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Monday, 27 February 2017

/ɒɒɒ….ɔ:/ Your Running Dogs 27/2/2017

/ɒɒɒ….ɔ:/ Your Running Dogs    27/2/2017
Who are those running dogs who never care to stop for a thought if he ought or ought not to make the police report on the letter to the Queen of England to appeal for her attention on the appalling conditions falling upon us Sarawakians being exploited and plundered since time immemorial to the pleasure of the Malaysan government, of course, with the blessings of the local PPB-UMNO-BN? 

Whether it is Abang Johari or not Abang Johari who has written the letter to the Queen of England to appeal for her attention on the appalling conditions in Sarawak, why are those running dogs could not hold themselves all for the autonomy of Sarawak to stay united for the cause and why are they always in a hurry and scurry to make the police report hoping to block and show off their loyalty to the authority and is it not all for the rewards of  the posts that are likely to be bestowed on those who hold the flags to call for the attention of their loyalty to the authority?  Shame of you!

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Train service not feasible for Sarawak — Fadillah

Fadillah (front row, centre) in a photocall with special guests and participants of the programme yesterday.
 Fadillah (front row, centre) in a photocall with special guests and participants of the programme yesterday.

KUCHING: The *state government did think of introducing railway network for transporting goods throughout Sarawak but it was deemed unfeasible.

Works Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof said the idea was mooted when Head of State Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud was the chief minister.

“The idea was mooted as we discussed the possibility of a cheaper transportation as we planned for the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE), but it did not materialise after a study was conducted on it,” said Fadillah.

The Petra Jaya MP revealed this when answering a question from a participant of the ‘JOM MASUK U!’ programme organised by Halaqah Kemajuan Muslim Sarawak (Hikam) that was held at Sekolah Seni
 Malaysia in Santubong yesterday during the question and answer session.

“When we want to develop the state, there are several factors that we need to take into account, such as financial and socio-economy. However, the introduction of a train service is not the priority at the moment,” he said.

He said a study that had been conducted showed that it was not feasible and there was low demand for train service which would mean maintenance cost would be high.

“We need volume first then we can take into account the possibility of introducing such transportation method.

“Focus is given to improving the road, and through the mega Pan Borneo Highway project we believe that it can boost mobility among the people of the state and at the same time improve lives of the people who rely on it,” he said.

The ‘JOM MASUK U!’ programme, which started in Sarikei on January 16, was held in several towns across the state and ended yesterday.

Among the activities during the programme were talks on leadership skills and issues concerning the intake of school leavers into universities.
Hikam president Khairul Anwar Shazali and programme director Muhd Nu’man Jeman were present.

My comments:
Sarawak will forever remain backwards and the poorest country in the federation of Malaysia if we let this kind of political clowns with such mentality to take the lead.

Waiting for the volume to come to the standard to create the amenities to facilitate the people is like putting the cart loaded with goods before the horse to ask the horse to pull.

We need the leaders who dare to dream, visualise and materialise, not self-denial to please UMNO-BN.

Like Taib Mahmud, he always said that Sarawak was too big to build the road system extending everywhere.  So......the road system had not been done much during his reign.

AdenanSatem created this possibility and feasibility and so ......Pan-Borneo Highway is in progress now going everywhere.   But unfortunately, this man died too early to create the feasibility of train service also extending to every division in Sarawak.

Having the train service to come true, I strong believe that we need new leaders who care for the development of Sarawak at all cost, not behaving like a traitor to please UNMO-BN imperialist.  With the infrastructure facilities at our disposal, we Will will to lure back at least 50 thousands or more Sarawakians in the course of time.  We must create enough high-income job opportunities like Singapore.  Count how many Sarawakians are forced to work there for the sake of better job opportunities and income.

All these UMNO-BNised political thugs/clowns are too corrupt to care for the general well-being and welfare of Sarawak.  They are traitors who collude with UMNO-BN imperialist to plunder and exploit Sarawak.

Shame of you, Fadillah.

These people who have betrayed Sarawak are our shame and will be condemned 1 day, like IMDB.   What a shame!  What a curse!

Interim teachers hope to be treated fairly in June interview

KUCHING: Local temporary teachers, who have been given second chance to continue their service, hoped their one year of experience and recommendation from their school principals will be taken into consideration when they sit for their next interview in June.

