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Thursday, 21 March 2024

Federal funds for road maintenance

Truth and Fact 
Nearly RM200 million in federal funds for road maintenance in Sarawak – Nanta (6/2/24 BP)

It is RM200 million in total since last year. The budget for road maintenance in 2023 is RM2.7 billion and budget for the purpose in 2024 is RM2.8 billion.  

So, the total fedral budget for road repair since last year is RM5.5 RM billion. 1 billion = 1000 million and the total budget in million is RM5,500 million. 

Since last year, Sarawak only got RM200 million out of RM 5,500 million.  

In %, it is only RM 200 X 100% divided by RM 5000 = 3.6%. I don’t think that Sabah is any better.

Thus, about 90% or more, the federal budget for road maintenance for 2023 and 2024 is allocated in Malaya (with the new name Peninsular Malaysia).

Our federal works minister, Alexander Nanta accepts this amount lamely without any protest. He fools us to believe that we are given so much RM200 million since 2023 without telling Sarawakians out of the total of RM5,500 million.

He even told us there is an increase in the allocation for road maintenance in Sarawak.  

All in all, I think that we, Sarawakians must be in wide-awareness how our Sarawak federal YBs have cheated us all the time. Isn’t it the time to decolonise Sarawak for a change for good?


从去年至3月份 -- 2577新手教师派砂


砂教师:马来亚教师%/比率是否是继续走向90% :10%.

砂政盟真的是以砂优先,有看家本事要回砂多少%的教育自主权? 现在紧迫在眼前的行政权聘请自家砂教师这权力还是高高挂在高空中。实践教育自主权,落实还是遥遥无期等待中,who cares?



2026年砂第13届选举,砂人会好好发挥联合国在1963年12月14日【去殖民化的宣言】的1514号决议案赋予人类的自决权和1541号的集体的决定权来裁决砂未来吗? 还是继续让同一批政客继续玩下去呢?(11/3/24)


红桶煤气短缺,是在Petros 预料之外。他们预料黄桶有500,000 桶,可是Petros 万万没想到是大大超越他们的预算。

目前,我不知道Petros 有多少红桶已经在市场流动。我也不知道向谁询问?砂立法议员好像也没有头绪。








Muda选择不参与国盟巡演绝对是正确的决定。 是的,Muda 应该继续扮演第三势力角色才有未来。




要突破2选1这僵局, 咱们人民必须有3选1的机会。所以,对马来亚人来讲,Muda 才是最最佳选择。





YB 林承诺争取在诗巫建立一座癌症中心,结果,联邦政府只愿意在诗巫医院增设癌症部门。YB林是否有建癌症中心的提案和坚持立场诗巫急需癌症中心应付中区大概有90万的人口。


副卫生部长,砂人,Lukanisman只会叩头, 被动的接受联邦政府决定。联邦所给的理由,是令人愤怒的,说医药管理涉及庞大开销,砂不适合全面接管,这是哪一门的logic?


我可以结论一下YB林代表火箭,YB程和YB Lukanisman 代表砂政盟都是被动无能,欣然接受联邦政府安排,退而求其次。任由联邦政府摆布,完全没有坚持砂优先立场。

YB程说索权要求20亿拨款,砂加15亿来规划医疗,推广和提升医疗系统。 又是做亏本和愚蠢的事,咱们福州话说zo buangnu di zaiye.




SMK Sebuyau

Fact & Truth -- My comment on:
SMK Sebuyau still in sorry state despite new site approved 10 yrs ago

According to the Minister of Utility and Communication, Sarawak, …. Julaihi, several building including a multi-purpose hall were in dilapidated and unstable conditions 

In his facebook posting, he appealed federal Ministry of Education/MoE for immediate attention and speeding up the construction of a new block

I wonder who parliamentary member in the said constituency is. He has not performed his task at all from the fact and truth of the conditions of SMK Sebuyau.

I am rest-assured to say that the said federal YB’s hands and legs must have been tied up by his self-interest and official position.

