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Saturday, 24 December 2022


SSRANZ 关于砂拉越和沙巴权利的新闻声明(2022 年 12 月 22 日发布)

SSRANZ 呼吁 PM ANWAR IBRAHIM首相安华 审查 砂拉越沙巴 在马来西亚的地位,这类似于巴勒斯坦问题。

Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) 是一家总部设在澳大利亚的国际非政府组织,于2022年12月20日它评论了首相安华在 2018 年 12 月 10 日的新闻发布会上关于马来西亚承诺并声援巴勒斯坦人民“为使巴勒斯坦摆脱犹太复国主义以色列的控制而进行的斗争”的声明。 

SSRANZ 总裁Robert Pei 罗伯特(貝瑞华)表示,巴勒斯坦问题已被各种政客用作政治民粹主义的陈词滥调。



他说,在1948 年,英国政府通过犹太复国主义接管、占领和夺取巴勒斯坦领土共谋建立以色列以致其被剥夺了独立和背叛。这就导致了 66 年的巴勒斯坦还在抵抗。


SSRANZ 主席说:“这是关于沙巴和砂拉越不完全去殖民化和独立的主题,我想提示敬请你们注意,并呼吁你们的政府寻求与婆罗洲各州政府、婆罗洲民族主义者和感兴趣的政治人物进行对话致使各方争取和平顺利地移交权力和移交主权給回沙巴和砂拉越。”

SSRANZ 坚持认为,根据 MA63 成立马来西亚的过程存在法律缺陷和违法行为,违反了国际法,这使得该条约不具有法律约束力。马来西亚不是一个合法组成的联邦,因为 MA63 条约从一开始就因缺乏法定資格、同意和成立的合法对象而无效(试图否认

首相也可能知道,在 1946 年,也就是外国接管巴勒斯坦的两年前,英国政府以站不住脚的理由,吞并了独立的砂捞越和北婆罗洲特许公司管理的沙巴领土,作为英国皇家殖民地。当时,英国人郑重承诺,这两个殖民地最终都会获得独立。

然而,英国殖民主义者违背了其屢屢承诺,卻依据无效的1963年馬來西亞協议(MA63)将两个殖民地的主权和殖民控制权转移给了马来亚而成立马来西亚联邦,实施了所谓的去殖民化。马来西亚是在强制性紧急情况下所建立的,没有举行全民公决卻镇压 1962 年汶莱反马来西亚武装起义,也任意逮捕和非法拘留数千名“涉嫌”反对英国-马來亞之马来西亚计划的人士。



根据前砂拉越总督安东尼·阿贝尔爵士的说法; 这是马来亚精英们共同的设计, 他们的目光投向了北婆罗洲和砂拉越的广阔领土及其石油。

他提请首相注意 MA63 作为一项国际条约之有效性的法律问题,该条约目前正在 婆罗洲高等法院受到质疑。

当英国和马来亚于 1963 年 7 月 9 日与沙巴砂拉越和新加坡签署 MA63 时,这 3 个领土仍然是英国皇家殖民地(直到 1963 年 9 月 16 日),而不是主权国家具有法定資格制定有约束力的国际条约。国际法院 (ICJ) 在 2019 年的查戈斯案中确认了这一国际法原则,该案得出的结论是,英国政府无法与其 1965 年完全控制的殖民地毛里求斯制定具有约束力的国际协议。(国际法院还重申自决权是现在国际法的一部分)。


有关马来西亚成立的解密殖民文件披露,英国政府已在法律角度上被告知这一缺陷,但出于“表象目的”,其继续向婆罗洲人民谎称他们在国际层面上是平等伙伴,有权签署 MA63 条约。当时的殖民地总检察长也分别代表沙巴和砂拉越签署了MA63。不符合与当时的英国和马来亚政府声称马来西亚是一个自愿协会或联盟,因為連公投通过准确衡量人民自由选择马来西亚或独立的意愿也从未举行过。因此缺乏征求人民的同意之 MA63 也使该条约无效。

如果马来西亚是一个自愿联盟,那么正如 1963 年 IGC 跨政府委員會主席 Lord Lansdowne 所说的其成员具有固有权利可以随时“脱离”联邦,而这项权利不需要写入宪法。他这样说是为了回应砂拉越内閣里之议员要求在宪法中加入'脫離'条款的要求。 在1965 年,当马来西亚政府同意新加坡退出联邦时,就行使了自由退出的必然权利。英国也在 2019 年举行了脱欧公投,并于 2020 年退出欧盟。



这意味着英国能否在 1963 年有效地将沙巴的主权移交给马来亚尚不清楚。因此馬來西亞之成立在法律上沒有符合联合国註冊的国际協议。


他说,即使可以证明 MA63 是一项有效的条约,它仍然会因联邦政府自 1965 年以来多次违反条约而根据国际法是会被终止的。


 MA63 因英国政府未能在签署时立即登记条约而无效——《联合国宪章》第 102 条第 2 款规定“任何此类条约或国际协定的任何缔约方均未根据《联合国宪章》第 1 款的规定进行登记本条可在联合国任何机构援引该条约或协定”。MA63直到 1970 年才被注册 ,以导致其无效。这是一个缺陷,必须在当前“实施”MA63 尝试的背景下进行检查。

新加坡的退出 已破坏了基于 4 成员联盟的组成结构的 MA63 基本條件因而违反了基本结构原则。在此之前,马来西亚的概念是拥有包括汶莱在内的 5 个组成成员。汶莱苏丹在最后一刻拒绝签署 MA63,因为他认为联盟並不符合其人民的利益。由于这些变化,MA63 应该重新谈判,但它卻被掩盖了而沒有执行。

 MA63 直到 2020 年才被联邦宪法承认, 这就造成了自1963年起非法的馬來西亞与其所有立法之條约皆无效, 尽管迟到了 2021 年才试图批准和承认該協议。

 随后对 MA63 的非法修正案废除了基本条款或基础条款,无论是通过宪法修正案还是正常的立法变更。

 1970 年 新經濟政策种族宗教基于种族隔离国家的制度化破坏了 MA63 世俗多种族国家的概念。

 他們通过非法征用砂拉越与沙巴的财富和土地來發展馬來亞致使砂沙任然贫困。这就造成`發展'砂沙目標失敗。

最后,他说,沙巴和砂拉越人民已被诱导放弃独立将其国家纳入 1963 年更名为马来西亚的马来亚联邦,已故首相东姑阿都拉曼宣布的安全发展和繁荣的承诺是证明成立联邦的主要目标.如果这个目标失败了,人民有权寻求


声明结束 22/12/2019


Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) an international NGO based in Australia, commented on PM Anwar Ibrahim’s statement on Malaysia's commitment to and solidarity with the Palestinian people’s “struggle to free Palestine from the grip of Zionist Israel” made in a press conference on 20 Dec 2022.

SSRANZ President Robert Pei said the issue of Palestine has been used by various politicians as a handy political populist platitude. 

However, it is well known that the new Prime Minister has for a long time sincerely supported the recognition of Palestine as a free and independent state and therefore must be respected for his unwavering anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist position on

He said “In recent time, we have witnessed many remnant colonies of the colonial past becoming as independent states such as Palau, Timor - Leste, Montenegro, Serbia, and South Sudan. Other
countries are also seeking independence such as Scotland, Catalonia, Palestine and Bouganvillea, all of which have followed their own paths to seek self-determination. All these examples affirm the principle of the universal legal right to freely choose one’s destiny”.

He said in 1948 Palestine was denied independence and betrayed by the British government by its complicity in the creation of Israel by the Zionist takeover, occupation and seizures of Palestinian territory. This led to 66 years of Palestinian resistance.

With his enlightened view on the Palestinian issue, the Prime Minister should also see the similarity with the British government’s unlawful imposition of the Malaysia federation plan on Sabah (then called North Borneo) and Sarawak in 1963, instead of granting independence to them.

The SSRANZ President said, “It is in relation to the subject of the incomplete decolonisation and independence of Sabah and Sarawak which I wish to raise for your attention and call on your government to seek dialogue with respective Borneo state governments, Borneo nationalists and interested political parties for a peaceful and smooth devolution of power and transfer of sovereignty
back to Sabah and Sarawak.”

SSRANZ maintains that the process of Malaysia formation pursuant to MA63, was tainted with legal defects and illegalities in violation of international law which rendered the treaty not legally binding.

Malaysia was not a legally constituted federation as the MA63 treaty was null and void from the very beginning for lack of legal capacity, consent and legal object for the formation (contrived to deny Sabah and Sarawak of independence to implement the Grand Design).

The Prime Minister may also be aware that in 1946, two years before the foreign takeover of Palestine, the British Government had with flimsy justifications, annexed the independent state of Sarawak and the North Borneo Chartered Company administered territory of Sabah as British Crown colonies. At the time, the British solemnly promised that both colonies would eventually be given independence.

However, in breach of their repeated undertakings, the British colonialists imposed it so-called decolonisation by transferring the sovereignty and colonial control of the 2 colonies to the Malayan
federation pursuant to the void Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63). Malaysia was established under coercive emergency conditions without a referendum and suppression of the 1962 Brunei Anti-Malaysia armed uprising and arbitrary arrests and unlawful detentions of thousands of “suspected” opponents to the British-Malayan Malaysia plan.

The British government said this was “decolonisation” through “independence in Malaysia”. This was only a euphemism for re-colonisation without real change in status. It is legally absurd and impossible for any country to be “independent” within another country.

The 2 Borneo territories were just the sacrificial victims of the British Grand Design and cold war geopolitics in their strategic redrawing of the map by merging them with Malaya and Singapore in a federation. 

It was a design shared by Malayan elites who according to a former Sarawak governor Sir Anthony Abell, had their eyes on the vast territories of North Borneo and Sarawak and their oil.

He drew the Prime Minister’s attention to the legal issue of MA63 validity as an international treaty which is now being challenged in the Bomeo High Court.

When the UK and Malaya signed MA63 with Sabah Sarawak and Singapore on 9 July 1963 the 3 territories were still British crown colonies (up to 16 September 1963) and not sovereign states with
legal capacity to make binding international treaties. This international law principle was confirmed by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the 2019 Chagos case where it was concluded that the British government could not make a binding international agreement with its colony Mauritius which was under its full control in 1965. (The ICJ also reaffirmed that the right to self-determination
is now a part of international law).

The issue of legal capacity and consent is linked to the fact that neither Sabah nor Sarawak haddirectly elected representation or representatives democratically authorised by a referendum in the
MA63 negotiation. This was in reality negotiated on their behalf by their respective British Governors. The Borneo people were ostensibly involved after the terms were agreed to and drawn

The declassified colonial documents on Malaysia formation disclosed that the British government was legally advised of this flaw but had proceeded to misrepresent to the Borneo people that they were equal partners on the international level and competent to sign the MA63 treaty, for “presentational purpose”. The then colonial Attorney-Generals also signed MA63 on behalf of Sabah and Sarawak respectively.

