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Tuesday, 30 April 2024

SSSNeither form nor join Malaysia


Hello my Brother Datuk, I respectfully say Sabah and Sarawak never joined Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak also did not form Malaysia. 

Sabah and Sarawak together with Singapore were acquired or annexed by Malaya by way of fraud or by a stroke of a pen by having been misled to sign the Malaysia Agreement 1963(MA63).

 I agree with many experts that there was a collusion between the United Kingdom with Malaya to make Sabah and Sarawak together with Singapore at that time, to become territories of Malaya. 

The Greater Malaya or Malaysia Plan was the most despicable act by the British and Malaya working with hands in gloves to deprive Sabah and Sarawak their rights to seek independence by taking advantage of illiteracy and ignorance of the people of Sabah and Sarawak at that time of their right to seek independence by way of self-determination under United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514(UNGAR 1514).

I would humbly say the Cobbold Commission Report was a fraud and was tailored to ensure it could be used as an instrument to draft the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63). 

Members of the Cobbold Commission were from interested parties to see the Malaysia Plan would be realised. None of the members of the Cobbold Commission were from Sabah and Sarawak. How could a voice of just 4000 odd people could represent the people of Borneo Territories of over a million people at that time to say the people of Sabah and Sarawak 
agreed to Malaysia? 

None of the members of the Cobbold Commission were able to speak any native language and none could understand Sarawak Malay dialect. Who amongst the natives could speak and understand English at that time when called by the Cobbold Commission? If I could read correctly from materials I had, Tunku rubbed his hands on what should be mentioned or written in the Cobbold Commission Report - please see books written by Prof Michael Leigh.

The British government's commissioned study on "The Making of Malaysia by AJ Stockwell" disclosed colonial documents showing that the so-called formation of Malaysia was a pre-determined political arrangement by the UK and Malaya. I humbly repeat it was all in breach of UN laws on the right to self-determination under Resolution 1514 and 1541. 

Neither North Borneo nor Sarawak had any role in the "forming of Malaysia" nor was Malaysia formed or created as a new state as claimed! 

We should not continue to fool our own people because all of us will be answerable to God later. We should be sad that we have lost our country and we should grief to see our people perished because of ignorance or lack of knowledge. Our people perished because their lives and livelihoods had been affected by neo-colonialism.  

The people of North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak were not represented by their own elected representatives from the beginning but by the British governor representing the British Crown in negotiating the MA63 terms.  

This was because both Sabah and Sarawak were still colonies and non-self-governing territories as defined by UNGAR 1541. They were not represented and participated as states in equal standing with the UK and Malaya in the negotiations. 

If so, why is it claimed that Sarawak became independent on 22 July 1963 not 09 July 1963 when MA63 was signed?

Further, if they were independent, then the UK would absolutely have no role to play in the making of Malaysia! Thus for this reason MA63 was null and void ab initio. In the Chagos Islands case, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in February 2019 advised that colonies have no legal capacity to make treaties with parent countries.

On its face, MA63 had the legal absurdity of the UK government negotiating with its colonial office to transfer Sabah and Sarawak to Malaya. 

What actually happened was that the UK government secretly agreed with Malaya that the Malaysia Plan was to transfer Sabah and Sarawak to Malaya (according to MA63) without giving self-government or independence to the two colonies. This was publicly confirmed by The British Colonial secretary on 31 Aug 1963. 

Further, on 16 Sept 1963, Malayan UN representative Dato Ong Yoke Lin stated in a letter to the UN Secretary that no new nation was created, just the renaming of the Malayan federation as Malaysia with the addition of three new territories (under MA63). International legal experts had advised that Malaysia was not formed in accordance with international law. The current political situation is that people are not happy because the consider Sabah and Sarawak are colonies of Malaya or at least been treated as colonies of Malaya. It is a rule of colonialism that colonial masters are entitled to take the resources of their colonies. Therefore, there are increasing numbers of Sabahans and Sarawakians are not happy of the loss of marine wealth, sea territories and oil and gas resources taken by or to develop Malaya

Even if MA63 was valid at the time it was signed, we all know that fundamental breaches of the Treaty had caused the Treaty itself to collapse. Furthermore, when Singapore exited from the federation, the Treaty itself collapsed.

I also wish to respectfully say what the statement "form Malaysia" implies, was that this was a mutual and voluntary association. 

However, I respectfully say this was far from the truth, as MA63 was signed under coercive emergency conditions with ongoing fighting against nationalist forces. 

