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Tuesday, 29 November 2022





👉蔬菜食粮油醋批发及进口商是马来人、拥有浅海 / 深海捕渔牌照绝多数是马来人、稻田面积最大平方米的拥有者是马来人、运输及长途游览巴士是马来人,水供、电供及天然气供应商都是马来人,甚至连赌场的董事也有马来人。










👉马来主权是一种种族主义信条,认为马来人是马来西亚的主人,华人和印度构成了少数种族,通过承认宪法第153条,规定马来人的待权。在3, 217万人口中,马来人和伊班族及卡达山族的土著占69%,华人占21%,印巴人占7%。











Ryan Koay

Monday, 28 November 2022

Sarawak struggle for independence


(From an internet posting 05/05/2022)


(A comment made in relation to colonial crimes of Great Britain)  

One of the forgotten British imperialist crimes was the bloody annexation of Sabah & Sarawak into the Malayan Federation renamed "Malaysia" on 16 Sept 1963.

The Malaysia federation proposal was a plan to consolidate British strategic interests in S E Asia by annexing the colonies of North Borneo and Sarawak and independent Brunei with Singapore into the Malayan Federation.

The Borneo people strongly opposed this as a neo-colonial plan by the British in collusion with Malaya.

Facing a strong united opposition the British Special Branch instigated an uprising in Brunei (on 8 Dec 1962) whose people also strongly opposed Malaysia. This immediately aborted the independence movement's plan to go to the UN to seek support for independence as the Brunei People's Party leading the delegation was made illegal and "banned". The uprising was also used as propaganda against the opposition to promote Malaysia and inflicted a culture of fear on the people that has lasted till today.

Under the pretext of suppressing the "rebellion", mass arrests and detention took place in Sarawak of over 6,000 to 10,000 "suspected communists".

The suppression drove many into Southern Kalimantan Indonesia where they formed armed resistance guerilla forces and fought the British (till 1970) and Malayan occupation army till 1990. Many of those arrested were detained for over 20 years without ever being tried in an open court - but the world does not know about these cases. This was British justice.

The guerilla war was a silent war as the British and Malayan governments kept tight control over the news of the independence war from the outside world because the British and allies did not want their dirty deeds of yet another re-drawing of the colonial map to be publicised. 

To secure Malaysia for Malaya the UK had to deploy some 50,000 air sea and land forces including Australian and New Zealand, armed forces to suppress the independence fighters. They did not finish their unsavoury assignment till 1970. The Five Powers Defence Arrangement was set up in 1971 and this has been maintained till today showing the importance of the 
area to the western imperial alliance. 

They boast that this was their most successful decolonisation since most of their other neo-colonial creations in Africa and the Caribbean had failed. But the other side is a lie they spread that Malaysia was peacefully created and approved by the Borneo people. 

To maintain their foreign-imposed rule of Sabah and Sarawak the Malayan regime had to use "emergency laws" and repressive laws of arrest and detention from 1963 to 2012 to suppress and control the people under a state of fear from openly opposing their colonial rule.

The people's grave fears of re-colonisation have become true as the resource-rich Borneo territories have been the best gift Malaya could get from Britain and exploitation and expropriation of their petroleum resources have developed Malaya and enriched their elites. The 2 countries have been kept backward and undeveloped as they were before 1963 and in fact, reduced to being vassals or dependencies with limited self-government. 

In recent years, the younger generation awakening to the reality of their respective countries' colonial status, has become active in campaigning to seek independence by peaceful means.

Last December a group of 12 Sarawkians filed a legal suit in the Kuching High Court against the British Malayan and local puppet Sarawak governments seeking declarations to invalidate the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and declarations that Sarawak has the right to exit from the Malaysia federation.

Love greetings to everyone

*Love greetings to everyone*
 Among the many comments on social media when DS Najib was sent to prison, the comment given by his brother's friend, *Sdr Norman Raduan,* was the most impressive when he read it.
 Congratulations and thank you Norman, for giving a very objective and easy to understand view.
 I'll share it here again for those who haven't read it yet 👇

 *Remember 4 years ago the RM 1.1 billion loot?*

 *If we hate corruption (illegal money) or misuse of power, why should we be angry with the Chief Justice, Tun Maimun and also the Prime Minister, Ds Ismail? Why bring up the narrative of unjust and 'cruel' Judges who do not want to tolerate?*

 *This Najib case was not only punished by Tun Maimun but all the Judges from the High Court Judges, Court of Appeal Judges and Federal Court Judges made the same decision.*