Contrary to the then British and Malayan governments’ claim that Malaysia was a voluntary association or union, a referendum was never held to seek the people’s consent by precisely gauging the people’s wishes given freely on choosing Malaysia or independence. This lack of consent to MA63 also invalidates the treaty.

If Malaysia was a voluntary union, then as Lord Lansdowne the 1963 IGC chairman stated, its members have the intrinsic right to “secede” from the federation any time and this right needs not to be included in the constitution. He had said this in response to Sarawak Council Negri members’ demand for an escape clause to be inserted in the constitution. This corollary right of free exit was exercised in 1965 when the Malaysian government agreed with Singapore to exit the federation. The British also held their BREXIT referendum in 2019 and the UK exited the European Union in 2020.
International law does not prohibit members of a political union from secession or exit for independence.

In addition to the above legal issues, the SSRANZ President pointed out that MA63 and Malaysia’s legitimacy remains in doubt as the Manila Accord signed on 31 July 1963 by Malaya with Indonesia and the Philippines requiring the resolution of the Philippines’ Sabah claim has never been resolved.

This means that it was unclear that the UK could effectively transfer sovereignty over Sabah to Malaya in 1963. Malaysia formation was therefore not lawfully concluded in compliance with the
international agreement, registered with the United Nations.

MA63 was clearly invalid on the facts, and before it could be “implemented”, the Prime Minister is duty-bound to settle this issue as it has international legal consequences on the legitimacy of Malaysia as an international entity.

He said even if it could be proven that MA63 was valid a treaty, it would nevertheless, have been terminated under international law by the federal government’s multiple treaty violations since 1965.

Robert Pei pointed out that the multiple violations of MA63 had also brought about fundamental change of circumstances making it impossible to fully implement MA63 and thus allowing termination of the treaty (if valid) and they include the following:

 MA63 voided by UK Government’s failure to promptly register the treaty on signing-Article 102(2) of the UN Charter states that “No party to any such treaty or international agreement which has not been registered in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article may invoke that treaty or agreement before any organ of the United Nations”. The failure to register MA63 till 1970, had the effect of rendering it void. This is a defect which must be examined in the context of the current attempts to “implement” MA63.

 Singapore Exit destroyed the MA63 fundamental term based on the component structure of a 4 member federation. It also violated the Basic Structure Doctrine. Prior to this the Malaysia concept was to have 5 component members including Brunei. The Brunei Sultan had refused to sign MA63 in the last minute as he considered the union not to be in his people’s interest. MA63 should have been renegotiated because of these changes but it was covered up and not done.

 MA63 not recognised by Federal Constitution till 2020 thus rendering Malaysia illegitimate & all legislation null & void from 1963 despite the 2021 belated attempt to ratify and recognise
the treaty.

 Subsequent illegal amendments to MA63 abrogating fundamental or foundational terms whether by constitutional amendment or normal legislative alterations.

 Institutionalisation of 1970 NEP race religion based apartheid state destroyed MA63 concept of secular multiracial state.

 Failure of Malaysia Objective to “develop” Sabah and Sarawak which was replaced by the development of Malaya at their expense by keeping impoverished through the illegal expropriation of their wealth and land.

In conclusion he said Sabahans and Sarawakians had been induced to give up independence for integration of their countries into the Malayan Federation renamed Malaysia in 1963, with promises of security development and prosperity which the late PM Tunku Abdul Rahman declared was the principal objective justifying the formation. If this objective has failed, the people are entitled to seek other alternatives including full independence to manage and develop their own states based on their abundant natural resources. Many Borneo people see the agenda for the closer integration of Sabah
and Sarawak with Malaya as a neo-colonial ambition.

The inalienable right to self-determination is recognised by international law and the United Nations and is not negotiable.

End of statement 22/12/2019

Friday, 23 December 2022






“2000年前,砂拉越有多间本土银行和金融公司在为砂的工商农业提供金融服务,提供了极大的便利,比如有福华银行、公明银行、华达银行、广利银行,Bank Utama、德大金融等。1999年开始,国家银行就开始执行银行合并政策,以西马的大银行吃掉东马的小银行的“森林法则”即开始运作,至2000年初,全部本土银行都被西马银行吃光(合并),至此金融殖民砂的政策已完成,砂,沙的金融自主权丧失殆尽。”





Monday, 19 December 2022

Who closed our local banks

Remember Who Closed Our Local Banks, Sarawak CM Tells Voters

FMT) – He says local banks were forced to enter into mergers with other peninsula banks, resulting in them being swallowed up during Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s time as prime minister.

Sarawak Chief Minister Abang Johari Openg took a swipe at Pakatan Harapan chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad here yesterday over the issue of local banks in the state.

Although he did not mention Mahathir by name, Abang Johari said it was during his time that Sarawakians were robbed of their local banks through mergers which caused them to be swallowed up by banks in the peninsula.

“He allowed only five banks to operate in Malaysia. Bank Utama was swallowed, Hock Hua Bank was swallowed, Kwong Lee Bank was swallowed, all Sarawak banks were swallowed – in the end, we no longer had any banks,” he said at an official event.

He said he wished to make it clear that he was not badmouthing anyone, only reminding the people so that history would not repeat itself.

As prime minister, Mahathir had ordered the merger of banks in the late 1990s.

According to “A Note on the 1999-2002 Malaysian Banking Consolidation” written by Rubi Ahmad of Universiti Malaya, guided mergers are widely accepted by Malaysian and other Asian policymakers as a strategy to resolve banking problems.

In the case of Malaysia, the initiative came from the government and its regulatory agencies in the aftermath of the 1997 Asian financial crisis.

In Sarawak, several finance companies were also ordered to merge. Delta Finance, which was the pride of the Sibu Foochow community, was also swallowed up.

Wah Tat Bank and Chew Geok Ling Finance, founded by the Hokkien Chew family, also from Sibu, were also merged with other groups in the peninsula.

The commercial banks and finance companies, though small, were long-established institutions set up by the early Chinese banking pioneers in Sarawak.

Their children and grandchildren still find it difficult to forgive Mahathir for forcing the closure of their families’ legacies.

Saturday, 17 December 2022






 ●英达丽水私人有限公司(IWK) 主席:阿末尊尼扎瓦维(砂土保党/砂盟)

●联邦土地发展局(Felda) 主席:依德利斯(巫统/国阵) 董事:苏龙嘉米尔(巫统/国阵)、纳兹里亚(巫统/国阵)

 ●联邦土地复兴和统一公司(FELCRA) 主席:阿末嘉兹兰(巫统/国阵) 董事:卡扎里(巫统/国阵)、拉希马(巫统/国阵)、查瓦威(巫统/国阵)、诺 哈希达(巫统/国阵)、再益沙德(巫统/国阵)、阿里夫(巫统/国阵)

●大马渔业发展局(LKIM) 主席:赛益阿布胡仙(土团党/国盟) 董事:阿威亚塔立(土团党/国盟)、诺立占(土团党/国盟)、阿旺卡丁(土团党 /国盟)、阿菲克(土团党/国盟)、拉马林甘(国大党/国阵) 

●阁姆布农业发展局(KADA) 主席:拿督卡马鲁丁(土团党/国盟) 董事:祖基菲里查卡利亚(土团党/国盟)、赛莫哈末(土团党/国盟)、沙里布丁 (伊党/国盟)、阿兹米(巫统/国阵)、东姑阿末巴迪(巫统/国阵) 

●吉打农业发展局(MADA) 主席:阿末塔米兹(伊党/国盟)、董事:阿兹曼纳斯鲁丁(土团党/国盟)、凯鲁安努亚(土团党/国盟)、道菲克耶 谷(土团党/国盟) 

●大马联邦农业销售局(FAMA) 主席:阿末依沙(土团党/国盟) 董事:嘉比林(土团党/国盟)、阿都拉萨卡密斯(土团党/国盟)、法依兹(土团 党/国盟)、卡扎勒(巫统/国阵)、米罗(砂土保党/砂盟 ) 

●大马黄梨工业局(MPIB) 主席:沙鲁丁(土团党/国盟) 

●农民组织局(LPP) 主席:仄阿都拉(伊党/国盟) 副主席:阿希夫(土团党/国盟) 董事:末巴里(土团党/国盟)、祖基菲里依布拉欣(土团党/国盟)、苏海米(土 团党/国盟) 

●大马橡胶局(MRB) 信托局主席:达罗雅(全民党/国阵) 总执行长:诺希兹万(全民党/国阵) 成员:梁卓经(民兴党)、达央鲁斯马(全民党/国阵)、诺阿兹万(全民党/国 阵)、舒克(土团党/国盟) 

●水供资产管理公司(PAAB) 主席:阿都拉迪夫(伊党/国盟) 董事:阿都哈密(巫统/国阵) 

●国能(TNB) 主席:哈山阿里芬(巫统/国阵) 董事:纳瓦威(巫统/国阵) 

●大马合作社机构(IKM) 主席:罗斯里(土团党/国盟) 董事:尤努斯(土团党/国盟)、阿都法达(巫统/国阵)、莫哈末再迪(巫统/国 阵)、纳沙鲁丁(巫统/国阵)、巴斯特安(巫统/国阵)、波比巴郎(巫统/国 阵)、阿敏(巫统/国阵)、祖里汉(巫统/国阵)、依马兰(巫统/国阵) 

●大马中小企业机构(SME Corp) 董事:哈比巴(巫统/国阵)、阿兹哈里(巫统/国阵)、依克万(巫统/国阵)、 莫哈末纳晋(巫统/国阵)、贝尔昂甘(砂土保党/砂盟) 

●大马合作社委员会(CCM) 董事:阿都苏克(巫统/国阵)、达祖丁阿都拉(巫统/国阵)、阿末依斯迈(巫统 /国阵)、祖里安(巫统/国阵) 

●大马棕油局(MPOB) 主席:朱加慕央(土团党/国盟) 董事:祖卡菲比里(土团党/国盟)、阿末扎克里(巫统/国阵)、纳因(全民党 /国阵) 

●人民信托局(MARA) 主席:阿兹莎(土团党/国盟) 董事:阿威仄阿末(巫统/国阵)、罗斯尼(巫统/国阵)、哈斯慕尼(巫统/国 阵)、赛阿兹米(巫统/国阵) 

●橡胶小园主发展局(RISDA) 主席:莫哈末沙林(巫统/国阵) 董事:扎鲁兹(巫统/国阵)、仄阿帕(巫统/国阵)、鲁比亚旺(砂土保党/砂盟) 

●大马永续能源发展机构(SEDA) 主席:鲁卡尼斯曼(砂土保党/砂盟) 董事:沙林沙里夫(巫统/国阵) 

●大马能源委员会(ST) 主席:阿兹安奥斯曼(巫统/国阵) 委员:凯里尔尼占(伊党/国盟)、赛克胡先(巫统/国阵)、安南斯曼(巫统/国 阵)、莫哈末再迪(巫统/国阵) 