This meant the conditions were not such that the people were free to agree or disagree with MA63. In fact, thousands of people were arrested in Sarawak and detained for allegedly opposing Malaysia. They have a legal right to defend their lives.

I wish to say that under international law, it is legitimate to fight back when the people are denied real independence. It is also part of the international law that citizens of a country is entitled to defend their country against foreign aggressions and interference in the internal affairs of their country.

The British-Malayan Malaysia Plan constituted an outside interference with their inalienable right to freely decide their future. The British in reality assisted the Malayans to occupy or invade Sabah and Sarawak.

A treaty made under such conditions and without even a referendum cannot be said to be valid.

The public especially DUN Members should educate themselves on the incontrovertible historic factors.

Yours sincerely and respectfully, 

Voon Lee Shan
29 April 2024

Monday, 29 April 2024

Concentration Camp in Sarawak from 1962


The first video entitled "Detention Camp Kuching 1966" shows Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman, Head of the Special Branch and later the Malayan Home Minister inspecting the detention camp at the 6th Mile Rock Road, Kuching Sarawak. 

The detention or concentration camp is a symbol of Malayan colonialism and suppression of the Sarawak people's right to independence from foreign rule.

The arrest and detention of thousands of people suspected of opposing Malaysia was often arbitrary and those arrested were never tried in open court, so the new colonial rulers did not have to prove they were guilty. Some were detained for over 25 years.

The video by Mariam Mokhtar sums up the fraud of Malaysia as expressed by the ordinary Sabah and Sarawak people.

The video "Reasons Why Sabah and Sarawak are not keen to be part of Malaysia anymore" expresses the people's anger over the Federal violations and removal of their rights and entitlements guaranteed by the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

The new colonial rulers of Sabah and Sarawak know that one day like all other colonised people, the Sabah and Sarawak people wil one day free themselves from Malayan foreign rule.

The photo shows speakers of the Melbourne Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia forum on "Is Malaysia the Buttress of Freedom in Asia?" in 2017.













还有砂政府如何处理砂人民身份证的13?还有,还有砂是否用自家的护照?还有,还有,还有,所有砂权益,咱们自主吗? 真的伤脑筋!


如论如何,SLM 民运会到砂各个角落,向各阶层做醒觉运动让人民知道砂的立场和未来方向。

Saturday, 27 April 2024


*我和我的國家:1963 年馬來西亞協議*
( *温利山* 25-04-2024)


 我們需要明白,我們的人民因無知而滅亡。 他們傾向於相信不時重複的宣傳。 他們對真理的無知導致他們失去了生命和國家。

 這是聯邦黨人的論壇。 他們相信馬來西亞聯邦,無論如何、無論發生什麼,聯邦都應該完好無損。

 他們會告訴您 1963 年馬來西亞協議(MA63)是有效的,或者好像 MA63 是有效的並且必須遵守。 你會很高興聽到這個,並且你認為一切對沙巴和砂拉越都有好處。

 到目前為止,除了 PBK 以及沙巴和澳洲的一些民族主義者和律師之外,沒有人敢說 MA63 是一項無效的初始條約。 即使在條約簽署時有效,一旦違反條約的基本條款,條約也將失效。 根據條約的基本原則,一旦作為該條約締約國的新加坡退出馬來西亞聯邦,MA63條約就會自動失效。

 我被 MACC 和警方傳喚要求陳述,事實上,我因 MA63 事件而被捕,我赤身裸體地躺在他們面前。 如果我所說的不是事實或不正確,我早就陷入麻煩並因我們的立場而在法庭上受到指控。


 在對他們所說的內容妄下結論之前,請務必謹慎思考。 他們是院士、學識淵博的律師、資深政治家和公眾人物,但這並不意味著他們是對的。

 請記住,沙巴和砂勞越為了加入馬來西亞聯邦而失去了太多。 自1974年石油發展法令通過以抽走我們的石油和天然氣以來,估計沙巴每年損失不少於900億令吉,而砂拉越因國家石油公司開採的石油資源而損失不少於1100億令吉。 沙巴和砂勞越過去每年回饋的發展基金總是少於50億令吉。

 這樣公平嗎? 我們是傻子嗎?



 請注意,根據聯合國秘書處的說法,馬來西亞並不是一個新國家。 馬來西亞是馬來亞的新名稱。

 一些馬來亞政客甚至稱我們為「Tanah Melayu」。


 2024 年 4 月 25 日

Tuesday, 23 April 2024






嗯。。嗯办开斋节民间活动场地也命名为Dewan Undangan Sarawak ,排在Sarawak 之前的Negeri 也去除掉了。


他说前首相慕尤丁修宪后也以Wilayah代替Negeri 了来合法化自己说辞。





已经复邦了, 还不够力吗?