 *Najib's case is very clear without a doubt. But why is Ismail Sabri who just doesn't want to intervene blamed? If the intervention takes place and Najib is free is it called 'Sovereignty of Law' or fair? What country is this if that's the way it is?*

 *Do we still remember the total value of items confiscated from Najib's residence was between RM900 million and RM1.1 billion according to the Director of the Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department at the time, Amar Singh Ishar Singh.*

 The amount of loot was so high that the police force had to deploy 150 policemen to count the amount of loot.
 *Cash from various currencies alone amounted to RM 114 million and it took several days to calculate it.*

 *A total of 12,000 different pieces of jewelery were found in 25 of the 72 bags confiscated by the police. Among the jewelry are rings, diamonds, bracelets and earrings with a total market value of about RM880 million.*

 *Of that total, 2,200 units are rings, 1,400 necklaces, 2,100 bracelets, 2,800 earrings, 1,600 brooches and 14 tiaras. The most valuable item is a gold chain with white diamonds worth RM6.4 million.*

 *Not enough with that 567 handbags involving 37 brands such as Hermes, Prada and Chanel as well as Sesame. The Hermes handbag alone is worth about RM51.3 million and the most expensive costs RM1.6 million.*

 *In addition, 234 sunglasses such as Gucci and Dior were also confiscated, all worth RM374,000. A total of six bags contain 423 watch threads worth RM78 million involving over 100 brands.*

 *While the most expensive watches seized were Rolex Paul Newman Daytona worth RM3.5 million, Chopard (RM2.5 million), Richard Mille (RM1.6 million). This is property at home, not yet Ismet Ulam Raja's property abroad.*

 All of us Malaysians, regardless of party, race or religion, should not be angry but be grateful for the court's decision.

 This is because the whole world is watching Malaysia whether there is still justice in the country's judiciary. The implications are huge if the world does not trust the country's judiciary. The country's economy can collapse or be destroyed.

 Imagine that RM 1.1 billion can build dozens of schools or build bridges for the children of the interior of Sabah who fight for their lives every day to go to school.

 *This Najib case cuts across parties. It is the interest of the people. That's right Ustazah, we don't need to insult but at the same time we don't need to sympathize.*

 In fact, this punishment is commensurate with what he did.
 *We must remember that there are 4 cases bigger than this case involving billions of ringgit that Najib will go through.*

 *What I wonder about is why the aunts are crying and cheering inside and outside the court? Like Najib's siblings, we don't even see them in court crying (correct me if I'm wrong)*

 Najib's siblings also did not give any comments like Lokman who was willing to insult Ismail Sabri the Prime Minister of Malaysia so badly.

 To be honest, I am also waiting for the case of Lim Guan Eng, Zahid Hamidi and Syed Sadiq... if they are clearly guilty, please send them to prison. *There is no favoritism or partisanship in the rule of law of the country.*
 *Wrong is still wrong 😫!*





这篇文好长, 值得一读.

      马哈迪 @之



        索罗斯发表的评论,虽然不见得全是对的,但是,基本上还是很贴切的说明了,马哈迪的真面目,是非常不堪的 !












        在马哈迪视为不共戴天仇敌的国际对冲基金玩家乔治索罗斯Geogre Soros的眼中,马哈迪却是一个对国际期货买卖不懂装懂的笨蛋!




      《马哈迪在吉隆坡兴建亚洲最高的电讯塔楼(Kuala Lumpur Tower)和世界最高的建筑物双峰塔(Kuala Lumpur Twin Tower);只能证明他是多么的愚蠢自大。》











      《我们都知道你在国际间有很多花名,在澳洲,他们称你为〈顽固自大的家伙〉(recalcitrant ego maniac);在英国,他们叫你为〈贪污的杂种〉(Corrupt bastard),那是因为你胡乱花钱购买英国的电影制片厂,还有花2亿9千万买下实际上已经濒临破产的莲花汽车公司。》




        在英国,有超过17家报章刊登你的大头照,称呼你为《贪污的独裁者》(Corrupt Dictator);在马来西亚,你也有个外号叫作《国际大嘴巴》(IBM=International Big Mouth);在日本,他们叫你做《那个最小的》(意思是说你的脑袋是最小的,最愚蠢)(The Smallest One(Brain size) )。

       还有,在太平洋岛国之中,他们叫你做《圣诞老人》Santa Claus,那是因为你经常给他们一些听了会精神错乱的劝告;还有还有,在南美洲国家,他们习惯称你为《鹦鹉》。知道那是什么意思吗?就是说你只会讲个不停,但实际上连你也不懂自己在讲什么!

