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Tuesday, 30 April 2013


输赢二重唱          1/5/2013

A:   Sibu 是个很奇怪的地方。
B:   是呀!确实是啊!
A:   东家政客财团办几分报纸
B 西家政客财团也办几份报纸  (购买的/拥大股份的)
A: 因此东家政客一唱
B:  便有西家政客一和
A  13届东家政客有:[民在我心, 还利于民]
B:     西家政客有:[一心一意,服务(人民)]
AB: 口号那么那么那么的好听。
A:       可是经过了308 洗礼之后;人民好像清醒很多很多很多了。
B   不再那么那么那么的天真了。
A:      人民懂得霸权垄断如何横行霸道; 知道民主是要公正公平自由竞争 
B:     懂了朋党和财团如何操控资源自肥,如何掠夺人民
AB: 知道BN701)政党和 PR(5588)政党的区别。
         虽然东家和西家报道都很吻合 (kiss-kiss):701 会赢2/3。 
     先下手为强:701 会赢2/3701 会赢2/3701 会赢2/3701 会赢2/3
 A:     不知事实是5588 占上风。  很可能2/3 5588 赢得。
B:      大家心中都有个谱。
AB:  大家都认同不要说:因为霸权朋党和财团是很可怕的。
       希望赢家/输家 都能保持冷静(Keep cool.) 保持绅士/淑女/妇的风
        度;都有体育精神。 输了就认输,鞠躬90度就退场。 这样/那样会

Jie du mi ma

Jie du mi ma     30/4/2013
Qing chi qu chi; gei qian qu na
Xuan piao, well, hai shi gei 58/ 5588(PR)
Dui bu qi! 
Wu shi liu nian lai qu
Jin shi ba quan he long duan
Peng dang he cai tuan [quan, zhi,you he xiang ]
Jin tian wo men yao 5588
Cong jian [min zhu] huan quan yu min:
Shi ren min [quan, zhi,you he xiang]
O, you 5588 ji hui da jia n wo feng yong xiang ta men

Najib lai Sibu:
You ren zhi zao u wo feng de qing xing
Chu xi zhe yi ge gei RM30
Aiya!  Ziyazip!

