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Sunday, 29 November 2020

Water, water everywhere in Bintulu 30/11/2020 Monday


Water, water everywhere in Bintulu   30/11/2020  Monday

        On 27th November, 2020, Bintulu was heavily flooded in many areas.  Why?  You all must ask yourselves and others, YB Tion King Sing especially, for the reasons for the plights.  Bintulu being a coastal town is not supposed to face floods in any degree.  What has really gone wrong in Bintulu, I wonder?   I went to Bintulu once only to visit my third younger sister and her family in 199-.   Only, Bintuluans know best what has gone wrong.

        In early years, floods were common in Sibu, but not in Bintulu and Miri, not to say Lawas or Limbang in my impression.  Sibu is not spare of floods  now.   Nowadays, Floods have become common and rampant in Bintulu and Miri, especially, why?

        Who should be accountable for the frequent floods in Bintulu and Miri?  If not YBs and the ruling party, who?  YB Tiong King Sing seems to know a lot about flood woes in Sibu and for sure as he locked horns with YB Soon Koh Wong over the issues of floods in Sibu months ago,  he owes Bintuluan an explanation for the flood woes on November 27th, 2020 in Bintulu.   Why not? 

        Though I am not an expert and may not be so accurate specifically to talk about the flood woes in Bintulu, I dare to make some guesses based on my knowledge of flood woes in Sibu over years of observation and study.  By general law of nature, water always flows downwards and the drainage system must be in capacity to discharge.  However, the deluge from the two dams plus the torrential rain plus the king tides, heavy floods occurs just naturally.  It is common sense.  What were the immediate causes of floods on November 27th, 2020, I wonder? 

         The water was Teh-tarik in colour.  In Sibu, if the water is Teh-tarik in colour, it is the water overflowing from the Rejang River.  On the other hand, if it is Kopi-O in colour, it is the local stagnant rain water.  What about it in Bintulu, I wonder?

         The main causes of flood have been discussed and forumed many, many and many times already to be:

1.    Indiscriminate logging for different economic activities-- plundering    way of development

2.   Two big dams upstream – the large volume of discharge -- deluge

3.    A large tract of land has been cleared for the Baleh dam which is almost ready for operation next year, 2021

4.    Shallowing of river system as a result of soil erosion and so siltation

5.    Lack of water catchment areas

6.    Not building enough reservoirs in the forms of tube wells and tunnels to deal with excess water

7.    Poor local drainage system in the flood areas

8.    Lack of the whole network of drainage system


        Don’t blame the inclement weather for floods as the good government is well-prepared for abnormal weather conditions when it has become normal phenomena.

The YBs and BN-GPS government are as helpless as babies as far as flood problems are concerned.   So far, what they do is having installed flood alarm system and set up the rescue team to help the rakyat.  See that they can not do more than these since time immemorial.  Do you still have Hope in them to improve you lots? 

Wake up, friends, reject the BN-GPS government for your own and future generations good and well-being to opt for a better and more dynamic one – the one who dares to declare Sarawak Independence and Freedom.

        The BN-GPS government who has been in power for far too long is rotten and corrupt.  Flush them out like flushing the toilet.  Are you ready, friends?

                                                        Belinda Ling Moi Hung.

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Whose rights are they protecting, Sarawakians’ or theirs?


Whose rights are they protecting, Sarawakians’ or theirs?  29/11/20

The representatives of DAP, PKR or PH Sarawak are the agents of the Malayan parties.  Hence, no doubt, they are protecting their respective parties to protect their official positions and so their interests.  We have had enough glimpses of their acts, behaviours and expressions since 509.  In so-called federal Budget 2021, we have had the full glare and view of their acts, behaviours and expressions to deny the facts and truth.  Do you still support them?  Stop being fools to save Sarawak.

