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Wednesday, 31 January 2018

这坏习惯 1/2/2018

Tweets   1/2/2018
某间华小需要基金建校,却要求小学生帮忙去筹款。小学生做不到,这是变相的间接要求家长去筹款。学校需要基金建校,不是小学生父母的事。学校要做任何建造,是政府的事。校董应该出队去找社区政治领袖去办理。这是正常的程序。那里是这样子, 这么不负责任的行为要学生家长去承担这种非他们的职责和义务的事。

昨天,刚好无意间听到老板娘狠狠向那位帮忙儿/女为某间华小筹款 的父亲训话。她重复说了几次:[回去跟老师讲,那里可以叫小学生上街去筹款,发生意外或被人拐骗,谁负责?]

弦外之音,我是听到人家对学校无间断的向华社榨取感到无限厌恶。乘机,我也捕了几刀。我是狠狠地说学校任何键设是政府的事。顺便臭骂政客,尤其是华人政客,从来没有真心诚意办事,非常无能,都是活像[走狗]。所以才会延伸这种问题。 时时,不是这间,就是那间,这间那间这间那间这间那间这间那间这间那间。。。商家怎能不烦,时时有人来筹款。好像建校是商家的事。

我非商家,我对这不合法理情的事感到无限厌恶。 清楚这是无能的政客变相的问题要华社去承担/扛他们做不到的事。 无能的政客,无能的政府留着做么?

这次所谓[国选],大家好好看,听和评估这些华人政客如何为霸权买命求官位。 嘿。。。。[官位大过天],其他毫言为华社都是假的,一派胡言。不要领这种[病态]思维的情。民主真的不可华社华社的土族族的区分。

解决这2018-1963 = 55 的事。华小的种种基金的事,向华社无限期的榨取已经变成一种理所当然的习惯。伸手向华社索取。无知的华社被这些政客无限的“耍龙“。该停了! 要改掉这很坏的习惯,要从华人 开始,真的要狠下心跟这些[没完没了]华小。。筹款说;[不!别想了!]

只有这样华人政客才会想尽方法和办法去砂议会或所谓的[国会]发言索求。正当做事。 这是他们应当做的事。 他们无能,我们人民,怎么可以如此放纵他们呢? 

这种[55年的事]都是咱们华人的无知养成的。都是礙于面子的问题大家被逼,忍痛捐款。知道问题后,请问谁还心甘情愿的去帮政客消灾/扛他们的职务?  所以要切割他们的坏习惯,从我们开始。 别让这些政客躲在人民背后无条件的享受官位特权。

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Malaysia: Changes and Introduction of a New Anti-Profiteering Mechanism | Insight | Baker McKenzie

The Price Control and Anti-Profiteering (Mechanism to Determine Unreasonably High Profit for Goods) Regulations 2016 (2017 Regulations) was gazetted on 22 December 2016. The 2017 Regulations came into force on 1 January 2017 upon the expiry of the previous regulations on 31 December 2016.
The 2017 Regulations has introduced four notable changes. The changes are summarised below.

(I) Limitation of Scope for Application of the 2017 Regulations

The 2017 Regulations apply only to certain classes of goods, which include food and beverages, and household goods. Household goods have been specifically defined to include non-durable household goods and personal care products purchased for personal, family or household purposes, but have specifically excluded cosmetic products.

(II) Comparison Using Financial Year (FY) or Calendar Year (CY)

The determination of unreasonably high profit is made by comparing the mark-up percentage or margin percentage in a FY or CY. The relevant period for examination is the base period, which is the first day of a particular FY or CY when the goods are sold or offered for sale (Base Period), against the date of investigation of the goods in that particular FY or CY (Comparative Period).

(III) Change in the Mechanism To Determine Unreasonably High Profit

Under the 2017 Regulations, the determination of unreasonably high profit is done using either the mark-up percentage or the margin percentage of the goods sold or offered using the prescribed formulas. Businesses are required to satisfy both mechanisms in order to determine whether the business is making unreasonably high profit.

(IV) Introduction of New Formulas To Determine Unreasonably High Profit

The 2017 Regulations introduced two specific formulas to determine whether there has been any unreasonably high profits. The formulas are quite complex and takes into account the mark-up percentage or the margin percentage.
Under the mark-up percentage mechanism, the mark-up percentage is calculated by taking into account the sale price less the cost price, divided by the cost price using a percentage basis.
Under the margin percentage mechanism, the margin percentage is calculated by taking into account the sale price less the cost price, divided by the sale price using a percentage basis.
Under both mechanisms, the determination of whether profit is unreasonably high is done by comparing the percentages of the goods sold or offered for sale on the Comparative Period with the percentages of the goods sold or offered for sale on the Base Period. If the former is higher, the business will be considered to be making unreasonably high profit. However, this will not be the case if the increase in the mark-up or margin percentage is caused by a reduction in the cost of goods.

Implications for Businesses

To ensure compliance with the 2017 Regulations, affected businesses should review and analyse any proposed price increases by examining the mark-up and margin percentage before and after any proposed price increase.
In the event of an increase in either the mark-up percentage or margin percentage, the business must be able to substantiate the increase with adequate documentation and proper justification to the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism.
Under Section 18 of the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011, any person who makes profit unreasonably high commits an offence and is liable, on conviction to:
(a) a fine up to RM 500,000, or a fine up to RM 1,000,000 for a second or subsequent offence, where such person is a body corporate; or
(b) a fine up to RM 100,000 and/or imprisonment up to 3 years, or RM 250,000 and/or imprisonment up to 5 years, where such person is not a body corporate.