1758:一起Ubah 这点子:来自于我niece email 给我facebook。 我觉得太有意思啦。 于是我就想给PR 一个数字5588

Sunday, 28 April 2013


温故知新  (民间故事大家说)
              审查 (Auditing /ˈƆ:dItIŋ/)
     Taib Mahmud 和他的朋党已贪污舞弊滥权腐败到破底,还不停止,还继续不断的抢偷掠夺,抢偷掠夺,抢偷掠夺。
     Wong Soon Koh大声吠叫大家去找证据提控他们。 他吠叫得好轻松呀。 叫咱们[用蛋去击石头]:叫咱们去[送死]。挑战霸权只有[死路一条]这是自古到今不变的定律。 (1
     现在,咱们就请Wong Soon Koh, 陈华贵,陈冠勤,张泰卿。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。一起来观察/查这些专制独裁霸权偷盗多少人民血汗钱:
     Ferdinard Marcos (late president of the Philippines)   
      US XXbillion; 
      Suharto (Indonesia)US XXbillion, 
       Ben Ali (Tunisia)  US XX billion;  
       Hosni Mubarak (Egypt)US XX billion     
      国际组织调查到Gaddafi (Libya)US 150 billion /更多。 他不断的掠夺人民而使他们过[水深火热 ]苦日子。 人民是被逼反抗的。Taib Mahmud最近被国际组织调查到是Malaysia[暗中]最最有钱的人。 这是公开的秘密。  这证据还不够去提控他吗?Wong Soon Koh, 陈华贵,陈冠勤,张泰卿。。。为什么不为人民采取行动去提控他?为什么? 不然28岁姑娘怎么可能下嫁给一个74岁干枯的老头子呢? 需要争辩吗?
     这些证据会是假的吗?为什么MACC (Malaysia Anti-corruption Commission)没有调查他? 大家像我/我像大家都在寻问。 我不知道Wong Soon Koh, 陈华贵,陈冠勤,张泰卿。。。怎么说?咱们Sarawak 到处道路都很欠缺水准60%/更多还是泥土路。 无知的阿狗和阿猫对泥土路/雨天泥浆路,总是[无言问。。。。天]。 不然就笨笨的要求木山公司/棕油园来建路。 不知道这一切是BN执政的责任和义务。
   咱们被联邦政府 (Federal Government(FG)殖民了,也不知道。FG不断掠夺咱们。把咱们纳税人的钱胡乱浪费在[白象大工程]:送[太空人搭便机升空];。。。。。。。。。。。。。种种贪污舞弊滥权腐败行为(##¥¥··**/3428
   Taib Mahmud和其朋党设否有好好做事,砂州乡间道路,水沟。。。。。。。。。。基本措施是证据。咱们交通系统如何;要真正知道情形,走,大家不用私家车一个月来搭巴士体验一下。 最好是搭bus到砂州各处,更好玩。
     汽车政策强迫国人买贵车/烂车。AP进口车受益的只有那一小撮的人。 [以民为本]的口号对你来说听起来是否像狗吠(废话=狗吠)。 
   公共交通系统超低水平,正好搭配汽车政策强迫内个人买车,学车和制造路上塞车。 各位首相,首长,部长,长官们(··##¥¥&&/2348)耳聋眼瞎。 塞车一定要达到[水泄不通]时才来想方法解决。又无能解决,因此塞车便成为很多人的噩梦。 汽车销售[大过天],公共交通系统要靠边。
     咱们2348都是闲人。 不必面对赛车小//大问题,因此他们不会觉得塞车是什么逼切的问题,而是繁荣和进步。结果数十辆塞车,演变成数百辆,数千辆。。。。。。到处排长龙成为文化现象:[真繁荣和真进步]
     3428 /##¥¥··**的政府建的马路到处充满着[杀机] [杀人][杀鸡]还要快。 没有良好尺寸和水平准的马路是2348/··##¥¥**的杰作。看到向[贴药膏]的路面,很难不使人[磨牙切齿][恨之入骨]
     谈道路,很难不谈水沟,95%砂州的水沟是土沟。 土沟肯定100%会造成土蚀 (soil erosion.  土蚀会演变成道路下沉,可是2348总是对情况耳聋眼瞎。 3428笼罩的文化结的果:大家品尝够了吗?
   Malaysia面对各种等级的水灾,离不开咱们没有良好规划完善的排水系统息息相关。大家到处走走看看。 还有上游掠夺性的开发肯定也是造就水灾原因之一。
     讲了道路,交通和水沟,谈一下教育。 教育问题也是n箩箩。 没有能力加冷漠再加政治议程:教育就被一群政混/棍典当了。 教育拨款[大小眼]再加上3428,华小拨款53联邦/47州如一日,不足/欠缺。  只要BN执政的一天,华小师资问题根本不可能解决的。 连教育都要玩手段, 这样的政府还有救吗?
     大专院校私人化和引进那么多国外的大专院校。这是官商大合作掠夺人民。 [教育]建国之本都被[以个人利益]为主的政混/棍出卖了。 像国产车只值RM2万多 却卖 RM4万多/更多。大专院校私人开办学费和考试都超贵,普通课程至少要付RM70.000/更多;医药至少RM200.000/更多。读完便背一笔债。 收入凭苹要负担汽车,房屋和生活各种开销。逼人太甚。
     正常的医药服务是在政府医院;绝不是以[盈利为主]的私人医院。 政府医院一般医药服务都偏低。 很多人无法接受。  像买汽车,人民被逼去[私人医院]就诊。 这是非常不幸的。 医药服务就以[钱多少]等极化了。有钱有能力的都不会去政府医院,因此有人被逼借钱去医病。 我有见证。 很遗憾以肤色生产出来的医生,往往令人不敢领教。心生怕怕这些医生医术不高会[医死]人。 这是一般人的心声。(虽然我知道有的也是很好的)
     谈了交通,道路,水沟,教育和医药, 咱们也关心一下咱们砂州海洋。 自1998年海洋开放捕捉,掠夺到今天是否已接近枯歇了? 3428/##$$@@**(贪污舞弊揽权腐败)200多国外渔船在砂州海洋无限掠夺。Taib Mahmud 和他的朋党肯定从中得到好多好处。 听说有朋党一张licenceRM5000 月租出去。从1995 - 2011,我见证鱼获大减;鱼的素质和数量都大大不如前。 这是非常可悲的。
     物价失常的起价,2348有采取任何行动吗?Taib Mahmud 和他的朋党正好[坐享食成]。 高屋价=3428的收入,不是吗?屋价上涨,2348从不替人民发一言。 2012,Taib Mahmud有出面来说房屋定价RM30万是合理的。 他这个跟人民的距离市天和地那般远。 因此他不知道RM30的房屋对于80%的认是很大的负担。 他不会了解的。他也不会在乎的。 这个人只有个人权利和利益的。 Bus 费一喊涨,2348都一齐涌上来阻止。 这是很多人民无法忍受的事实。
     BN执政[劫穷济富]的政策是[2348,官联公司和财团。的群体为本]。 现在要U转成[以民为本]。怎。。。。。。么做啊? 咱们人民只能。。。。。。。。。。。。
     这国家3428太 严重了,有药可救吗?。 告诉我们怎样。。。。。。。。。。去解除种种[不以民为本]的政策。