        Worst of all  is the BN-GPS political thugs who have all proclaimed to protect Sarawak rights and interests instead they have been selling out the rights and interests of Sarawak for their official positions and interests in the guise of the local party which many fools and ignorants take for granted.  They are actually the culprits for the selling of the rights and interests of Sarawak to the Malaya colonial and foreign power.   They create a lot of make-believes and dreams to fool and intoxicate Sarawakians.

        The BN-GPS political thugs have been colluding with the Malayan colonial masters to plunder, exploit, oppress, suppress, rob and bully Sarawakians.  When have they stood up to protect the rights and interests of Sarawakians?  Instead, I have seen them threaten Sarawakians to submission to the authoritative power of Malayan colonial masters

        First, they have allowed the ‘fakederation’ of Malaysia to continue and hence they have accepted the nation of Sarawak to be degraded to be a vassal state of Malaya since 1976.  The Chief Minister, Abang Johari has many times expressed himself of his decision to forever stay in the ‘fakederation’ of Malaysia despite the fact that MA63 is void and null as Sarawak did not have the legal capacity to sign the International Treaty like the Chagos Island. 

        It is understood why they want to keep the final report of MA63 secret under the Official Secrets Act.  They had been negotiations between these high ranking officials for their self-interests at the expense of Sarawakians and Sabahans in general.

        For special grant, TaibMahmud had never cared to reveal Special Grant at all since 1969 during his tenure as  Chief Minister of Sarawak for 33 years.

This devil was too self-interested and selfish to care for his fellow Sarawakians being ignorant, who had been fooled and intoxicated by his promises and make-believes.

        The change of so called ‘Federal government’ to PH, the Special Grant was said to increase to RM32 million from RM16 million in 2020 Federal Budget dropped to RM16 million again but the BN-GPS government just kept quiet for nothing but a lot of negotiations of interests sharing among themselves. I believe so.

        Wake up, my Sarawakians friends for a change for our whole good.   Discard the 57 years old corrupt the BN-GPS government for a better one.

The one who dares to declare Sarawak Independence and Freedom.  This is the time and the place to opt for the party who dares to UDI/ Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Sarawak.  It is the united Sarawakians to bring a better and brighter future for Sarawak.  Are you ready?

                                                                                                                                                                        Belinda Ling Moi Hung

Chang asks why state government allowed S’wak’s special grant reduction in Budget 2021

SIBU: Bukit Assek assem­bly­woman Irene Chang said the Gabun­gan Parti Sarawak (GPS) govern­ment should clar­ify to the Sarawakians if they had known of the re­duc­tion of the spe­cial grant to RM16 mil­lion from the al­lo­cated sum of RM32 mil­lion in Bud­get 2020 be­fore the tabling of Bud­get 2021.

She asked why the GPS govern­ment had al­lowed the re­duc­tion of the spe­cial grant made un­der Ar­ti­cle 112D of the Fed­eral Con­sti­tu­tion it had known about the drop in the grant.

“The GPS govern­ment should there­fore come clean to ex­plain the short­fall of the spe­cial grant to Sarawak to as­sure the peo­ple that their rights and in­ter­est have not been short changed in any way.

All per­ti­nent de­tails of ne­go­ti­a­tion and agreed terms should be re­vealed in­clud­ing the agree­ment ar­rived at for the agreed re­duc­tion of the spe­cial grant from RM32mil­lion to RM16 mil­lion in Bud­get 2021,” she said in a me­dia state­ment.

Ban­dar Kuch­ing MP Dr Kelvin Yii re­cently re­vealed the re­duc­tion of the spe­cial grant to RM16 mil­lion from the al­lo­cated sum of RM32 mil­lion in Bud­get 2020.

Given the in­her­i­tance of huge debts from the pre­vi­ous BN govern­ment and which had then left the coun­try on the brink of bank­ruptcy, Chang said the in­cre­ment of the spe­cial grant from RM16 mil­lion to RM32 mil­lion in 2020 was one of the most her­culean ef­forts made by the Pakatan Ha­paran (PH) fed­eral govern­ment for the ben­e­fit of the peo­ple of Sarawak.

