Beware of your corrupt and abusive leaders 16/ 2/2012
Beware of your leaders be he/ she Prime Minister, Chief Ministers, Ministers. Long house leaders, local leaders and the like. Do not lose yourselves in their words and their pleads to support BN or PR. As an individual, you should engage yourself in a serious thought, meditation and discussion with friends. You can also source more professional / unprofessional information from the mass media and sort out. Yes, I seldom take any information for granted. I always mediate, observe, probe and investigate before I put forth my opinions and thoughts. Knowledge is power and wealth. Reading is the best pathway to this wealth. Besides meditation and reasoning are the ‘good friends’ to help you remain neutral and sensible.
Past 54/48 years, we have witnessed enough how people fell prey everywhere to these thugs / rascal. They are thieves of democracy. The peoples in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia ………..fell victim to their own leaders. The whole world witness how these leaders amassed astronomical wealth at the expense of the poor and ignorant people and how they were fooled. Let’s look around us to check if the same things happen here.
The Jasmine Revolts in the Middle East serve good examples for every individual everywhere to refer to. This is the age of internet and the age where individuals are expected to act and react strong enough to counteract corrupt and leaders-charged force to abuse, dictate, manipulate and monopolise to their advantages only. In Malaysia, we all bear witness how BN leaders since the time of Makhatir (Dr. M - Megalomaniac) and the government linked companies and their families, relatives and their cronies gain at the expense of the poor, ignorant and foolish people.
It is time everyone must know his / her (hiser) rights and responsibilities to help one another to know their rights and responsibilities in order to uphold the spirit of democracy for the good of everybody.
I enjoy listening to individual relating their life experiences and their witnesses with their countries. I also enjoy telling others stories about my life experiences and witnesses of the difficulties and hardship caused by irresponsible BN government in my locality, in Sibu, Sarawak and other places which I am sure I got the facts. I read two copies of newspaper almost every day. For English newspapers, I sometimes have to catch up some other time if I cannot read on the same day. For the past 21+ years, I never let a day pass without reading newspapers. Hence I am well-informed how each leader talks and acts very well.
I saw how Dr. M blundered and plundered through his tenure as the 4th PM of Malaysia. How he shamelessly and senseless dealt with various issues in Malaysia. I believe many friends are able to relate specifically what he has done and what consequences he has led us to. I think nobody will forget his evil acts in sacking the chief Judge and others and how he messed up the Judicial system with his two dirty hands in 1988.
Lately he talked about the virtue of ‘shame’. He only notices it now, I think. He sees that the Japanese are sensitive to their wrongdoing and have the sense of shame. He advised people to have the sense of shame like the Japanese when he did / does not know much about the real sense of shame. Months ago in Sarawak, I saw how Taib Mahmud deliver speech on integrity which he does not have at all. I believe more than half of Sarawakians snickered, scorned, scoffed, sneered and chuckled at his speech of integrity. He is looked down upon as the most corrupt and abusive one in the whole-wide Malaysia. We are all eager to flush him out.
Lately he repeated many times how Sarawak will become the richest state by 2030 from the second poorest state now. What an arch liar! I witnessed what he said there would be enough houses for Sarawakians about 16 years ago. Have this fact become materialised?
Ask yourselves, friends, is it true? Don’t be fooled anymore. We should count on what the BN government led by Taib Mahmud and his cronies have done so far in the public sectors excluding the private sectors. Don’t mix up the development in the private sectors. Please focus on the public sectors. Let assess the basic infrastructures like water and electricity supply everywhere in Sarawak, the education system, the road system, the drainage & irrigation system, the marine policy, the security system, the land code, the preservation and conservation of the environment, job opportunities ……………Sarawak as a whole.
Future is too elusive for us to catch when we never see and grasp anything concrete, secure and systematic enough to be convinced.
These two figures Dr. M and Taib Mahmud are the emblems of corruption, abuse and dictatorship. I witness how they lie. For the minor leaders, it is also not hard to detect how they direct people attention to their promises in the future too far for many people to visualise. They want to fool people and fish their votes.
I think we people should focus on what these ministers have done for us everywhere in Sarawak up to now. We should all learn to look around us and check how many promises have been fulfilled. Promises are made to fulfil not to break, right? We all should have the checklist to assess and evaluate Taib Mahmud and BN ministers.
The 13th general election is coming, some guessed in April, some guessed in May and I guess it won’t come so soon because Najib is not so confident though he goes everywhere to get assurance. But he is still not sure and feels elusive. I guess his heart is still ‘qi shang ba xia’ (七上八下) so hesitant. He knows there is a big gap between the reality and the promises. He knows people are no longer the same anymore especially after the witnesses of merits of dual system of democracy. He knows the overall Malaysians are exasperated at distribution of wealth only to be confined to the BN leaders, consortiums and related organizations and some privileged ones. It only reaches 20% of the people and they enjoy life at the majority of the people. Another 20% are struggling hard to upkeep their standard of living. The other 60% are at the mercy of these political thugs.
Nevertheless the BN political thugs all gear up again to set out to woo people again. So we see, “Vote BN this time, Pelagus folk told” Wilson Nyabong, a political secretary to the Chief Minister. He told them “how they were deprived of the allocation of RM2.5 million for the constituency for five years based on an annual allocation of RM500,000 for a state assembly member”. How foolish to use this ploy again when people see and feel that they gained nothing for the past years when their representatives failed to allocate the money properly or clearly. People now are investigating how much allocated money have been used properly for the good of the community and how much have been deposited to their private accounts.
In Sibu, Kuching, Miri, and Bintulu towns the allocations of fund to the representatives have lost the appeal totally. We are now interested to find out how these representatives have used the money especially for these ministers like Wong Soon Koh, Tiong Thai King, Vincent Goh ………….., For deceased Robert Lau, we often wonder he had been ministers for almost 4 full terms how he used the RM500,000 X 19 + years.
“Bigger airport for Mukah if I win, “ promises Dr Toyad. How stupid to fool people like this again since time immemorial.
We will see more and more promises for the future when these political thugs cannot account for what they have promised tangibly for the people they represent. No doubt Najib holds fear for so many unfulfilled promises and many more promises for the future.
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