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Thursday, 15 September 2016

Tweets 15/9/2016

 Tweets 15/9/2016
别人可以无耻说砂拉越是砂州/沙巴州。但是,我们砂人或沙巴人自己不可以再允许自己没有尊严的再自称为砂州或沙巴州。 如果马来本岛人还是如此无耻的叫砂邦为砂州和沙邦为沙州,,我们要很明确的告诉这些人砂拉越和沙巴都不是州,我们是邦国。 如果他们不懂尊重, 那也别怪咱们看他们成猪狗一般

背后,我们偷偷笑半岛人很野蛮和不文明。 仗势欺人。 很病态的心理。 最病态的还是那些为了钱财名利 的砂官爷。 总是迎合霸权的口味。我希望民间可以兴动起一股力量把那些把砂邦当砂州的政客不管他她们在朝/野。 一起清除。 从新建立砂沙两邦的权益。 随时准备退出。  彻底切割和清


作者 : 沿路辉
      “9.16” 的“马来西亚日”即将到来了,对砂拉越人民来讲是怀着什么样的心情面对“9.16”?“9.16”值得砂拉越人民庆祝吗?已经整整53年了,若是一个傻瓜 经过了几十年的客观实践后也应该会变得聪明起来。当然天底下也有一小部份头脑不灵,糊里糊涂地当亡国奴,而且觉得当亡国奴当得很爽快!
话归 正题,自砂拉越于1963年9月16日参组马来西亚联邦后不久官方民间及媒体对砂拉越的称呼就开始用“州”字称之。至今无论是官方、民间;本地人还是外地 人都很习惯地用“本州”、“砂州”自称或他称。那么,砂拉越到底是「邦」还是“州”?从字面上讲「邦」与“州”有天壤之别,「邦」可解释几个部落民族组成 的国家;也可解读为几个有共同目的的国家组成的联邦。“州”是与省的通称。这就是说当年砂拉越是由五个省构成的国家。因此,砂拉越绝对是以一个「邦」的身 份共组马来西亚联邦的。

历史上,砂拉越确实是一个独立的国家,那是在1841年9月24日当JAMES Brooke成功地从汶莱苏丹手中接管砂拉越河沿岸及东西两侧的领土后,宣布建立以RAJAH Brooke为首的砂拉越王国,并分别于1850年和1863年为美、英两国政府承认。从JAMES Brooke立国到CHARLES Brooke的继任延续至第三任VYNER Brooke时,刚好是砂拉越王国立国100周年时(1941年)爆发了太平洋战争,VYNER逃回英国。1945年日本投降,战争结束,VYNER Brooke重返砂时面对满目疮痍一片战争废墟,感到无能为力;于1946年决定把砂拉越国“让渡”给了他的祖国英国。从此,砂拉越进入了17年百份之百 的英国殖民地时代。


1963 年7月22日象征英殖民主义当局在砂的最高行政长官总督正式把权力移交给了砂国民党主席加隆宁甘,并降下英国旗;升起砂拉越国旗,宣告了砂拉越脱离了英殖 主义的统治取得了独立。虽然“7.22”的象征意义大过实际意义,但毕竟是砂各族人民长期共同斗争的结果——砂拉越人民第一次行使了国家主权——独立。总 之,自1841年至1963年9月16日之前,砂拉越始终是一个国家。这是歪曲不了、篡改不了的砂拉越铁史!

再说1963年9月16日砂拉 越也是以一个「邦」的身份与马来亚联合邦、新加坡自治邦、北婆邦(沙巴)共组马来西亚联邦的。1963年8月9日在英国伦敦签下的“MA1963”就明明 白白、清清楚楚地记载着砂拉越是以「邦」不是“州”的身份参加签署“伦敦协议”的,为何「邦」却被“州”吞食呢?为何1/4(新加坡脱马后是1/3)变成 了1/13?“MA1963”原是一份国际协议,任何一个相关的签约国(包括有关国家的国会)均无权单方面修改、否定、篡改该协议内容。这意味着把砂拉越 邦改为砂拉越州完全是违法和非法无效的。