She said the PH govern­ment had re­mem­bered its pledge to help Sabah and Sarawak and dou­bled the spe­cial grants to the two states.

She said this spe­cial grant had never been re­viewed since 1969 and yet the PH Govern­ment had on its own ac­cord, in­creased the grant to RM32 mil­lion from 2020 un­til 2023 and was to be dou­bled again to RM64 mil­lion in 2024.

 “It is now there­fore cru­cial for GPS to ex­plain to the Sarawakians this re­duc­tion of RM16 mil­lion.

They have to clar­ify if this re­duc­tion was part of the ne­go­ti­a­tion on the com­mer­cial ar­range­ment be­tween Petronas, Fed­eral Govern­ment and the GPS Govern­ment.

“Was it also a part of the terms of ne­go­ti­a­tion for Petronas to agree to pay the RM2.95 bil­lion in the state sales tax? (RM2 billion 950 million)

The peo­ple of Sarawak have the right to know as this con­cerns their in­ter­est and wel­fare. They are the ones who stand to ben­e­fit or to suf­fer from any deal which the State govern­ment has made with the Fed­eral Govern­ment and Petronas.”

So far since the takeover of the fed­eral govern­ment by the Perikatan Na­sional(PN) govern­ment, Chang said both the GPS and the PN gov­ern­ments have re­fused to re­veal any re­port on the de­tails of ne­go­ti­a­tions or agreed terms held be­tween them. 

“Even the Sarawak Leg­isla­tive Assem­bly Con­sul­ta­tive Com­mit­tee, which was formed to ad­vance and safe­guard the spe­cial in­ter­ests, rights and po­si­tion of Sarawak as en­shrined in MA63 and the Fed­eral Con­sti­tu­tion, have not been up­dated since June 2020,’ she said.

Adding on, she said in the just con­cluded Sarawak DUN sit­ting, her mo­tion to move for the terms of set­tle­ment of the cases be­tween Petronas and State Govern­ment to be re­vealed to De­wan was also dis­al­lowed on the ground that the Con­sul­ta­tive Com­mit­tee had not at the ma­te­rial time of DUN sit­ting, re­ceived any re­port from the State Govern­ment for the mem­bers of the com­mit­tee to dis­cuss among them first.

“All th­ese re­ports on the de­tails of ne­go­ti­a­tions and terms of set­tle­ment are shrouded in se­crecy plus the fact that PN Fed­eral govern­ment has not al­lowed the fi­nal re­port from the Cabi­net spe­cial com­mit­tee which was tasked with re­view­ing the im­ple­men­ta­tion of MA63, to be made pub­lic should raise the Sarawakians’ guard on whether mis­takes of the past would be re­peated which would cause our rights to be fur­ther eroded.”


Tuesday, 24 November 2020



(詩巫23日訊)留華砂總總會長黃首詠醫生批國盟政府將1963 年《馬來西亞協議》(MA63)的最終檢討報告列為機密文件是嚴重侵犯砂拉越和沙巴人民的知情權。











他說,民選政府要盡可能縮小機密法令的限制範圍,而不是無限大的擴大機密文件範圍。多年來,民間都有許多聲音要求政府修改《1972 年官方機密法令》,同時盡速擬定《知情權法令》或《資訊自由法》,以平衡資訊透明和保密原則。




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华总,中华总商会,还有各社团领袖们应该向留华砂总总会长黄首咏看齐,不平则鸣,不任人鱼肉。 缩头缩尾非做领袖的规范。 这么重要关键时刻,这些领袖怎么允许自己不吭一声。 MA63谈判结果却被列为机密文件,这是非常严重打压砂沙人民的事。 这简直是高官们特意以不正当的勾结手段有意欺骗砂沙人民。 MA63谈判结果列为机密文件分明是高官之间狼狈为奸,想继续掠夺和剥削砂沙人民的权益。