Tweets 15/8/2014
人联青:“为利益争破头 选民看清民联真面目“(诗华日报14、8、2014)陈开和叶耀星”评论雪州事件“。 嗯。。。。这是他们的语言权力。 不过,人民同时也看了人联党从2006后的各种纷争绝对比民联精彩太多了。 这些日子人联党和BN各政党当然给人们看到真面目也有一样多的假面具做各种伪装。
雪州大臣有【诚信问题】肯定要换。 民联不能像国阵那样不理不管【诚信问题】,没有原则的做人做事。 我们人民把【诚信】看成做人建业建国的一切基础。 一个没有诚信的人是靠不住的。他可以用嘴巴讲到完,可是手脚可以完全没有行动。 近30多年来去,我们人们见证太多太多太多了。 执政党总是无法实现【合情合理合法的承诺】。
有人说雪州事件会使【两线制】落空,well………这国家是属于人民的。 是人民决定选谁【主朝政事】的。 这国家不是由1个人或几只猴子领袖来决定一切的。 【两线制】在我眼里是非常肯定走向【康庄大道】。因为我们要清除霸权,贪污舞弊滥权腐败,垄断等等等非民主行为和活动。 这是每个人要认清的事实。
The pledge of loyalty on the
day of oath taking of the Selangor assembly members to the government and the Mentri
Besar is subject to change when the conditions change.
You cannot expect someone
to respect you when you have fallen victim to the self-interest as against the public
interest and are so indulgent to the lure of personal gains.
So how can Abdul Khalid
expect other assembly members to adhere to the pledge of loyalty when he has
fallen prey to his own vainglory, self-interests and gains?
He should be kicked out at
all costs for not upholding the principles of integrity and keeping his promises
to put people’s interests above all. He
has lost himself.
It is ridiculous and sarah of
sultan Sharafuddin to grant consent to Khalid to continue holding the post when
he has breached his own pledge of good governance.
He is not supposed to give
consent without probing into details of the crisis. It is too hasty a decision to carry any value
without being condemned by the people. This, no doubt, will erode the respect and loyalty he expects from the people.
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