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Tuesday, 28 June 2016

RM220.8 mln spent on programmes for needy last year

Datuk Fatimah Abdullah
Datuk Fatimah Abdullah
KUCHING: The government spent RM220.81 million in 2015 to implement various programmes as well as provide assistance and support to improve the living standard of the disadvantaged and needy.

In saying this, Welfare, Women and Community Wellbeing Minister Datuk Fatimah Abdullah assured that the ministry was committed to helping the target group, especially through micro entrepreneur development programmes.

“Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime,” she highlighted in her winding-up speech at the August House yesterday.

From 2014 to April 2016, Fatimah said, the Welfare Department deleted 103 recipients from the welfare assistance list as they were able to live independently and generate an income of RM1,000 monthly.

“A total of 771 participants are still undergoing intensive guided activities such as Iran Nyaro from Limbang whose income exceeds RM10,000 a month by involving in grocery retail.

“Besides that, there is the Job Coach programme that provides vocational skills training and life skills training for people with special needs (OKU) and children in welfare institutions.”

She also informed that from 2014 to 2015, 53 OKU trainees in the Community-Based Rehabilitation Centres (PDK) had obtained employment.

As for the vocational and life skills training, she said 122 OKUs from various PDK and Samarahan Rehabilitation Centre had obtained certificates from Kolej Komuniti in 2015 in bread-making, mushroom cultivation, welding, metal fabrication and agriculture.

Meanwhile, Irene Chang (DAP-Bukit Assek) interjected to ask whether sufficient allocation and attention were given to OKU especially in Sibu areas.

In her reply, Fatimah said from 2013 to this year, the Welfare Department approved grants amounting to RM1,602,292 for five welfare organisations and Agape Centre Sibu.

“The department also approved the setting up of three PDKs in Sibu; namely PDK Sibu (under Agape Centre Sibu), PDK Murni Jaya and PDK Muhibbah, Sg Nawan for rehabilitation and skills training.

“Further, the department now provides services of occupational therapists and physiotherapists which are not available in other states. Parents of OKU children can also get hands-on training from the therapists who together with PDK staff make home visits regularly.”

Continuing with her winding-up speech, Fatimah said prison inmates also received skill training, adding that that 109 of them had obtained skills certification in fields of clothes-making, food processing, carpentry, laundry, ferro cement and welding.

“The ministry is always conscious of the need to get all sectors of the community to be involved and participate actively in various living and income generating skills and social activities that can further enhance community wellbeing.

“To date, the ministry has set up 44 PDKs, eight Elderly Activity Centres (Pawe), and 13 Elderly Service Centres to provide senior citizens and the disabled ample opportunities so they can become active and productive members of the community.”

For sports-inclined OKUs, Fatimah said the ministry had provided the necessary support and opportunities for them to participate at local, national and even international levels.

Among the achievements, she added, were gold medals in swimming won by Jeremy Sigan from Limbang and Julius Jeranding from Kapit at Paralympic Games 2015 in Singapore and the silver they won in Korea in 2014.

“During the last Malaysia Paralympiad Games (2014) held in Perlis, the Sarawak contingent came out top with 66 gold, 55 silver and 44 bronze, and this is our 11th consecutive win as champion.

“Based on the outstanding performances of Sarawak athletes, it is only appropriate that Sarawak is given the honour to host the 18th Paralympiad this year from Aug 6 to 11.

“Our athletes have indicated that 80 gold awards is an achievable target to enable us to become champion for the 12th time. This year, Sarawak will also be hosting 19th Sukan Orang Pekak Malaysia from Sept 30 to Oct 7.”

Donate generously to PDK Lawas building fund – Awg Tengah

Awang Tengah, flanked on his left by Dayang Morliah and Henry, presents raya goodies to the orphans.

LAWAS: The public is urged to donate generously to the building fund of a PDK (training and rehabilitation) permanent building here which will take about RM400,000 to complete.

Second Minister of Resource Planning and Environment Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan said this at the presentation of Hari Raya goodies to 230 orphans and people with special needs at Lawas Indoor Stadium yesterday.

He said a piece of land in the town had been approved by the state government for the purpose following a request by PDK Lawas. Lawas District Council, meanwhile, has been assigned to carry out the project which was first mooted by his wife and Sabati secretary Datuk Dayang Morliah Awang Daud in 2010.

Morliah, who has been in the forefront of getting the disabled (OKUs) to be assisted, said those registered with the centre would be eligible for community-based rehabilitation programmes supervised by the Welfare Department.

The formation and operation of PDK Lawas is welcomed by the public. Previously OKUs here came under the care of Semai Bakti programme through Perkim Lawas. It started operation at Perkim building here.

