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Saturday, 27 October 2012

How capable is our BN government? (III)

How capable is our BN government?  (III)
4.  Rosnah: Triage system reduces waiting time  (Friday, 12 Oct 2012 Home.  The
     Borneo Post) 

For the green zone, the maximum waiting  time is 90 minutes, yellow zone, 15 minutes; and red zone, no waiting time at all. 
  Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rahid Shirin, deputy health minister

Kuala Lumpur:  The Health Ministry has introduced the Triage System at the emergency department in hospitals to reduce patients’ waiting time for treatment…………

          Why can’t people in the green zone only  need to wait for 15 minutes most; 
 no waiting time for those  in yellow and red zones?  Remember it is at the EMERGENCY department in hospitals!   Why has gone wrong with the BN government? 
If there are 6 bands of grading A – F for the hospitals.  Which band are our hospitals in?  Do the polling to find out. 

5.   “ Be open-minded on UEC Tiong urges government”  (Friday, 12Oct2012.Home.    
       The Borneo Post ) 

          The Education Ministry should have long evaluated and given accreditation to the
          examination system of Chinese independent schools
          Datuk Tion Thai King, Lanang MP

          It is no doubt so ridiculous for the BN minister to tell the BN government led by Najib to be open-minded on UEC (the United Examination Certificate).   It is so much like ‘self-talk’.  The UEC is recognised almost everywhere in the world except our mother country.  It is the game that our Chinese ministers like to play so much to win in the election.  It is also a show our Chinese ministers like to perform with other BN Big brothers  years after years.  It is a good game called “Give a bit” at an election to create the excitement and thrill.  
          The Chinese especially those shackled and leashed with Datuk, Tan Sri, Tun, Temengong, Kapitam and also those money-minded leaders…………. are the ones who had misled the Chinese for ages.  It is not until 2006 in Sarawak, the Chinese in general  have become enlightened finally.   This no doubt inspired the Chinese, many Malays, Indians and so on  in Peninsular Malaysia to decide to do something for their own good.
This in turn further inspired the people in general in the 2010 election in Sarawak.  Hence we witnessed that the 45% of the people were on the side of PR.  This is no doubt a good turn leading to another good turn and more and more.
          This is the awareness and enlightenment.  I see it to be whole-world-wide awareness and enlightenment to fight for true democracy for our own good.  We just cannot let our political thugs to plunder, exploit and betray us anymore.  Hence we see the Jasmine Revolt taking place in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Syria…………..  .  It is about the same thing how these demon-like leaders and their cronies amassed ill-gotten wealth at the expense of the people.
          Our plights and distresses and anguishes in the micro- and macro-environment are directly and indirectly related to the policies and practices of our government.

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