        当然,在菲律宾,他们也习惯称呼你为《活着的马可斯》(The Living Marcos)。


        虽然我同意不是只有西方人有智慧,但是你的行为和决策看起来也是毫无智慧。你倡导的《东亚经济论坛》(East Asia Economic Conference,简称EAEC)完全得不到支持,就算东合国家也未必全部支持你。每年一次的最高领导人会议变成了服装秀!

        你的《南南对话会议》(South-South Dialogue)同样反应冷淡。还有,我听说你还准备在全世界国际船运业最繁忙的马六甲海峡兴建一条长32公里,横跨海峡直通印尼苏门答腊的大桥!天!世界上还有谁比你更疯狂?


        还有一个你沾沾自喜的《多媒体超级走廊计划》(The Multimedia Super Corridor简称MSC);其实根本不知所谓!在美国,这样的概念早在一光年以前就提出来了,后来经过不断的检验,证明那根本是多余的!美国有一个矽谷计划(Silicon Valley),将所有电脑科技研究中心集中在那里就行了!




        看看你的国际贸工部长拉菲达阿兹斯,利用职权便利,卖了多少张进口车AP(Approved Permit)?每一张AP价值介于两万到3万令吉,她至少拥有超过1万张AP,搜刮到的钱财高达数亿元!



        你的首席部长不断批准许多中看不中用的发展计划给他们的朋党,然后从中获取金钱利益。你的土地发展局(Land Development Board)和经济发展局(Economic Development Board)根本就是为了保护你的朋党利益而设立的。



        我们再看看你那个俗称《白毛》的砂拉越首席部长吧!他将价值超过百亿的木材,以台底交易(Under table)方式卖掉了。从中得到多少分成?他还将砂州许多值钱的地皮以私相授受的方式,没有通过公开招标就卖给那些跟他有利益挂钩的商人。







        按照我最保守的估计,过去10年(1991至2001),由于你的贪婪滥权,马来西亚国民至少损失超过300亿。其中最好笑的是你宣称用了10亿元向英国订购一批《天鹰战斗机》(Sky hawk war plane), 但是现在过了多少年?战斗机在哪里?还收藏在美国的内华达沙漠里吗?有谁看到过这批战斗机?你以为日子久了就没人记得这件事了吗?然后这10亿元就这样消失在你的口袋里了吗?

















        The Malaysians' prayer:
        "Ya Allah, we thank you for your gifts of timber, oil and grain. But then the devil sent us corrupt Mahathir without a Brain And look we are back to square one again So just take Dr Mahathir back to Hell And we will be alive and well."




        现在你的三个儿子,同时在超过200家企业集团担任董事。他们是不是都毕业自哈佛大学商业企管系?而且获得荣誉学位?还是说,他们只是在你的《你不认识我就别想在马来西亚做生意》(you don't know me you don't do business in Malaysia)的《企业原则》下受惠?数以十亿计的公积金存款和国家石油共司的公款都被你挪用,用来救济你儿子所有亏本的投资计划。你是多么的不道德,多么的贪污滥权啊!

        你的每一个政治追随者,都在好多家上市公司,甚至超过10家以上,担任董事。他们根本不必做任何事,每个月就有非常可观的董事费进帐。这些公司利用它们的《VIP》身份签名向银行贷款,不必任何抵押就能借到钱;经过多年的挥霍成性,现在这些贷款全都变成了银行的烂账(Non Performing Loan)!

        现在你还要两千多万马来西亚人民为你一个人牺牲?为什么你不干脆辞职,承认自己的错误?承认自己贪污了国家数百亿的金钱?我可以教你如何让你国家的经济回到正常 轨道;不过,前提是你必须向所有犹太人道歉,也必须向所有马来西亚人民道歉!


        索罗斯所言,虽然不见得全是对的,但是,基本上还是很贴切的说明了。马哈迪的真面目是非常不堪的 !!

         转载: 人民是老板

Consumers rights

Consumer rights

The e-poster on the eight basic rights of consumers released by KPDNHEP.
Natasha Jee

March 15, 2022
KUCHING: Today, March 15, marks World Consumer Rights Day and it is important for consumers to know their rights.

In Malaysia, National Consumer Day is celebrated today with the theme ‘Consumer Digitisation’.

In line with this, the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) has listed out the eight basic rights of consumers that they need to be aware of.

They are:

● Right to basic needs;

● Right to safe goods and services;

● Right to information;

● Right to make choice;

● Right to express opinion;

● Right to redress;

● Right to consumer education, and

● Right to live in a healthy and safe environment

Meanwhile, the month of March every year has been declared by the Cabinet which met on Dec 11, 2020 as National Consumer Month (BPK).