Awang Tengah, meanwhile, said the permanent centre would come equipped with proper facilities and trained staff who were competent and caring in the education and rehabilitation of the OKUs.

“The staff must have the concern and patience as they are dealing with children with special needs,” he said.

Awang Tengah appealed to the private sector to donate generously to the building fund as part of their CSR obligations and care for needy groups in Lawas.

Addressing parents with disabled children, the minister urged them to be strong and determined in ensuring a better quality of life and future for their charges.

“Every OKU child is special in his or her own way, and parents should not be disheartened but reach out to help available,” he said.

On the proposed Peryatim Orphanage in Lawas, he said the earth-filling work was progressing well, paving the way for construction work to begin.

The project was approved by former chief minister and current Head of State Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud. It will cater for the needs of orphans in Limbang and Lawas districts.

“There are many orphans sent to Miri and Kuching presently, and Peryatim Lawas can address this need for both Muslims and non-Muslim orphans, “ he said.

Peryatim centres focus on providing shelter and conducive environment for orphans to concentrate on pursuing a good education as a stepping stone to a better future.

Awg Tengah urged orphans to strengthen their resolve to better their future through good education and skills as the government had created many opportunities for them.

The presentation ceremony was arranged by Perkim Lawas branch in collaboration with Bukit Sari Service Centre with sponsorships from Aman Mantap, Tecktonic & Sons, Jade Star and East Majuro Development.

Awang Tengah and his wife later presented goodies to the recipients. They were assisted by Aman Mantap chairman Samat Othman and Lee Chin Teck the managing director of Tecktonic & Sons.

Lawas MP Datuk Henry Sum Agong, Lawas District Officer Hussaini Hakim and local community leaders were among those present.

Read more:

My comments:
After paying so many kinds of taxes, people are still persuaded to donate 
for this and for that.  "Go bald" to help the cancer patients asks for donation.  Schools ask for donation to meet the needs.  There are just a lot more organisations asking for donation.  I wonder why these leaders are not turning to the government for funds instead they turn to people.  Is it a healthy sign?

What are the duties of the government?  I really feel upset to see some people are ever too eager to take the responsibility of the government and take advantage of the sentiments of people in general.  I wonder if these organisers and leaders have tried to ask the government to play the role to help cancer patients, for school buildings and so on.

"Ling goes bald to raise fund for new school building " (the Borneo Post 25 June 2016 )

What is worse is the political thugs also indulge in this abuse?
Fatimah Abdullah (陈赛明) asked the public to donate generously, too.
Adenan Satem's wife when she was invited to the function of the Agape Centre sometime this year, she also "opened her mouth" to ask the public to donate instead of asking the Sarawak or Federal government especially.  Sarawak has become so poor because of the plundering and exploitation of the acts of the Malayan government.

Many people are fooled and they just donate without thinking what the Sarawak government has been doing to protect Sarawak and Sarawakians. 

The practice of donating for this and that has somehow become a habitual culture and people take it for granted.  The political thugs just exploit this sentiment of the people fully and save the taxes for ....

Friday, 24 June 2016

Congralutions to Britain!

Congralutions to Britain!

Britain has finally won the majority votes to leave the European Union.  It is definitely a good beginning to recreate Britain at the any ways and shapes that British desire it to be.  They don’t need to act or dance in accord or unison to the Germany-led conductor in the whole business of economics. 

I am looking forward to Sarawak and Sabah leaving the Federation of Malaysia for good in the referendum as well.

Thursday, 16 June 2016


S4S团队要求公投法捍卫砂朥越主权是为了什么? 和朝野政党提出的自主权有何不同?





S4S 团队要求公投法,要求政府权力下放,这个对政府来说是非常困难的。







还有一些独立候选人在竞选期间,打着独立公投的旗号,穿着S4S衣服去竞选,他们是否真心是要公投法?还是最终目的是为了自己要当上YB? 人民的眼睛是雪亮的,如果一个国家没有公投法的机制,即使有一天“离婚”复国以后,难道不会出现一个新的独裁政府吗?