The GPS government, well, has never been serious enough to exercise the power to demand for the task to be accomplished or sue the federal government in court.

Instead of having the meals in the hall, the boarding students use their meals at open spaces. So do the cooks preparing the meal in improper place.  

Julaihi, has allocated RM500,000 for a new multi-purpose hall for the school and it was approved by federal MoE about 10 years ago. Isn’t it ridiculous to seek approval of federal MoE despite using Sarawak own fund for the building?

It is no doubt depressing and disheartening to hear that other buildings of SMK Sebuyau are also in dilapidated and unsafe conditions. They have no choice but use them.

I wonder whether the Facebook posting of Julaihi to call upon the immediate attention and action of federal MoE would be entertained or not.

副总理Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas)关切地看到,由于繁文缛节,难以为州选区武吉沙班的学校提供物质援助。






这完全是自家领袖的问题。学校单位没有主见和立场。把Uggah 买来的空调在学校大礼堂安装上去,犯了那一条联邦宪法? 说没有获得联邦教育局的批准是安装不得,这是什么鬼话!


还有Uggah, 也乘机把援助的事推得一干二净:“并不是说我们违背了承诺,而是我们的双手被束缚了,”他说。





副总理Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas)关切地看到,由于繁文缛节,难以为州选区武吉沙班的学校提供物质援助。






这完全是自家领袖的问题。学校单位没有主见和立场。把Uggah 买来的空调在学校大礼堂安装上去,犯了那一条联邦宪法? 说没有获得联邦教育局的批准是安装不得,这是什么鬼话!


还有Uggah, 也乘机把援助的事推得一干二净:“并不是说我们违背了承诺,而是我们的双手被束缚了,”他说。




Saturday, 16 March 2024

How to exit from the federation of Malaysia

How to exit from the federation of Malaysia by peaceful means – Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) Plan

I had been advised by many legal experts that there is a right to Sarawak and Sabah to seek independence from the Federation of Malaysia by peaceful and legal means. This right was mentioned by Lord Lansdowne, the Chairman of the Inter-Governmental Committee (IGC) during the formation of Malaysia. United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 (UNGAR 1514) also mentioned the right of self-determination by colonies which can lead to independence. There is no prohibition in the federal and state constitutions to exit from the federation of Malaysia. 

Legal experts also opined that Malaysia Agreement 1963(MA63) signed on 9 July 1963 used to form the federation of Malaysia was null and void or even if valid, the fundamental breaches of MA63 had led the Agreement void.  

The position of Sarawak and Sabah (SS) in Malaysia is unique and there are a few strategies to set SS free and independent from the federation of Malaysia if the people of Sarawak and Sabah are willing to follow PBK Plan to exit. Many experts opined that Sarawak and Sabah are colonies of Malaya. Malaya took a new name, MALAYSIA, after Sabah Sarawak and Singapore were acquired to enlarge Malaya. 

The strategies that PBK has in mind are as follows:
1. Follow Singapore strategy under PAP. PAP was the government of Singapore in 1965 and LKY then created political tensions with Malayaa by Malaysian Malaysia issue. This forced Tunku Abdul Rahman or Malaya to sit at the table to trash the differences with Singapore on Malaysian Malaysia issue. The matter could not be resolved and Singapore then declared herself independent from Malaysia on 9 August, 1965 to become an independent and sovereign state.

We must capture the state government first because the high court already made it clear only the state government can move or deal matters in connection with MA63 to court. The court also made it clear that the issues about the formation of Malaysia and MA63 could or should be brought in parliament by the state government. 

If PBK forms the state government, PBK will bring the issues concerning the formation of Malaysia and all problems arising and concerning the illegality of the MA63 to the federal government. A dateline must be set to resolve the differences to resolve all differences about MA63. PBK would likely demand terms to be resolved within the timeline. Once dateline passed, PBK may like what Singapore did, just declare independence through the Dewan Undangan Negri (DUN) but before this is done, PBK government may stir the matter to get people support. If 70%-80% Sarawakians and Sabahans want independence, what can Malaya do? 
This would be like a referendum and is good for purpose of UN General Assembly Resolution 1514.

