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Sunday, 12 January 2014

Tweets 13/Jan/2014

Tweets 13/Jan/2014
One of my nieces when she was 2 years, she was terrible.  When she talked, everybody had to be quiet or she would look at you fiercely or even push you.

When she sang, no one around was allowed to sing at the same time or she would shout at you, too.  This stage of a child development is called “Terrible 2”.  

 This niece is 14 years old now and has grown up into a polite, respectful, hardworking and smart girl.  She knows respecting others is one of the most important factors to win in life. 

Now allowing the non-Muslims in West Malaysia to use the sounds and symbols “Allah” is the behaviour of a fanatic with a lot of wild and fanciful thoughts.   

This kind of people needs to be rehabilitated to behave themselves and be trained with the skills they are inclined to divert their mind focus for something good and useful to themselves and others.  

It is the mind focus that decides Heaven / Hell and what kind of person s/he is.   It is the content of the mind that makes a person, his/er attitudes and behaviours and thus his life as a whole. 

Our badminton genius Lee Chung Wei and Olympics swimming icon Pandelela, I believe their whole mind must focus on the sharpening of their skills and practise hard and smart to excel.   

Voltaire said, “I think therefore I am.”   So, you will agree with me that you are what you think.   Hence it is the constant exposure, drill and discipline that decides the quality of a person.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Tweets 12/Jan/2013

Tweets  12/Jan/2013
Marina Mahathir has the guts that most of the leaders lack including Najib to express the stance in a clear-cut way.  She is so angelic.  

It is a good act to stand up and out at the moment when most leaders were hiding for fear of getting hooked to the fights over nothing but the sounds and symbols. 

Ya, there is only One God for all.  Ya, there is only One Religion for all and One Mankind whether you want to accept it or not.  It is also universal for all. 

This is also the central teaching/theme of the Baha’I Faith that I agree totally.   Ya, there is only One God for all like air, water and fire by whatever the name, they remain the same. 

Ya, since there is only One God, so all the religions are from the same source.  The religions exist to help people tune to God, the emblem of Truth, Good and Beauty (真善美).  

Allah /God means Justice and Love to me.  If there is Injustice and Hatred, that means You dominates Allah /God to assert yourselves. 

Allah /God sent prophets to this world in a interval of about 700-1000 years to teach mankind new core values whatever your skin colour is.   

The prophets of the 9 main religions came at different eras like teachers in different grades teaching different things / core values in a progressive way.

I believe most Baha’is still believe there will be another prophet coming 700-1000 years later.  Well, I don’t think so because we have enough religions in this world. 

We only needs angels like Nelson Mandela, Bill Gates …………………to set good examples for others to refer to and follow.   We need inspiration and enlightenment . 

We mankind have reached the era when each has to learn to introspect to help oneself grow with all the core values at our disposal.   

So nowadays, I see more and more spiritual gurus around to help a person get inspired and enlightened to practise good values indeed.
All these spiritual gurus have the power to inspire and enlighten but no power to conglomerate it to the extent for someone to dominate others and cast the spell.

A religion is meant to create Harmony, Peace and Love.   If it is not, it must be wildly abused by some ambitious ones who have the axe to grind.    

Insisting on the monopoly of the sounds and symbols of  “Allah” is just boring into the horn of a bull or into the snort of a pig for pearls.

要垄断和专有Allah这字眼,耳,鼻喉,就好赞进牛角尖/猪鼻子找珍珠和真主。 这一小撮心胸狭窄,思维闭塞不通,眼光如豆,在鼻子前,只有个人利益和好处。 还有狂妄的野心。  自我为中心和重心。  只想在踩踏别人上得到个人的肯定和权利。  不修炼和练习自己,一心一意只为了[不劳而获 ]; [坐享其成]。

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Tweets 10/Jan/2013

Tweets 10/Jan/2013
大道被垄断;国家稻米被垄断;水电也被垄断。。。。。。现在Allah这文字和语音也有被垄断的趋势。 这课题不能让Sultan/首相来定夺的。因为万一他们思维是不中立/歪一边。这麻烦就可大了。 最好是大家一起来公投。  同时参考各地各国/全世界。  民主本来就是人民各个要懂得负责任。

以自由尊重别人为基础和原本的习惯做法为主。 Allah这文字和语音会怎样伤害人。 我们大家可以一起来探讨和研究。  这样我们大家才有可能进步。 那些人,我猜是UMNO 的一些人吃饱没事做,专门赞入牛角尖和猪鼻子的一小撮人爱耍杂玩把戏来错开贪污舞弊滥权腐败,还有掠夺的问题。  

Don’t let the bullies go off easily without showing them your true colour.   What can be worse to refuse them to enter your premises?  Toe the line and stand firm. 

Selangor religions authority concerned has no right to get into the church premise to take away the bibles at will.  Shout out to say, “No!” without fear.   

Malaysia is a democratic country by law and why we should let a person or 2’s authority to decide the fates of all.   Assert our rights with no fear. 

It is time we should stand firm.  Be prepared.  So, on your mark, get set and go to assert your rights and what you deserve to have. 

Without taxpayers’ money, these people cannot live so freely and for long.   It is time to decide the things collectively ourselves.   Not the persons who depends on us heavily for survival.

Spending so much money on poor workmanship and poor quality /shoddy products should be condemned.   It is also the time we people should shout out and be prepared to circle around our PM’s office to demand justification.  

如果雪宗教局再来胡乱非为,出这3招:一:报警。  二:马上通知报馆来支持公道。  三: 号角响起,呼兄唤弟,还有 姐妹都来一起来讨公道。 还有还有各方人马。 怕什么?  肯定立场,坚持原则,反抗到底。  手段强硬一点。  我们不能允许那些拿人民的税金薪水来虐待人民。严禁搔牢。 

Sultan/首相来定夺这/那,这岂不是把自己的权利交给一个人。养大霸权了。  那还有民主可言吗?  如果Najib跟着一队的人一鼻孔出气,禁止非Muslims 使用Allah 这字眼,非Muslims 肯安然接受吗? 或来这一招不叫Allah, 就叫Halla,何苦呢?  要懂得有效的折招。 就是坚持民主原则。 别傻了。