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Saturday, 27 October 2012

50,000 houses

                                      50,000 Houses                                     21/Oct/2012
          It is said 50,000 houses will be built by the government in ??? areas in Peninsular Malaysia.   I heard the news on the radio.  It really sounds so goodlah!  These houses would be so much cheaper than those built by the developers from the private companies.  Again it sounds so heartening and encouraging.
          However and ever, I hope all these houses are built with the right materials and right measurements for comfortable living.  Don’t built anymore kennel-like houses to torture people.  I hope all these houses will be built with the right specifications.  Hence they need to reconsider the sizes in width, length and height seriously before someone signs the approval and gives the permits.  Otherwise, I believe there will be heaps, piles and mounds of curses cast on the BN government. 
          A normal size of kitchen should be 15’ X 20’; the sitting room 25’ X 30’ and the room 15’ X 20’.  The height for the double-storey is to be 11’ or more.  For the low-cost single-storey, let the height be 12’ or more.  Set the proper and decent size of the houses for the poor.  Don’t build kennel-like houses to coop them.  The quality of the houses is one of the good indicator / index to tell whether the government is good or bad just like our road system.
          At Mile 8, Oya Road in Sibu, Sarawak, a friend told me that the low-cost houses were so small that even the master room was smaller than my kitchen (9’4” X 13’10”).  The ceiling, well, was very low.  He told me that his six-foot tall wardrobe might need to chip off a foot to get in the room.  That was his perception of the houses anyway.  I have not gone there to see myself.  If it were true as he described, it would be curses upon curses on the BN government led by Taib Mahmud and his cronies. 
          In future, I believe more and more people will be aware of their rights for the quality houses.  Hence setting the specifications clearly will be the first concern of our ministry of housing and development to guard for the interests of house buyers.  They will never sign the documents blindly and lightly anymore.  There should not be any more comprising for house building.  They should never let the developers and contractors to take full advantages of house buyers.
          I hope everyone of us should stand guard for one another to make sure that there is no abuse of power, corruption and collusion in this effort to build enough houses for house buyers at an affordable price with the quality control.  Otherwise, I think we people should rally in mass demonstration to sue the government if they lose in the 13th election, those who are responsible should be prepared to stand the tribunal and face the heavy penalty. 

It is idiotic

                    It is Idiotic                                                    21/10/12
          It is indeed very idiotic of Chai See Loi, the chairman of MCA to say that people are not bothered to see 30 over government agencies engaged in corruption, and collusion.  Corruption can lead to bankruptcy and collapse of the country.  Who is not concerned?  It is just too catastrophic to endure.  It is worse than AIDS and cancer.
          He may allow his wild imagination to lead him to believe that the Chinese are about-turn again to support the BN government after 308.  He seems to be able to call thousands and thousands of Chinese to banquet with MCA (Malaysia Chinese Association ).  He may create ‘hope’ for himself.  He may rebuild his confidence through this illusion when he is so blurred about the whole situation.
          He may bring up the Hudud of Islam in desperation to threaten the non-Muslims again and again.  But his words only generate disgust and contempt.  What for?  Nowadays many BN leaders like Tiong Thai King, Wong Soon Koh, Vincent Lau Lee Ming (like possessed by his late uncle Robert Lau)……………howl on this issue to threaten the non-Muslims.  We people no longer think Hudud of Islam a threat.  It is impossible to implement the law without the support of the majority. 
          Here I would like to advise him and other leaders to vest enough time to study the needs and difficulties of the people and serve people sincerely and honestly to win the hearts.  The age when the magic words had the potency to put people under spell has gone forever and ever.  It is the age of competition and re-acknowledgement of democracy as a system of government by the people, for the people and of the people.  The pact which can offer the best service and really can guard the interests for the people wins.  It is people-centred, not leader-centred anymore. 
Hence it is wise to identify the needs and difficulties of the people to help them with your utmost effort.  One of the basic needs is a quality house to buy at an affordable price.  Another urgent need is the improvement of public transport with good service and connectivity.  Our education system really needs serious attention, too.    Does the recent proposed education plan fulfil the needs of multi-racial Malaysians?  You had better check it many times.  What about the medical services in Malaysia?  Find out whether the people are happy with the services.
          Nowadays you may find it getting harder and harder to win people’s hearts because we are no longer so idiotic.  To re-establish a democratic form of government requires full-participation of every individual to make it right.  We must know how to guard our interests for our own good.  We just cannot rely our leaders totally to guard our interests.  Depending and trusting our leaders so much for the past 49-55 years end up being exploited and plundered and betrayed.   It is time everybody takes up responsibility to guard the interests of us.  Be the ‘eyes and ears’ and be more mind-focused on the implementation of any development projects for our own good.  We people must work together to ensure true practice of democracy

Do we need to wait anymore if.....?

