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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Look beyong your nose

Look beyond your nose                                                     27/2/2012
          Are you well-prepared for the 13th general election which some guessed will come in May but I believe will come after Ramadan (when) or 2 or 3 months before March 2013.  Najib is not so confident though he seems to get assurance from different quarters especially his comrades.  Well, well, have you check-listed to assess and evaluate the leaders in your constituencies?  Check if they have fulfilled their promises and  what they have done in terms of time and quality.  Never again let your long house / short house chiefs / community leaders to decide for you whom to vote for and get a sum of money.  In short, do not sell your votes in exchange for the sum of money.  If your chiefs or leaders bring money for you, take it but decide yourselves whom to vote for.  The money after all is ours, taxpayers’ money abusively used in vote buying, for sure.
          Awang Tengah Ali pleaded people to give a fresh mandate to the BN party.  Think critically the reasons why you should.  Get the ideas of the first class standard or quality of the product and compare the product being delivered to you.  Calculate the amount of allocation funds and the quality of the product to decide whether a lump sum of money has been embezzled in the process.  It is the responsibility of everyone in the community to check and scrutinise the project and the product.  Be prepared to sue the government for the poor product.
          “Vote for BN” Ahmad Lai Bujang, Sibuti MP, tells people.  Ask yourselves what he has promised and what promises he has fulfilled for the people in Sibuti. 

The people here are reminded to vote only BN candidates and not to gamble their future by voting the opposition in the coming general election.  (23rd February, 2012.  Home, the Borneo Post, p.14)
          Changing the system of government is a norm in a true democratic countries like United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand……….. and so on.  In just concluded election in Taiwan, we see the progress of the mechanism of democracy there and better quality of life.  Why does he think that giving the mandate to Pakatan Rakyat (PR) party is gambling your future?  Are you treated like fools?   I hope new Dayaks know better which party to support in the 13th general election if we want a holistic development in Sarawak as a whole.

Sibuti MP Ahmad Lai Bujang said the opposition was only keen at looking for weakness in the BN government and would use them as weapons to manipulate the people, especially those in the rural areas.

          70% or more Chinese  are supporting the opposition.  Do you think we are fools?   The development of Sarawak is too much manipulated by Taib Mahmud and his cronies.  Hence our development is partial, isolated and poor like the road system, the drainage and irrigation system, medical services, education…….. we have.  Find out more yourselves from friends, relatives and other sources to clarify in order to evaluate properly. 
          Be wise and bold for change for better life with good infrastructures like well-connected and good road system throughout Sarawak, good drainage and irrigation system to prevent annual floods and landslides, proper medical services with a good staff of medical personnel and services for different diseases, good system of education for all…………..  It has been 48 years since we joined the Federation of Malaysia, what do we gain?  Ponder on it!

Monday, 27 February 2012


解读Najib的转型                     25/2/2012
       天天听到Najib和他的队伍喊转型。到今天我还没搞清楚Najib要从那一原模型转到那一新模型。 转型肯定有个起源点:从G型转成C型或从B型型转成 P型或从M型转成W. 决不回原点. 我不知道Najib自己有搞清楚他要如何出发
       30多年来去搞的模型都是马哈地M, 大家说/Najib 如何把它转变成W. Najib在独裁专制霸权的机制里如何转动独裁专制霸权形成民主自由开放公平又公正的W新模型? 这些大动作Najib行吗转型有很多大动作要进行, Najib能做到吗M型转成W. :
1.  从干捞转型到不干捞是一种要改朝换代的转变力量.
2.  从权贵特权转型到弱势特权是要全民的同心协力大动作
3.  从独裁专制霸权的意愿转型成人民的意愿, Najib会坚持吗
Lynas, (rare earth) 土提炼厂和苏丹街是霸权和民主之战.也是咱们人民考验 
Najib口号与转型真假 的试金.
4. 从坐享其成转型到刻苦耐劳,虚心努力学习技术和发挥潜能去谋生计是要undo
5. 从发展拨款做秀去捞取选票转型到有原则有系统制度的拨款发展地方
基本措施, Najib愿意 ma?
6. 从垄断转型到不垄断: 请来砂州处理Taib Mahmud 和他的朋党所垄断的组织
7. 从中央集权解散一下给州政府的转型Najib 会考慮吗?
8. 从种种私营化转型到不私营化, 转得来吗?
9. 从普通收入转型到高收入,怎么赚? Najib真的要列出良方. 列如bus-driver 
要增加收,就要增加远载次数,要加倍时速从60km/hour 120 km/hour不等
现在就有这样的情形. 因此,就有如此频发的巴士车祸咯. 我有个朋友和家人
Genting Highlands, 经历bus-driver赶场增加收入? 车开得好快. 好可怜.
10. 从二,三 十霸权,权贵的[,有和享]转型到人民[,有和享], 
11. 从根深蒂固的贪污舞弊滥权腐败转型成廉洁, 是要远用大大的刀,阔阔的釜,
大切割,斩除, Najib有足够勇气进行ma?
12. 从不可告人的机密转型成公开,透明的文件,Najib应付得来吗?
15. 还有很多很多转型要进行, Najib…………………开始了吗

民主制度在马哈地胡乱非为下变霸权,霸权经营下制造贪污舞弊滥权腐败的温床. Najib肯定不好意思 直接说要从建民主. 因此用RM28 million 重新包装民主耍了很多花巧. 白白浪费人民血汗钱. 好可恶. 很令人恹恶.