●大马农业研究院(MARDI) 董事:赛拉兹兰(土团党/国盟)、耶谷(土团党/国盟)、阿兹哈(巫统/国 阵)、吉诺(砂土保党/砂盟) 

●国家人口及家庭发展局(LPPKN) 主席:苏海米(土团党/国盟) 副主席:玛丝杜拉(土团党/国盟) 董事:尤允哈尼(土团党/国盟)、祖莱纳(巫统/国阵)、沙耶阿米尔(巫统/国阵) 

●纳闽市议会(PL) 主席:巴希尔(巫统/国阵) 董事:赫林(砂土保党/砂盟) 

●大马森林研究院(FRIM) 董事:阿都马南(巫统/国阵) 

●国家水务委员会(SPAN) 主席:旺哈山(伊党/国盟) 董事:拉兹兰(巫统/国阵)、哈斯林(伊党/国盟)、依斯祖林(伊党/国盟) 

●大马国家电影发展局(FINAS) 主席:祖莱娜慕沙(巫统/国阵) 董事:罗再迪(巫统/国阵) 

●一个大马人民房屋计划(PR1MA)机构 主席:法都巴里(巫统/国阵) 董事:阿都马南(巫统/国阵) 

●土著发展商协会(PPHM) 董事:哈斯纳(巫统/国阵)、马乌立占(巫统/国阵) 

●大马对外贸易发展局(MATRADE) 董事:莫希占(巫统/国阵) 

●大马生产力机构(MPC) 董事:布塔曼(巫统/国阵) 

●国家房屋理事会(SPNB) 主席:莫哈末尼查(巫统/国阵) 董事:卡马鲁峇哈林(巫统/国阵)、奥马法乌扎(巫统/国阵)、阿都阿兹(巫统 /国阵) 

●国家稻米公司(BERNAS) 主席:罗哈尼阿都卡林(土著保守党/砂盟) 

●玛拉教育基金(YPM) 董事:阿查丽娜 阿都拉曼(土著团结党/国盟)、莫哈末海里(巫统/国阵)、尤 丝丽娜阿末(巫统/国阵) 

●国企(PERNAS) 主席:哈斯尼莫哈末(巫统/国阵) 董事:马乌里占布江(巫统/国阵)、莫哈末沙里米(巫统/国阵)、罗斯马迪依斯 迈(巫统/国阵)、莫哈末雅曼(土保党/砂盟) 

●创业集团商业基金(TEKUN) 主席:阿末法迪里(伊党/国盟) 董事:阿南登苏马孙德南(国大党/国阵) 

●土著主导教育基金会(PENERAJU) 主席:阿都拉迪夫(土团/国盟) 总执行长:莫哈末慕占米尔(土团/国盟) 

●大马知识产权局(MyIPO) 主席:拉查里依布拉欣(巫统/国阵) 董事:蔡智勇(马华/国阵) 

●柔州固体废料管理机构(SWCORP) 主席:里查曼莫达(巫统/国阵) 董事:达米瓦南(国大 党/国阵)、罗斯米查莫达(巫统/国阵)、莫哈末法依查 哈欣(巫统/国阵) 

●巴生港务局(PKA) 主席:张盛闻(马华/国阵) 董事: 黄祚信(马华/国阵)、卢贵添(马华/国阵)、罗斯里阿都哈密(巫统/国 阵)、慕鲁加维鲁(国大党/国阵)、莫哈末沙基里安(土团/国盟) 

●纳闽港务局(LPA) 主席:P卡马拉纳登(国大党/国阵) 副主席:陈匡维(马华/国阵) 董事:卢远东(马华/国阵)、卡立阿都干尼(巫统/国阵)、阿都拉奥马(土团 /国盟) 

●柔州港务局(JPA) 董事:莫哈末凯鲁法兰(土团/国盟) 

●马六甲港务局 主席:许金汉(马华/国阵) 董事:蔡裘伟(马华/国阵) 

●关丹港务局 主席:东姑阿兹兰(土团/国盟) 副主席:郭大雄(马华/国阵) 董事:黄子祥(马华/国阵) 

●槟城港务局 主席:陈德钦(马华/国阵) 董事:杨征家(马华/国阵)、罗斯沙旺迪(巫统/国阵) 

●民都鲁港务局 主席:罗伯特劳森(土保党/砂盟) 

●东南镇发展机构(KEJORA) 主席:翁哈菲兹(巫统/国阵) 董事:阿莎丽娜(巫统/国阵)、莎丽花阿兹莎(巫统/国阵) 

●吉兰丹南部发展机构(KESEDAR) 主席:聂莫哈末阿都(伊党/国盟) 副主席:峇哈里莫哈末诺(土团/国盟) 董事:莫哈末沙里布丁(伊党/国盟)、莫哈末阿班迪(伊党/国盟)、阿兹曼阿末 (伊党/国盟)、阿都阿兹尤索夫(巫统/国阵) 

●登州中部发展机构(KETENGAH) 主席:阿末赛益(巫统/国阵) 副主席:阿兹曼依布拉欣(伊党/国盟) 董事:莫哈末诺韩查(伊党/国盟)、罗兹马末(巫统/国阵)、再敦末阿敏(巫统 /国阵)、东姑再汉仄古阿都拉曼(巫统/国阵)、阿兹曼哈迪(土团/国盟) 

●吉打区域发展机构(KEDA) 主席:嘉米尔基尔(巫统/国阵) 副主席:沙哈林尤索夫(巫统/国阵) 董事:安努亚阿末(巫统/国阵)、峇哈杜奥马(巫统/国阵)、凯鲁安努亚(土团 /国盟) 

●槟州区域发展机构(PERDA) 主席:卡立梅达(土团/国盟) 副主席:赛胡申迈丁(巫统/国阵) 董事:莫哈末诺阿末(巫统/国阵)、沙菲依卡欣(巫统/国阵)、莫哈末尤斯尼 (伊党/国盟) 

●浮罗交怡发展机构(LADA) 主席:沙努西(伊党/ 国盟)、苏海米阿都拉(土团/国盟) 

●国家高等教育基金(PTPTN) 主席:阿毕里尤索(巫统/国阵) 董事:法都峇里(巫统/国阵)、胡斯那阿都拉曼(巫统/国阵)、莫哈末凯里(巫 统/国阵) 

●社会保险机构(PERKESO) 主席:苏巴汉(巫统/国阵) 董事:达娜丽祖米(国大党/国阵)

Wednesday, 14 December 2022






*1.我们曾希望有一个强大的州政府来确保政治稳定,并有实力和权力来执行和遵守马来西亚协议(MA63)並維持与联邦政府的关系,而 GPS 在州选举中取得的压倒性胜利已经实现了这一点。 *

*2.我们曾希望建立一个多种族和多宗教的联邦政府,它将本着 MA63 的精神并根据 其与多种族和多宗教的 世俗樂園砂拉越保持同步联系。*

*3.我们曾希望,如果能夠的話, 完全遵守和实施 MA63,而不是谈判又谈判,这只是拖延和借口以避免或推迟如承诺的那样,在一次又一次选举中逾期遵守和实施。 *

*4.我们曾希望有一位勇于担当的首相,以确保砂拉越在 MA63 中所規定的权利和利益在精神和文字上得到落实,并得到适当遵守和实施。 *

*我们的新首相安华刚刚指示他的副首相法迪拉在一个月内解决与 MA63 相关的要求。”*

*5.如果不是婆罗洲州屬,这个强大的州政府和脆弱的联邦政府对砂拉越来说是最好的交易。 *
*联邦政府最需要沙巴和砂拉越来继续掌权,并应对 PN/Pas 日益增长的极端种族和宗教影响。*

*6.砂拉越人不能坐享其成而必须作为监督者参与进来,让我们的州领导层和政府记住;在首相指示 其副手完成工作的那一天起,MA63 倒计时已经开始。 *

*7. MA63 是 砂拉越进入马来西亚的“护照”,也是 SARAWAK 目前在马来西亚境内的“护照”,如果其无法实现合规和实施,其也将成为 SARAWAK 离开马来西亚的“护照”。 *

*8. MA63 与所有国际协议或条约一样,是相互同意并签署的。 *

*如果联邦政府甚至不能尊重、遵守或执行 MA63 的条款和条件,那么砂拉越作为平等的创始伙伴,留在这个国家的“联姻”中的目的和意义是什么?*


*在这个联盟成立 59 年后,婚姻的和谐受到了与 我们砂拉越祖先沒有联系之Pas/PN 种族和宗教极端主义的严重威胁。*



*让我们的州领导层和政府为 MA63 的预期实施和合规负责。*

*不在此刻, 更待何时 ?*


*MA63 倒计时已经开始。*

*根据首相的指示,它于 2022 年 12 月 6 日开始。*




*Fellow SARAWAKIANS....*

*Good day and greetings to all*🤝

*Do you realise...*
*Our WISH has come true .....?*
*at least....for now....*

*How is that so ?*🤔

*1. We have wanted to have a strong STATE GOVERNMENT to ensure political stability and strength and power to pursue the implementation and compliance of the MALAYSIA AGREEMENT (MA63) with the Federal Government and the landslide victory secured by GPS in the State elections has achieved that.*

*2. We have wished for a multi-racial and multi-religious Federal Government which will be in sync with multi-racial and multi-religious SECULAR FAIRLAND SARAWAK, in the spirit of, and PURSUANT to MA63.*

*3. We have wished, if not demanded for full compliance and implementation of MA63, not just negotiations after negotiations which are just procrastination and excuses to avoid or delay the overdue compliance and implementation, as promised, elections after elections.*

*4. We have wished for a Prime Minister who will grab the bull by the horns to ensure that SARAWAK's rights and interests as enshrined in MA63 be acted on and duly complied with and implemented in the spirit and letter.*

*Our new Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has just instructed his Deputy Fadillah Yusuf to "settle unresolved demands related to MA63 within one month."*
*Of course, what could be done within that one month must be done, notwithstanding that there will be issues which require legislative and constitutional approval.*

*5. This strong State Government and fragile Federal Government is the best deal for Sarawak, if not the BORNEO STATES.*
*The Federal Government NEEDS Sabah and Sarawak more than anything else to remain in power as well as to counter the rising extreme race and religious influences of PN/Pas.*

*6. SARAWAKIANS must not sit idly and wait for things to happen. WE must be involved as watchdogs to impress on our STATE LEADERSHIP and GOVERNMENT that the COUNTDOWN to MA63 had already begun the day the PM instructed DPM Fadillah Yusuf to get things done.*

*7. MA63 was SARAWAK's 'passport' into Malaysia, is SARAWAK's 'passport' currently WITHIN Malaysia' and shall be SARAWAK'S 'passport' out of Malaysia if compliance and implementation cannot be achieved.*

*8. MA63, like all International Agreements or Treaties, was MUTUALLY AGREED UPON and SIGNED to be HONOURED.*