According to a statement on KPDNHEP’s website, the government will be celebrating BPK for the first time nationwide in March 2022.

The objective of the BPK, among others, is to empower consumers to be more intelligent and capable in various aspects, especially consumer protection.

This year’s National Consumer Day focuses on the use of easier, faster and safer online transactions for daily affairs.

The selection of the theme coincides with the COVID-19 pandemic scenario which requires most of the payment transactions and sales to be done without touch and online transactions are the most secure and efficient platform.

In addition, KPDNHEP hopes that consumers can participate with the current digital technology and further equip themselves with digital knowledge and usability, especially in terms of security and protection from the threat of scams, fraud, hackers and so on.

The BPK will be celebrated from March 1 to 31.

Meanwhile, should consumers encounter problems or are victims of fraud, they should report the matter to KPDNHEP or the relevant agencies and ensure that their rights as consumers are protected.

Consumers are urged to report to KPDNHEP of any misconduct and they can channel the reports or complaints on the ministry’s WhatsApp at 019-2794317, e-Aduan portal, call centre 1-800-886-800; email to; Ez ADU mobile application; or Enforcement Command Centre 03-8882-6088/6245.

Malaysia -Where Apartheid Is Legal



With the general election around the corner, should you think about who to vote for with your vote? Read the following 104 BN’s treatment of non-Bumiputera issues before making a decision:

 1) Of the six major commercial banks in our country, only two are multi-racial, and the rest are controlled by Malays.
 2) The directors of Petronas are 99% Malay.

 3) Only 3% of Petronas employees are non-Bumiputera.
 4) According to statistics in 2000: In Malaysia, 99% of the petrol stations of Petronas belong to Malays.

 5) All Petronas contractors must be 100% Bumiputera status.
 6) There is no non-Bumiputera who are required to work in Malay companies under the Quota Act. However, 30% of employees in general public companies must be Malay.

 7) All police, nurses, military, new non-indigenous admission rate is only 5%.
 8) The current percentage of non-Bumiputera employees in the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) is 2%, down from 40% in 1960 to just 2% today.

 9) The proportion of Putrajaya non-bumiputera civil servants is 2% while Malays make up 98%.
 10) In 2004, the percentage of non-Bumiputera civil servants in the entire government of our country was 7%, down from 30% in 1960 to only 7% today.

 11) 95% of government contracts go to Malays.
 12) Licensees of all businesses such as Taxi Permit (Permit), Approval Permit (AP) etc. 100% controlled by Malays.

 13) 80% of the non-Bumiputera rice and flour business in Kedah in the 1980s had to be sold to Malays. Otherwise, the government will make this business difficult.
 14) Since the 1970s to the present, there are 100 large non-bumiputera companies taken over by the government or Malays, such as UTC, UMBC and D&C (RHB), MAYBANK, MISC, Malayan Bank (AFG), Amal Bank (MBF) ), Southern Bank (CIMB), MMC, GAMUDA, MALAYA SUGAR, JERNEH, PELANGI, SUNRISE, IJMLAND, etc. MALAYA SUGAR, JERNEH, PELANGI are Guo Lao's company.

 15) At least 10 non-bumiputera bus companies in Malaysia over the past 40 years were sold to Malays or other transport companies due to refusal by government authorities to renew bus routes for new bus routes and refusal to apply routes for non-bumiputeras.
 16) Non-Bumiputera taxi drivers are banned from driving at the Larkin bus station in Johor. The reason given by the authorities was to destroy the taxi club.

 17) In November 2004, non-Bumiputeras were not given shop space at the new bus station in Muar at all.
 18) Over the past 34 years, the total amount of RM800 billion has entered the pockets of the Malays through government channels and statutory bodies such as ASN, MARA, Privatisation, Government New Economic Policy Agency, Hajj Fund, etc.

 19) 48 Chinese primary schools closed during 1968-2000.
 20) 144 Indian primary schools closed between 1968-2000.

 21) 2637 Malay primary schools were built during 1968-2000.
 22) The government budget for Chinese primary schools is 2.5%. Indian schools got only 1%, Malay schools got 96.5%.

 23) Although the salary (monthly salary) is only RM1000, Chinese parents cannot get school textbook loan. RM2000 salary (monthly salary) eligible Malay parents can get the loan.
 24) The vice-chancellors of all 10 government public universities are Malays.

 25) 5% of lecturers in government universities are non-Bumiputera. Between 1965 and 2004 this percentage dropped from 70% to just 5%.
 26) Over the past 40 years, only 5% of non-Bumiputeras have received government scholarships.