砂拉越由「邦」变“州”是在1976年8月27日马来西亚国会正式以宪法条款把砂永远地拴进“州” 的笼子里不得翻身。正是从那时起,砂人民的身份证中的“k”头不见了,取而代之的是“13”,意指砂拉越是马来亚的第13个“州”。明明是以「邦」共组马 来西亚联邦,为何却成了马来亚的第13个“州”?这是非常严重和不可容忍的国家犯罪行为,明目张胆地破坏和撕毁“MA1963”国际协议!这对砂拉越人民 的伤害实在是太深太深了!由「邦」变“州”=被亡国,而这亡国却是非常柔性地、被动地潜移默化、蒙查查中被改变了。对如此重大的事件联邦从未征询过砂、沙 人民和“MA1963”签署国(包括英国)的意愿及上报联合国,请求在砂实行全民公决来决定「砂邦」或“砂州”的定位。

世间事物假的真不 了,真的假不了,好的坏不了,坏的好不了,53年=半个多世纪,砂拉越人民是时候站出来掌握自己命运维护砂拉越的权益。现任的阿迪南无疑是53年来最有砂 拉越意识和最砂拉越化的首席部长,全砂人民要不分种族、不分政党、不分宗教信仰、不分阶层地支持、拥护阿迪南首长向联邦拿回本属我们的主权,一句话:“还 原MA1963”!实现「改州复邦」——砂拉越人民的核心利益和中心任务。当前砂拉越社会面对的一切困境也只有通过「改州复邦」才能迎刃而解。


Thursday, 8 September 2016

831或916值得欢庆吗? S4S促砂人反思




所以,S4S促请人民反思,为何我们砂拉越人还要去庆祝916? 去庆祝一个剥夺我们53年的贪婪马来西亚联邦呢?



自 1963年7月22日砂拉越国独立后,916那天砂拉越,马来亚,新加坡和沙巴一起组成马来西亚。50多年后,砂拉越并没有因为组成后带来的繁荣,反而落 后马来亚50年,反观新加坡不因着离开联邦而变得堕落,所以,即将来临的916,S4S团队认为916都不是值得庆祝的日子,这是让砂拉越人民反思的日 子。

S4S团队呼吁,来临的916马来西亚日,不用庆祝狂欢。我们应当反思,我们遇到的瓶颈是否需要使用另外的方式来突破。我们是否要继续 奉承联邦政府种种不公的政策?我们的国家未来掌握在你我手中,唯有站起来宣示我们的主权,才能够让砂拉越摆脱被殖民和奴隶的日子。也只有让砂拉越更加繁荣 发达,才能够稳定联邦的和谐。

文告续指出,S4S推动的砂拉越精神已经成 功的唤醒绝大部份砂拉越对于历史真相的认知。2016年的8月31日是53年以来最冷的,同时也是最热闹的‘国庆日’。人民视若无睹的日常生活,还有网络 社交媒体的热烈讨论,成为度过831的主流方式。S4S对于政府的态度,政党的态度还是相当感冒,因为发言的立场始终还是为了政治利益而不是为了人民。目 前对于831的处理手法,S4S认为这还不是最好的方式。
相信相当多砂拉越人已经觉醒1957年8月31日的独立日,是马来亚的独立日。而 1963年8月31日则是北婆罗洲(沙巴)的独立日。在砂拉越

历史上,8月31日从来没发生过什么特别的大事。但是由于联邦政府的殖民主义,强迫砂拉越人 去庆祝一个不属于砂拉越人的日子,而且还刻意掩饰了722的存在。这是相当难以接受的,等同欺骗。如果连国家的庆祝节日都可以欺骗,也难怪砂拉越的水域, 石油天然气被骗了几十年。

2016年砂拉越政府在斯里阿曼的831庆典活动上,首长阿迪南无奈的在庆典上如同怨妇般埋怨,甚至在得不到联邦 政府的拨款,还要自掏腰包为基建特别拨款。S4S团队明白作为全联邦法定的831庆典,砂拉越政府必须接受和遵从去浪费税金庆祝这个毫无意义的庆典。同时 首长发泄的哀怨也是砂拉越人积蓄已久的计时炸弹,但光是埋怨不能对砂拉越的困境有任何的帮助。砂拉越人需要更强硬的态度去告诉联邦政府:我们不要831, 请还原历史真相!

