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Sunday, 14 July 2013

An antidote

An antidote        15/7/2013
        A sister of mine introduced this book “The Myth of Mental Illness”  by Thomas S. Szasz  to me yesterday.  I read it immediately when the electricity flow resumed  again.   I found this book very inspiring and interesting.  Oh……………….I would like to recommend this book to the crazy world as I see it an antidote to cure them. 
        When you reach this book in the Google search engine, you will reach the Youtube documentary called  “The DSM:  Psychiatry’s Deadliest Scam [The Marketing of Madness:  The Truth About Psychotropic Drugs]”.   It is really interesting as I saw the truth myself long long time ago when I was so diagnosed. 
        You will discover many interesting facts in life to stay sane / go insane.  When everything is commercialised on a large/small scale, everything is money, more money, , more money, more money, more money, more money, more money, more money, more $, more $........
It is the targeted amount of $ to make to boast about.  So as an individual, I advise you to be careful with whatever products in our market, be them direct sales / in retails.
        Nowadays, I also see the target that the private hospital attain to reach from the treatment of illnesses of people.  Is it not interesting to note and be aware of? 
        I hope you can understand this point in order to get inspired to comprehend many and many and many related facts in life.  Always think thrice /more before you pop in any medicine or health product so hotly recommended by your physicians / direct sales distributors. 
        I hope I don’t hurt any profession to say this.  One of my beloved brothers is a doctor, too.    So if I hurt other doctors, I hurt my beloved brother, too.  
        When my son got ill, because of all kinds of fear, I brought him to the doctor.  As a routine I think, the doctor always prescribed the required medicine:  antibiotics which the nurse /dispenser always told me to let him finish the dosage to prevent recurrence.  Well, I always thought without any blood test or ……….. how did the doctor know what kind of disease /virus he had?  Hence, once the fever came back to normal, I stopped giving him the prescribed antibiotics.   
        Before 5 years old, my son fell sick so often  that sometimes he had to go to see the doctor 2 times a week / a month.   When he was 5 years, I started preparing meals for the family.  I believed in food therapy:  Eating a clean and balanced diet for your good health. 
        It is my parents’ belief, too.  My father said once, “To let my children eat well, I could save a lot of money for medicine.”    Through my long years of observations and life experiences, I am convinced that it is true.  
        I also believe that in being close to Nature is a must way to stay in good health.   Good natural environment is the key to gooooooood health.
        Look, I seldom take medicine in life.  I seldom fall sick now.  In my early years/before 2000,  I got common colds so often but I always opt for natural healing.  When I was small, I had asthma every now and then.  With little / no medicine, asthma came and went. For the psychotropic medicine/ whatever I took when I had no choice.   Once I could sleep, I quit straight away.  I have seen it a kind of poison that will kill a person sooner / later.  The documentary:  The Marketing of Madness has once again stamped on my belief.  Avoid taking medicine of whatever kind if possible. 
        People say once you take HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE prescription, you have to take it for life.  Why?  Let’s find out together for our own good.   Why not?  Nowadays, everything seems to be counted in terms of money, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,
hence,  you have to be careful with everything for your own good. 
        Let’s be sensible, analytical, critical, sensitive and honest to ourselves for our own good.  

There is nothing wrong for your love of money as long as it is honestly earned  through proper means, not in devilish way like the one depicted in the documentary.  Like what the Chinese proverb says:  to gain your money through proper means.  [君子爱财,取之有道]。 

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