*If the Federal Government cannot even honour, comply with or implement the terms and conditions of MA63, what then is the purpose and meaning for SARAWAK, as an EQUAL FOUNDING PARTNER, to remain in this 'MARRIAGE' of COUNTRIES ?*

*To cherish, to love and to grow.... TOGETHER for a BETTER TOMORROW.*

*After 59 years in this union, the harmony of the marriage has come under serious threat of extremism in race and religion by Pas/PN which our SARAWAK's forefathers DID NOT sign up for.*

*They wanted a sweeter sugar cane, not a bitter gourd.*






*It started on 6th December, 2022 with the PM's instructions.*










Thursday, 8 December 2022












1997年亚洲金融风暴之后,政府推动银行合并计划,福华银行终於在2000年并入大众银行(Public Bank),这家砂捞越最大的华资银行就这样消失了。


Saturday, 3 December 2022

2018 年联邦选举

May 10, 2018 




他们总共掌控了121个国会议席,而足以组成稳定的联邦政府。假设把公正党力挺的独立国会议员巴拉卡兰(P Prabakaran)计算在内,执政党的议席将高达122席。


另外一名独立候选人祖卡(Jugah Ak Muyang)则爆冷击败公正党和国阵,中选为魯勃安都(Lubok Antu)国会议员。

第3位为沙巴立新党(Star)主席杰菲里吉丁岸(Jeffery Kitingan)。由于出现悬峙议会的局面,该党或跟希盟和民兴党组成沙巴联合政府。











国大党的两个国席,分别是副主席沙拉瓦南(M Saravanan)的打巴和青年团长西华拉兹(C Sivarraajh)的金马仑国席。

以上3党的党魁都落马,即马华总会长廖中莱、国大党主席苏巴马廉(S Subramaniam)和民政党主席马袖强。




















温利山:那些在丛林中生活和战斗,后来回返家园的人,从未停止过为砂拉越独立自由而进行的斗争。 他们值得我们致敬! 
( 03 - 12 - 2022 )

对于那些为砂拉越而战而失去生命和家人的人,我们应该充满悲痛和同情。 他们被贴上恐怖分子的标签,后来,停止了在丛林中的战斗,因为敦拉赫曼雅谷知道他们的斗争,并与他们一起为这片土地寻求和平。 事实上,在当年,他们是受到骚扰,出于对生命的安全和人身自由,他们不得不在丛林中自卫和斗争。


 在 PBK,我们的立场是,马来西亚的成立不符合国际法,也不符合砂拉越人民的意愿。 就连前砂拉越州长敦艾哈迈德再迪阿德鲁斯也曾被警方通缉。

 如果我没记错的话,Ubong Anak Nuing 在反对未经公投成立马来西亚的斗争中失去了妻子。

 那些在丛林中生活和战斗,后来回返家园的人,从未停止过为砂拉越独立自由而进行的斗争。 他们值得我们致敬。

We should be full of sorrows and compassion to those who lost their lives and families fighting for Sarawak. They were branded as terrorists but stopped fighting in the jungle because Tun Rahman Yakub knew their struggles and sought peace for this land with them. Infact, they were harassed and for fear of their lives, they had to hide and defend themselves in the jungle 

The brainwashing by the British and by people in the regime was so powerful that citizens recognised and agreed that those who were against the formation of Malaysia as terrorists when they were not.
They were hunted with arms and under the law, they have a right to self defence under attack with whatever means, including the use of weapons to preserve their lives. 

In PBK it is our stand that Malaysia was formed not in accordance with international law and or with wishes of people of Sarawak. Even Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce was wanted by the police at time.

Ubong Anak Nuing lost his wife if I am not mistaken, in his struggle against formation of Malaysia without a referendum. 

Those who lived and came out fighting in the jungle, never stopped to continue their struggle for Sarawak independence. They are worthy of our salute.

Thursday, 1 December 2022


沙巴人民联盟 (马来语:Gabungan Rakyat Sabah,简称沙民联、沙盟、GRS) ,由国民联盟兼土著团结党主席慕尤丁创立[2]。该联盟的成员包括了国民联盟、国民阵线和沙巴团结党。在2020年9月26日的沙巴州选中,沙巴人民联盟赢得了简单多数的议席,随后也获得了议会中其他独立人士的支持,进而组成沙巴州政府[3] 。该联盟的主要成员党包括沙巴立新党、沙巴进步党、沙巴团结党、沙巴土团党和沙巴国阵。主席
哈芝芝诺(英语:Hajiji Noor)
杰菲里吉丁岸(英语:Jeffrey Kitingan)

沙巴团结联盟 - (由百林吉丁岸创立)

20点协议(英语:20-point agreement)
原住民权利(英语:Demographics of Sabah)
中间偏右 至 右翼

"Sayangi Sabah"
"Sabah Maju Jaya"

2020年9月12日,马来西亚首相暨国盟主席慕尤丁成立了沙巴人民联盟,以在州选中与原任沙巴州首长沙菲益所领导的民兴党+联盟对战。民兴党+的成员包括沙巴民兴党、民主行动党、人民公正党以及神山前进统一机构。沙巴人民联盟则由慕尤丁的国盟、国阵和沙巴团结党组成[2]。在9月26日的州选中,沙巴人民联盟赢得了沙巴州议会中的简单多数议席,共获73席中的38席。国盟赢得17席,国阵赢得14席,沙巴团结党则赢得7席。沙巴国盟兼沙巴土团党主席哈芝芝诺(英语:Hajiji Noor)于9月29日宣誓成为新一任沙巴首席部长[4]。

2021年1月9日,沙巴人民联盟各个成员党的领袖签署了一项谅解备忘录,以便推进各成员党之间的合作,同时对抗外界对联盟的干预。签署人包括沙巴首长暨沙巴国盟主席哈芝芝诺(英语:Hajiji Noor)、沙巴副首长暨沙巴国阵主席邦莫达、沙巴进步党主席杨德利、沙巴立新党副主席依伦安营(英语:Ellron Alfred Angin)、沙巴团结党副主席拉丁马烈、沙巴伊斯兰党秘书阿里阿巴(馬來語:Aliakbar Gulasan)、沙民团党署理主席亚瑟古律(英语:Arthur Joseph Kurup)、沙巴印度国大党主席Peer Muhamad和沙巴马华主席卢远东。沙巴首长哈芝芝诺表示,沙巴人民联盟不应被马来西亚半岛的政治动向所影响[5][6]。

2021年1月,由沙巴人民联盟所领导的沙巴州政府展开了一项五年计划。该计划以沙巴州格言“沙巴进步繁荣”(Sabah Maju Jaya)命名。此计划强调其与联邦政府所推行的“2030年共享繁荣愿景”相辅相成[7]。2021年3月21日,由首相慕尤丁所领导的联邦政府宣布,将会全力支持沙巴人民联盟所领导的沙巴州政府。联邦政府将对沙巴州的发展需求予以关注,而沙巴人民联盟也会享有一定的自主权。慕尤丁表示,联邦与州政府之间的支持与联系,可让沙巴州政府高效地运作[8]。

*2021年11月24日,沙巴后座议员俱乐部主席沙烈赛益(英语:Salleh Said Keruak)表示,沙巴人民联盟应注册成为正式的政治联盟。他形容,此举将给沙巴州政府带来稳定,以免发生类似马六甲国阵和国盟之间的内讧[9][10]。绝大多数的沙盟领袖对沙烈赛益的提议表示赞同,包括沙巴立新党的杰菲里吉丁岸(英语:Jeffrey Kitingan)、土著团结党的马西迪曼俊(英语:Masidi Manjun)、伊斯兰党的阿里阿巴、沙巴进步党的杨德利、巫统的邦莫达,以及其他领袖[11][12][13]。沙巴团结党总秘书佐尼斯顿邦奎(英语:Joniston Bangkuai)也表示,沙巴团结党的全体领导层同意并要求将沙巴人民联盟正式注册,以避免冲突,同时加强沙巴人民联盟的政治论述[14][15]。*

2021年12月28日,人民复兴党副主席彼得安东尼宣布退出该党,并将成立新党。彼得表示,自己将会与沙巴州首长哈芝芝诺(英语:Hajiji Noor)合作,而他的新党也会与沙巴人民联盟友好。同时退党的还有林巴浩州议员朱益努丁[16][17]。2022年2月21日,彼得安东尼宣布新党的名称为社会民主和谐党 (Parti Kesejahteraan Demokratik Masyarakat, KDM),并重申该党将会在正式注册后,申请加入沙巴人民联盟[18]。不过,沙巴人民联盟宣传主任兼沙巴团结党总秘书佐尼斯顿邦奎(英语:Joniston Bangkuai)表示,沙巴人民联盟应先强化现有成员党之间的关系,再让其他政党加盟。他也说,虽然该联盟欢迎所有沙巴人的支持,但沙盟不应急于与未经考验的政党结盟[19]。



1)受制於 美国背景,可能在国际关系中陷於坎坷,就看他的智慧,看能否在执政后有所改变


3)马上落实选举时的承诺:若获得人民委托,一旦任相,立即还给MA63里所有 权利,无需协商。


Tuesday, 29 November 2022





👉蔬菜食粮油醋批发及进口商是马来人、拥有浅海 / 深海捕渔牌照绝多数是马来人、稻田面积最大平方米的拥有者是马来人、运输及长途游览巴士是马来人,水供、电供及天然气供应商都是马来人,甚至连赌场的董事也有马来人。










👉马来主权是一种种族主义信条,认为马来人是马来西亚的主人,华人和印度构成了少数种族,通过承认宪法第153条,规定马来人的待权。在3, 217万人口中,马来人和伊班族及卡达山族的土著占69%,华人占21%,印巴人占7%。











Ryan Koay

Monday, 28 November 2022

Sarawak struggle for independence


(From an internet posting 05/05/2022)


(A comment made in relation to colonial crimes of Great Britain)  

One of the forgotten British imperialist crimes was the bloody annexation of Sabah & Sarawak into the Malayan Federation renamed "Malaysia" on 16 Sept 1963.

The Malaysia federation proposal was a plan to consolidate British strategic interests in S E Asia by annexing the colonies of North Borneo and Sarawak and independent Brunei with Singapore into the Malayan Federation.

The Borneo people strongly opposed this as a neo-colonial plan by the British in collusion with Malaya.

Facing a strong united opposition the British Special Branch instigated an uprising in Brunei (on 8 Dec 1962) whose people also strongly opposed Malaysia. This immediately aborted the independence movement's plan to go to the UN to seek support for independence as the Brunei People's Party leading the delegation was made illegal and "banned". The uprising was also used as propaganda against the opposition to promote Malaysia and inflicted a culture of fear on the people that has lasted till today.

Under the pretext of suppressing the "rebellion", mass arrests and detention took place in Sarawak of over 6,000 to 10,000 "suspected communists".