Do we need to wait anymore if…?    26/Oct/12
          It is said we can pull a bull to the pool but we can’t force the bull, the fool to drink water from the pool.  Is Manyin not the fool who still can remain so cool when our colonial master in Peninsular Malaysia refuses him with the excuse that the dual-carriage for the Pan-Borneo ‘Highway’ is only possible if we have 20 thousand road users daily to qualify for it?  He only feels unhappy, not angry or exasperated and shouts back to demand for it.  That is why our colonial master in PM (Peninsular Malaysia) just takes him lightly.  It is people’s fault to select such a weakling to be our representative.
          He should shout to let them know if our colonial master in PM wants to see the total fatal deaths on PBH (Pan-Borneo Highway) to reach 200 thousands or more to see the needs.  It is reported that “1.3 deaths on S’wak roads daily”  (The Borneo Post).  Are they waiting for us to hold mass demonstration to protest and uproar and down-roar or sue the Federal government.   What a fool of the fools!  Well………..the 13th general election is just around the corner, we Sarawakians should be well-prepared and united to flush out those ministers who have failed us repeatedly like how we do to our toilets.  We should support and negotiate with Pakatan Rakyat for better deals.  They have also promised us of the upgrading of PBH.  Why not?  Does the BN government have anymore chance to upgrade the PBH for us, heeeeeeee (sinister snicker)? 
          He puts the blame of the road accidents on road users.  I don’t know how many times he has repeated that “ 65% of the fatal road accidents are due to human factors.”  It is no doubt easy to cover up his disabilities to do much to upgrade the road system.  He has been the minister for too long.  It is time to flush him for our own good. Be wise, dear brethrens young and old, male and female.   
Manyin, our MP, the fool, said that more and more people bought cars because of low insurance charge and road tax.  Is it true?
Believe me we are for sure, can have the speedy upgrading of the road to the dual-carriage in three years’ time if PR takes control over the government in federal level.  They need to prove to us that they are so much better to win our supports.  This is the practice of democracy by the people, for the people and of the people when the two parties start competing to serve people to win the hearts to triumph in the election.   The age of people’s power has come and thus it is the one who can service us people best to win.  That’s it!

How capable is our BN government? (III)

How capable is our BN government?  (III)
4.  Rosnah: Triage system reduces waiting time  (Friday, 12 Oct 2012 Home.  The
     Borneo Post) 

For the green zone, the maximum waiting  time is 90 minutes, yellow zone, 15 minutes; and red zone, no waiting time at all. 
  Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rahid Shirin, deputy health minister

Kuala Lumpur:  The Health Ministry has introduced the Triage System at the emergency department in hospitals to reduce patients’ waiting time for treatment…………

          Why can’t people in the green zone only  need to wait for 15 minutes most; 
 no waiting time for those  in yellow and red zones?  Remember it is at the EMERGENCY department in hospitals!   Why has gone wrong with the BN government? 
If there are 6 bands of grading A – F for the hospitals.  Which band are our hospitals in?  Do the polling to find out. 

5.   “ Be open-minded on UEC Tiong urges government”  (Friday, 12Oct2012.Home.    
       The Borneo Post ) 

          The Education Ministry should have long evaluated and given accreditation to the
          examination system of Chinese independent schools
          Datuk Tion Thai King, Lanang MP

          It is no doubt so ridiculous for the BN minister to tell the BN government led by Najib to be open-minded on UEC (the United Examination Certificate).   It is so much like ‘self-talk’.  The UEC is recognised almost everywhere in the world except our mother country.  It is the game that our Chinese ministers like to play so much to win in the election.  It is also a show our Chinese ministers like to perform with other BN Big brothers  years after years.  It is a good game called “Give a bit” at an election to create the excitement and thrill.  
          The Chinese especially those shackled and leashed with Datuk, Tan Sri, Tun, Temengong, Kapitam and also those money-minded leaders…………. are the ones who had misled the Chinese for ages.  It is not until 2006 in Sarawak, the Chinese in general  have become enlightened finally.   This no doubt inspired the Chinese, many Malays, Indians and so on  in Peninsular Malaysia to decide to do something for their own good.
This in turn further inspired the people in general in the 2010 election in Sarawak.  Hence we witnessed that the 45% of the people were on the side of PR.  This is no doubt a good turn leading to another good turn and more and more.
          This is the awareness and enlightenment.  I see it to be whole-world-wide awareness and enlightenment to fight for true democracy for our own good.  We just cannot let our political thugs to plunder, exploit and betray us anymore.  Hence we see the Jasmine Revolt taking place in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Syria…………..  .  It is about the same thing how these demon-like leaders and their cronies amassed ill-gotten wealth at the expense of the people.
          Our plights and distresses and anguishes in the micro- and macro-environment are directly and indirectly related to the policies and practices of our government.