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Friday, 22 December 2017


砂拉越实巴荷严重水灾下游长屋区淹10尺 星洲日报 (民都鲁22日讯)23/12/2017
       网上找不到这篇报道。还是不懂得如何用利用科技, 照个相寄来我的部落格。就差这一点。从ipad到desktop,还是一条鸿沟。没有拜师。还是不能。 希望可以找到一位老师指引。
      Bintulu, Miri, Marudi......大淹水,70% 是跟水坝有关。水坝建造之前和之后,水量的大小差据太大了。 没有做好防范的工作是主因。谁管? 钱捞了,就成交了。别的一切交给愚民去防灾就行了。这就是UMNO-BN政府的作业。所以大水常来小水频频,这就叫后果。我希望愚民早一点被水淹醒。最好在所谓的GE14选举之前。


Tuesday, 12 December 2017

PBMS Miri wants Sarawak, Sabah to have own airline

PBMS Miri wants Sarawak, Sabah to have own airline

  • The Borneo Post
MIRI: Sarawak and Sabah should have their own airline to cater to the high demand for air travel.
       This suggestion was made by Bumiputera Traders Association Sarawak ( PBMS) Miri vice president Talhah Mansor, who said the airline could serve the routes between the two states and even Peninsular Malaysia.
       “I noticed that during every official holiday such as Christmas, Hari Raya, Chinese New Year and Gawai Dayak, both the national carrier and the low cost airline took advantage of the situation to increase their air fares up to three folds,” Talhah told The Borneo Post yesterday.
      According to him, some families had to abandon their holiday plans due to the high cost of air tickets during festive seasons.

My comments:
I hope that our dream of having our own airline will be realised soon so that we Sarawakians and Sabahs will not be exploited again and again and again. 

Saturday, 9 December 2017

With/Without freedom of telecommunication

With/Without freedom of telecommunication
        One has the freedom to make phone calls or access internet at .. place at .. time one wants.  It has rid one of anxiety of not being able to find the loved ones or friends at an appointed place and time.  Here I would like to relate an interesting incident which happened about twenty years ago when my sister-in-law was waiting for her daughters at different places for an hour plus as they had some misunderstanding about the place to meet after shopping at different places.  I still can remember how my even-tempered sister-in-law expressed her anger at her daughters and how they argued.   Twenty over years ago, the handphone was not popular and also beyond the reach of many.  Now ..% of the people in Sarawak enjoy this freedom and ease of communication.
But one is hooked and at the mercy of the communication company. 
These telecommunication companies have profit target to attain.  Telecommunication C boasted to have attained .//. profit.  I see it at the expense of the users.  I remembered how they forced consumers to sign up the contract to bind them to use the services years ago.  The services were often so poor when there was no internet coverage in the area where one needed to use most.  I have very bad impression of this company.  Now, there are keen competition.  This company can no longer plunder and exploit the consumer at will.  The more a telecommunication company earns, the more .-. it uses to trick and trap. 
        Handphone/Smartphone has become indispensable.  The consumers are at the mercy of these telecommunication companies which have become so aggressive.  They send you a lot of advertisements and if you ‘touch open’, you will be charged.  A friend told me that she was tricked and trapped and was charged RM100+.  After complaining, she was deducted of the charge.
        Yes, I was lured by RM50 package by another company with so many sound offers but I can’t even receive or make the phone calls at home more easily than the previous one.  What for?  I am thinking of porting out again but with no idea which telecommunication company is better to port in.  There are five telecommunication companies in town but which one is more consumers’ friendly or less aggressive.  Which one is not profit margin aimed?  I have tried three companies and know the operation of four companies so well.  The latest one is worse than the one I ported out weeks ago. 
I feel like being cheated.  I only have myself to blame thinking that this company has better offers.  I don’t often use my not-so-smart  phone for making or receiving phone calls, whatsapp and SMS a bit no more than these.  Previously, I used prepaid RM30 and I usually only used RM10+ a month.  I use Wechat in my Ipad which is a gift from one of my sisters.  She used her gift voucher from her company to buy one for me.  I can only use it at home as I do not subscribe a line for it. 
        Now who does not use smartphone or handphone?  Smartphone has become indispensable, I repeat.  I repeat that the consumers are at the mercy of these telecommunication companies as we really need the services especially if you go online.  Telecommunication consumers are caged.  My freedom is caged.
几本好书  曾建廷  一派胡言   星洲广场
 1。Steven Pinker 人性中善良天使:暴力为什么减少了。
 2。Jonathan Haidt  好人总是自以为是,政治与宗教将我们4分5裂
3。 Charles Wheelan   Naked Economics
4.  Carl  Sagan      Cosmos
5.  Barbara Watson Andaya & Leonard Y. Andaya  马来西亚史

看好书可以增添智慧。不会轻易只靠眼耳就发表演说意见。 有了智慧的人,一定会从多角度去思考,了解和分析事情。

Friday, 8 December 2017

Tweet 9/12/17 S4S

Tweet  9/12/17
S4S 联邦若无诚意还主权: 大选砂人有第三选择  (星洲日报)

不能copy and paste,很可惜。
 There are four camps of S4S:  Camp One is BNised S4S;  Camp Two is inclined to work with Harapan Rakyat/HR to get back the autonomy of Sarawak ;  Camp Three S4S are local parties only interested to get back all the rights that Sarawak is entitled to and Camp Four S4S  wants to secede the federation of Malaysia for good.  Only independent Sarawak like Singapore is possible for the better and more proper development of Sarawak.  Yes, I belong to Camp Four S4S.  Whichever camp Sarawakians belongs to we have the same goal:  all the rights that Sarawak is entitled to as agreed in MA63 with the backing of the United Nations.

