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Wednesday, 29 July 2020

MA63: No need to make final report public - Borneo Post Online

MA63: No need to make final report public - Borneo Post Online

KUALA LUMPUR: The government maintains its stand not to make the final report from the Cabinet special committee to review the implementation of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), available to the public.

Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Sabah and Sarawak affairs) Datuk Hanifah Hajar Taib said this was because the document has been classified as official secret under the Official Secrets Act 1972.

“For the moment, the government maintains its stands that there is no need for the final report to be distributed to the public as the content is technical in nature and involves sensitive matters.

“As such, the status of the document remains as official secret and is to be treated as such as provided by the law,” she said.

She said this in her reply to a question from Chan Foong Hin (PH-Kota Kinabalu) on the status of the final report from the Cabinet special committee to review the implementation of MA63 during a special chamber session at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday.

Chan also asked about the status of 21 matters tabled in the report including four issues that are still being discussed, namely oil royalty and petroleum cash payments; oil minerals and oil fields; Territorial Sea Act 2012 [Act 750]; and state rights over the continental shelf.

Hanifah Hajar said discussions on the four matters are still ongoing and a special council would also be set up soon for that purpose.

“A joint committee consisting of members from the federal and state governments has also been set up to discuss issues on oil and gas. The committee is co-chaired by the Senior Minister (Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof, who is also Works Minister) and the Finance Minister (Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz) and MOF secretariat,” she said.

In December last year, former deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Mohamed Hanipa Maidin told the Dewan Negara that 17 out of 21 matters tabled by the Sarawak and Sabah governments at the Cabinet special committee meeting to review the implementation of MA63 had been jointly approved. — Bernama


MA63 is null and void from its very beginning as far as I know about the Chagos Island which was settled in the International Court of Justice to be null and was returned to Mauritius accordingly.  Sarawak and Sabah had no legal capacity to sign the international treaty, either.  I am wondering what the so-called federal government and Sarawak government want to make it so secretive and sensitive.  How it was formulated and done has become an open secret to the Sarawakians and Sabahans who are concerned about the status of our nations, Sabah and Sarawak.  Our self-determination can decide what we want Sarawak to stand as a nationa or as a colonised state to the Malayan government.


Saturday, 25 July 2020

Lee: Appreciate real meaning of Sarawak Day

Lee: Appreciate real meaning of Sarawak Day
The Borneo Post
23 Jul 2020
Lee (right) raises the Sarawak flag at the function, while Goh (third right) and others look on.
MIRI: Gaining independence is not easy without struggles and sacrifices, says Minister of Transport Datuk Lee Kim Shin.
As such, Sarawakians must understand and appreciate the real meaning of Sarawak Day which is celebrated annually on July 22, he added.
“Do not let extreme ideology penetrate into Sarawak and destroy the prevailing unity. It is not easy to achieve independence and have peace without having to use a weapon,” he said at a flag-raising ceremony organised by the Federation of Miri Division Chinese Associations in conjunction with Sarawak Day yesterday.
Lee, who is also Senadin assemblyman, said July 22 is very significant to Sarawak because it was the day it achieved its independence in 1963.
“Sarawak Day was gazetted as a public holiday in 2016 when the late Tok Nan ( Pehin Sri Adenan Satem) was the chief minister.
“This is a historical day for Sarawak because it was the day we formed our first government, led by then chief minister Datuk Stephen Kalong Ningkan.
“Therefore, all buildings, government departments and private premises are encouraged to fly the Sarawak flag to commemorate the occasion and to promote the love for Sarawak which is made up of people of various races and religions
Lee also said the Sarawak government would continue to fight for Sarawak’s rights that are contained in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63). President of Federation of Miri Division Chinese Associations, Datuk David Goh, who also spoke at the function, said Sarawak Day was important as it is proof that Sarawak was a sovereign nation before it helped form Malaysia, together with Malaya, Singapore and North Borneo (Sabah) in 1963.
“It also proves that we Sarawakians can live in peace and harmony although we are made up of various races, religions and culture.
“We, the federation also fully support Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari’s leadership. We also hope that we can regain all our rights and autonomy as stated in MA63,” he said.

