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Thursday, 28 February 2019

Blog, Tweet, Facebook and Wechat 28/2/2019 被掠夺后的砂国

Blog Tweet Facebook  and Wechat  28/2/2019  被掠夺后的砂国
     @顺其自然,噢,吴益婷博士 还是咱们Sibu人。但是 看完她的文章,我完全感受不到她是我们砂拉越人呢。 太离谱了吧。她的文章是都是以马来亚为重心和中心切入谈砂独立。是这么马来亚为中心的, 一厢情愿/在意的和偏向 (so Malaya-centred, minded and oriented) 以她的砂国的假设和想象,我看我们永远别想独立了。 永远被殖民当马奴了。大家知道被殖民,就是做[亡国奴]吗?
        过去50多年,我们的民主都被精英人才耍弄得[面目全非]。今天,我们一般人民终于对[民主, 民权,民治,民生,民有,民富。。]有一定的认知 和知识。所以,我们不再一味相信精英的论辩。吴博士的论辩的角度绝对不是以[砂主权国]出发点。 很严重的马奴思维。得罪了,对不起。
        吴博士怎么可以那么确定? {摆脱了马来亚主权。。。。也許依然是土著主義,不會是砂拉越民族主義} 过去,人民因无知,所以才如此被动。可以让马来亚霸权狠狠的玩[馬來人主權],在马来西亚联邦国玩得[不亦乐乎]。这些都是[无中生有][意识形态],我们人民的极其被动和无知,所以才这么样被捆绑。[民主]被如此骑劫。 她这篇文章{今天砂拉越的困境,不能簡單地歸咎 西馬因素}(吴益婷 2015)是在2015 年写。难怪她才会如此认为。 如果她是在509后写这篇文章,她是否还会说这么一句话[砂拉越人別太天真]。还是认为PBB(土保党)还是[稳如泰山]是永远[无法动得了铁板块]的政党。
        吴博士写这篇文章时,是否人民这一块圈起[任由摆布,被动和保持不变]。她应该没有看到[人民拒绝摆布,主动起来,那种移山倒海的力量]吧。 这一点,吴博士真的是低估了砂拉越人了。 对于{砂拉越也有口耳相傳的社會契约。若土著穆斯林是首席部長,那州長必須由達雅人(Dayak)擔任}  这玩意儿还不是马来亚的邪恶计谋想[大小通吃],不是吗? 假借[社會契約](2.) 这名义,[名副其实]是霸权和朋党[明目张胆]在掠夺,剥削和打压。制造种种假象愚弄无知。 [制造土族特权]让很多无知整天过得[患得患失]
今天多少%土族有基本的水电设备。道路,医疗,学校。。设备多少%有到位? 我不知道吴博士对砂土族的认知水平到那里?是否有做充足的研究。 砂国被逼参组马来西亚联邦50多年了。 今天砂国的贫穷状况真的跟马来亚无关吗?  如果石油和天然气,还有种种税收100% 都留在我们砂国发展,我们的建设会输那一个新进国呢?
50多年前是小baby,现在已经是中年人了。经过50多年洗礼,人难道一点长进都没有吗? 还是那模样----被动无知吗? 砂民见证这[马来亚霸权和朋党文化]在咱们砂国进行的透透彻彻。谁能推翻[这种不是马来亚文化因素]呢?  多少砂人不认同呢?
        吴博士对[独立]后的砂国,有太多负面的意象。 认为,独立后的[新砂拉越]还是保持不变跟着[马来亚][马来人至上/土族特权]文化因素那一套走。 人是走向文明,进步的和高尚的文化。所以,[独立后的新砂拉越]是不再有那种霸权卑鄙的玩什么[社会契约],这低等的手段捆绑人民。 然后,狠狠的骑劫[民主] 披着[民主的外衣] 专稿[霸权的事业]。这50多年,砂民还是那么傻吗?  不知道[特权的雷达]只能到达有手握[权利]的和靠近权利中心的那些人才有的事吗?
        吴博士或许没有全面去了解砂国[独立后的新砂粒越]律法。或许对砂国人信心太不足了。所以会那样质疑砂国治国机制是否公正公平。我肯定新领袖知道可以如何处理。独立后的新砂拉越怎么可能还是冠有GPS的领袖呢? {若爭取砂拉越獨立運動者,只談州內富饒的土地和天然資源,不談如何公平且有效地治理國家,不正視砂州統治精英數十年來的貪腐,那獨立的目的是什麽?難道是讓現有統治精英更自由地掠奪州內財富?吴博士的论点。}
        这些都是刻板印象和假设,还有想像。这世界上没有一成不变的事。 今天网络普遍的时代,网络的力量无限大和宽。吴博士意象只有[纸媒],没有见证到509的选举。难怪。 人民醒觉后,是[民主回归日],更是[霸权狼狈下场日],全砂人都懂得民主为何物了,还会是同批人马掌权吗?  吴博士,我猜连做梦都没有想到第三势力的崛起是怎么一回事? 砂国本土反对党的崛起。 {執政黨對過去砂拉越選舉不公一直視而不見,同時也是金錢政治的始作俑者。本地報章被執政黨或朋黨財團壟斷,大專學府不鼓勵獨立思考和言論自由,這樣的政經環境如何貫徹獨立真正的意義和願景?到時執政精英獨立了,砂拉越人民還沒獨立。}
我不知道吴博士知道[联合国14121960年签署去殖民化1514]这一条文赋予人民[自决权]2021年砂国选举,咱们砂民就可以利用手中一张票决定砂脱马独立或留马继续被殖民做[亡国奴] 吴博士写这篇文章根本无法想像BN执政在选举机制完全不公平下,还是被人民推倒了。  {公投決定砂拉越該不該脫離馬來西亞,雖然是個符合民主精神的建議,但條件是砂州選委會首先必須是獨立的,才能提供乾淨的選民冊,實施公平選舉。試問現有的選委會獨立嗎?其選區劃分最近才被高庭宣判無效!新的劃分作業大大增加鄉區席位,完全不尊重一人一票、票票均等原則。這樣的政治手段符合砂拉越人的利益嗎?在種種條件不充足之下,公投只是淪為統治精英合法化個人議程的手段。}