A group of them, who were interviewed by The Borneo Post, said it will be unfair to them if they are put on the same level as fresh graduates who also come for the interview.

“We want our ‘Guru Interim’ status to be recognised by the JPNS (Sarawak State Education Department). While we look forward to this interview in June, all we want is for it to be conducted fairly,” they stressed.

They said that most of them left their previous jobs to take up their appointment as ‘Guru Interim Gred DC41’ from March 21 last year, after which they were posted to various schools in Sarawak. They pointed out that although they were Bachelor of Education graduates mostly from private universities, they had to seek employment in other fields be it in the public or private sector while waiting to be recruited as teachers.

“When we were offered the opportunity (to be temporary teachers in government schools), we made the decision to leave our jobs and take up the offer. We did it because this is our dream career, to be teachers.

“It has also been reported many times in the media that the Sarawak state government wants to achieve the 90:10 ratio of local teachers to those from other states by 2018.

“We (the batch of temporary teachers) can contribute towards achieving this target,” they said.

When asked the difference in their employment terms with the permanent teachers, they said they were paid the same but they were not eligible for allowance and other benefits such as sick leave and maternity leave.

If they were to take leave, they said their salaries would be deducted as they needed to ‘pay back’ for the days they were absent.

“But we are happy to perform same duties like the permanent teachers. Our working hours are the same, and we also go to school during non-schooling days for extra activities.

“Most of us have families and some of us are the sole breadwinners. Some are now expectant mothers,” they said.

They proposed that the Education Department organise courses or seminars for temporary teachers to upgrade them in line with the needs of the current syllabus.

“Please, don’t let us become victims of the system. That is why we strongly believe the school principal’s recommendation and assessment is the best way to determine whether to absorb us as permanent teachers.

“Those who did not perform well in school can be terminated but for those who did well, the school principal can recommend him/her to stay on as teachers. This creates a win-win situation, especially in schools with critical vacant teaching posts to be filled,” they said.

Education Minister Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid had announced on Feb 14 that local temporary teachers affected by termination of service have been given a second chance to go for another interview while continuing their service in schools.

“This measure is in line with the Sarawak government’s view that they (temporary teachers) deserve a second chance.

“The ministry and state government have also agreed that they can continue their service as interim teachers while waiting for the second interview,” he was quoted as saying in a press conference in response to The Borneo Post’s article regarding the bleak future of the 210 temporary local teachers whose service would be terminated on March 15.

Chief Minister Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg, in a statement also issued on Feb 14, has given the assurance that these temporary teachers could continue teaching if they manage to pass a second interview.

Abang Johari clearly stated that the services of the teachers affected will not be terminated next month.

A letter made available to The Borneo Post listed 210 temporary teachers who would be terminated.

Bintulu District is the most affected with 33 temporary teachers to be terminated, followed by Miri District (24), Sibu District (19), Subis District (13), Kapit District (12) and Betong District (11).

One of the affected temporary teachers had claimed that the actual number of those terminated might rise to 239 based on those recruited and who served as ‘Guru Interim Gred DC41’ from March 21 last year in various schools in Sarawak.

The revelation had sent shockwaves as it had come out not long after a state minister was quoted as saying there were 988 vacancies for teachers in the state which must be filled by March.

My Comments:
     This is another test to Abang Johari and his team if they really "walk their talk" to fight for our rights to set the ratio 90:10 from Sarawak : Malaya Peninsula.
     We people want to see how bold Abang Johari and his team are to stamp their feet down to tell the Malaya Imperialist what our rights are.
It is time to stop them to create the phenomena that we are in short of teachers to cover up their excess.  It is one of their ways to take over the control of Sarawak in the course of time.  We Sarawakians must have this awareness.  This has been UMNO-BN policy to control us.  We have never been treated with respect when the government of Sarawak and Sabah have been so UMNO-BNised.
    Many Sarawakians and I can show you many, many, many ......cases of teachers would-be in Sarawak have been sacrificed to fulfil the needs of the people in Malaya Peninsula.
    I have ...........