My comments:  
It is misleading of Minister of Transport Datuk Lee Kim Shin to say that Sarawak seeking for independence will result in bloodshed.  It is really irresponsible of him saying this.  Sarawak is not a territory of Malaya, not to say MA63 is void and null.   Sarawakians are vested with intrinsic rights of self-determination to seek for Sarawak independence and freedom.  Those playing blind and rejecting the rights of Sarawak to become an independent country are the ones holding official positions with very good salary.  They are so selfish and self-interested to care about the whole being of Sarawak.     
        Fortunately, more and more Sarawakians stand for Sarawak independence and freedom.  Ministers like Lee Kim Shin should be prepared to pack and go for good.  I really feel ashamed of him. 

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Celebrating Mourning Day 916?

The Borneo Post   July 11,2020
KUCH­ING: Sarawak has been cho­sen to host the Malaysia Day cel­e­bra­tion for the sec­ond con­sec­u­tive year.
     Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Mul­ti­me­dia Min­is­ter Datuk Sai­fud­din Ab­dul­lah an­nounced yes­ter­day that the na­tional-level cel­e­bra­tion would be held in Sibu on Sept 16.  He said the mat­ter was de­lib­er­ated at a meet­ing jointly chaired with Util­i­ties Min­is­ter Dato Sri Dr Stephen Rundi Utom, and was re­ported to Chief Min­is­ter Datuk Pat­inggi Abang Jo­hari Tun Openg dur­ing a cour­tesy call.
     “On be­half of the fed­eral cab­i­net, we thank the Chief Min­is­ter and the peo­ple of Sarawak for will­ing­ness to host this cel­e­bra­tion.  It is very sel­dom that a state gets to host such cel­e­bra­tion for two con­sec­u­tive years, so it can be con­sid­ered as a his­tory of sorts,” he told re­porters here.
         Dr Rundi said Sarawak had ac­tu­ally ap­plied to host this year's Malaysia Day af­ter host­ing it in Kuch­ing last year. Due to the on­go­ing Covid-19 pan­demic, he ex­plained the cel­e­bra­tion would be held in strict com­pli­ance with stan­dard op­er­at­ing pro­ce­dures (SOPs) for gath­er­ings, in­clud­ing so­cial dis­tanc­ing prac­tices to pre­vent the spread of Covid-19.
        “As long as there is so­cial dis­tanc­ing, that means it is not nec­es­sar­ily lim­ited to a crowd of 250 peo­ple. For ex­am­ple, if the hall has a seat­ing ca­pac­ity of 2,000 peo­ple, we are look­ing at three quar­ters or half of that ca­pac­ity,” he ex­plained.
         Dr Rundi said Sibu was cho­sen be­cause Kuch­ing had al­ready hosted last year's cel­e­bra­tion, while Miri would host this year's Sarawak Day.
“So that is why we chose Sibu. This year, we are the host for the sec­ond con­sec­u­tive time. Maybe it would third con­sec­u­tive time af­ter this – you never know,” he said.
       Malaysia Day is one of the four main ac­tiv­i­ties for Na­tional Month this year, which be­gan with the 50th an­niver­sary of the Rukun Ne­gara on Thurs­day (July 9). The Na­tional Month and Jalur Gemi­lang Cam­paign will be launched in Putrajaya this July 26, fol­lowed by Na­tional Day cel­e­bra­tions in Kuala Lumpur on Aug 31.
        This year's theme is ‘Malaysia Pri­hatin' (Malaysia Cares), in con­nec­tion with the car­ing Malaysian at­ti­tude ir­re­spec­tive of race and re­li­gion in man­ag­ing the Covid-19 out­break.

My comments:
       September 16 means Malayan Occupation Day of Sarawak.   What are we celebrating for?   We have been plundered, exploited, oppressed, suppressed, robbed and bullied since the very day.  Isn't it ridiculous to celebrate September 16 with these pirates?  I see the whole scenario sooooooooooo ridiculous and funny.  I think all these Sarawak high ranking officials have already lost their senses.  How can you allow yourselves to celebrate with the colonial masters and imperialists who plunder, exploit, oppress, suppress, rob and  bully Sarawakians.   They enjoy prosperity at our expense.
       I hope that this will the last one.  That's it.  With the full awareness of Sarawakians, we should be prepared to vote BN-GPS out.   I hope that Sarawakians will support Parti Bumi Keyalang in quest of Sarawak Independence and Freedom.