The suppression drove many into Southern Kalimantan Indonesia where they formed armed resistance guerilla forces and fought the British (till 1970) and Malayan occupation army till 1990. Many of those arrested were detained for over 20 years without ever being tried in an open court - but the world does not know about these cases. This was British justice.

The guerilla war was a silent war as the British and Malayan governments kept tight control over the news of the independence war from the outside world because the British and allies did not want their dirty deeds of yet another re-drawing of the colonial map to be publicised. 

To secure Malaysia for Malaya the UK had to deploy some 50,000 air sea and land forces including Australian and New Zealand, armed forces to suppress the independence fighters. They did not finish their unsavoury assignment till 1970. The Five Powers Defence Arrangement was set up in 1971 and this has been maintained till today showing the importance of the 
area to the western imperial alliance. 

They boast that this was their most successful decolonisation since most of their other neo-colonial creations in Africa and the Caribbean had failed. But the other side is a lie they spread that Malaysia was peacefully created and approved by the Borneo people. 

To maintain their foreign-imposed rule of Sabah and Sarawak the Malayan regime had to use "emergency laws" and repressive laws of arrest and detention from 1963 to 2012 to suppress and control the people under a state of fear from openly opposing their colonial rule.

The people's grave fears of re-colonisation have become true as the resource-rich Borneo territories have been the best gift Malaya could get from Britain and exploitation and expropriation of their petroleum resources have developed Malaya and enriched their elites. The 2 countries have been kept backward and undeveloped as they were before 1963 and in fact, reduced to being vassals or dependencies with limited self-government. 

In recent years, the younger generation awakening to the reality of their respective countries' colonial status, has become active in campaigning to seek independence by peaceful means.

Last December a group of 12 Sarawkians filed a legal suit in the Kuching High Court against the British Malayan and local puppet Sarawak governments seeking declarations to invalidate the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and declarations that Sarawak has the right to exit from the Malaysia federation.

Love greetings to everyone

*Love greetings to everyone*
 Among the many comments on social media when DS Najib was sent to prison, the comment given by his brother's friend, *Sdr Norman Raduan,* was the most impressive when he read it.
 Congratulations and thank you Norman, for giving a very objective and easy to understand view.
 I'll share it here again for those who haven't read it yet 👇

 *Remember 4 years ago the RM 1.1 billion loot?*

 *If we hate corruption (illegal money) or misuse of power, why should we be angry with the Chief Justice, Tun Maimun and also the Prime Minister, Ds Ismail? Why bring up the narrative of unjust and 'cruel' Judges who do not want to tolerate?*

 *This Najib case was not only punished by Tun Maimun but all the Judges from the High Court Judges, Court of Appeal Judges and Federal Court Judges made the same decision.*

 *Najib's case is very clear without a doubt. But why is Ismail Sabri who just doesn't want to intervene blamed? If the intervention takes place and Najib is free is it called 'Sovereignty of Law' or fair? What country is this if that's the way it is?*

 *Do we still remember the total value of items confiscated from Najib's residence was between RM900 million and RM1.1 billion according to the Director of the Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department at the time, Amar Singh Ishar Singh.*

 The amount of loot was so high that the police force had to deploy 150 policemen to count the amount of loot.
 *Cash from various currencies alone amounted to RM 114 million and it took several days to calculate it.*

 *A total of 12,000 different pieces of jewelery were found in 25 of the 72 bags confiscated by the police. Among the jewelry are rings, diamonds, bracelets and earrings with a total market value of about RM880 million.*

 *Of that total, 2,200 units are rings, 1,400 necklaces, 2,100 bracelets, 2,800 earrings, 1,600 brooches and 14 tiaras. The most valuable item is a gold chain with white diamonds worth RM6.4 million.*

 *Not enough with that 567 handbags involving 37 brands such as Hermes, Prada and Chanel as well as Sesame. The Hermes handbag alone is worth about RM51.3 million and the most expensive costs RM1.6 million.*

 *In addition, 234 sunglasses such as Gucci and Dior were also confiscated, all worth RM374,000. A total of six bags contain 423 watch threads worth RM78 million involving over 100 brands.*

 *While the most expensive watches seized were Rolex Paul Newman Daytona worth RM3.5 million, Chopard (RM2.5 million), Richard Mille (RM1.6 million). This is property at home, not yet Ismet Ulam Raja's property abroad.*

 All of us Malaysians, regardless of party, race or religion, should not be angry but be grateful for the court's decision.

 This is because the whole world is watching Malaysia whether there is still justice in the country's judiciary. The implications are huge if the world does not trust the country's judiciary. The country's economy can collapse or be destroyed.

 Imagine that RM 1.1 billion can build dozens of schools or build bridges for the children of the interior of Sabah who fight for their lives every day to go to school.

 *This Najib case cuts across parties. It is the interest of the people. That's right Ustazah, we don't need to insult but at the same time we don't need to sympathize.*

 In fact, this punishment is commensurate with what he did.
 *We must remember that there are 4 cases bigger than this case involving billions of ringgit that Najib will go through.*

 *What I wonder about is why the aunts are crying and cheering inside and outside the court? Like Najib's siblings, we don't even see them in court crying (correct me if I'm wrong)*

 Najib's siblings also did not give any comments like Lokman who was willing to insult Ismail Sabri the Prime Minister of Malaysia so badly.

 To be honest, I am also waiting for the case of Lim Guan Eng, Zahid Hamidi and Syed Sadiq... if they are clearly guilty, please send them to prison. *There is no favoritism or partisanship in the rule of law of the country.*
 *Wrong is still wrong 😫!*





这篇文好长, 值得一读.

      马哈迪 @之



        索罗斯发表的评论,虽然不见得全是对的,但是,基本上还是很贴切的说明了,马哈迪的真面目,是非常不堪的 !












        在马哈迪视为不共戴天仇敌的国际对冲基金玩家乔治索罗斯Geogre Soros的眼中,马哈迪却是一个对国际期货买卖不懂装懂的笨蛋!




      《马哈迪在吉隆坡兴建亚洲最高的电讯塔楼(Kuala Lumpur Tower)和世界最高的建筑物双峰塔(Kuala Lumpur Twin Tower);只能证明他是多么的愚蠢自大。》











      《我们都知道你在国际间有很多花名,在澳洲,他们称你为〈顽固自大的家伙〉(recalcitrant ego maniac);在英国,他们叫你为〈贪污的杂种〉(Corrupt bastard),那是因为你胡乱花钱购买英国的电影制片厂,还有花2亿9千万买下实际上已经濒临破产的莲花汽车公司。》




        在英国,有超过17家报章刊登你的大头照,称呼你为《贪污的独裁者》(Corrupt Dictator);在马来西亚,你也有个外号叫作《国际大嘴巴》(IBM=International Big Mouth);在日本,他们叫你做《那个最小的》(意思是说你的脑袋是最小的,最愚蠢)(The Smallest One(Brain size) )。

       还有,在太平洋岛国之中,他们叫你做《圣诞老人》Santa Claus,那是因为你经常给他们一些听了会精神错乱的劝告;还有还有,在南美洲国家,他们习惯称你为《鹦鹉》。知道那是什么意思吗?就是说你只会讲个不停,但实际上连你也不懂自己在讲什么!

        当然,在菲律宾,他们也习惯称呼你为《活着的马可斯》(The Living Marcos)。


        虽然我同意不是只有西方人有智慧,但是你的行为和决策看起来也是毫无智慧。你倡导的《东亚经济论坛》(East Asia Economic Conference,简称EAEC)完全得不到支持,就算东合国家也未必全部支持你。每年一次的最高领导人会议变成了服装秀!

        你的《南南对话会议》(South-South Dialogue)同样反应冷淡。还有,我听说你还准备在全世界国际船运业最繁忙的马六甲海峡兴建一条长32公里,横跨海峡直通印尼苏门答腊的大桥!天!世界上还有谁比你更疯狂?


        还有一个你沾沾自喜的《多媒体超级走廊计划》(The Multimedia Super Corridor简称MSC);其实根本不知所谓!在美国,这样的概念早在一光年以前就提出来了,后来经过不断的检验,证明那根本是多余的!美国有一个矽谷计划(Silicon Valley),将所有电脑科技研究中心集中在那里就行了!




        看看你的国际贸工部长拉菲达阿兹斯,利用职权便利,卖了多少张进口车AP(Approved Permit)?每一张AP价值介于两万到3万令吉,她至少拥有超过1万张AP,搜刮到的钱财高达数亿元!



        你的首席部长不断批准许多中看不中用的发展计划给他们的朋党,然后从中获取金钱利益。你的土地发展局(Land Development Board)和经济发展局(Economic Development Board)根本就是为了保护你的朋党利益而设立的。



        我们再看看你那个俗称《白毛》的砂拉越首席部长吧!他将价值超过百亿的木材,以台底交易(Under table)方式卖掉了。从中得到多少分成?他还将砂州许多值钱的地皮以私相授受的方式,没有通过公开招标就卖给那些跟他有利益挂钩的商人。







        按照我最保守的估计,过去10年(1991至2001),由于你的贪婪滥权,马来西亚国民至少损失超过300亿。其中最好笑的是你宣称用了10亿元向英国订购一批《天鹰战斗机》(Sky hawk war plane), 但是现在过了多少年?战斗机在哪里?还收藏在美国的内华达沙漠里吗?有谁看到过这批战斗机?你以为日子久了就没人记得这件事了吗?然后这10亿元就这样消失在你的口袋里了吗?

















        The Malaysians' prayer:
        "Ya Allah, we thank you for your gifts of timber, oil and grain. But then the devil sent us corrupt Mahathir without a Brain And look we are back to square one again So just take Dr Mahathir back to Hell And we will be alive and well."




        现在你的三个儿子,同时在超过200家企业集团担任董事。他们是不是都毕业自哈佛大学商业企管系?而且获得荣誉学位?还是说,他们只是在你的《你不认识我就别想在马来西亚做生意》(you don't know me you don't do business in Malaysia)的《企业原则》下受惠?数以十亿计的公积金存款和国家石油共司的公款都被你挪用,用来救济你儿子所有亏本的投资计划。你是多么的不道德,多么的贪污滥权啊!

        你的每一个政治追随者,都在好多家上市公司,甚至超过10家以上,担任董事。他们根本不必做任何事,每个月就有非常可观的董事费进帐。这些公司利用它们的《VIP》身份签名向银行贷款,不必任何抵押就能借到钱;经过多年的挥霍成性,现在这些贷款全都变成了银行的烂账(Non Performing Loan)!

        现在你还要两千多万马来西亚人民为你一个人牺牲?为什么你不干脆辞职,承认自己的错误?承认自己贪污了国家数百亿的金钱?我可以教你如何让你国家的经济回到正常 轨道;不过,前提是你必须向所有犹太人道歉,也必须向所有马来西亚人民道歉!