Friday, 24 February 2017


400 西玛教师调派砂 温夏妮要首长表态 22日2月2017诗华日报

我们砂拉越人要让出这些位子给西马半岛的多余过剩的教师。  这是谁权力大谁做主的事。 我们砂拉越的猪狗政客们能为砂人做什么事?  今天种种的掠夺和剥削还不够证明,这些猪狗政客没有用吗?Sarikei有位国阵政客说要拿回所有失去的“州/国”议席。  他不是第一个这么说。  国阵成员我肯定都这么期待。  他们自以为拥这些席位是他们的”特权“
     AbangJohari 期望100% 华人支持国阵。  这是非常非常非常。。。。[独裁]的病态心理。  这个人也是很TaibMahmud的。 我希望99% 的华人知道:[为虎做。。](人之旁的长)是什么意思。  别傻了。  一个人要活得健康,[新陈代谢]是[绝对]的一回事。  正确的营养[补充] 也是绝对一回事。 我们砂拉越要在这个联邦国更健康的活着,我们也是要有这样的[新陈代谢]。  [新陈代谢]从沙砂开始。 从人民思维建设开始。  我多么希望其他人像我一样,100%肯定[新陈代谢]对健康的一回事的重要。 
    今天的沙砂两国像什么?  大家好好的思考一下,够吗?  大家同等的地位,被打压成低。。。。几等。  好像兄弟姐妹,硬硬被贬成[儿女],这是违宪的行为。 谁管?  我们砂的政客们,很享受这地位呢。  我真的希望砂沙两国的人民有空没空都会好好思考这[切身]的问题。  不要把这些问题掉给我们后代去承当了。
     AbangJohari可靠吗?   一个很迎合[狼]口味和胃口的人像TaibMahmud。  砂拉越的未来是在我们人民手中。  Say, “No more! ”

Friday, 17 February 2017

徐丽娜:展示诚意 联邦应归还消费税收入


徐丽娜促政府澄清 传深海石油权移交中国

徐丽娜于今日在古晋市内酒店召开新闻发布会上也指出,我国前首相敦马哈迪曾透露,属于砂拉越海域的Block M和Block L被卖给汶莱以解决汶莱有意要林梦一事。

同意引进宗教老师 黄庆伟质问首长原因


他称,首先是Rapid KL巴士公司获得允许进来砂拉越抢滩,接着是允许联邦贸消部官员在砂拉越大大肆取缔猪毛漆器,现在是允许联邦教育部引进西马和沙巴的宗教老师。



I think Abang Johari is digging his own grave by colluding with OMNO-BN, dancing with the wolves wildly?  He will feel sorry one day.





什么是狼狈为奸?  叫人联/联民回答。
什么叫[走狗] ?  叫人联/联民回答。
砂的希联的DAP/PKR/或联希是否要准备转型。 拒绝中央和州的关系。  砂拉越以国定位。

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Tweets 15/2/2017

Tweets  15/2/2017
     >>>Fatimah Abdullah (陈赛明) has written to the “Federal” Ministry of Education to request for the right to recruit Teachers in Sarawak.  She said that she has not received any reply so far.  It is our right like Singapore and Brunei to recruit Teachers but we have been so Federated to listen to the totalitarian for so long and so forth.   Besides, we have been so unconstitutionally suppressed and oppressed to work out our own plan, better and more holistic one.  We have enough professionals to do so.
     Our supreme power, the Malayan government has taken our rights on stamp duty and others  besides oil and gas royalties.  Hence I say that Fatimah should not leave the things hanging there and that’s it.  She should approach Sarawak PM Abang Johari to deal with the problem once and for all.
     I think it is time to flush these people out for good if they serve no purpose to regain the autonomy of Sarawak.  
     All these years of suppression and oppression have left us/Sarawakians as a whole lame and subservient. We have so so plundered and exploited with the permission of our Sarawak political thugs and clowns
     What the political thugs and clowns concerns most is their positions and self-interests.  Are Abang Johari and his team still dancing with the wolves wildly and indulgent in merry-making?  
>>>(social title)

Monday, 13 February 2017

面试遭刁难 239本地临教失饭碗

她是针对昨天的《婆罗洲邮报》有关“988个空缺,却解雇200名”的报导做出回应。 政府承诺在2018年之际达到本地教师与外州教师的比率达90对10的目标,不过却有超过200名本地临教,其服务即将被中止。

If >>>Fatimah Adullah cannot deal with the hardcore officers who think that they are the boss and we Sarawakians should be submissive to what decisions they desire.   It is time Abang Johari should come forwards to deal with the matter.  If they still act aggressively, Abang Johari should consider to secede to protect our rights properly.

