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Saturday, 25 May 2019

A letter to and from the Editor

Editor <>
To:Ling Moi Hung
9 May at 4:12 PM
Dear Ling

Thank you for your email today on the above subject, with the content copied at the end of this email for easy reference.

The right procedure is for you to go and lodge a report complaining about what you said of Mukhriz, that he wrongfully questioned about Sarawak’s immigration autonomy.

Then you can make the comments with reporters at the police station about those Sarawakians "traitors" (however, it is better that you don’t use this word) and urge that those “Sarawakian patriots” go and lodge police report against Mukhriz too.

Please let us know when you are going to lodge report so that reporters can be sent to meet you and report.

Best regards
Editor, The Borneo Post

(email from Ling reproduced below)
On behalf of all the Sarawakians, I would like to complain and lodge a police report on what Mukhriz Mahathir, the Mentri Besar of Kedah for his words on lifting Sarawak Immigration Autonomy.  His speech is well-blessed by his PM father.  Is it constitutional to raise this issue in the parliament?  PM Mahathir’s ambition and greediness on the rich resources of Sarawak are well-written in the whole spirit of Mukhriz Mahathir.  And I am really disappointed when none of our Sarawakian representatives especially the outspoken DAP remained to be so quiet when Mukhriz Mahathir slapped their face in the parliament?  Dr Yii of DAP still dared to say it in the Borneo Post that “PH govt has no intention to remove immigration autonomy enjoyed by Sabah, S’wak.  Damn him for his federal-centric thinking.  I see Dr Yii and all the Sarawakian DAP traaaaaaaiiiiiiiiitors.
                On the 8th May, 2019, in the Borneo Post, I bear witness how these federal-minded PKR Sarawakian traitors lodged a police report against Petra Jaya Member of Parliament, Dato Sri Fadillah at the One Stop Centre Simpany Tiga, yesterday.  Iswardy accompanied by several members of the organisation from Batang Sadong, Saribas, and Kota Samarahan, said the report was against a statement made by Fadillah’s  during the MA63 seminar at one of the convention centres recently. 
        Why is there no one from the organisation so far lodging a police report against Mukhriz Mahathir for his unconstitutional speech?  None of these Sarawakian traitors dared to speak up against his speech.  That is why the Mahathirs dared to be so aggressive over us.  When Sarawak government asked for RM1billion for the repair of 1000 plus dilapidated schools in Sarawak, our Malayan colonial masters dared to reject.  Which of our DAP and PKR Members of Parliament spoke up on Sarawak’s behalf?  These Sarawakian traitors are always ever-ready to protect the interest of Malayan colonial masters.
        PKR Stampin branch Youth chief Jeffery Mok Hui Chunk has made another police report against the same person … Fadillah Yusuk for the same statement made at the MA63 seminar over the weekend.  He was accompanied by PKR National Women vice chief, who is also the special officer of the Federal Ministry of Housing and Local government, Voon Shiak Ni and PKR information chief, Desmond Kho.  These traitors again have ignored what Mukhriz Mahathir said about lifting Sarawak Immigaration autonomy in the first place.  Yet, they made a fuss of what instigated … Fadillah Yusuk’s fear about what the Mahathirs would do.  It is understood by majority of Sarawakians that the Malayan government in the name of Malaysia has the mission and vision of a big Malaysia to accomplish.  But these traitors are the accomplices of their federal colonial masters. 
        Here, I would like these organisations like SAPA, SPA, S4S, SIA and SLM to band together to go to lodge a police report and I will lodge a complaint to Complaint bureau.     Ling Moi Hung

Thursday, 9 May 2019


Blog, Tweet, Facebook Wechat 谁先煽动?  10/5/2019
       我想问他Mahathir 首相的宝贝儿子Kedah 州大臣56日在所谓的国会殿堂里提废砂移民主权。这么煽动的话,是谁先挑起?我想我们砂民运更应该去报警,才对啊!
        联邦工程部前部长法迪拉尤索所言也正是我和很多砂民所担忧的。砂选举应该是不远。砂GPS     绝对不是我和很多砂民支持的。他们承载太多,太多,太多。。。。腐能量了。我们砂民要破除是政治垄断,去破除经济垄断。但是,我们砂民绝对不支持砂马来亚代理人让砂议会落入马来亚政党的。
        Mukhriz Mahathir,吉打大臣提议说废砂移民主权,请问你们砂代表马来亚代理人,那一位站起来反驳?Dr Yii,DAP‘国会代表‘还好意思在婆罗洲邮报说联邦政府不会废砂移民自主权。砂民那一位还会相信他们。宣言不是‘圣经’。宣言都变成狗吠。霸权讲得那一句话,还可以信呢?我们砂民看到的中选后,砂代表都转身变成马来亚代理人,走狗,卖国贼。
        霸权可以讲煽动的话,砂领袖回应,却是那么大的罪。好啊!来吧!看谁马上扑倒在地? (林梅芳)