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Tweets 8/12/17

Tweets    8/12/17
该死的Zahid Hamedi竟敢说要严厉对付S4S 我不知道他要对付那些S4S,我们砂拉越999 % 的人都是S4S的支持者。 以马来西亚的名义 没间断的掠夺和剥削咱们沙砂两国。 2017-1963 = 54 年,没有遵守宪法,谁该面对严厉刑法对付? 这个人,有四,也有五不像。- 。最好好好做好自己。也要好好准备被提控,他敢手碰可兰经发誓自己这么多年沉淫在UMNO-BN的极度污染环境里,没有干贪污舞弊的罪行。他有本事保证自己明年还可以抱住和保住这宝宝座。UMNO-BN没有咱们砂沙人民,哼。。。。哼会老命呜呼。 纳吉怎么这么笨选这种没有什么品质的人当副首相。 嗯。。是物以类聚吧

Monday, 4 December 2017

津巴布韦乱局的启示 张家威

不能copy and paste 原文。  看完这篇文章之后。我才知道原来表面所呈现的问题不一定就是真正的问题。表面的后面的问题才是真正的大问题。 那些拿武器的人干政的是一切罪恶的根源,一个国家的成败的源头。


捍卫网络中立性!Google、Facebook 和 Amazon 等上百家公司将以“载入中”特别设计响应“网络行动日” | TechNews 科技新报

为何下图一直显示“载入中”?其实这是上百家科技公司为抗议美国联邦通讯委员会(Federal Communications Commission,FCC)计划撤销“网络中立性”(net neutrality)相关规定,准备在 12 日展开的“网络行动日捍卫网络中立性”(简称“网络行动日”)大型网络抗议活动。






“网络行动日”是由非营利团体“Fight for the Future”筹划,联合亚马逊、影音服务 Netflix、美国乡民集散地 Reddit、浏览器公司 Mozilla、公众集资平台 Kickstarter 与音乐平台 Spotify 等上百个公司团体,其中也包含知名成人情色网站 Pornhub、YouPorn。此外,Facebook 与 Google 也确认将响应网络行动日活动。

参与者 12 日会更改官网或 App 画面,以表达对网络中立原则的支持,并对美国联邦通讯委员会表达抗议。许多服务将模拟减速、显示封锁和弹出警告视窗等,让使用者注意到废除网络中立性规范可能产生的后果,并鼓励美国民众连署表达意见。

(Source:网络行动日 Battle for the Net
(本文由 数码时代 授权转载;首图来源:Battle for the Net

My Comments:
本来要原文copy and paste 但是这家报纸不让读者有这方面的方便。 不看东家报纸,看西家的,原来西家的报馆有这样的限制,嗯。。反正, 限制是很有限的。给个名称就马上不用下马就搜到了,看 “捍卫网络中立性”陈勇成写的。就得了。

这让我有更多的联想。 政治霸权要耍手段, 商业霸权,。。。。要。。。。控制。。。。

Thursday, 30 November 2017

回忆录是另类解密   廖明安


      郭老后来「走出祖国」,除了其企业考量,最大因素或许就是马来西亚在东姑以后,走向更为极端的种族政策,以及贪得无厌的朋党主义。他在书中这样写道「朋党是塑造领袖威望的哈巴狗,作为回报,领袖交出了国家好处给他们。」由此可见,一而再再而三被国家领袖当    「金矿」压搾,郭老不愿意成为这些领袖的哈巴狗,最终选择了出走。

纳吉就是他阿爸敦拉萨的报应。纳吉的下场肯定不好。不好到怎样程度,只有Allah 知道。 Allah 。-  。会怎样处罚纳吉和他的子子孙孙,这就得看时间来证实Allah的力量无限大。就像空气和水。 到时自有分晓。 在“时间的河”流中才可以见证Allah所发挥的威力和力量。 未来的子孙会见证到这些邪恶人的所要面对邪恶的下场。这是Allah伟大的定律。就像水永远永远往下流。也像空气永远永远环绕在周围。我真的希望有一天我们有博物馆展示这些人如何集团集体掠夺人民。

Tweets 30/11/2017 收垃圾承包商不处理 大型家俱勿弃门口

Tweets 30/11/2017
又是接近年尾大小扫除的时候。“收垃圾承包商不处理 大型家俱勿弃门口”市议主席张泰卿呼。。诗巫民众不要这么做。 每年,市议主席张泰卿呼。。诗巫民众不要这么做。 每年诗巫民众都很无奈的这么做。 请问收垃圾承包商不处理大型家具垃圾,那该由谁来处理? 为什么收垃圾承包商不处理大型家具垃圾? 为什么市议主席张泰卿都没有好好思考一下? 如果专业收垃圾承包商不处理大型家具垃圾,那么小市民,怎能处理大型家具垃圾?  这市议会到底做什么?
非民选的市议会原来就是这么样。 权力这么大! 完全没有为人民着想。

It is again the time for big and small general cleaning to take place in every household in Sibu.  Again Chairman of Sibu Municipal Council insensibly and illogically pleads the public not to dispose the large sized old furniture outside their gates.  He says the rubbish collecting contractor refuses to deal with big sized old furniture.   Every year, this same old Chairman repeats the same insensible and irrational plea but Sibuans repeat the same habits by discarding the big sized, old furniture outside their gates. 

And every year, I get enraged to see the same insensible and irrational plea asking Sibuans not to do that.  If the professional rubbish collecting contractor is not able to collect the large sized old furniture, how can the non-professional public who have no big lorry nor manpoweeeeeer  to discard the large sized old furniture do that?   I hope that he will come to his right sense soon or he should be prepared to step down for good like Robert Mugabe.