>>>Fatimah Abdullah has asked for the rights to recruit our own teachers but our supreme power of Peninsular Malaya has not replied in anyway.  Now they exercise their power to dismiss the temporary teachers to show if you dare to voice out to think to control us as much as before.   Noway!

I guess this is again the evil plan of UMNO-BN to test water to find out if we Sarawak leaders dare to voice out to the aggression of the supreme power of Malayan government. 

The check of Halal or not Halal of the brushes of different items is a way for them to see if there is any hit back.  And Najib played the hero to show how powerful he was to stop this ridiculous harassment.

The fund allocation of said 2016 RM50million to the Chinese primary schools was nearly lost in "space".  But with the appearance of Najib to deal with the problem, it was solved in a twinkling of your eyes.  But the problems of Finance Department and the Ministry of education still remain and the history will repeat itself.  Just wait and see when the Chinese primary schools will get 2017 the said RM50 million for the year!

Please help schools in other streams check if they also received 2016 RM.. million allocation funds in time?  Or they have the allocations in arrears for many and many years as I understand the Bumiputra leaders are, by impression are lax to deal with these problems as they are more self-interest minded as 70% of  Bumputra can be fooled easily.  I bear witness.  What about you?

(>>>  status to be addressed)

Friday, 10 February 2017

Tweets 10/2.2017 谈礼节 (IV)

Tweets  10/2.2017  谈礼节   (IV)
Social etiquette is like an ornament that you wear.  是可以[悦己乐人]  礼节就是注重对别人的社会地位的尊重期许和认可。所以他是首相,按照礼节你要称呼他一声首相,不管你有多讨厌和厌恶这个人。 他是拿督,你就是要称呼他拿督。他是砂沙两国的“首长“,你就得称呼他他“首长”。  她是Kapitan,你就要称呼他她为kapitan,; 她是Datin 你就要称呼她为Datin。。。。等等等等。如果你不这么做,你就是不懂礼节。就要接受这社会的礼节主持人鞭打。 被谴责为没礼貌。 没礼节=没礼貌。

礼节是可以无限包装,作假,但是就是不能没礼节。 就是这样,很多就在这礼节的荒谬的节奏中可以无限包容那些在礼节背后干出无数[伤天害理]的事。贪污舞弊滥权腐败的贪官。大家都可以给他们无限礼节包容。 是的,这世界真的很荒谬。 大家可以很容易的无限接受礼节背后的虚假和腐败。就是无法接受粗野不符合礼节的实相。  大家好像在商业化很多包装下,已经忘记一句金句良言:[宁可听粗糙难听的真话,也不要美丽动听的谎言] 到底是世界已经变了样,还是我没有跟得上潮流。

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Tweets 10/2/2017 III

Tweets 10/2/2017 III

佐尼为华教发声   建议常年拨款3亿  (诗华日报古晋8日讯)

这是革新党(Sarawak Reform Party)的宣言之一   (我赶快把它记起来。)
如果砂拉越有[新陈代谢]。这个愿景在政党交替是会越来越显著,越来越有可能。 如果还是UMNO-BN5年又5年,还要5年,这样叠着叠着这愿景只能梦想了。

这让我想起TaibMahmud和他的团队如何符合一切礼节和联邦政府一起掠夺和剥削砂拉越33年+前任他的uncle Yacob。就他一个在位其间砂拉越沦落到今天变成马来西亚13州之一,是数3 4的贫穷州。砂是全马天然资源最丰富的3国之一。 却在各个PBB+UMNO-BN的红海心砂政客把砂很违宪的一一出卖掉。 我们砂拉越历史有一天会大大揭发这种勾当。 虽然当今我们也有足够资料和专才论述我们砂拉越历史。可惜,我们砂这些政客无能为力捍卫砂权益。 很多砂人像我是看在眼里,记在心里,铭记在心海里。时时想着。