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Blog, Tweet, Facebook and Wechat 9/5/2019

Blog, Tweet, Facebook and Wechat   9/5/2019

On behalf of all the Sarawakians, I would like to complain and lodge a police report on what Mukhriz Mahathir, the Mentri Besar of Kedah for his words on lifting Sarawak Immigration Autonomy.  His speech is well-blessed by his PM father.  Is it constitutional to raise this issue in the parliament?  PM Mahathir’s ambition and greediness on the rich resources of Sarawak are well-written in the whole spirit of Mukhriz Mahathir.  And I am really disappointed when none of our Sarawakian representative especially the outspoken DAP remained to be so quiet when Mukhriz Mahathir slapped their face in the parliament?  Dr Yii of DAP still dared to say it in the Borneo Post that “PH govt has no intention to remove immigration autonomy enjoyed by Sabah, S’wak.  Damn him for his federal-centric thinking.  I see Dr Yii and all the Sarawakian DAP traaaaaaaiiiiiiiiitors.
                On the 8th May, 2019, in the Borneo Post, I bear witness how these federal-minded PKR Sarawakian traitors lodged a police report against Petra Jaya Member of Parliament, Dato Sri Fadillah at the One Stop Centre Simpany Tiga, yesterday.  Iswardy accompanied by several members of the organisation from Batang Sadong, Saribas, and Kota Samarahan, said the report was against a statement made by Fadillah’s  during the MA63 seminar at one of the convention centres recently. 
        Why is there no one from the organisation so far lodging a police report against Mukhriz Mahathir for his unconstitutional speech?  None of these Sarawakian traitors dared to speak up against his speech.  That is why the Mahathirs dared to be so aggressive over us.  When Sarawak government asked for RM1billion for the repair of 1000 plus dilapidated schools in Sarawak, our Malayan colonial masters dared to reject.  Which of our DAP and PKR Members of Parliament spoke up on Sarawak’s behalf?  These Sarawakian traitors are always ever-ready to protect the interest of Malayan colonial masters.
        PKR Stampin branch Youth chief Jeffery Mok Hui Chunk has made a police report against the same person … Fadillah Yusuk for the same statement made at the MA63 seminar over the weekend.  He was accompanied by PKR National Women vice chief, who is also the special officer of the Federal Ministry of Housing and Local government, Voon Shiak Ni and PKR information chief, Desmond Kho.  These traitors again have ignored what Mukhriz Mahathir said about lifting Sarawak Immigaration autonomy in the first place.  Yet, they made a fuss of what instigated … Fadillah Yusuk’s fear and what the Mahathirs would do.  It is understood by majority of Sarawakians that the Malayan government in the name of Malaysia has the mission and vision of a big Malaysia to accomplish.  But these traitors are the accomplices of their federal colonial masters. 
        Here, I would like these organisations like SAPA, SPA, S4S, SIA and SLM to band together to go to lodge a police report and I will lodge a complaint to Complaint bureau.     Ling Moi Hung