 27) No Chinese or Indians were sent to Japan and Korea during their studies in the East.
 28) In 2004, 128 of the best non-Indigenous students in STPM were unable to get into the department they aspired to, which is medicine.

 29) In early 2003 MARA gave 10% quota to non-Bumiputera but only 7% was filled. Before that MARA was 100% Malay.
 30) The 2003 National Service Program Cases included 50 cases of non-Bumiputera being assaulted in Malaysia.

 31) The Chinese population in Malaysia dropped from 45% in 1957 to 25% in 2004.
 32) The Indian population of Malaysia fell from 12% in 1957 to 7% in 2004.

 33) Two million Malaysian Chinese immigrants in the past 40 years.
 34) 500,000 Malaysian Indians emigrated over the past 40 years.

 35) Over the past 40 years, 3 million Indonesians have immigrated to Malaysia, becoming Malaysian citizens and enjoying bumiputera status.
 36) Over the past 40 years, 600,000 Chinese and Indians with red ID cards have been denied citizenship. Perhaps 60% of them died of old age. On the basis of racism, Indonesians got their citizenship easily compared to Chinese and Indians.

 37) Malays have 5% - 15% discount for buying houses, be it rich or poor Malays.
 38) The budget for rural development is 2% for non-Bumiputera new villages and 98% for Malay new villages.

 39) The names of at least 50 roads have been changed from Chinese names to other names.
 40) The Gan Boon Loong (Mahua) Hall in Melaka was changed to another name, but it has only been officially used for a few days. The government has tried to avoid non-indigenous names. This single example of racism occurred around 2000.

 41) Building churches or temples in each residential area were zero. However, at least one mosque or prayer room must be built in each residential area.
 42) Since 1970, 3000 mosques or prayer rooms have been built in all residential areas in Malaysia. No temple or church has to be built in a residential area.

 43) 20 years ago, a Catholic church applied for the construction of a church building in Shah Alam. But they were told by Malay authorities that the church building must look like a factory and not be built like a church. Applications as of 2004 have not been approved.
 44) The Bible is forbidden to be published in Iban (2002).

 45) Government TV stations (RTM1, RTM2, Third TV) are all without non-Bumiputera directors.
 46) 30 government produced TV series and movies always bad guys have non bumiputera faces and good guys have Malay faces. You can check the validation, from the 70's onwards. This has become a trend in recent years.

 47) At least 10 times, the Malays (especially Umno) have threatened to use the Malaysian method of 13 May 1969 to slaughter non-Bumiputeras.
 48) The 20 constituencies won by DAP will not receive development funding from the government. Most of these constituencies will be the last to be developed.

 49) 100 congressional districts that have been redefined by racial profiling to dilute the votes of non-Indigenous candidates. This is one of the main reasons why DAP candidates have lost seats in elections since the 1970s.
 50) Since 1960, only three of the 12 human rights have been sanctioned by the Malaysian government.

 51) Zero Racial Discrimination (United Nations - Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination) has not been practiced by the Malaysian government since the 1960s.
 52) In 2003, there were 20 reported cases of Malay ambulance workers inhumanely treating non-Bumiputera critically ill patients, and government hospitals and Malay participants deliberately delaying treatment. Unreported cases may be 200.

 53) Every year, there are 50 cases of non-Bumiputera, especially non-Bumiputera youth, being beaten by Malay youths in public places. Police reports can be checked to verify this. As long as the police have a report, otherwise there is no record.
 54) Every year, there are 20 cases of non-Bumiputera drivers who accidentally run over Malays and are severely beaten or killed.

 55) Bumiputera ASNs get 12% per annum while bank fixed deposits are only about 3.5% per annum.
 56) The Bank Rakyat, set up by the government, has both "bumiputra" and "non-bumiputera" interest when it makes loans; it also borrows from the bank, but non-bumiputeras are charged higher fees.

 57) In 2010, Umno women’s group representative Sarifa demanded a 60% bumiputera quota.
 58) In 2008, the Federal Court approved the dismissal of the lawsuit filed by 184 pig farmers, Li Bai victims and their families against the government for RM136 million in compensation.

 59) TM's second-hand contractors for landline and broadband installations are 100% bumiputera.
 60) More than 90% of TM's national employees are bumiputera.

 61) More than 90% of National Energy's national employees are indigenous.
 62) The provident fund buys computers, and 100% of the beneficiary computer vendors are Bumiputeras.

 63) In 2008, Umno Sungai Horn state assemblyman Hamidah published "If we see snakes and Indians, we should print Indians first"
 64) In 2010, Nasir, the assistant to my country's first high-ranking official, made a statement that the Chinese mother-in-law came to Malaysia for prostitution and the Indians came to beg.