2.  什么契约?谁规定的? 真的是无中生有。莫名其妙。

Monday, 25 February 2019

Pakan landslide cuts off main road, damages water pipes

KUCHING: Thousands of residents in Engkamop and Entabai were cut off from the main road in Pakan when a section of KM11 Jalan Pakan-Entabai collapsed early yesterday morning.
The affected section, estimated to be roughly 17 metres deep and 35 metres long, is believed to have been triggered by severe soil erosion brought about by prolonged rain over the past few days.

The condition of the road a day before the landslide.
“Half of Pakan and part of Meluan constituency were cut off. Many longhouse people who went to church in Pakan could not return home due to the road being cut off,” Julau MP Larry Sng told The Borneo Post when contacted.

Seen in the main picture is the pickup truck that narrowly avoided plunging into the crevasse.
        According to him, water supply in the affected areas was also cut off as the pipes were damaged by the landslide.
He added that he had also contacted Works Minister Baru Bian to seek assistance in addressing the issue.
    “Sarawak roads are under state JKR (Public Works Department), not federal. All relevant authorities have been notified about the incident,” he said.
       Sng hoped the relevant authorities would do their best to alleviate the problem as the affected road is the only access road for folks in the area.
     “It (collapse) will easily cut off half of Pakan population (living) on the other side of the road,” said Sng, who was visiting the area yesterday prior to the landslide.
Pakan and Meluan assemblymen Tan Sri William Mawan and Rolland Duat, were also present at the site along with JKR divisional engineer Teo Nguong Leong and Cahya Mata Sarawak (CMS) engineers.

