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Monday, 30 September 2019

My comments on PH Sarawak political thugs 1/10/2019

My comments on PH Sarawak political thugs  1/10/2019
PH did not promise oil royalty increase unconditionally - Chong | Borneo
KUCHING: Pakatan Harapan (PH) did not promise an increase of oil royalty from the present five per cent to 20 per cent unconditionally.
In pointing this out today, PH Sarawak chairman Chong Chieng Jen said the Sarawak government would have to assume fiscal responsibility in education and health in order to receive the 20 per cent oil royalty.
He reminded all that PH had offered was an agreement to the state ruling coalition – then Barisan Nasional (BN) Sarawak and now Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) – before the 2018 general elections.
In that agreement, he said it was clearly stated under ‘Fiscal Decentralisation: Taxation & Public Revenues’ that PH would give 20 per cent oil and gas royalties or value equivalent as well as 50 per cent of all tax revenues collected in Sarawak back to the state if Sarawak took over autonomy in education and health.
“But Abg Jo (Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg) and GPS rejected this offer. They want the 20 per cent (oil royalty) to be used by them to their whims and fancies.
“That’s not what we offered and agreed. And Abg Jo has taken upon himself to negotiate with PM (prime minister). We don’t know why he (Abang Johari) rejected the offer,” he said after chairing the PH Sarawak meeting held at Democratic Action Party (DAP) headquarters here.
Chong, who is Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, stressed that the 50 per cent tax revenues and 20 per cent oil and gas royalties were ‘tied in together with education and health autonomy’.
He read out an excerpt from the agreement: “The Government of Sarawak shall use these funds (50 per cent of tax revenues and 20 per cent oil and gas royalties or value equivalent) to shoulder the fiscal responsibility of the Federal Government in EDUCATION and HEALTH.”
“The ball is now in the court of Abg Jo. He wants to negotiate with PM, that’s his decision and the mandate of Sarawakians given to him,” he said.
According to Chong, the Sarawak government was not asking for devolution of education autonomy from the federal government.
Given this, he said all the concern raised by GPS leaders on education issues ‘is playing to the gallery’ since they had no intention to have autonomy in education.
He said PH did not ditch their offer because it was GPS which rejected it.
On a note that Abang Johari said that he had submitted a new formula to Putrajaya, he responded: “It’s between him and PM.”
Chong said the agreement was not hastily done as PH had carried out studies and negotiations as well as obtaining feedback from the oil and gas sector.
On ‘value equivalent’, he said there was concern by the oil and gas sector that they might not be able to pay the amount as they could not predict the world crude oil price.
“Let’s say if the value is RM5 billion, and if they cannot pay, then the federal government will top up, this is value equivalent,” he explained.
At present, the five per cent oil and gas royalties to Sarawak is about RM1.5 billion a year.
Chong said a rough calculation indicated that the Sarawak government would receive about RM8 billion a year to take over autonomy in education and health.
“The expenditure on education and health is seven point something billion,” he added.

My comments:
These PH Sarawak DAP traitors especially always speak on behalf of the Malayan government.  DAP Chong Chieng Jen, especially too dog-like and too traitor-minded and hearted to protect the rights of Sarawak.  He is digging his own grave each time to express himself in public to lie on behalf of the Malayan imperialist.  He has more or less ended his political career.  I strongly believe that at least 99% of the Chinese are cursing him.
PH Sarawak political thugs are not expected to find all kinds of execuses for the plundering and exploitation of the Malayan government on the oil and gas resources and other revenues taken.  It is irrational and abusive on the part of the Malayan government to deny the payment for the minimum 20% of oil and gas royalties to the oil producing country.  Petronas, I can restassure saying that they won’t dare to deduct 0.05% of oil and gas royalties that they have the share in business dealings with other countries. 

Chong Chieng Jen should stop all the rubbish talk about other irrelevant and illogical comments on the said issues which he has repeated so many times.