Sunday, 5 May 2019


@余清禄前辈,对于何俐萍编辑所写的那篇[修宪Vs脱马]。本来是不值得我花时间又费神去 跟她和星洲日报整体媒体工作人员理论。何俐萍编辑是属于星洲日报相当重量级的人物。她的话语有她一定的影响力吧。但是,她写的那篇[修宪Vs脱马],我对她的论述很不认同。我们至少要让星洲日报媒体工作人员和全马来西亚联邦国里人知道砂人的立场和论点。我是[以事论事]辩护来个对照她的论述和见解。这是一个以马来亚为重心,中心和倾向的思维的媒体对着一个小市民以砂国为重心,中心和倾向思维的立场的看法和意见。
                那篇文章,我是回应写给 的。是借题发挥,顺便也好好教训他们 一顿。 马来亚霸权不断的越界踏砂民红线。有多少砂政治人物或媒体工作者有发言主持公道,反而,都是以马来亚霸权为中心,重心和倾向思维来打压或论述砂国的不是。当砂政府施行5%的石油销售税, YB施志豪就发言说砂政府没有跟马来亚霸权商讨这么做行吗? 这是我从Borneo Post 阅读到的。砂马来亚的代理人就是这模样。黄灵彪跟林冠英一唱一和说当砂政府施行5%的石油销售税会造成石油成本偏高,因此影响石油竞争能力。 砂政府只增加这区区5% 销售税就让这些马来亚代理人跳起来。 他们到底是为砂国着想还是马来亚霸权呢?大家对砂马来亚代理人还有留下多少期待呢? 
                对于何俐萍编辑所写的那篇[修宪Vs脱马],她是论述修宪的现象。              联邦政府采用的方式相反于砂政府的方式。她引用YB郑爱鸰的论点。她也提到TaibMahmud在开幕当天罕见开腔提醒砂民在索权方面[无越红线]。我当然要指出谁越谁的红线了? 其实何编辑,没有表达她的立场和看法。她没有论述高官们有很多商业纠缠。人民起义就是他们的致命伤。 表面上TaibMahmud是善意的,实际上,是散放[白色恐怖]
                [脱马独立诉求],她自以为是一小撮砂人的事。这是她个人的意见。 我猜她对砂历史认知太肤浅了。反对砂国参组马来西亚是绝对多数砂民的诉求。当年,英国派来的官员根本没有按照标准程序进行调查,就几个人决定了参组马来西亚。这是一场骗局。照理,是要在联合国处理和解散。可是,我们砂傀儡政府受制于马来亚霸权是不敢的。这是政治和经济集团纠缠在一起的。所以,才玩这种修宪把戏和闹剧。
砂拉越在1841年建立的,是堂堂正正的一个国。1880s 年世界地图就有砂拉越国。大概1853年美国就承认了砂国。10年后,英国也认同了。那时马来亚国是不存在的哦。所以砂拉越参组马来西亚,人民是起义反对的。反观,马来亚11州拼合一起,有人民起义反对吗? 我们可以一起讨论。所以,砂要脱马独立是完成 先辈们未完成的使命。
脱马独立是每个砂人的使命吧。这是mission and vision的事。真的,不是一小撮人的事。也不是[项庄舞剑,意在沛公的图谋]。所以,诠释错误,误导人。大家蒙蒙的过日子,马来亚=马来西亚是对等的。他们的[大马来西亚计划]始终如一 就是想拼吞砂沙两国为己有。由Mahathir首相带领的PH政府他们的野心已经是都曝光了。 Mahathir的宝贝儿子Mukhriz国会会议中怎么说,有视频见证。
从各种媒体,我都觉察到他们从言语到文字都是压抑沙砂两国为州。看看星洲日报如何对沙砂善用[]字眼。有声的媒体,如何口口声声叫[沙巴州][砂拉越州]。看马来亚人从政治霸权到媒体如何打压沙砂两国。是时候起来反抗了吧。 看他们敢对我们怎样。不是一味的退缩。砂政府不敢,我们人民要敢敢的表态。怕什么? 看谁怕谁?人家处处依赖咱们生存,不是咱们依赖他们哦。所以怕什么?英语有句话说:[What can be worse?] .  等就相等于死/=死。砂民,大家都动起来吧。做醒觉运动。 咱们没枪没炮,我们起义就是靠手中一票,狠狠的[改朝换代,脱马独立]。懂得借用外力。上诉联合国。
她认为要[脱马独立]人士是会面对煽动的罪名。这一点,她是充满着误导和给一般人会产生一定的威胁。难道,马来亚霸权拼吞砂国是理所当然的事?人民起义就要面对煽动的罪名的威胁吗? 煽动法令是英国政府所设立为了打压马来亚人。 当年,马来亚国父TunkuAbdulRahman诉求马来亚独立时,英国政府有动用煽动法令对付他吗? 新加坡退出有面对煽动法令吗? 砂民坚持脱马独立为什么需要煽动法令呢? 马来亚霸权,不怕他们的阴谋很多见不锝人事一一全世界曝光吗? 何编辑写的那篇[修宪Vs脱马] 难道不是星洲日报团体的文章吗? 马来亚人为中心,重心和倾向思维的文章吗?他们的目的何在? 今天砂拉越不是70年代的砂拉越了?