This is people’s power

We can also move motions in parliament to remove provisions concerning Malay supremacy. This would be in line with what Singapore campaigned for that led to Singapore Exit from Malaysia. 

2. File in court to declare MA63 void. If the court declares that MA63 is null and void, Sarawak and Sabah should be allowed to leave the federation of Malaysia.

3. File suit in United Kingdom (UK) to declare MA63 a fraud and claim damages- see how HINDRAF did for Malaysian Indians. Although HINDRAF failed to get what they wanted but the case how HINDRAF took the matter to UK court is worth exploring. To say that UK court may not have the jurisdiction to hear the application to declare MA63 as a fraud should be strongly disputed because MA63 was signed in UK and if fraud is argued there should not be barred from limitation of time to file the suit in UK court.

4. Persuade at least two nations that are sympathetic to our problems and or countries that are not in good terms with UK and Malaya to speak about the neo-colonization of Sarawak and Sabah and defects of formation of Malaysia with view to refer the issues to United Nations International Court of Justice (ICJ) to declare MA63 null and void or to declare Malaysia was a fraud. Maybe we get a member nation of United Nations to sponsor the suit before ICJ like how South Africa did for Palestine against Israel recently. 

5. Bring the matter to United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) to tell the world the federal constitution is discriminatory and or not protecting the minorities etc. See the case of Sandra Lovelace v. Canada, Communication No. R.6/24, U.N. Doc. Supp. No. 40 (A/36/40) at 166 (1981) an Indian in Canada who brought her matter to UNHRC. It was also about issues of discrimination against Sandra Lovelace and also land rights caused by her marriage to an non-indian.

If UNHCR opined that the federal constitution is discriminatory against the minorities of Sarawak and Sabah, the Sarawak and Sabah governments have to pursue the matter in parliament and also to the court to get the relevant discriminatory provisions in the federal constitution removed. If the discriminatory provisions not removed, this could be good reason for Sarawak and Sabah to exit peacefully from the federation.
For Malaysia, a law professor whom I consulted, told me Malaya would not be able to amend the constitution against race, Religion and Royalty (3R issues). Once the constitution is not amended to remove the discrimination against minorities, the people of Sarawak and Sabah should decide whether to exit from the federation of Malaysia. If exit is favoured this could, perhaps, be done by Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) in the Dewan Undangan Negeri. 

Voon Lee Shan
16 March 2024

Friday, 15 March 2024

Zahid's land corporation

*Anwar quietly approved this proposal to rob off the wealth of the hard working citizen especially the Chinese to be given freely to Bumi*

Zahid's land corporation proposal is insidious, unfeasible.

P Gunasegaram in Malaysiakini - Mar 7, 2024

COMMENT | One proposal announced by no less than Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi went relatively unnoticed at the recently concluded Bumiputera Economic Congress (BEC), where a slew of proposals for helping well-off bumiputera was unveiled.

It could be the most insidious and the one that is most patently unfair to other Malaysian citizens from whom part of their land would be taken away upon the renewal or even extension of leases.

According to Zahid, who is also the rural and regional development minister, the government plans to set up a Bumiputera Land Corporation (Perbadanan Tanah Bumiputera) to preserve land ownership, as part of an effort to strengthen the community by boosting its land ownership.

According to a report quoting Zahid, if the lease size exceeds 50 acres (20.23ha) for agricultural land or 20 acres for industrial use, the proposal calls for 20 percent of the land to be handed back to the government upon lease renewal or extension.

“The creation of a Bumiputera Land Corporation would signify a proactive measure aimed at ensuring a balanced racial demographic, sustaining bumiputera businesses in agriculture, industry, and new settlements, and preserving bumiputera ownership,” he said.

Zahid envisaged that the returned portion of land would be then overseen by the corporation.

“I am confident that this initiative holds the potential to yield substantial returns and significant opportunities for bumiputera to possess a stake in the nation's land assets,” he added.