        索罗斯所言,虽然不见得全是对的,但是,基本上还是很贴切的说明了。马哈迪的真面目是非常不堪的 !!

         转载: 人民是老板

Consumers rights

Consumer rights

The e-poster on the eight basic rights of consumers released by KPDNHEP.
Natasha Jee

March 15, 2022
KUCHING: Today, March 15, marks World Consumer Rights Day and it is important for consumers to know their rights.

In Malaysia, National Consumer Day is celebrated today with the theme ‘Consumer Digitisation’.

In line with this, the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) has listed out the eight basic rights of consumers that they need to be aware of.

They are:

● Right to basic needs;

● Right to safe goods and services;

● Right to information;

● Right to make choice;

● Right to express opinion;

● Right to redress;

● Right to consumer education, and

● Right to live in a healthy and safe environment

Meanwhile, the month of March every year has been declared by the Cabinet which met on Dec 11, 2020 as National Consumer Month (BPK).

According to a statement on KPDNHEP’s website, the government will be celebrating BPK for the first time nationwide in March 2022.

The objective of the BPK, among others, is to empower consumers to be more intelligent and capable in various aspects, especially consumer protection.

This year’s National Consumer Day focuses on the use of easier, faster and safer online transactions for daily affairs.

The selection of the theme coincides with the COVID-19 pandemic scenario which requires most of the payment transactions and sales to be done without touch and online transactions are the most secure and efficient platform.

In addition, KPDNHEP hopes that consumers can participate with the current digital technology and further equip themselves with digital knowledge and usability, especially in terms of security and protection from the threat of scams, fraud, hackers and so on.

The BPK will be celebrated from March 1 to 31.

Meanwhile, should consumers encounter problems or are victims of fraud, they should report the matter to KPDNHEP or the relevant agencies and ensure that their rights as consumers are protected.

Consumers are urged to report to KPDNHEP of any misconduct and they can channel the reports or complaints on the ministry’s WhatsApp at 019-2794317, e-Aduan portal, call centre 1-800-886-800; email to; Ez ADU mobile application; or Enforcement Command Centre 03-8882-6088/6245.

Malaysia -Where Apartheid Is Legal



With the general election around the corner, should you think about who to vote for with your vote? Read the following 104 BN’s treatment of non-Bumiputera issues before making a decision:

 1) Of the six major commercial banks in our country, only two are multi-racial, and the rest are controlled by Malays.
 2) The directors of Petronas are 99% Malay.

 3) Only 3% of Petronas employees are non-Bumiputera.
 4) According to statistics in 2000: In Malaysia, 99% of the petrol stations of Petronas belong to Malays.

 5) All Petronas contractors must be 100% Bumiputera status.
 6) There is no non-Bumiputera who are required to work in Malay companies under the Quota Act. However, 30% of employees in general public companies must be Malay.

 7) All police, nurses, military, new non-indigenous admission rate is only 5%.
 8) The current percentage of non-Bumiputera employees in the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) is 2%, down from 40% in 1960 to just 2% today.

 9) The proportion of Putrajaya non-bumiputera civil servants is 2% while Malays make up 98%.
 10) In 2004, the percentage of non-Bumiputera civil servants in the entire government of our country was 7%, down from 30% in 1960 to only 7% today.

 11) 95% of government contracts go to Malays.
 12) Licensees of all businesses such as Taxi Permit (Permit), Approval Permit (AP) etc. 100% controlled by Malays.

 13) 80% of the non-Bumiputera rice and flour business in Kedah in the 1980s had to be sold to Malays. Otherwise, the government will make this business difficult.
 14) Since the 1970s to the present, there are 100 large non-bumiputera companies taken over by the government or Malays, such as UTC, UMBC and D&C (RHB), MAYBANK, MISC, Malayan Bank (AFG), Amal Bank (MBF) ), Southern Bank (CIMB), MMC, GAMUDA, MALAYA SUGAR, JERNEH, PELANGI, SUNRISE, IJMLAND, etc. MALAYA SUGAR, JERNEH, PELANGI are Guo Lao's company.

 15) At least 10 non-bumiputera bus companies in Malaysia over the past 40 years were sold to Malays or other transport companies due to refusal by government authorities to renew bus routes for new bus routes and refusal to apply routes for non-bumiputeras.
 16) Non-Bumiputera taxi drivers are banned from driving at the Larkin bus station in Johor. The reason given by the authorities was to destroy the taxi club.

 17) In November 2004, non-Bumiputeras were not given shop space at the new bus station in Muar at all.
 18) Over the past 34 years, the total amount of RM800 billion has entered the pockets of the Malays through government channels and statutory bodies such as ASN, MARA, Privatisation, Government New Economic Policy Agency, Hajj Fund, etc.

 19) 48 Chinese primary schools closed during 1968-2000.
 20) 144 Indian primary schools closed between 1968-2000.

 21) 2637 Malay primary schools were built during 1968-2000.
 22) The government budget for Chinese primary schools is 2.5%. Indian schools got only 1%, Malay schools got 96.5%.

 23) Although the salary (monthly salary) is only RM1000, Chinese parents cannot get school textbook loan. RM2000 salary (monthly salary) eligible Malay parents can get the loan.
 24) The vice-chancellors of all 10 government public universities are Malays.

 25) 5% of lecturers in government universities are non-Bumiputera. Between 1965 and 2004 this percentage dropped from 70% to just 5%.
 26) Over the past 40 years, only 5% of non-Bumiputeras have received government scholarships.

 27) No Chinese or Indians were sent to Japan and Korea during their studies in the East.
 28) In 2004, 128 of the best non-Indigenous students in STPM were unable to get into the department they aspired to, which is medicine.

 29) In early 2003 MARA gave 10% quota to non-Bumiputera but only 7% was filled. Before that MARA was 100% Malay.
 30) The 2003 National Service Program Cases included 50 cases of non-Bumiputera being assaulted in Malaysia.

 31) The Chinese population in Malaysia dropped from 45% in 1957 to 25% in 2004.
 32) The Indian population of Malaysia fell from 12% in 1957 to 7% in 2004.

 33) Two million Malaysian Chinese immigrants in the past 40 years.
 34) 500,000 Malaysian Indians emigrated over the past 40 years.

 35) Over the past 40 years, 3 million Indonesians have immigrated to Malaysia, becoming Malaysian citizens and enjoying bumiputera status.
 36) Over the past 40 years, 600,000 Chinese and Indians with red ID cards have been denied citizenship. Perhaps 60% of them died of old age. On the basis of racism, Indonesians got their citizenship easily compared to Chinese and Indians.

 37) Malays have 5% - 15% discount for buying houses, be it rich or poor Malays.
 38) The budget for rural development is 2% for non-Bumiputera new villages and 98% for Malay new villages.

 39) The names of at least 50 roads have been changed from Chinese names to other names.
 40) The Gan Boon Loong (Mahua) Hall in Melaka was changed to another name, but it has only been officially used for a few days. The government has tried to avoid non-indigenous names. This single example of racism occurred around 2000.

 41) Building churches or temples in each residential area were zero. However, at least one mosque or prayer room must be built in each residential area.
 42) Since 1970, 3000 mosques or prayer rooms have been built in all residential areas in Malaysia. No temple or church has to be built in a residential area.

 43) 20 years ago, a Catholic church applied for the construction of a church building in Shah Alam. But they were told by Malay authorities that the church building must look like a factory and not be built like a church. Applications as of 2004 have not been approved.
 44) The Bible is forbidden to be published in Iban (2002).

 45) Government TV stations (RTM1, RTM2, Third TV) are all without non-Bumiputera directors.
 46) 30 government produced TV series and movies always bad guys have non bumiputera faces and good guys have Malay faces. You can check the validation, from the 70's onwards. This has become a trend in recent years.

 47) At least 10 times, the Malays (especially Umno) have threatened to use the Malaysian method of 13 May 1969 to slaughter non-Bumiputeras.
 48) The 20 constituencies won by DAP will not receive development funding from the government. Most of these constituencies will be the last to be developed.

 49) 100 congressional districts that have been redefined by racial profiling to dilute the votes of non-Indigenous candidates. This is one of the main reasons why DAP candidates have lost seats in elections since the 1970s.
 50) Since 1960, only three of the 12 human rights have been sanctioned by the Malaysian government.

 51) Zero Racial Discrimination (United Nations - Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination) has not been practiced by the Malaysian government since the 1960s.
 52) In 2003, there were 20 reported cases of Malay ambulance workers inhumanely treating non-Bumiputera critically ill patients, and government hospitals and Malay participants deliberately delaying treatment. Unreported cases may be 200.

 53) Every year, there are 50 cases of non-Bumiputera, especially non-Bumiputera youth, being beaten by Malay youths in public places. Police reports can be checked to verify this. As long as the police have a report, otherwise there is no record.
 54) Every year, there are 20 cases of non-Bumiputera drivers who accidentally run over Malays and are severely beaten or killed.

 55) Bumiputera ASNs get 12% per annum while bank fixed deposits are only about 3.5% per annum.
 56) The Bank Rakyat, set up by the government, has both "bumiputra" and "non-bumiputera" interest when it makes loans; it also borrows from the bank, but non-bumiputeras are charged higher fees.

 57) In 2010, Umno women’s group representative Sarifa demanded a 60% bumiputera quota.
 58) In 2008, the Federal Court approved the dismissal of the lawsuit filed by 184 pig farmers, Li Bai victims and their families against the government for RM136 million in compensation.

 59) TM's second-hand contractors for landline and broadband installations are 100% bumiputera.
 60) More than 90% of TM's national employees are bumiputera.

 61) More than 90% of National Energy's national employees are indigenous.
 62) The provident fund buys computers, and 100% of the beneficiary computer vendors are Bumiputeras.

 63) In 2008, Umno Sungai Horn state assemblyman Hamidah published "If we see snakes and Indians, we should print Indians first"
 64) In 2010, Nasir, the assistant to my country's first high-ranking official, made a statement that the Chinese mother-in-law came to Malaysia for prostitution and the Indians came to beg.

 65) In 2010, my country's second-highest official made remarks that the Chinese were not grateful.
 66) In 2010, the second highest official in our country made a statement that Malays are first and Malaysians are second.

 67) In 2010, the deputy director of the cadre training bureau published the theory of single eyelids and drunkards!
 68) Ahmad Ismail, a top Umno official in Penang, published his sojourn in 2008, and was named a "national hero" at the Congress in August 2010.

 69) In 2010, Umno supported non-Muslims to ban the word Allah, which led to the burning of churches.
 70) In 2010, a student at Sao Tomar Primary School in Sarawak was beaten 10 times by the vice-principal for carrying fried rice with pork sausages to school. The vice-principal apologized.

 71) In 2008, a temporary teacher in Malacca complained to Sin Chew Daily that she and her friends had not received the salary from the Ministry of Education from January to August.
 72) Luo Yalan, the former principal of Klang Chinese National High School, pointed out that the national Chinese high school with more Chinese than the independent middle school has insufficient funds and cannot use the government reserved land.

