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Monday, 5 March 2012


Actions                                                                            1/3/2012
          If you have pleaded long enough, if you have asked for your rights long enough, if you have requested long enough for the justification, if you have also called for attention through the press, ………….. but you have not received any proper response to get the situations rectified.  I think it is time for other actions to express yourselves.  Protests /Demonstrations are usually the last resort which we people fall onto with abandoned care for our lives.   People are forced to actions when the authorities fall short of their responsibilities and duties. 
          Count how long the Chinese, Tamil, …….  primary schools have faced the shortage of qualified teachers, dilapidated school buildings, insufficient classrooms,  insufficient funds to run the school, …………   Relate the problems that we know well to justify our actions to protest/ demonstrate. 
Dongzong (董总) is going to hold mass demonstration on 25th March, 2012 to protest the indifferent attitudes of the BN government towards the woes of the shortage of qualified teachers of the Chinese primary schools.  It has been intentionally discriminated and neglected by the BN government for the late 30 plus years.  Now the leaders of Dongzong decided to tell the whole-wide world all about the plights and to get the attention to rectify the situations once and for all.  It is also the time to rally people especially the self-interested minded Chinese to think several times when casting the votes in the 13th general election. 
          The self-interested minded persons like those holding the titles  Datuk, Tan sri, Kapitan, Pemanca…………and also those holding the positions like ministers, councillors and high ranking officers in the government agencies are always the ones who betray us, people.   They speak and act for the government and their consortiums related to their self-interest and gains.  For the past 20+ years , I have observed and studied these people and found that how they serve their dictatorial masters be they prime minister or chief ministers.  They are shackled by these dictators to speak and act for the likes and dislikes of their masters.  They are the people who are ever ready to suppress and oppress  we people in order to protect their self-interest and gains.  The so-called people’s representatives for the BN government 99% always turn their back once they were elected.  Give me examples of those BN representatives who really speak and act for people. 
          Yes, one or two spoke for the interest of people BUT they have to face the risk of being discriminated and condemned by the dictator and his subordinates.  Hulu Rajang MP Datuk Billy Abit Joo in his ‘Consider impact on people’ .  (Monday, 27th  February 2012.  Region D1.  the Borneo Post)  He spoke against the building of 10 -11 more dams in Sarawak.  We people know astronomical amount in commission or kind Taib Mahmud and his cronies can gain from the project.  I believe he will not have peace anymore with his dictatorial master Taib Mahmud and his cronies.  Just wait and see how they are going to treat him.
          If our representatives have done their work, speak for us and fulfilled their promises, do you think we people still have to come out to fight for our rights in mass protests?   Our fishermen association often has to voice their distress as a result of the marine policy allowing the foreign fishing trawlers to fish in Sarawak waters.  Once years ago, fishermen in different localities in Malaysia had to scream for attention of their plights.  
Our Dayak friends have to shill in public for the rights over the land that was taken over by the large plantation companies by force every now and then.  Our native friends often have to block the road to demand for the repair of the road and request for a proper road connection.  In February, 2012 weeks ago, people from  Tatau had no choice but came to the press to highlight their plights of poor quality of water supply, road condition and drainage.  They had lodged their complaints to the authorities concerned but the problems were not resolved.   They also did not know where to  look for their so-called representative. 
‘Not true that Sarawak neglected by federal govt’  Dewan Negara president Tan Sri Abu Zahar Ujang refuted claims that Sarawak is not a priority of the federal BN government in as far as development initiatives were concerned.

What a blind and shit talk!  If it is true, that means faeces is the last stage of  food  which is food for them, too, right?.   Abu Zahar Ujang should go around Sarawak on road to assess and evaluate the roads especially the Pan Borneo ‘Highway’ which we see it as a long, narrow and winding kampung road.  Many Chinese road users describes it as a goat’s intestines (羊肠小径) which we really feel ashamed to be called ‘highway’.   It is a very dangerous road to travel along.   
I do not know what our foreign friends from America, Australia, England, Germany, Italy ……………. who know the standard of highway would think of us.  I wonder if it is a laughing stock to them.  The chairman of Lorry Association has appealed many times already in the press to Yong Khoon Seng and Manying who are the ministers of the Public Works Department.  But their plights always fall on the deaf ears.  The road system and the drainage and irrigation system we have are evidenced enough to tell everybody how well taken care of we have been since Sarawak joined the Federation of Malaysia.  Ask yourselves, is it a curse or blessing?  Is Peninsular Master another colonial power we fall prey to?
‘Locals question quality of Trusan-Long Tengoa road’  (Saturday, 25th February, Home p.14.  the Borneo Post).  The Lun Bawang and Tagal communities from 10 villages along the newly completed Trusan-Long Tengoa road in the state’s northern most region are crying foul about the sub-standard quality of the road

PKR leader, Baur Bian had to step out to call for attention.  Invite Abu Zahar Ujang to go to evaluate this road.  Don’t sit in the air-conditioned room to blind and shit talk about how kind our Federal Peninsular Master is.  We people understand how corruption is ‘eating’ us, people.  How to develop a place when every allocation fund about 60% is embezzled in the process.  
Another place Abu Zahar should go to investigate Miri-Marudi road.  Please refer to ‘Difficult Ride’ (Wednesday, 22nd February, 2012.  Region D3.  The Borneo Post).  It is right below the report ‘Kapitan urges Chinese to vote for BN’.  Isn’t it ridiculous and shameless of this kapitan to urge Chinese voters to vote for the corrupt and abusive dictatorial master and his cronies?
          I hope we people can be so united this time in the 13th general election to topple the BN government so that we can break off these corrupt and abusive BN leaders from embezzlement since time immemorial.   Like how the people in Taiwan once ditched out the Guomindang (国民党) party and cleanse the government of all the cancerous tumour and let 民进党take reign for 8 years to re-establish democracy in Taiwan. 
The ex-premier Ting Sui Bian has been so corrupt and abusive and so he is imprisoned.  In the past during the reign Jiang Jie Shih (蒋介石) and his son Jiang Jin Guo(蒋经国), this father and son were even more corrupt and abusive but they were spared.  But the change of the government fostered the policy to trial the corrupt and abusive premier and so the progress of democracy.  So ex-premier Ting Sui Bian is imprisoned now for all his criminal charges.  Now Guomindang led by Ma Ying Jiu takes reign again but the party is  so much better now.  This is what we want the BN government to undergo through to be cleansed thoroughly and be reborn again to compete with the Pakatan Rakyat. The dual systems of government for sure can serve us people better.  Please be prepared to change for better, healthier and happier life.  Why not?

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