 65) In 2010, my country's second-highest official made remarks that the Chinese were not grateful.
 66) In 2010, the second highest official in our country made a statement that Malays are first and Malaysians are second.

 67) In 2010, the deputy director of the cadre training bureau published the theory of single eyelids and drunkards!
 68) Ahmad Ismail, a top Umno official in Penang, published his sojourn in 2008, and was named a "national hero" at the Congress in August 2010.

 69) In 2010, Umno supported non-Muslims to ban the word Allah, which led to the burning of churches.
 70) In 2010, a student at Sao Tomar Primary School in Sarawak was beaten 10 times by the vice-principal for carrying fried rice with pork sausages to school. The vice-principal apologized.

 71) In 2008, a temporary teacher in Malacca complained to Sin Chew Daily that she and her friends had not received the salary from the Ministry of Education from January to August.
 72) Luo Yalan, the former principal of Klang Chinese National High School, pointed out that the national Chinese high school with more Chinese than the independent middle school has insufficient funds and cannot use the government reserved land.

 73) The principal of the Kulai Middle School asked the Chinese students to return to China, and pointed out that the prayer ropes that the Indian students were wearing were like dog collars.
 74) There are racial remarks about the principal of Bugis Nanmao Middle School who "expelled" Chinese students and "returned to China".

 75) The teacher of Lugu Middle School insulted the candidates in public, and made the remarks that "Indians go back to India, and Chinese go back to China".
 76) In 2005, Zeng Wenheng, a teacher at Jihua K school, accidentally stepped on the floor suspected of being eaten by termites and fell from a height of 15 feet to his death.

 77) In 2006, Weng Shijie at the Muar Mausu Ji Fenghua Dinner, pointed out that the government's approval for the construction of the Chinese primary school was misused. After the 30,000-to-3,000 change was revealed, Hishammuddin angrily accused Weng Shijie of "nosy".
 78) West Malaysian developers are required to reserve 20% of the housing units for Bumiputera Malays in each project.

 79) The quota for indigenous housing in the state of Malacca is the highest in the country, reaching as high as 60%.
 80) The government stipulates a 15% discount for bumiputeras buying houses over 500,000 yuan. Zhaocheng's indigenous poor are getting poorer, and the rich are getting richer! Mr. Pan Jianwei, a member of the People's Bank of China, suggested the revision, but he was afraid of being shot by bullets.

 81) The "Sarawak Report" stated that Taib, through its authority, sold Orang Asli land to a family company at a low price and made a net profit of tens of millions.
 82) The real indigenous "Kayang tribe" in the land occupied by the Bakun Dam used up their life savings to sue the Sarawak state government, and they once angrily said they would blow up the Bakun Dam in order to protect their homes.

 83) Penan human rights activist Nick Kelasau said that the Bakun Dam had caused Penan people to lose their homes. He also quoted Taib as saying that the authorities did not build schools because Penan people, like animals, have no culture, so they do not need to learn.
 84) Over the past few years, Penan girls have been sexually assaulted by loggers in the remote Baram community. The youngest girl who was sexually assaulted was only 10 years old.

 85) The aboriginal documentary "Frontline" was ordered by the authorities to be banned during the Sibu by-election after two episodes, which eventually turned into a turmoil of Zhou Zenan's immediate dismissal.
 86) In 2009, Zhao Mingfu, a young man of Chinese descent, died tragically in the MACC building. The cause of his death is unknown.

 87) In 2010, the Minister of Defense pointed out that the ratio of Chinese and Indians in the military is low, and they may not be patriotic.
 88) In 2010, Tamandran of Indian descent was tortured for 59 days for refusing to admit to the crime of stealing two fighter jet engines.

 89) Cases of non-Bumiputera beatings by police and financially missing for no apparent reason have been heard over the past 40 years. The latest one is Chinese, and the victim is Xie Zhenxing, a 34-year-old photo frame shop owner.
 90) Over the past 40 years, there have been more than 2,000 non-Bumiputera deaths without trial in police temporary housing.

 91) There are still 66,000 Orang Asli in East Malaysia who do not have citizenship.
 92) TNB intends to build a coal-fired power plant in Sabah that pollutes the environment. Its report misleads the public, including by mistaking the local residents of the Sungai and Didung as Indonesians, when in fact these groups are the indigenous people of Sabah.

 93) A possible casino in Vienna, Sabah, has 44 gaming licenses and more than 425 slot machines.
 94) In addition to the federal government's corporate and personal income tax, only Sabahans need to pay a special tax to MPOB to subsidize cooking oil nationwide.