 73) The principal of the Kulai Middle School asked the Chinese students to return to China, and pointed out that the prayer ropes that the Indian students were wearing were like dog collars.
 74) There are racial remarks about the principal of Bugis Nanmao Middle School who "expelled" Chinese students and "returned to China".

 75) The teacher of Lugu Middle School insulted the candidates in public, and made the remarks that "Indians go back to India, and Chinese go back to China".
 76) In 2005, Zeng Wenheng, a teacher at Jihua K school, accidentally stepped on the floor suspected of being eaten by termites and fell from a height of 15 feet to his death.

 77) In 2006, Weng Shijie at the Muar Mausu Ji Fenghua Dinner, pointed out that the government's approval for the construction of the Chinese primary school was misused. After the 30,000-to-3,000 change was revealed, Hishammuddin angrily accused Weng Shijie of "nosy".
 78) West Malaysian developers are required to reserve 20% of the housing units for Bumiputera Malays in each project.

 79) The quota for indigenous housing in the state of Malacca is the highest in the country, reaching as high as 60%.
 80) The government stipulates a 15% discount for bumiputeras buying houses over 500,000 yuan. Zhaocheng's indigenous poor are getting poorer, and the rich are getting richer! Mr. Pan Jianwei, a member of the People's Bank of China, suggested the revision, but he was afraid of being shot by bullets.

 81) The "Sarawak Report" stated that Taib, through its authority, sold Orang Asli land to a family company at a low price and made a net profit of tens of millions.
 82) The real indigenous "Kayang tribe" in the land occupied by the Bakun Dam used up their life savings to sue the Sarawak state government, and they once angrily said they would blow up the Bakun Dam in order to protect their homes.

 83) Penan human rights activist Nick Kelasau said that the Bakun Dam had caused Penan people to lose their homes. He also quoted Taib as saying that the authorities did not build schools because Penan people, like animals, have no culture, so they do not need to learn.
 84) Over the past few years, Penan girls have been sexually assaulted by loggers in the remote Baram community. The youngest girl who was sexually assaulted was only 10 years old.

 85) The aboriginal documentary "Frontline" was ordered by the authorities to be banned during the Sibu by-election after two episodes, which eventually turned into a turmoil of Zhou Zenan's immediate dismissal.
 86) In 2009, Zhao Mingfu, a young man of Chinese descent, died tragically in the MACC building. The cause of his death is unknown.

 87) In 2010, the Minister of Defense pointed out that the ratio of Chinese and Indians in the military is low, and they may not be patriotic.
 88) In 2010, Tamandran of Indian descent was tortured for 59 days for refusing to admit to the crime of stealing two fighter jet engines.

 89) Cases of non-Bumiputera beatings by police and financially missing for no apparent reason have been heard over the past 40 years. The latest one is Chinese, and the victim is Xie Zhenxing, a 34-year-old photo frame shop owner.
 90) Over the past 40 years, there have been more than 2,000 non-Bumiputera deaths without trial in police temporary housing.

 91) There are still 66,000 Orang Asli in East Malaysia who do not have citizenship.
 92) TNB intends to build a coal-fired power plant in Sabah that pollutes the environment. Its report misleads the public, including by mistaking the local residents of the Sungai and Didung as Indonesians, when in fact these groups are the indigenous people of Sabah.

 93) A possible casino in Vienna, Sabah, has 44 gaming licenses and more than 425 slot machines.
 94) In addition to the federal government's corporate and personal income tax, only Sabahans need to pay a special tax to MPOB to subsidize cooking oil nationwide.

 95) In 2010, in the case of suspension of work on the Kudat Mazu statue in Sabah, the decision of the Court of Appeal was upheld by the Federal Court.
 96) In 2007, BN ordered the demolition of a Hindu temple in Shah Alam two days before Deepavali, sparking Hindraf demonstrations.

 97) In 2007, the Melaka City Council, riot squads and police demolished the Hindu temple in the state of Tember Bay. The Hindus petitioned in front of the chief minister's office and demanded 500,000 yuan in compensation for the destruction of the temple and 100,000 yuan as a reconstruction fee.
 98) In 1984, the height of the Avalokitesvara Buddha statue in Kek Lok Temple was originally 120 feet, but the Barisan Nasional government at that time only approved the construction of 72 feet. The Barisan Nasional government also stated that the Buddha statues should not be open in the open air, and must have a roof, not only a cover, but also a beaded curtain for the octagonal pavilion.

 99) In 2010, the 80-year-old Kluang Longdu Palace was forcibly relocated. The area of ​​Longdu Palace was the pig slaughtering farm that year. In the past two years, because of the high land price, it was classified as "indigenous reserve".
 100) In 2010, the Orang Asli Care Center pointed out that more than 5 Orang Asli churches were demolished by the authorities in West Malaysia.

 101) In December 1991, if the Chinese community in Johor Bahru had not fought to the end, the Johor century-old temple would have been demolished long ago. Although the Chinese community in Johor Bahru fought to the end, in the end, the temple gate of the ancient Johor temple was still not guaranteed!
 102) The Johor state government intends to buy back the Johor Equity Trust at the original price of RM1, but this is only for Bumiputera investors. For non-Bumiputeras, they can only be sold back to the authorities for 50 sen.

 103) More than 90% of the clerks at the cronies' 7-Eleven convenience store are indigenous.
 104) The hospital's medicine and food suppliers are 100% Malay.

Who betrayed Sarawak?

*History of how SUPP/BN surrendered our Sarawak MA63 rights* 
*Article from theSundaily Abdul Aziz Isa*

TO restore the rightful status of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners to the States of Malaya in the Federation of Malaysia, at least 148 votes in the Dewan Rakyat and 47 votes in the Dewan Negara are required.

Given the current political scenario in our country, achieving this is nearly impossible, unless all sides of the political spectrum agree to such an amendment.

However, the question is why do we need to restore the rightful status of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners to the States of Malaya in the Federation of Malaysia?

Has the status of Sabah and Sarawak been unequal to the State of Malaya in the Federation of Malaysia?

If we are equal, then why do we need to amend the Federal Constitution and what was our original status in the Federation of Malaysia?.

To answer this, we need to look back at what happened at 3:40 pm on July 12, 1976.

The then Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn stood up to disarm parliamentarians by characterising the first reading of the amendment to Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution as merely ‘rearranging the names of the Federation’ (menyusun semula nama-nama negeri yang di dalam Persekutuan).

However, at that particular of time, the bill was not only to amend Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution but also other extensive amendment packages such as Article 3(3), 5(4) & (30), 12(2), 24(2), 25(1)(a) & (2), 32(2), 33(1), 34(2) & (6), 42(10), 48(1), 54(1) & (2), 65(2), 106(2), 111(2), PART XI, Eight Schedule, Ninth Schedule etc.

No other country in this world had made such extensive amendment packages at one time.

After Hussein finished his first reading, Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Kota Melaka) stood up to give his lengthy debate as to why the opposition particularly DAP opposed the amendment bill.

He concluded that the bill constitute serious erosions of fundamental liberties of Malaysians and negates the Rule of Law by providing unjustifiable retrospective legislation.

The following day on July 13, 1976, the bill went for the second reading.

At 3:45 pm, Datuk Patinggi Abdul Rahman Haji Ya’kub (the then Chief Minister and MP for Payang) stood up to support the amendment bill tabled by the Prime Minister.

However, in his speech, he didn’t elaborate much on the purpose of the amendment for Article 1(2) but in Para. 4, Para. 8, and Para. 9, he referred Sarawak as ‘Negeri’ even before the amendment bill was passed.

At 5:15pm, Datuk Stephen Yong Kuet Tze (MP for Padawan) stood up to support the amendment bill but did not touch on the purpose of the amendment for Article 1(2).

At 6:12pm, Latip Bris (MP for Mukah) stood up to support amendment bill without prejudice and throughout his speech, he only referred to Sarawak as ‘Negeri’.

At 6:46pm, once again the Prime Minister stood up to do his winding-up speech for the second reading.

When the bill went through the third and final reading, it was supported by 130 MPs and opposed by 4 MPs.
Surprisingly, not known to history, those MPs who opposed the third and final reading of the bill was Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Kota Melaka), Dr Tan Chee Koon (Pekemas-Batu), Farn Seong Than (DAP-Sungai Besi) and Lee Lam Thye (DAP-Bukit Bintang).

What transpired in the Parliament Hansard dated July 13th, 1976 shows that, despite knowing the fact that the constitutional amendment of Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution will downgrade the status of Sabah and Sarawak as merely 12th and 13th states within the Federation of Malaysia, MPs from Sabah and Sarawak were the ones who supported the amendment.

It has been proven from the very beginning that DAP is the only political party (then and now) consistently defending the rights of Sabah and Sarawak.

Bornean MPs the true saviours?

Back then, Dewan Rakyat had 154 MPs with 24 MPs from Sarawak and 16 MPs from Sabah.

To amend the Federal Constitution at that time, it required 104 votes in the Dewan Rakyat. In other words, to defeat the constitutional amendment bill, it would take only 52 votes or 12 more on top of all Borneo parliamentarians.

In theory, the constitutional amendment bill could have been defeated if and only all 40 MPs from Borneo joined the remaining four MPs from the opposition bench (DAP and Pekemas) as well as another eight MPs from Peninsular Malaysia to oppose the bill.

But in reality, truth hurts, it was our local MPs from Sabah and Sarawak who joined the rest of the MPs from Peninsular Malaysia to support the constitutional amendment bill which eventually downgraded the status of Sabah and Sarawak as merely the 12th and 13th states within the Federation of Malaysia.

Those MPs from Sarawak who supported the constitutional amendment bill were Patrick anak Uren (Bau-Lundu), Tan Sri Ong Kee Hui (Bandar Kuching), Dr Sulaiman Haji Daud (Santubong), Datuk Amar Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud (Samarahan), Datuk Stephen Yong Kuet Tze (Padawan), Richard Damping anak Laki (Serian), Haji Hadadak bin Haji D. Pasauk (Simunjan), Edwin anak Tangkun (Batang Lupar), Jonathan Narwin anak Jinggong (Lubok Antu), Liben anak Kato (Betong), Edmund Langau anak Saga (Saratok), Chieng Tiong Kai (Sarikei), Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul Rahman bin Ya’kub (Payang), Wee Heo Soon (Bandar Sibu), Jawan anak Empaling (Rajang), Latip bin Haji Dris (Mukah), Thomas Salang Siden (Julau), Penghulu Abit anak Angkin (Kapit), Sibat anak Tagong (Ulu Rejang), Yang Siew Siang (Miri-Subis), Luhat Wan (Baram) and Racha Umong (Limbang-Lawas). While the remaining two MPs, Leo Moggie anak Irok (Kanowit) and Ting Ling Kiew (Bintulu), were absent.