如果有必要在联邦再来个正名,也应该是站在最前端31位MPs尤其是YB张健仁 (中选5届)或YB张庆信(中选6届)和其他29位MPs的事。怎么可以推给砂政府呢?


Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Merging of parties in Sarawak

PETALING JAYA: Major parties in Sarawak’s ruling coalition would oppose any merger of the Progressive Democratic Party and Parti Rakyat Sarawak that would result in a united Dayak front, according to political analysts.

James Chin of the University of Tasmania said Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu and the Sarawak United People’s Party would oppose any such merger, to maintain their dominant positions in the state.

“The merger will never happen. The biggest reason is PBB and SUPP don’t want to see a united Dayak front as they do not want the Dayak community to challenge their supreme status in Sarawak,” Chin told FMT.

Chin was commenting on a suggestion by Julau MP Larry Sng of a potential merger between PDP and PRS.

Sng said he believed it would strengthen the ruling coalition, Gabungan Parti Sarawak, “and the Dayak cause” while PBB vice-president Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah later said the proposal was a good idea if GPS’s leaders could reach a consensus.

PBB, the dominant partner of GPS, is composed of a Bumiputera wing and a Pesaka wing for Dayaks, but the party leader has been a Malay since October 1975.

GPS, which comprises PBB, SUPP, PDP, and PRS, currently holds 79 out of the 82 seats in the state assembly.

Chin added that a PDP-PRS merger would also face opposition from their own members as it would trigger a fight over the presidential position.

He said PDP president Tiong King Sing, a federal minister, would not relinquish his position easily, while PRS, which is led by Joseph Salang Gandum, would be averse to having a non-Dayak leader.

Although PRS stands as a multiracial party, it places particular emphasis on the development of the Dayak-Iban community.

Chin also said a faction of the Dayak community would reject the merger proposal, as Dayak leaders may have fewer opportunities for political progress while at present Dayak politicians have the chance to climb the political ladder through SUPP, PDP, PRS, and PBB.

“If their choices would be reduced through this merger, a lot of the minority Dayak community, such as Bidayuh and Orang Ulu, would not be in favour,” he added.

#sarawak #Politics #Dayak #Iban #OrangUlu

Monday, 15 April 2024


解读Rajah 的9项治理原则

1. 砂拉越是砂拉越人的。

2. 透过教育和经济发展改善砂民的生活水平。

3. 砂民人人平等,绝不允许特权剥削砂人或受保护的人。

4. 保障正义和有规范合理的自由。

5. 文笔言论表达和宗教自由。

6. 完全依赖人民善意合作的公务员就是公仆。

7. 公共服务是以公务员的品德绩效做考核。

8. 自治是砂民的终极目标;透过教育让砂民实践政治管理的义务,责任和特权。

9. 以往和现在的统治者都期待砂各种族和谐幸福生活在一起。未来继承者以及所有公仆都必须遵守这9项治国原则。

It is, no doubt, ridiculous of Uggah, the GPS YB to say that giving material aid to school, they need approval from the Ministry of Education/MoE.

As far as I know, each GPS YB is given RM3 million for Rural Transformation Projects and RM5 million for Rural Minor Projects.  

If they are not able to give material aid at will to help schools, then what for to be given so much.

What purpose does this MoE serve if it fails to facilitate schools in good deeds.

Do Sarawakians think that it is time to flush out the political thugs who fail to deliver?





为了满足航运业主的需求,牺牲了无数人民的福祉合情合理吗, 砂交通部长李?


It's ridiculous of Uggah

It is, no doubt, ridiculous of Uggah, the GPS YB to say that giving material aid to school, they need approval from the Ministry of Education/MoE.

As far as I know, each GPS YB is given RM3 million for Rural Transformation Projects and RM5 million for Rural Minor Projects.  

If they are not able to give material aid at will to help schools, then what for to be given so much.

What purpose does this MoE serve if it fails to facilitate schools in good deeds.

Do Sarawakians think that it is time to flush out the political thugs who fail to deliver?


Petroniaga 有限公司耗逾5000万吸纳

Petroniaga 有限公司进行投资5000多万加强供应商网络,提升存储能力,注入兑换煤气桶和强化物流管理。

Petroniaga 有布局65名经销商和280名次经销商供应网络。

对于MyGaz停止营业后其属下的经/次经销商或零售商几乎都过度进Petroniaga 而非砂火箭林财耀所言失业。



据报道Bintango有经销商卖RM29.00 Sarikei RM29.60说泗民成本高卖贵,这非事实因为Petroniaga 已经吸纳所有成本。



沙砂傀儡政府只要求35%的联邦席位分配,却让全沙砂人看到博士进发黄和Merdeka 民调主任的原来还是把沙砂当马联邦13州之一。






请各方参考Paragraph 236(a)(i) of Cobbold Commission.