Tremendous implications

One hopes that this badly conceived scheme is still at the proposal stage and will not see the light of day. The implications are tremendous. Note that all agricultural land above 50 acres will come under this and 20 acres for industrial land.

If you had a small plantation of 50 acres growing oil palm for instance, and if you were non-bumiputera (I’m assuming this stipulation does not apply to bumiputera companies) you have to give up 10 acres upon lease renewal or even a mere extension.

That means you will lose too the yearly output that you get because the area planted will be reduced by 10 acres. The amount of fresh fruit bunches decreases by 20 percent and so will your revenue. Profit may decrease even more than that because of loss of economies of scale.

Let’s say down the road you have an oil palm mill, logistics centre and office premises amounting to 20 acres, you suddenly have to carve out four acres for allocation to the Bumiputera Land Corporation.

Presumably, the corporation will hand it over to a privileged bumiputera who can then sell it back to the original lessor for a huge premium. What a quick and easy way to make money and for the government to hand out patronage to its own people.

It beats even approved permits and rivals that infamous 30 percent bumiputera equity stipulation.

Something like this could only have been conceived by an Umno minister who will have the necessary audacity, the sense of entitlement and the complete lack of ethical behaviour to suggest such a one-sided deal.

Imagine the kind of havoc it will cause - factories, offices, plantations, food production etc. Right now, almost all leases are automatically renewed on the payment of a premium and business continuity is assured.

Let’s take Malaysia’s largest plantation - Sime Darby - which has an estimated planted acreage of 730,000 acres in Malaysia. Sime Darby may not be considered a bumiputera company because of its diverse shareholders.

That would mean that it will eventually have to give up 20 percent of its plantations in Malaysia or 146,000 acres. Using a very conservative estimate of RM10,000 per acre, that alone is worth RM1.46 billion. Potentially, billions of ringgit of properties are involved across all businesses.

The result of this ill-considered move to surrender 20 percent of larger tracts of land upon lease renewal or extension is a huge business disruption and the abuse of allocation of land to privileged bumiputera, two things we really don’t need.

Unless strictly necessary, leases are not normally terminated or withdrawn. This practice ensures fairness to all landowners and assurance that businesses of all kinds have reasonable certainty that they can operate in a system which is fair, equitable and reasonable.

Why, the move could be even against the Federal Constitution that stipulates that everyone is treated equally under the law. It implies that people cannot have their property taken away through any process and then redistributed to others.

Zahid’s proposal should be nixed in the bud forthwith before it becomes a needless contentious and divisive issue.

P GUNASEGARAM says proposals should be vetted for fairness and feasibility before they are made public.
评论 | 副首相艾哈迈德·扎希德·哈米迪宣布的一项提案在最近结束的土著经济大会(BEC)上相对未被注意到,会上公布了一系列帮助富裕土著的提案。


兼任乡村及区域发展部长的阿末扎希表示,政府计划成立土著土地公司(Perbadanan Tanah Bumiputera)来保护土地所有权,作为通过提高土地所有权来加强社区的努力的一部分。






人们希望这一构思糟糕的计划仍处于提案阶段,不会出现。 其影响是巨大的。 请注意,所有 50 英亩以上的农业用地都将归入此范围,20 英亩的工业用地将归入此范围。

例如,如果您有一个占地 50 英亩的小种植园,种植油棕,并且如果您是非土著(我假设此规定不适用于土著公司),您必须在续租时放弃 10 英亩,甚至仅仅放弃 扩大。

这意味着您也将损失您获得的年产量,因为种植面积将减少 10 英亩。 新鲜果串的数量减少了 20%,您的收入也会减少。 由于规模经济的损失,利润可能会下降得更多。

假设在路上你有一个油棕加工厂、物流中心和办公场所,占地 20 英亩,你突然必须划出 4 英亩分配给土著土地公司。

据推测,该公司会将其交给享有特权的土著,然后土著可以以巨额溢价将其卖回给原始出租人。 这是一种多么快捷简单的赚钱方式,也是政府向本国人民提供资助的方式。

它甚至击败了已批准的许可证和竞争对手臭名昭著的 30% 土著股权规定。



以马来西亚最大的种植园——森那美(Sime Darby)为例,该种植园在马来西亚的种植面积估计为 730,000 英亩。 由于股东多元化,森那美可能不被视为土著公司。