We have seen many times how Barisan Nasional (BN) Sarawak and their successors Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) are continuously spreading their propaganda saying that “DAP is a Malayan party”, “DAP cannot protect the rights of Sarawakians”, “Only a local party can protect Sarawak” etc. However, one thing is for sure, BN/GPS can’t undo history.

They might be able to spread their propaganda to the public by distorting historical facts but will never dare to show to the public what has been transpired in Parliament Hansards.

History has proven itself that it was the local political parties who eroded Sarawak’s rights and it was the so-called “Malayan party” like DAP who defended the rightful status of Sarawak.

The local political parties are hopeless now as they were hopeless then to defend Sarawak’s rights.

*Aziz Isa is a special assistant to Sarawak DAP chief, Chong Chieng Jen, the DAP Batu Kitang chairman and Dapsy Stampin Chief*

神秘文件MA 63

对 视频《神秘文件 马来西亚协议》做一点 补充



1963年7月9日在伦敦签署MA63 之前,英国在砂拉越殖民政府律政司,就写信劝戒英国殖民部不要安排此签署。



2)依据(联合国《日内瓦公约》里有关国际契约里的契约签署者之法定地位条规 )说明:签署国必须具有独立主权的法定地位,而当时的北婆罗洲和砂拉越还是英国殖民地,不具备法定地位。所以, 马来西亚契约是一份无效和非法的侵吞沙巴和砂拉越的文件。   

3)1963年7月22日宁甘就职砂拉越第一任首席部长后,马上依据MA63 附件《参组马来西亚18点备忘录》启动公务员婆罗洲化工作。







Sunday, 28 August 2022

UMNO Civil War - Mahathir Helping Sabri To Give Enough Rope For Zahid To Hang Himself
August 26th, 2022

UMNO warlords aligned to the Court Cluster, a term refers to several UMNO leaders facing graft charges in court, including former Prime Minister Najib Razak and UMNO president Zahid Hamidi, were incredibly shocked at the boldness and swiftness of the Federal Court led by Chief Justice Tengku Maimun in sending Najib to prison. The precision strike has even shocked Najib himself.
Rosmah Mansor, 70-year-old wife of Najib, is expected to be convicted too when the High Court delivers its decision on the coming September 1. While her case did not have evidence as overwhelming as her 69-year-old husband, there are enough evidence to convict her in the corruption trial to the RM1.25 billion Sarawak rural school's solar energy project.
Money changed hands and she had accepted bribes. If her husband’s SRC International corruption was a simple and straightforward case, as ruled by the chief justice, Rosmah’s case is even simpler. The stunning decisiveness displayed by Tengku Maimun has indeed inspired and encouraged other judges. Her leadership sends shivers down the spine of other UMNO crooks.

This is why UMNO Supreme Council member and former Tabung Haji chairman Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim pretended to be sick today when the Court of Appeal is about to decide whether to strike out his corruption and money laundering charges. Judge Kamaludin Md Said, frustrated with multiple delays, has warned that a decision will be made on Sept 5 whether Azeez is ready or not.
And this is also why pro-Najib bloggers, propagandists and cyber troopers are working overtime and burning the midnight oil to cook up yet another dubious 71-page judgement documents pronouncing Rosmah guilty on Sept 1. They knew Rosmah is guilty as hell, but use psychology warfare to create a false perception that like Najib, Rosmah will face an unfair judiciary system.
But the most terrified crook after the jailing of Najib is obviously Zahid. If a former prime minister can be imprisoned, who is Zahid to escape punishment? Facing 47 charges related to corruption, money laundering and criminal breach of trust (CBT), his crime is even simpler than Najib and Rosmah combined. Not only money changed hands, the crook used the ill-gotten money to pay his credit cards.

Jumping like a cat on hot bricks, Zahid has been summoning UMNO leaders for endless meetings to gather support to pressure junior colleague – party vice-president Ismail Sabri – to dissolve the parliament for a snap election. At the peak of Najib’s final appeal at the Federal Court, both Najib and Zahid reportedly forced their way into PM Sabri’s residence, demanding political intervention.
The disgraced Najib had even instigated his army of hardcore supporters to intimidate Chief Justice Maimun with a death threat. But when Ismail Sabri refused to interfere and Tengku Maimum resisted the personal attacks, panics engulfed the camp of Court Cluster. Thugs were sent to the Palace, disrespectfully demanding the King to interfere and issue a royal pardon for Najib.
Comically, none of the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) top leaders, let alone ministers, were present when some 300 Najib supporters marched to the Istana Negara (Palace) just a day after Najib began a 12-year jail term. Not even UMNO party president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, formerly Najib’s deputy, took part in the illegal gathering.

But the burning question is why Zahid so panicked when he has not even been convicted? Even after he is found guilty, he still has years to appeal at the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court. The answer – without Najib, he is fast losing support within the party. Even though Zahid minions claimed 158 out of 191 UMNO division chiefs supported him, the actual number is much lower.

Known for inflating the figures to project fake support, other sources said only 73 division chiefs – less than half of the claimed 158 division chiefs – had responded to Zahid’s call for a special meeting on Monday (Aug 22). Even then, some had reluctantly attended because they were being threatened – Zahid will not nominate them as candidates in the coming polls if they refused to participate.
Meaning the UMNO president commands as little as one third supports from 191 division chiefs. It’s highly possible because top guns like Hishammuddin Hussein, Khairy Jamaluddin and other UMNO ministers aligned to Sabri’s Minister Cluster appeared to have ignored Zahid’s meeting. Now, UMNO warlords aligned to Zahid have given an ultimatum to PM Sabri.

Despite being the prime minister, Ismail Sabri could be sacked as the party’s vice-president unless the turtle egg man obediently carries out 4 demands – remove Attorney General Idrus Harun, sack Chief Justice Tengku Maimun, get a royal pardon for Najib and immediately calls a nationwide election. This is the first time in the history that a sitting premier is being blackmailed by fellow UMNO leaders.
The Court Cluster, led by Zahid, threatens to withdraw support for the prime minister, the same way they toppled former backdoor PM Muhyiddin Yassin last year, even though this time the premier is one of their kind. That speaks volumes about how desperate and anger the crooks are at their own vice-president, so much so they dare to openly ask PM Sabri to interfere in the judicial process.
However, all the thuggish protests, threats and blackmails exposes how UMNO previously created Kangaroo Court to carry out their orders to pervert the rule of law – till the party was defeated in the 2018 General Election. That explains why the corrupted UMNO regime always won their cases when it reached the Court of Appeal or the Federal Court against the Opposition.

But the biggest surprise was the resistance demonstrated by Ismail Sabri, refusing to kowtow to his two big bosses, Najib and Zahid. He has maintained that the doctrine of separation of powers must be respected. And he has continuously played dumb, dragging his feet for months, despite repetitive pressure to call for an early election.
Was the turtle egg man really that clever? When Muhyiddin was forced to resign, Ismail insisted on meeting Mahathir Mohamad to get his support in August 2021. He visited Mahathir again in January 2022 when the old man was admitted to the National Heart Institute (IJN). Both met again in May this year at the 27th International Conference or Nikkei Conference in Japan.
Those were published meets. There could be dozens more un-published private meetings between Mahathir and Ismail. Both have common enemies – Najib and Zahid. Surrounded by mostly clowns and apple polishers, the accidental prime minister does not have any credible advisers. Sabri might be dumb, but he understood that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

In February this year, Mahathir said – “Najib must be stopped. If he comes back to power, this means that the country will be controlled by a kleptocrat from the ‘court cluster’ and risks being robbed”. While the message was written to Johor voters during the state election, Sabri soon found out why Mr Najib must be stopped – if he does not wish to be dumped like a used condom.
Even though UMNO had won a “landslide”, Ismail was humiliated the moment he walked into the UMNO-led Barisan Nasional coalition’s command centre at the Johor UMNO Liaison Hall. He was greeted with a roaring “Bubar Parlimen!” (Dissolve Parliament) – clearly staged to pressure the un-elected premier. But that was not the worst humiliation.

When Zahid rudely pushed Ismail to give way for a convicted criminal – Najib Razak – to emerge in the centre of the stage in celebrating Johor state election victory, PM Sabri knew he would be game over the moment he dissolves the parliament. Even though he is just one of UMNO three vice presidents, below Zahid in the party’s ranking, he should be accorded some respect.

More importantly, despite promise to retain Hasni Mohammad as Johor Chief Minister if UMNO wins the state election, it was not the case. A junior, Onn Hafiz Ghazi, has been appointed the Chief Minister instead. If the top leaders could betray Hasni, they can certainly betray “poster boy” Ismail Sabri. As expected, after jailing Najib, his loyalist Puad Zakarshi called the poster boy to be scrapped.
The dumb move by Zahid forced the PM to work with Mahathir behind the scene. Last month, Mahathir pre-emptively warned how a non-unanimous decision by the Federal Court in Najib’s final appeal could lead to a royal pardon. After the court delivered an unanimous decision to uphold Najib’s guilty conviction, now Mahathir said there is a 50-50 chance Najib will be pardoned.
If 97-year-old Mahathir’s goal was to provoke Najib and Zahid supporters into believing that Najib has been unfairly sentenced to jail, turning the desperados to openly ask PM Sabri to interfere in the judiciary system, the grand old master tactician has done a great job. If the cunning old man’s objective was to pre-emptively warned of a royal pardon, he has done an excellent job.

Now, Ismail Sabri looks like a champion, refusing to give in to demands to interfere in the legal process. His popularity also skyrockets with many people think he must be a clean leader, or at least relatively clean, for fighting the corrupted UMNO crooks. He has won the perception war in the court of public opinion, while Mahathir got his victory in the court of law with Najib imprisonment.
People actually rally behind the turtle egg man after news broke that he could be sacked by his own party for refusing to break the prison in order to rescue a crook. The pressure on the prime minister could boomerang on Zahid. If the UMNO president is not careful, he himself can be sacked with the support of two-thirds of delegates at an EGM (according to Article 9.12 of UMNO Constitution).
To kill three birds with one stone, Sabri administration has declassified documents pertaining to investigations into the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) scandal. The brilliant move has not only project transparency in his government, but diverts all the blame on Najib, Zahid and Hishammuddin – all are ambitious corrupted UMNO leaders hunger for the Iron Throne.

The declassification of the LCS project was also one of the reasons Najib and Zahid wanted to neutralize Ismail soonest possible with demands to dissolve the parliament. Armed with Mahathir’s help and Opposition Pakatan Harapan’s support, the supposedly lame duck Sabri has checkmated rival Najib, and soon Zahid, Rosmah, Azeez and other crooks could be terminated.
Eventually, Mahathir may return to UMNO after getting rid of Najib, Zahid and Rosmah. The old man only said he will not work with UMNO, but didn’t say he would not go back to the party which he created back in 1988. He said UMNO will win big, thus he needed UMNO to ensure his son could continue his dynasty. For now, he is giving Zahid enough rope to hang himself.