13届国选要来了,我猜Najib能拖多久便拖多久. 很可能是明年正月. 这肯定是一场硬战. 人民,不论是哪一族群都思变我真希望大家都会好好用自己的智慧

Thursday, 23 February 2012


官方话                                                24/2/2012
      魏家祥大官驾到咱们砂州来了解小民的大大小小的教育和学校难题. Najib这次好像玩真的.  可是还是作秀重重, 因为他没有好好在政策下手,按照制度有系统地来拨款和处理华小大小问题, 而不是如此小人的耍弄华小课题. 我希望华人领袖会好好发威发威, 不要怕掉了Datuk头衔和失官位. 坚持民主原则和权力到底, 决不妥协. 不要再犯贱了, 奴才心态十足. 一心一意想投好首相和首长. 不理民主本位. 真的是民主遇到盗贼. 各族群领袖用盗贼心态去迎合独裁者的喜恶.  因此咱们人民的权益都被领袖们典当掉,不然怎么出现发展拨款要那么辛苦的要去乞讨和争取的现象呢?  人民的权力在哪儿?  
      [AB]是近年来去的师资处理的手段. 硬塞给华小不识华文的教师. 魏大官说董事部应该坚硬拒绝不识华文师资,坚硬更坚硬要求正式教师. …………这就是咱们族群的高官领袖作为. 自己不敢要求,不要提出, 没负做为人民代表的责任. 却把责任推给下司. 这个案,魏大人却把责任推给董事部了事. 这是人民代表,不代表的最真的写照.  …………… 殊不知,现今有很多会批判,眼尖耳利的民众.
      今年Sibu才开元,RTM,一家惨被一个17岁少年杀害. 房屋地方部长高官Wong Soon Koh Sibu市议会正副主席Tiong Thai King and Daniel Ngieng 也是完全推卸责任. 没有办妥入伙纸,代表没有建好屋子,但是developers / contractors却可以go ahead 去申请水电. 因此让买屋者有机可乘搬进去住. 黄大人认为买屋者有责任. 他们应该爬高高去查看. …….. 什么都要自己来,咱们要这些部长高官人员来干嘛?  成立政府示为了保护和方便人民. 如果不能,政府机构部长高官要来干嘛?
      魏大官也说砂州师资不足是因为西马教师不适应乡区. 是呀! 但是,William Gani(chairman of Sarawak Teacher Union), 我不知道他要求过几次:训练砂州乡区当地师资,可是他的话都在空中飘呀飘. 因为他太客气啦. 因为咱们首相,首长,部长高官们[以己为本],因为人民太软弱了. 不懂维护个人权益. 所以我希望大家同心合力一起来取争回咱们人民的权//利益. 人民代表,算了吧! 没有用! 肯定再锁定. 人民本位,自己来. 
      魏大官也也说砂州是2009/2010(?)教育拨款最多一州. 这咱们人民觉得很有意思. 据报道咱们Sibu还拿足最多的欸/! 现在就让咱们来研究一两下联邦教育拨款有多多/多少近30.?  谈多少一定要说 拨款给小学总额total是多少? 这样来谈多少才比较不会那么黑黑的,不知道自己拿多少的多/ 多少的少. 这样那样大家都明明白白的多/.  个人我没有本事查找. 还是有请各位领袖去找查给咱们人民一个清清白白的交代. 咱们人民已很厌恶这些没头没尾的多/. 最好不要让咱们人民觉得[魏说8]. (/没有胡说八道.)     

Monday, 20 February 2012


PASLogic                                   21/2/2012
PAS+DAP +PKR = PR (Patakan Rakyat). PAS, 回教党的理想是在我国建回教福利国。DAP, 行动党的理想时建立真正的民主国。PKR,公正党的理想也是建立真正的民主国。都很好啊。
     PAS 有什么可怕(pa). 可不要自己吓自己到尿失禁,屎直流哦。这是什么年代了。 PAS要建回教福利国,叫他们民意不顾的go ahead,可能吗?怕什么? 林冠英跟蔡细历雄辩是没有必要对PAS课题那么吞吞吐吐的。 想几下PAS单独可能建国吗?这可是[民权抬头时代],一切决定可要大大小小考量民意啊。 单党鬼叫鬼叫就可行吗?你们logic在哪儿?别那么天真咯!
     大家想几下,民主在BN执政在马哈地的胡乱非为操弄下变独裁,却口口声声说[以民为本]。 这23 十年来去都是[以独裁权贵本也为主]。他们[权,有和享]。他们行为更更可怕也可恶。 这么俱体的,你们却不怕。然而对那PAS建回教福利国 没形没影的理想却怕的莫名其妙.
       现在是大家要一起好好运用logic想几下:咱们人民怎样undoBN执政独裁霸权又如何重建民主. 这应该是咱们人民第1个任务. 能重建民主咱们人民才有希望拿起大大的刀阔阔的斧切割和斩掉恶癌瘤, 然后清除,洗刷干净. BN执政是绝对不可能做到的. 咱们都看了这么久, 还不够mei.
      有一天PR执政了. 咱们人民有BN那么强的反对党,对盗贼经验和认知都那么够,再加上全民一起监视. 民主才可以真正实践:民权,民有和民享. 这国家才有希望进步,成长, 国泰民安. 全民才有希望幸福欢乐过日子.  记得,民主是大家的. 维护民主,人人有责