1.房保德说有人有人有人3428。。。住豪宅,陈华贵叫他去找证据。我就马上想到当年Wong Soon Koh 版本。 因此,今天不惜花了2-3小时写了这旧年旧事了。(这是我很早以前手写的。现在才电脑打字。 我技术方面有点进步了。 不好意思。)

Happiness Vs Misery

                Happiness Versus Misery
                Siti Nurhaliza, a famous, beautiful, talented and sensational singer
(She is said to be),
is just too sensational to be true.
                Her greatest sensation, perhaps, is her triumph over Datuk Khalid
from his first wife, 20 years’ bond of marriage.
                Datuk K, no doubt, falls in love head over heel and heel over head for her
                His love for her is indeed big, so much bigger than that
for his first wife and 4 children adding up
                Her sensation, indeed, is so powerful that
she is able to break up the stronghold of 20 years’ bond of marriage
of Datuk K to his first wife and detach him from his 4 children.

                It’s sheer plundering done in the sheath of civilised manners
                It is again a young lady fall victim
to the wealth and social status of a man
                It is again another version how a young and beautiful woman
won the game so called “Love”: 
someone’s else’s husband and the children’s father
                You may see Siti, famous, beautiful, talented and sensational,
                But these qualities are crystallised
in the words called “plundering” and “lust”.
                She is but a highway robber.
                She is a curse to Datuk K’s first wife, Tengku Zawyah and his 4 children.

                It is rending pain to Datuk K’s first wife,
Tengku Zawyah to lose her husband
                It is excruciating pain to the children for losing the father.
                It is frustrating and embarrassing to see your father
marrying to a young and sensational lady.
                It is heart-breaking  to see the vow of marriage
of your ex-husband to another lady to be “everlasting”

                As a husband, he is supposed to be beside his wife
whenever he can in the  cultivation of the children
                but he chooses to flirt with a young sensational songbird
                As a father, he is supposed to be ever-ready
to guide and set good example to his children
                but he chooses to dally with the young and sensational songbird

                Siti Nurhaliza’s marriage to Datuk K was broadcast in TV3
                They chose to keep their marriage in high profile.
                They, indeed, had a good display to showcase of their marriage.
                Siti, no doubt, beam with happiness, with so much to show off.
                However, it is hard for mature adults
not to associate the thoughts of the conditions
of Datuk K’s first wife, Tengku Zawyah and their 4 children
                Unfortunately, Siti’s happiness is always accompanied
by another woman’s misery and the 4 children’s sense of loss.

        Siti’s marriage to Datuk has been so rationalised and justified
                University Kebangsaan Malaysia’s broadcasting and mass communication
                lecturer Prof Madya Dr Asiah Sarji said, “Siti has certain values that………”
(The Borneo Post, “Whole nation’s abuzz as Siti’s wedding draws near”
Sunday, August 20, 2006)
                (I really can see any positive value in this union but lust and indulgence.)
                Siti, certainly, has all the commercial value to TV3
                It is disgusting and disheartening to see that
glorification of one famous, sensational singer can come to this extent
                It is just too commercialised to be real
                It is but the union of “lust” and ”indulgence”.
                The lady gets hooked to wealth and social rank
                The man abandons himself to sensation and immediate gratification                  
                It is so ridiculous to see such a show of union
with the man vowing everlasting love
                   when he broke the vow of marriage
to his first wife of 20 years’ bond of marriage not long ago
                It is as absurd to their children to witness their father’s pledge
his everlasting love for another woman.

                It is very selfish and senseless show-off
without consideration of the feelings
of Datuk K’s first wife, Tengku Zawyah and the 4 children              
                It is over enactment of self-glorification
                It is very cruel and irresponsible acts.          
                No second wife in Asia as far as I know, 
can afford to make such a big show of her marriage

                I think we all need to relearn the virtue called “shame”
so that we know how to distinguish “shame” from “shameless”
                so that we see the beautiful side and we also know the ugly side
                We all should learn to see how Siti broke up a family
                We all should learn to hear the groan of pain and hurt
of Datuk K’s first wife, Tengku Zawyah and the 4 children
                We all should feel how miserable and depressed
Datuk K’s first wife, Tengku Zawyah and 4 children can be
                We all should also learn to distinguish fragrant smell
from stinking rotten smell