Tweets 30/1/2018
Is BN government going to enforce the anti-profiteering act on the airlines which charge incredibly high on Sarawakians flying from Peninsular Malaya to Kuching, Sibu, Miri and Bintulu on 13-14 February when these Sarawakians are eager to fly back to their respective hometowns to reunite with the families during the Chinese New Year and flying back to work on 19 -21 February, 2018?  Sarawakians have to pay exorbitant prices to fly to Kuching one trip RM1039; Sibu RM1009; Miri RM493 and Bintulu RM438.  If round trips X 2, count how much a person has to pay round trips to Kuching and back to work or school.
        Where are the Sarawak ministers, be there represent Sarawak or so called ‘National Assembly’, to say about these exorbitant air-ticket charges on these Sarawakians working in Peninsular Malaya?   Is it not a living example of how Sarawakians are exploited or fall prey to the traps set by UMNO-BN government which plunder Sarawak and Sabah in the name of Malaysia?  When Sarawak is not developed and lack job opportunities, n% of Sarawakians are lured to Peninsula Malaysia.  I often feel sorry for these Sarawakians and their parents who see the land across the South China Sea a greener pasture to graze.  So they send their children to Peninsula Malaya for higher education even if the courses are available in Sarawak.
        When can these Sarawakians wake up to say, “No!”? 
        To solve this annual problem, I suggest the concerned Sarawakians to band together to sue the airlines for charging exorbitant price on the air tickets or no to come back during this period?  We do not need to celebrate Chinese New Year “at all cost” and see how long these airlines can go on to exploit us in this way.  If possible, move back to Sarawak for good.  There are lots of opportunities in Sarawak now. 
        It is disgusting to see no action of the concerned authorities to enforce the anti-profiteering act on these profiteering airlines.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018


好事带来坏事  18/1/18
这种略夺性的发展。确实,确实,确实让那一小撮的政官商显要坐站都拥有千千万万亿亿的财富以牺牲95%人的健康的生活。经济发展把空气污染了,把水弄得污浊了, 让生态失衡了,跟着一切都走样,值得吗?

wo fa xian wo sheng qi shi ye shi hui chong chong fu fu shuo zhe shuo zhe.


Tuesday, 16 January 2018

The Dams in Sarawak 17/1/2018

The Dams in Sarawak   17/1/2018
        The dams we have upstream are the Bakun Dam (about the size of Singapore as claimed and boasted by a political thug), Baram Dam and Murum Dam.  Miri, Bintulu, Mukah, Lawas and those areas in the vicinity of the dams that are or going to be in operations are for sure facing worse and worse flood devastation which will happen more and more frequently and related problems like landslide, mudslide, cave-in, the loosening of the land mass and so on. 
        I saw a case of flood rising up to 12 feet somewhere in Miri or Bintulu not long ago as reported in the Sin Chew Daily News.  Check the newspapers to disprove me if you can. 
        I also saw the report about the experts from the Peninsular Malaya coming to investigate the land in Miri.  That is a futile effort if they do not study the operations of those dams upstream.  If the people are still so foolish and dull to think that it is rain that causes landslides, mudslides and the like, they will have to pay even heavier toll for being so ignorant.  Now they have paid so much already when their houses and farms have to be served as reservoirs to the deluge of the dam water. 
        Let me explain a bit more.  When it rains heavily, that means the water will rise up quickly to the levels that the dam have to release the water.   When three dams nearby release water at more or less the same time, just imagine.   Miri and Bintulu are just not far away from the dams.  They are 200 to 300 km away from these dams.  How long does it take for water to reach these areas?  Do some calculation and see.
        Building 12 dams in Sarawak had been the ambition of Taib Mahumud (the curse and shame of Sarawak) and his cronies.  But now Abang Johari, I believe, will fulfil his ambition to build more dams.  Now, we people should have the awareness that we have enough dams to damn us.  The UMNO-BNised government in Sarawak should stop building anymore dams for the sake of our natural environment.  Or I am afraid that we have to pay more than we earn from these mega projects.
        The frequent floods and other related disasters that the people in Miri and Bintulu face now  is just the beginning of frequent mass devastation or catastrophe to come sooner or later. 
        I hate repeating the same thing thrice.  I have repeated the causes of floods everywhere in Sarawak more than thrice ever since the construction of the Bakun Dam which I always is constructed in favour of those greedy political clowns and mega companies.   The small fries gain nothing but the disasters from the dams.  So, what do we need to do to turn off the tide?  Think!

其实,我是想用华文写这篇文章,可是用华文写很耗时。找对字是费时也费神的。赶时间,只好用英文写。用英文写就没有华文那么好玩和有趣了。 华文这方块字,其实是非常的实际和经济。写着写着就得了。 没有英文那些时态和不同词类不同字形的问题。很直接了当。华语要跟英语平行平坐,在这一块肯定要多下功夫。 怎么下功夫呢 一个音,就是有那么多个字出现。还好,我对文的文字认识是有够多。对汉语拼音也有足够认知,不然,别想了。