 95) In 2010, in the case of suspension of work on the Kudat Mazu statue in Sabah, the decision of the Court of Appeal was upheld by the Federal Court.
 96) In 2007, BN ordered the demolition of a Hindu temple in Shah Alam two days before Deepavali, sparking Hindraf demonstrations.

 97) In 2007, the Melaka City Council, riot squads and police demolished the Hindu temple in the state of Tember Bay. The Hindus petitioned in front of the chief minister's office and demanded 500,000 yuan in compensation for the destruction of the temple and 100,000 yuan as a reconstruction fee.
 98) In 1984, the height of the Avalokitesvara Buddha statue in Kek Lok Temple was originally 120 feet, but the Barisan Nasional government at that time only approved the construction of 72 feet. The Barisan Nasional government also stated that the Buddha statues should not be open in the open air, and must have a roof, not only a cover, but also a beaded curtain for the octagonal pavilion.

 99) In 2010, the 80-year-old Kluang Longdu Palace was forcibly relocated. The area of ​​Longdu Palace was the pig slaughtering farm that year. In the past two years, because of the high land price, it was classified as "indigenous reserve".
 100) In 2010, the Orang Asli Care Center pointed out that more than 5 Orang Asli churches were demolished by the authorities in West Malaysia.

 101) In December 1991, if the Chinese community in Johor Bahru had not fought to the end, the Johor century-old temple would have been demolished long ago. Although the Chinese community in Johor Bahru fought to the end, in the end, the temple gate of the ancient Johor temple was still not guaranteed!
 102) The Johor state government intends to buy back the Johor Equity Trust at the original price of RM1, but this is only for Bumiputera investors. For non-Bumiputeras, they can only be sold back to the authorities for 50 sen.

 103) More than 90% of the clerks at the cronies' 7-Eleven convenience store are indigenous.
 104) The hospital's medicine and food suppliers are 100% Malay.

Who betrayed Sarawak?

*History of how SUPP/BN surrendered our Sarawak MA63 rights* 
*Article from theSundaily Abdul Aziz Isa*

TO restore the rightful status of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners to the States of Malaya in the Federation of Malaysia, at least 148 votes in the Dewan Rakyat and 47 votes in the Dewan Negara are required.

Given the current political scenario in our country, achieving this is nearly impossible, unless all sides of the political spectrum agree to such an amendment.

However, the question is why do we need to restore the rightful status of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners to the States of Malaya in the Federation of Malaysia?

Has the status of Sabah and Sarawak been unequal to the State of Malaya in the Federation of Malaysia?

If we are equal, then why do we need to amend the Federal Constitution and what was our original status in the Federation of Malaysia?.

To answer this, we need to look back at what happened at 3:40 pm on July 12, 1976.

The then Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn stood up to disarm parliamentarians by characterising the first reading of the amendment to Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution as merely ‘rearranging the names of the Federation’ (menyusun semula nama-nama negeri yang di dalam Persekutuan).

However, at that particular of time, the bill was not only to amend Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution but also other extensive amendment packages such as Article 3(3), 5(4) & (30), 12(2), 24(2), 25(1)(a) & (2), 32(2), 33(1), 34(2) & (6), 42(10), 48(1), 54(1) & (2), 65(2), 106(2), 111(2), PART XI, Eight Schedule, Ninth Schedule etc.

No other country in this world had made such extensive amendment packages at one time.

After Hussein finished his first reading, Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Kota Melaka) stood up to give his lengthy debate as to why the opposition particularly DAP opposed the amendment bill.

He concluded that the bill constitute serious erosions of fundamental liberties of Malaysians and negates the Rule of Law by providing unjustifiable retrospective legislation.

The following day on July 13, 1976, the bill went for the second reading.

At 3:45 pm, Datuk Patinggi Abdul Rahman Haji Ya’kub (the then Chief Minister and MP for Payang) stood up to support the amendment bill tabled by the Prime Minister.

However, in his speech, he didn’t elaborate much on the purpose of the amendment for Article 1(2) but in Para. 4, Para. 8, and Para. 9, he referred Sarawak as ‘Negeri’ even before the amendment bill was passed.

At 5:15pm, Datuk Stephen Yong Kuet Tze (MP for Padawan) stood up to support the amendment bill but did not touch on the purpose of the amendment for Article 1(2).

At 6:12pm, Latip Bris (MP for Mukah) stood up to support amendment bill without prejudice and throughout his speech, he only referred to Sarawak as ‘Negeri’.