这意味着它最终将不得不放弃马来西亚 20% 的种植园,即 146,000 英亩。 以每英亩 10,000 令吉的非常保守估计,仅此一项就价值 14.6 亿令吉。 所有业务都可能涉及数十亿令吉的财产。

这种在续租或延期时交出 20% 大片土地的考虑不周的举措,其结果是造成巨大的商业混乱,并滥用土地分配给享有特权的土著,这是我们真正不需要的两件事。

除非绝对必要,否则租约通常不会终止或撤销。 这种做法确保了对所有土地所有者的公平,并保证各类企业有合理的确定性,他们可以在公平、公正和合理的体系中运营。

为什么,此举甚至可能违反联邦宪法,该宪法规定每个人在法律下受到平等对待。 这意味着人们不能通过任何程序夺走自己的财产,然后重新分配给他人。


P GUNASEGARAM 表示,提案在公开之前应经过公平性和可行性审查。

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

The endless lies of Gaza

Why Die for Lies ..


We have been lied to. This is the message that goes all across of the Arab world suddenly after October 7th events and the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

🔴Suddenly we discovered the Gaza, which is inhabited by 2 million people, has 36 hospitals. There are Arab countries with 30 million citizens and do not have this number of hospitals.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was getting water, electricity, gas and fuel for free from Israel. Of course, there is no Arab citizen who does not pay water, electricity and fuel bills.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was receiving 530 million a month from Qatar alone, and 120 million a month from UNRWA and 50 million a month from the European Union and S30 million a month from America. There are Arab countries drowning in debt and cannot find anyone to help them, even with 51 million.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was not besieged and all goods were entering it as we foreigners and people of foreign nationalities. Its residents were travelling to Egypt and from there to the rest of the world, and there's many examples for that.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was living better than many Arab countries and its people were living better than many Arab peoples.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that our minds were besieged by a propaganda lie about what is going on in Gaza.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that the children in Gaza are not children as we usually think, but children of terrorists with machine guns and suicide belts who underwent special training by Hamas.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that the schools, hospitals and mosque in Gaza are organized by terror headquarters and ammunition warehouse with Hamas underground tunnels.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that in Gaza there is an underground metro of Hamas that stretches for 500 kilometers, which Israel can only invade.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that the supposedly doctors and teachers in Gaza turned out to be active Hamas terrorists.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that rockets and mortars are kept in children's rooms in Gaza homes.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that Hitler and his book Mein Kampf were very popular in Gaza and its translation into Arabic was in almost every home in Gaza or a portrait of the author.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that the Gazans live a life of luxury with multi-storey mansions with swimming pool and premium German cars.
Suddenly we discovered that there is no Israeli siege on Gaza because it still borders its Muslim sister Egypt.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that most of the citizens in Gaza support Hamas and other terrorist groups, elected Hamas in democratic elections and celebrated the massacres on October 7th.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that what is called journalists in Gaza who work for Western media like CNN, AP, Reuters and other turned out to be Hamas terrorists who participated in the massacre on October 7th.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that what is called peace activists and workers of international human rights organizations of the UN, the Red Cross and WHO turned out to be terrorists and corrupt people of Hamas. Other turned out to be Hamas terrorists who participated in the massacre on October 7th.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that each of the leaders of Hamas is a billionaire and richer than President Trump with a net worth of four to S5 billion each.

So after Hamas started the war on October 7th by infiltrating to Israel, the world has discovered a lot of what's going on in Gaza, especially from the Arab world.

Now the Arab world has unveiled the truth and discovered what's going on. And I think everyone in the world should understand what Hamas stands for.

Hamas doesn't really care for the people of Gaza. Hamas doesn't care for the Palestinians whatsoever. They just care about their own survival and they care about destruction of Israel.