        A closer shot of the pickup truck which nearly plunged into the crevasse.
Acting on a suggestion by Mawan, CMS dispatched an excavator to the site to build a temporary diversion road.
       Meanwhile, it was revealed that a pickup truck had barely avoided plunging into the crevasse, with its driver and a passenger able to exit the vehicle on their own.
Benet Janak and passenger Rantau Kelambu were unhurt but sent by passers-by to a nearby clinic for a check-up.

My comments:
Prove to me that the disaster has nothing to do the deluge of Bakun Dam and Maram Dam upstream.  No newspaper reports so far have dared to look into the main causes of the disaster.  Pakan, based on the location, is not too far from the Rejang river which is the main channel of the discharge of water from the dams upstream.  Imagine the surge of mega-volume of water deluging downstream.

Anwar lodges police report over Bakun Dam corruption

Anwar lodges police report over Bakun Dam corruption
By Anwar Ibrahim
This is the English version of the text of the report by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on 12 November 1999. It gives us the background to the most expensive project in Sarawak todate of which the cost overruns from RM4 billion to RM15 billion remains a mystery and the Sarawak government is now contemplating to spend our Sarawakians money to the tune of RM7 billion to buy this white elephant from the federal government. – HU Editor

Report prepared by Anwar Ibrahim over the alleged corruption over the Bakun Dam issue.
Police Report Federal Court Kuala Lumpur
Police Report No. Tun HS Lee 30375/99
Dated 12th November 1999 at 12.22 p.m.

