral day unless the deceased has lived up to one hundred or more.  It is deemed fit for the celebration and merry-making for the family.  So in the Chinese language, it is also called [笑丧] Then the red cothes are not discouraged on this occasion.  You may laugh in the funeral if you are tempted to and nobody would condemn for your behaviour. 
        The red colour is blessed for the good cause, for the upright and angelic-minded task.  However, if you wear red clothes with evil-minded thoughts to fight for the devils and the sinful acts of your leaders, I tell you,  based on the Law of this Universe, you will face the untold retributions from Allah / God 1 day/ some day.  If you don’t believe, just wait and see. 
        What you are doing now without curses is just what bestowal you have at your disposal.  But if you use what resources or bestowal you have from …. for evil / sinful cause, you will face the tribunal from the Lord of this Universe sooner or later.   I believe in [福报]/blessings.  But if you do not use your blessings with good physical and mental capacities for good use, your evil /sinful acts will only bring curses and curses and curses to you.  Believe it or not, it is up to you.  I know there will be time for the retribution to set in.  Be careful for every act of you in your life. 
        What is Jamal-led Red-shirted Army fighting for?  Can he tell the world what he is fighting for in his red shirt?  He and his red-shirted army behave so scoundrel-like to be precise and concise in description.
        As a Sarawakian, I feel ashamed of Jamal-led Red-shirted Army to counteract Bersih for nothing.   They contribute nothing good for the progress of this Federation and the world, so I see. 
        Jamal, I believe, has become so obsessed to counteract Bersih to care about what retribution he will face one day.  I wonder if he has any professional skills to develop himself and contribute to this world besides being so indulgent in the fun of counteracting Bersih.  Alamak!  What a curse!  What a pity!  What a shame!

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