And this is something that we cannot approve and this
is something that we will not stand for.

Sunday, 3 March 2024

Memorandum from the three parties

*Memorandum from* *the three Parties of* *North Borneo, Brunei,* *and Sarawak Against the "Malaysia" to the United Nations* 
 ( September 9, 1962 )

The three most representative parties in North Borneo, Brunei, and Sarawak, which are also actively leading the opposition to the Malaysia plan, submitted a memorandum to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on September 9, 1962, requesting the United Nations to intervene in the transfer of sovereignty of these regions from Britain to the Federation of Malaya, denying the rights of the local people and their independence.

In a letter accompanying this memorandum addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the chairmen of these three parties had requested the United Nations to promptly to provide them with an opportunity to testify orally before the Decolonization Committee or other appropriate bodies within the United Nations. The following is the full text of the memorandum:

This memorandum is jointly submitted by the following political organizations of British North Borneo, Brunei, and Sarawak:

(1) United National Organization of Barsomo Morgan in British North Borneo - a political party with thirty thousand members, the majority of whom are indigenous people of Borneo, residents, and hundreds of Chinese who were born in North Borneo or have chosen North Borneo as their home and allegiance.

(2) Brunei People's Party - a political party established in Brunei in 1956, with twenty-six thousand members, including all ethnic groups in Brunei, and enjoys overwhelming support from the people of Brunei.

(3) Sarawak United People's Party - the earliest and largest political party established in Sarawak, with forty-seven thousand members, including various ethnic groups such as the Dayak and Malay living in Sarawak, making it the most represented political party.

These three parties represented the nationalist movements in their respective regions. They are independently organized and are striving for self-government and independence in accordance with the natural desires of the people of British North Borneo.

Sarawak and British North Borneo (also known as Sabah) are referred to as British colonies with no representative government. The British government has repeatedly stated that it had allowed the people of these regions to establish autonomous governments and independence.

The Sultanate of Brunei was once ruled most of the territories of Sabah and Sarawak until the mid-nineteenth century. Brunei is currently a protected state of the British Commonwealth, and the political affairs of this country are greatly influenced by the British through its High Commissioner, but it does not have a representative government itself.

On May 27, 1961, Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman of the Federation of Malaya had made a statement on the concept of Malaysia, and it was immediately responded by the Malayan and Singapore governments. In response, the representatives from North Borneo and Sarawak had attended a regional conference of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. The conference had recommended the establishment of the Malaysia Solidarity Consultative Committee, the route and steps of which were decided or influenced by the representatives of the governments of Singapore and Malaya.

On November 23, 1961, the British and Malayan governments had issued a joint statement, considering the establishment of the "Malaysia Federation" and was a desirable goal, and hence they have decided to set up an investigation team to determine the opinions of the people of North Borneo and Sarawak and make recommendations.

The composition of the investigation team consisted of Sir Lord Cobbold (Chairman), Sir Anthony Abell (former Governor of Sarawak), Sir David Waterson, Datuk Wong Pow Nee, and Encik Mohamed Ghazali bin Shafie The chairman was jointly selected by the British and Malayan governments, and the other four members were appointed by the British and another two appointed by the Malayan governments respectively.

In light of the decision of the British government, the colonial governments of Sabah and Sarawak had supported the establishment of Malaysia and attempted to use all the propaganda tools at their disposal to secure favorably position to this proposal. Consequently, anyone opposing Malaysia in Sarawak and elsewhere was indiscriminately labeled as communist, tantamount to being described as "bandits" or "foreign agents."

The investigation team held meetings in twenty locations in Sarawak and fifteen locations in Sabah, meeting with a total of 4,000 people from 690 groups in Sarawak and Sabah without holding a nationwide referendum.

The Brunei government had established its own committee to determine the opinions of its people and submitted the results of its investigation to His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei.