I hereby submit documents from Tan Sri Ting Peck Khing (whose Ekran Berhad company was awarded the Bakun Dam project by the government) addressed to Tun Daim Zainuddin (present Finance Minister) and Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (Prime Minister of Malaysia), plus a directive from Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir to me, as the Finance Minister then, to speed up the approval of payment to Tan Sri Ting, contravening the law and financial procedures and without prior reference to the auditors, Price Waterhouse (who did an audit to determine how much work had Ekran completed/not completed after Bakun dam was deferred amid the economic crisis), who were appointed to scrutinise the application for compensation from Ekran, who were undertaking the construction of the Bakun Dam project in Sarawak.
        The application for payment of compensation was sent by Tan Sri Ting direct to Tun Daim although he did not have any authority to approve it. The application was also sent direct to Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir, who again demonstrated his method of implementing mega projects such as Perwaja (Mahathir’s pet steel company who suffered billion dollars loss in which investigation is supposedly still on going), Putrajaya (the multi-billon new administrative centre of the Federal Government) and KLCC (Kuala Lumpur City Centre, the world’s tallest building).
        He had approved the Bakun project without complying with privatisation or tender procedures. He had launched the project even before Cabinet approval. As per my previous police report with regards to Perwaja, he had established direct links with Tan Sri Ting, bypassing the Ministry and agency concerned.
        The Cabinet only approved it later and he asked me to monitor it as the Chairman of the Cabinet Committee on Bakun. In fact, in the application for compensation, as stated in the letters attached, I was totally ignored, though at that point in time, I was the Finance Minister and the Chairman of the Cabinet Committee for Bakun. My firmness and reluctance to arbitrarily approve the allocation without complying with the financial procedures and regulations resulted in my being doubted.
         The majority interest in the Bakun project is held by Ekran, which is controlled by Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir’s close friend and business partner of Tun Daim, that is Tan Sri Ting Peck Khing.  Rasip Harun, the business partner of Tun Daim, also held equity.
        Rasip Harun and Robert Tan Hua Choon, another business partner of Tun Daim, controlled Jasa Kita.  Jasa Kita was involved in the abuse of the Telecom shares allocation scandal, which was supposedly allocated by Daim to the Indian community while he was the Finance Minister.
        On the other hand, the shares concerned were diverted to three companies related to Dato Samy Velu (President of the Malaysian Indian Congress, the major Indian component party of the ruling natioanl coalition government).   This included Clearway (a company), in which Robert Tan’s driver, Baharuddin M. Arip, was a Director, as well as Jasa Kita.
        Robert Tan’s other company, Spanco, was hastily given approval for the privatisation of government transport by the Privatisation Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department.  The company’s services were criticised as weak and costly, and I had asked for some clauses in the agreement to be reviewed.
Because Tun Daim had an interest, all my comments and objections were sidelined by Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir.
        The Bakun project requires Sarawak government support. Therefore, Ekran secured the involvement of two sons of the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud: that is, Mahmud Abu Bekir and Sulaiman Abdul Rahman who hold equity in Ekran and Pacific Chemicals.
        Thereby, Ekran easily obtained timber concessions for thousands of acres surrounding the dam area, although the local residents and environmental organisations strongly protested.
        Other than that, Dato Seri Ling Liong Sik’s (President of the Malaysian Chinese Association, the major Chinese component party of the ruling national coalition government) son was also appointed to the management of the project with generous remuneration.
         With the endorsement and approval of Dato Seri Dr Mahathir, the decision to approve the project was made without reference to the Board of Directors of the Bakun company, or the Finance Ministry, or the Cabinet Committee.
        At that point in time, when the project viability was in doubt, the Prime Minister directed HICOM Holdings, EPF (Employees Provident Fund), and TNB (Tenaga Nasional Berhad, the West Malaysian electricity generator and provider)   to also hold equity.
       The said companies, along with SESCO (Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation, the electricity generator and provider), continuously protested because Tan Sri Ting had made the decision on his own, “with the Prime Minister’s agreement”, without the prior approval of the Board of Directors.
        The contract was arbitrarily awarded to companies related to Ekran. For example, Pacific Chemicals (another of Tan Sri Ting’s flagship company) was given logging contracts covering 20,000 hectares in the Bakun area. FCW Holdings (another of Tan Sri Ting’s company) was promised a 4 billion ringgit (about US$1 billion) contract for the manufacture of submarine cables that also involves Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir’s son’s interests.
        In the end, when it became obvious that the project was going to fail, and that we would be repeating the experience of Perwaja’s losses having to be borne by the government,  I used the economic crisis that we were facing at that time as the excuse to cancel the project.
        Furthermore, too many decisions involving these companies were found to be lacking tin transparency, raising problems with the KLSE (Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) and the Securities Commission.
      Action against Ekran did not take place because of the protection given by the Prime Minister and Tun Daim. The termination of the project not only incurred the anger of both of them, but also of the families and crony companies who had interests.
        The application for compensation amounting to 2.2 billion Ringgit (about US$580 million) was excessive – as revealed in Tan Sri Ting’s letter to Tun Daim dated 11 July 1998 (Exhibit one). His letter to Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir mentioned advance payment of 120 million Ringgit (about US$31.6 million). The Prime Minister, in his memo dated 12 August 1998, instructed me to pay, disregarding financial procedure regulations (Exhibit two).
        I am aware that several previous police reports, accompanied by documents and letters, in particular those involving Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir and Tun Daim, have not been investigated nor has any action been taken, as if these leaders are immune from investigation and action.
        On the other hand, the Alternative (Opposition) Party leaders are subjected to repressive actions and pressure. I urge the police to act professionally.
        Again, I submit documents and letters, which show that conflicts of interest, bribery, and abuse of power involving Dato Seri Dr Mahathir and Tun Daim exist.
        We are still waiting for investigation and action by the police (whose minister is the Mahathir appointed Deputy Prime Minister, and former Foreign Minister Dato Abdullah Badawi) and the Anti-Corruption Agency (which reports to the Prime Minister).

Exhibits one and two are attached herewith.
Thank you.
(Signed by Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim)

My comments:
When will these devils, Mahathir especially  be trialed?  
Why did I search for the articles related to Bakun Dam again? 
Now Sarawakians within the vicinity have to face frequent flood disasters and landslides as a result of the evil deeds of these devils.

Pakan landslide cuts off main road, damages water pipes (the Borneo Post)  (25/2/2019)

 I wonder how far Pakan is to Bakun Dam.