对于831庆祝的处理,首长阿迪南有必要明白,人民是很清楚和之接受9月16日成为马来西亚联邦的‘国庆日’。没有必要为 联邦政府狡辩,认为把独立日改为国庆日足以敷衍砂拉越人。831在历史上的定位,永远局限于马来亚和北婆罗洲,唯有916才是全联邦共同的国庆日。首长有 必个要以平等伙伴的身份地位,还有联邦国会议员的力量,向联邦政府要求把916定位为真正的国庆日;831应该重新回归到





My comments:

Adenan is a lawyer and so he knows best that 831 is not the National day for Sarawak.  But he still misled Sarawakians to celebrate the day which means nothing at all but wastes taxpayers’ money only.  Besides, he should not behave like a shrew to complain behind the imperialist.  He should set the time limit to establish the autonomy for Sarawak.  First, get back what belongs to us.   Ditch out all the Federal Departments in Sarawak.   Only the terms and conditions agreed in MA63 should be upheld and any adulterations to the Agreements should be deemed as violation to the said MA63. 

Tweets 9/9/2016

Tweets   9/9/2016
松华小学缺15万建费” (诗华日报Sarikei6日讯) 又来了向华社伸手要钱。建校经费向政府要。 推动该区国阵政党部长先生,小姐和女士们去向政府要建费才是正道。 请改掉什么建校经费就向华社要捐款的坏习惯和心态。 为什么要华社去承担这种责任呢?  华社有税收 学校吗? 为什么要如此偏帮政府呢?

几星期前,Kuching也有一小学呼吁华社捐款帮忙建校。 这是华社该做的事吗? 我是希望华社拒绝捐献任何款项为了帮忙这些领袖们有事偷偷躲开的坏习惯。要他们实现承诺去证明[国阵政府] 不是政治老千。 是时候狠狠地教训UMNO-BN华社代表好好的去做事。 大家都不捐,看这些部长会怎样处理? Say No!”to any appeal for donation for the Chinese primary schools

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

An exercise to enjoy

Accuracy and fluency of the English language     4Sep2016
        [To become proficient in the English language] __________      (1. mean) to become accurate and fluent in the use of the language. 
        That means, a person must have a through or good knowledge of English grammar _______ (3.), I repeat, is the foundation of the language without which everything just _________ (4. fall) quite apart..  There _________ (5.) flaws here and there in the _____________ (6. speak) and written English.  So, tell me how much each teacher __________ (6. know) about the English grammar and how _____________ (7. well-acquaint) each student is at the end of their schooling, Form Five or Form Six.
     Besides, how _________ (8. ability) they are in pronunciation of English words at __________ (9.)  If they have _________ (10.) idea or ________ (11.) doubt about the words, they can also check the standard English dictionary to find _________ (12.) what the speech sounds of the words are.  Just for example, to make _________ (13.) the pronunciation of the word “owl” whether it _______________ (pronounce) as /əʊl/ or /aʊl/, I can look ______ (14.) the word in the dictionary or Google search to confirm.  Of course, a learner or a teacher must know all the English language __________ (15.) sounds, vowel or consonant phonemes well to confirm the pronunciation of the word.
        Another component _________ (16.) is as important as grammar and pronunciation is the spelling structures which __________________ (17. relate) to the sounds and symbols.  
        These three ___________ (18.) or components of the English language __________ (19.) the hallmark to assess a person to be competent or accurate or not in the ________ (20.) of the language.  These 3 components that I always tell my learners in my language lab that I can 100% help __________ (21.) to experience the language with well-organised or not so well-organised exercises ___________ (22. practise) or enjoy.  This is  the practice of the accuracy  part of the language.
        Well, for the fluency part of the language, schools or tuition centres or language centres or my lab can only help the minimal percent.  There are more than ONE million English words up-to-date.  If you ___________ (23. not believe) just type, “ How many words are there in the English language?”,  Google websites will tell you so.  There _________  (24.) about 171,000 English words being entered in a standard English dictionary.    A native English speaker _____________
(25. say) to use about 25,000 – 30,000 words.  What words are in use depend very much ___________ (26.) a person’s interest, education and career.
        Count ________ (27.) number of English words you know and how well you can use them in tests, everyday conversations or delivery a lesson in English
        Thus I say, a person must read __________ (28.) or extensively to acquire and build ________ (29.) the vocabulary in contexts.   _________ (30.) a lot of reading, a learner can get         (32. reinforce) in their learning of grammar, pronunciation and spelling.         
         _________ (33.) the good knowledge of English grammar, pronunciation and spelling and proper ___________ (34. guide) in intensive reading for extensive reading, a learner can launch ________ (35.) an independent learning, i.e, reading extensively on their _______ (39.) to master the language in the _________ (40.) of time.  It is within the grasp of everybody ________ (41.) has the faculty for speech. 
In _________ (42.), if you speak your mother tongue well, for sure, you can master the English language some _________ (43.) if you care to put in enough _________ (43.) to learn the language.  Learning a language _________ (44.) like eating and drinking that you have to do it every day.  So, reading with a good foundation of the language ________ (45.) the only key to command the language.  Of course, of course, you have to use the language in speaking and writing to keep it alive or it stays dormant in your head.    
Prove me wrong ________(46.) you can. 