During the investigation held in Sarawak, no public demonstrations were allowed while the investigation team was presented, hence a nationwide signature campaign was launched, with approximately 112,000 adult signatures opposing the Malaysia plan were collected and submitted to the investigation team. These signatures were collected in a very short time and in the face of government propaganda against opposition. Given that fifty-five percent of the total population of 750,000, which were non-adults, the actual number of people who had opposed the Malaysia plan should be even higher.

The estimation of the investigation team was that, one-third of the population unconditionally supports the realization of Malaysia, one-third conditionally supports it with guarantees, and the rest opposed it. This estimation was completely erroneous and was not supported by data and facts, and obviously, the independent impartial observers did not accept such an estimates.

In August 1962, the British and Malayan governments declared in a joint communique that they had proposed Malaysia Federation should be established on August 31, 1963, and a formal agreement should be reached within six months of signing the communique for the transfer of sovereignty of Sabah and Sarawak.

This decision had violated the Charter of the United Nations and its spirit, especially United Nations Resolution 1514 of December 14, 1960, and also had contradicted the fundamental principles of governance formulated by the White Rajah that had constituted the current constitution of Sarawak, which will be appended to this memorandum.

The findings of the committee appointed by His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei had shown that the vast majority of the people of Brunei had opposed to the Malaysia Federation.

Following a subsequent election, all 55 elected candidates of the only Brunei People’s Party had opposed to the formation of the Malaysia Federation. The Brunei People's Party used their opposition to the Malaysia Federation as their campaign platform.

The signatories of this memorandum appealed to and advocated the following to the United Nations: (1) The United Nations, in accordance with their declarations and resolutions, should intervene in the transfer of sovereignty of Sabah and Sarawak, as this transfer had denied the right of self-determination and full independence to the people of these regions; (2) An alternative solution was to hold a referendum organized and conducted by the United Nations before this transfer of sovereignty; (3) In accordance with the desires of free expression of the people, a federation comprising of Sabah, Sarawak, and Brunei should be established, with His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei as the constitutional head of this federation.

United National Organization Barsomo Morgan (signed by Chairman Song Dan)

Brunei People's Party (signed by Chairman Azhahari)

Sarawak United People’s Party (signed by Chairman Ong Kee Hui)

September 9, 1962

Saturday, 2 March 2024

The 9 cardinal Principles from Rajah

解读Rajah 的9项治理原则

1. 砂拉越是砂拉越人的。

2. 透过教育和经济发展改善砂民的生活水平。

3. 砂民人人平等,绝不允许特权剥削砂人或受保护的人。

4. 保障正义和有规范合理的自由。

5. 文笔言论表达和宗教自由。

6. 完全依赖人民善意合作的公务员就是公仆。

7. 公共服务是以公务员的品德绩效做考核。

8. 自治是砂民的终极目标;透过教育让砂民实践政治管理的义务,责任和特权。

9. 以往和现在的统治者都期待砂各种族和谐幸福生活在一起。未来继承者以及所有公仆都必须遵守这9项治国原则。

It is, no doubt, ridiculous of Uggah, the GPS YB to say that giving material aid to school, they need approval from the Ministry of Education/MoE.

As far as I know, each GPS YB is given RM3 million for Rural Transformation Projects and RM5 million for Rural Minor Projects.  

If they are not able to give material aid at will to help schools, then what for to be given so much.

What purpose does this MoE serve if it fails to facilitate schools in good deeds.

Do Sarawakians think that it is time to flush out the political thugs who fail to deliver?

Giving material aids to school requires the green light from federal government

It is, no doubt, ridiculous of Uggah, the GPS YB to say that giving material aid to school, they need approval from the Ministry of Education/MoE.

As far as I know, each GPS YB is given RM3 million for Rural Transformation Projects and RM5 million for Rural Minor Projects.  

If they are not able to give material aid at will to help schools, then what for to be given so much.

What purpose does this MoE serve if it fails to facilitate schools in good deeds.

Do Sarawakians think that it is time to flush out the political thugs who fail to deliver?





为了满足航运业主的需求,牺牲了无数人民的福祉合情合理吗, 砂交通部长李?