Sunday, 29 September 2019

The devil’s desires 30/9/2019

The devil’s desires  30/9/2019
        Mahathir, this bloody devil will never quench for blood.  He preaches for ‘sharing wealth’ which is one-sided.  He wants the wealth of Sarawak and Sabah to be shared with his family and Malaya. 
For 43 over years of plundering and exploitation, the oil and gas royalties are always 5% to be given to Sarawak and Sabah while the Malayan government in the name of Malaysia plunder, exploit and rob off 95% from us.  Where on earth is this share of business dealing 5% : 95%?  Is it not business dealings done at the gun-point?  Yes, they used Internal Security Act, Sedious Act and Emergency Act to oppress and suppress Sarawak and Sabah to submission. 
         Ever since the Sarawak leaders have been under spell of the bloody Malayan political robbers and plunderers who cunningly lure the Sarawak political leaders to collude with them to plunder, exploit, oppress, suppress, rob and bully Sarawakians.  Up to now, we don’t have a proper road network system, not to say public transport like train service going everywhere in Sarawak.  This anger of us has come to an intolerable boiling point. 
        A friend of mine complain frequently about poor road condition.  He often travels by bus from Sibu to Bintulu and Miri on business trips.  He bears witness the poor road condition which hampers the speed of the bus.  We lament together for not having an advanced train transport.  If we have the train service, we will reduce our travelling time by half.
        The whole-wide world has witnessed how Sarawak is oppressed and suppressed for proper development.  If all the resources are kept for the development of Sarawak, she will become one of the most well-developed countries in the world. 
        Today, Mahathir, this devil, still refuses to give back 20% of oil and gas royalties which is the minimum in any business dealings.  Again, he desires for one-sided wealth sharing 5%:95% from Sarawak and Sabah.  The Malayan government can’t get it this time and I believe that they will lose all as we are preparing to sue the Malayan government locally at the High Court of Justice and at the International Court of Justice.  No extreme can last.  They are just too aggressive and arrogant to keep Sarawak and Sabah.  They are too conceited to know how to respect and honour the proper dealing.  The end of this easy flow of cash is near.  Just wait to see!   Ling Moi Hung

Note:  It is said that the Mahathirs have amassed US$ 44 billions.  Mahathir,
          this devil, should think seriously to share three-thirds of his wealth
          with his Kedah state poor Malayas.  Malayans should stand up to
          ground him and his family as far as distribution of wealth is concerned. 
          He is the one who has created this wide disparity of wealth distribution
          among Malaysian.  It is getting worse.  Mahathir should be brought to
         court to face the tribunal for all the criminal breach of trust during his
         22 years’ tenure as PM of Malaysia.  The whole-wide world has borne
         witness how he plundered and blundered through his ministry all for
         the sake of his family wealth building.  Ground this devil!  Ground this
         devil!  Ground this devil! Ground this devil to justify the acts of Justice  
         to all.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

读后感 -- 黄振威[家是心之所在] 24/9/2019

读后感 -- 黄振威[家是心之所在]   24/9/2019
看完之后,感触良多。一个好政府是处处为民为国着想。像新加坡,这弹丸之地,竟然,可以让700万人当中90%以上的人有自己的房屋。[新加坡在安置其人民方面做的很好,据报道,700万人中有90%以上的人有自己的房屋,而拥有房屋的比例据说是全球最高。-----新加坡建屋发展局(HDB)在解决人民,特别是穷人的房屋为问题方面的壮举,值得全球认可星洲之报 言路]
反观,香港政府,[拥有丰厚的在一份报告中, 财经事务及库务局指出,香港有868亿港元盈余(462亿令吉),而年初至今的累计盈余高达590亿港元(310亿令吉)。所有这些财富都属于香港,而不是中国大陆,因此,这笔钱可以为700万人做很多事情,尤其是廉价房屋!]  
        我们有一单位公寓1000平方尺,我还嫌它太小了。 我们住的半独立屋,我真的嫌厨房太小了。尺寸是9X12尺。难怪,有很多人要扩建厨房这部分。我每次都会想到这是政府没有管理好房子的尺寸的问题。这是政官商合作无间的后果。他们都是住豪宅,所以不知道民间屋子狭小的困境。
        在砂拉越,屋子也是越来越贵。砂拉越政府到底过去20年为人民建了多少可负担房屋? 我真的很想知道。未来,我是希望砂拉越改朝换代,去州复国独立。 向新加坡政府看齐,实现居者有其屋的[房屋政策]