Notes to note:
1.  If you can score all the 46 blanks, that means you are proficient in 
     English.  That means you have good knowledge of English 
     grammar and you have enough language sense/ intuition.  I guess 
     you have enough language exposure or experience to attain this  
2.  But if you are an English teacher,  it is a must that you know how 
      to explain the answers of all of them.  You must know how to 
      analyse a sentence and you explain to your students the 
      reason why this is the answer.  Yes, I explain to my students in 
      my language clinic.  I really enjoy cracking the language code.  
      Challenge me with any sentence that you think it is impossible to 
      crack.  Yes, unless, it is an idiomatic usage and accepted to be 
      used that way though not grammatical at all.  If it is a standard 
      grammatical usage, it can be cracked by your knowledge of the  
      rule.  Language like music is rule-based and has a system.   So 
      grammar has to be learnt systematically in isolation and in 
3.  I guess my students quite enjoy this kind of  exercises.  But I give 
      them these exercises as reinforcement of their learning of 
      grammar and their language sense.   This kind of exercises is a 
     good practice of grammar in context.  It is an application of the 
     grammar knowledge in a  new situation.
4.  I never tell my students that they are tests openly but actually they 
     are tested all the time through these exercises.  It is so interesting 
     to  me.  I really do not see much meaning in formal tests and 
     marks.  I really do not want myself to be overburdened by giving 
     tests though I give marks for almost every exercise they have 
     practised.  Yes, I am 'a lone ranger' to do research and 
     investigation of English learning and teaching in my language 
     clinic/lab.   I do not have   many students and I do not charge 
     them  too much to burden them to learn calmly and in gratitude.

 5.  I emphasise a lot on independent and self-discovery learning 
      through awareness.  Awareness is an important key to learning.  I 
      have grammar and phonetic books for them to refer to on their 
      own at home or in my lab if they care and are responsible in their 
      learning.  My own compiled books are not expensive, either.  
      Look, the books are cheap and the fee is not high.  What 

 6.  I have even accepted three children, 8, 9 and 10 years to do 
       experiments to test that you can drill them since small the 
       systematic usage of English grammar.   They are and will be my 
       live advertisements of learning English grammar to master the 
       language.   Of course, I tell their parents one by one that they 
       must lead to their children in reading or they will face language 
       block here and there as they may not have enough vocabulary to
       understand, speak and write English.  So far, I have not much 
       idea if they really have caught my meaning and do as I say.

7.  I have told my students many many times that I cannot do much 
      to help them in vocabulary building.  What I can do now is 
       reading the passage, with no intention to explain much.  I bank 
       them to explore the meaning and knowledge on their own. With 
       the topic, they can always Google search to read the article and 
        related articles in details.  Yes, I give them newspaper articles to 
        enjoy or the story from the internet website.

8.  Like an artist, I teach English for fun and for an incentive.  Of course, I am also ambitious enough hoping one day, my grammar knowledge and presentation will also earn me a lot of money for the sale of my books and  ........