65: 35

有话直说 1/1/24

目前联邦席位分配必须是A 65%:HK 35%。这是沙砂傀儡政府最低要求。



请参考Cobbold Commission Report: Paragraph 236(a)(i) 幅员和潜能也必须是考量席位分配。





The 9 cardinal Principles


1. 砂拉越是我们臣民的遗产,并由我们自己为他们保管。

2. 发展和改善社会和教育服务,稳步提高砂拉越人民的生活水平。

3. 绝不允许任何人或个人获得与本国人民不一致的权利,或以任何方式允许任何人剥削我们的臣民或那些寻求我们保护和照顾的人。

4. 正义应可自由获得,Rajah和每一位公务员应易于向公众诉说。

5. 应允许和鼓励言论和书面表达自由,每个人都有权随心所欲地进行礼拜。

6. 公务员应永远记住,他们只是人民的公仆,他们完全依赖人民的善意和合作。

7. 只要我们的臣民,无论种族或信仰如何,都应自由和公正地进入我们的服务机构,他们的教育、能力和品德使其有资格履行职责。

8. 始终牢记自治目标,适时委托砂拉越人民进行自我治理,并不断努力通过教育他们加速实现这一目标公民的义务、责任和特权。

9. 我们的前任和我们自己的总政策,即使国家各族裔能够幸福和谐地生活在一起,我们的继任者和我们的仆人以及所有可能追随他们的人都应遵守。


1. That Sarawak is the heritage of Our Subjects and is held in trust by Ourselves for them.

2. That social and education services shall be developed and improved and the standard of living of the people of Sarawak shall steadily be raised.

3. That never shall any person or persons be granted rights inconsistent with those of the people of this country or be in any way permitted to exploit Our Subjects or those who have sought Our protection and care.

4. That justice shall be freely obtainable and that the Rajah and every public servant shall be easily accessible to the public.

5. That freedom of expression both in speech and in writing shall be permitted and encouraged and that everyone shall be entitled to worship as he pleases.

6.That public servants shall ever remember that they are but the servants of the people on whose goodwill and co-operation they are entirely dependent.

7. That so far as may be Our Subjects of whatever race or creed shall be freely and impartially admitted to offices in Our Service, the duties of which they may be qualified by their education, ability and integrity duly to discharge.

8. That the goal of self-government shall always be kept in mind, that the people of Sarawak shall be entrusted in due course with the governance of themselves, and that continuous efforts shall be made to hasten the reaching of this goal by educating them in the obligations, the responsibilities, and the privileges of citizenship.

9. That the general policy of Our predecessors and Ourselves whereby the various races of the State have been enabled to live in happiness and harmony together shall be adhered to by Our successors and Our servants and all who may follow them hereafter.


“....新加坡的独立卻是强加在它头上的....”,話雖是这么說,然而李光耀巧妙的運用一係例策略与动作,还有他的高尚品德致使他不曾和砂沙首长一样同汚合流,高喊'Ya betul, ya betul',所以今天新加坡才不在马联邦懷抱之中,其实不会令人惊奇的。

第八段 “特地要求東姑


Why JPA for medical graduate placement?

Why JPA for medical graduates’ placement?

The whole scenario, no doubt, looks ridiculous and grotesque when the application of medical graduates has to be decided by the Public Services Department/JPA.

Being inefficient, insensitive, ignorant and bureaucratic, JPA creates such a mess that it has caused such a drop of medical graduates entering housemanship as it is frustrasting and depressing to wait for 6-9 months for the placement.

Meanwhile, many enter other lines of job and get attached. Based on the report, the number of medical graduates entering housemanship declined from 6136 in 2019 to 5113 in 2020; 3245 in 2022 and 3271 in 2023.  

According to Sarawak SUPP Dudong branch advisor Datuk Dr Soon Choon Teck, the management board of local hospitals like the practices in UK, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore should be given the autonomy to do the hiring or firing of medical staff.

Dr Soon who had the experiences of convenience when his application was approved by the State director of medical services at that time in view of the hassle the medical graduates are facing now and the acute shortage of housemen and medical officers in Sarawak sees the urgency of healthcare autonomy to us.