At 6:46pm, once again the Prime Minister stood up to do his winding-up speech for the second reading.

When the bill went through the third and final reading, it was supported by 130 MPs and opposed by 4 MPs.
Surprisingly, not known to history, those MPs who opposed the third and final reading of the bill was Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Kota Melaka), Dr Tan Chee Koon (Pekemas-Batu), Farn Seong Than (DAP-Sungai Besi) and Lee Lam Thye (DAP-Bukit Bintang).

What transpired in the Parliament Hansard dated July 13th, 1976 shows that, despite knowing the fact that the constitutional amendment of Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution will downgrade the status of Sabah and Sarawak as merely 12th and 13th states within the Federation of Malaysia, MPs from Sabah and Sarawak were the ones who supported the amendment.

It has been proven from the very beginning that DAP is the only political party (then and now) consistently defending the rights of Sabah and Sarawak.

Bornean MPs the true saviours?

Back then, Dewan Rakyat had 154 MPs with 24 MPs from Sarawak and 16 MPs from Sabah.

To amend the Federal Constitution at that time, it required 104 votes in the Dewan Rakyat. In other words, to defeat the constitutional amendment bill, it would take only 52 votes or 12 more on top of all Borneo parliamentarians.

In theory, the constitutional amendment bill could have been defeated if and only all 40 MPs from Borneo joined the remaining four MPs from the opposition bench (DAP and Pekemas) as well as another eight MPs from Peninsular Malaysia to oppose the bill.

But in reality, truth hurts, it was our local MPs from Sabah and Sarawak who joined the rest of the MPs from Peninsular Malaysia to support the constitutional amendment bill which eventually downgraded the status of Sabah and Sarawak as merely the 12th and 13th states within the Federation of Malaysia.

Those MPs from Sarawak who supported the constitutional amendment bill were Patrick anak Uren (Bau-Lundu), Tan Sri Ong Kee Hui (Bandar Kuching), Dr Sulaiman Haji Daud (Santubong), Datuk Amar Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud (Samarahan), Datuk Stephen Yong Kuet Tze (Padawan), Richard Damping anak Laki (Serian), Haji Hadadak bin Haji D. Pasauk (Simunjan), Edwin anak Tangkun (Batang Lupar), Jonathan Narwin anak Jinggong (Lubok Antu), Liben anak Kato (Betong), Edmund Langau anak Saga (Saratok), Chieng Tiong Kai (Sarikei), Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul Rahman bin Ya’kub (Payang), Wee Heo Soon (Bandar Sibu), Jawan anak Empaling (Rajang), Latip bin Haji Dris (Mukah), Thomas Salang Siden (Julau), Penghulu Abit anak Angkin (Kapit), Sibat anak Tagong (Ulu Rejang), Yang Siew Siang (Miri-Subis), Luhat Wan (Baram) and Racha Umong (Limbang-Lawas). While the remaining two MPs, Leo Moggie anak Irok (Kanowit) and Ting Ling Kiew (Bintulu), were absent.


We have seen many times how Barisan Nasional (BN) Sarawak and their successors Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) are continuously spreading their propaganda saying that “DAP is a Malayan party”, “DAP cannot protect the rights of Sarawakians”, “Only a local party can protect Sarawak” etc. However, one thing is for sure, BN/GPS can’t undo history.

They might be able to spread their propaganda to the public by distorting historical facts but will never dare to show to the public what has been transpired in Parliament Hansards.

History has proven itself that it was the local political parties who eroded Sarawak’s rights and it was the so-called “Malayan party” like DAP who defended the rightful status of Sarawak.

The local political parties are hopeless now as they were hopeless then to defend Sarawak’s rights.

*Aziz Isa is a special assistant to Sarawak DAP chief, Chong Chieng Jen, the DAP Batu Kitang chairman and Dapsy Stampin Chief*

神秘文件MA 63

对 视频《神秘文件 马来西亚协议》做一点 补充



1963年7月9日在伦敦签署MA63 之前,英国在砂拉越殖民政府律政司,就写信劝戒英国殖民部不要安排此签署。



2)依据(联合国《日内瓦公约》里有关国际契约里的契约签署者之法定地位条规 )说明:签署国必须具有独立主权的法定地位,而当时的北婆罗洲和砂拉越还是英国殖民地,不具备法定地位。所以, 马来西亚契约是一份无效和非法的侵吞沙巴和砂拉越的文件。   

3)1963年7月22日宁甘就职砂拉越第一任首席部长后,马上依据MA63 附件《参组马来西亚18点备忘录》启动公务员婆罗洲化工作。





