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Monday, 12 August 2013

That Dead Polar Bear

That Polar Bear  13/8/2013
That polar bear in picture that I saw
in the newspaper the other day
should have died in despair and desperation
for their plights for being so deprived of their rights
for their basic needs of food and snow to survive.  
It is a disheartening sight to behold
and the sign that we should not ignore
for its untimely death in the snow
It is so reported formally / informally
that the snow cover in both the artic and antartic circles
have reduced so much so
that the living things are dying off every day
like that polar bear
And polar bears,   inhabitants of the place
find it harder and harder to find food and snow
to keep themselves alive
It is a bad omen to all men
for destroying our precious environment
in the quest for more wealth
even at the expense of the health
and the extinction of all the living things
you can name off
I feel bad and sad to note
that it is the greed of some men
that has put all men and all living things
in such a bad spot
The extreme of weather that we witness
and experience everywhere we go is
the consequences of the greed of some men
who want to possess more and more wealth
at the expense of our environment and health
The sight  of that dead polar bear in the picture
may mean very little to many of you
but it is a shock to me
I sighed at the sight of that dead polar bear
in that ever reducing  snowline where they live
I see it a herald of impending catastrophe
that may befall on us at anytime anywhere
Have the extreme of weathers everywhere
you go not impacted you at all?
How much longer can we indulge ourselves
in such unsustainable lifestyles without any sense of …………?

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