S4S大队中央文宣,001. 16.6.16
陈宏祥:向联邦争取更多 S4S下一步倡导砂精神
2016年6月5日 中砂











阿迪南:应拥更大自主权 砂属联邦一部分







“*砂独立宣言也明确说明﹐*砂国*﹑北婆罗洲﹑新加坡将与马来亚联邦结成联邦。”  非马来亚联邦一州







My comments: 
这50多年被[洗脑] 砂是会员国称砂为[砂会员国/砂国]会很为难各位媒体工作者吗? 马来西亚是联邦国像[欧盟]。 

阿迪南促行动党 别破坏争主权协商










My comments:
有打*是大家要自主决定先把[州] 字主动消除掉。  这些都不是要等联邦政府批准下才做的。  好好参考台湾人怎样争取自主/ownership.  我们的砂主权好好解读MA63。  现在就可以砂政府朝野政党就可以开始做了。  第一步就是一起来拒绝联邦政府继续掠夺和剥削。  是砂的权益归还就是了。   最重要的是天然资源和各种税收在期限内通通拿回,就是了。  有了钱,咱们就可以go ahead 打造砂拉越成为一个高水准的让人人很想模仿国度。  一个充满创意,活力,生命力,。。。。。。[人间天堂]。 

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

若英国脱欧 西方政治文明恐瓦解

若英国脱欧 西方政治文明恐瓦解图斯克警告,如果英国脱离欧盟,將需要至少7年时间,才能完成双方关係未来发展的协商谈判。



「为什么如此危险呢?因为没人能预测(『脱欧』可能带来什么样的)长期后果。」  他说:「作为歷史学家,我担心英国脱欧可能不仅是欧盟解体的开始,也是整个西方政治文明瓦解的开始。」




法拉奇指出,公投对英国是场大震撼,但重点在於文化的战役,重新夺回国家的独立性。他说:「(意大利喜剧演员)格里洛所领导的「五星运动」(5 Star MoVement),將在週日贏得罗马市长选举,23日英国脱离欧盟將改变欧洲。」





My comments:
长痛不如短痛。  独立后可以“[拥抱令眾人眼红的自我治理和强盛国家的未来]” 。  脱欧的好处肯定比留欧好太多太多太多。。。。。。。。。了。

[若英国脱欧 西方政治文明恐瓦解] 西方政治文明那么脆弱吗?  这世界反正需要好好的调整。  像小企业各显神通各有特色各有专长。  大企业只有出现垄断,独霸,掠夺和剥削。 

我 是100%肯定砂沙两会员国脱马才有未来。  留马52+尽是被掠夺和剥削。  还要这样下去吗?  很多人说马来亚霸权肯定不会让我们轻易脱离的 因为我们两会员国的资源实在太丰富了。  这我们人民2018就要更勇敢出来公投了。  要脱离是我们砂沙两会员国的100% 权力。 这权力100% 绝对不是要求马来亚霸权恩赐的。 我们砂沙两会员国人民要去争取的。

上议院出席人数不理想 爭议法令「无辩论」下通过










过分的离谱。  官位大家都争抢要。  拿到官位后,却如此不负责任。  这跟拿着薪水不做事。  这上议院要来干嘛?

Monday, 13 June 2016


要救华文,必须从改革华小的教育开始。这是我这些年来,最深的感触。我们都明白,现在还重提什么民族使命,还重提什么华人就一 定要学华文,是一点说服力也没有的事情。学习华文的动力,实际上就在运用里。能够被运用的文字,才有其魅力。我可以用这样的语言,与世界接轨,与更多的人 沟通,与其他各种不一样的思想撞击,这才是语言的魅力和作用。







Saturday, 11 June 2016


2016年6月9日 东南西北    作者:林建荣
在 国债依然高企、许多大大小小公司,面对著经济放缓,景气不佳,经营环境日益艰难之际,面对著困境的国產车─普腾控股 (Proton),却可轻易让 財政部子公司,认购其发售的12.5亿优先股,而获得注资12.5亿令吉,进行改革及重组,再次见证了政治与商业的联繫和掛鉤。

当 然,如国际贸易及工业部长慕斯达法所言,政府援助普腾,拯救国產车,因为这是一个重要的工业,同时也涉及庞大的工人饭碗,这包括普腾的1万2000名员 工,以及5万个供应商的员工。然而,这是否是一个最好的方案?尤其在保护/扶助普腾的过程中,民眾付出了什么样的代价?而这又是否合理?



4 年前,赛莫达通过旗下的多元重工业集团,以12.9亿令吉,从財政部属下的国库控股公司收购余下的43%普腾股权,並將之私有化。而赛莫达的企业王国,本 身就是在权力者的扶助下建立起来的。如我国著名的学者佐摩和戈美斯所指,政治权力通过提供保护和资源,扶植从属和代理人,换取支持与稳定的政商结合之金权 关係,不只不利于经济发展,更有损国家及社会竞爭力。


World’s first humanitarian summit focuses on root causes of conflicts

World’s first humanitarian summit focuses on root causes of conflicts

ISTANBUL, May 23, 2016 (Xinhua) -- UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson (L) speaks to the reporters during a World Humanitarian Summit press conference in Istanbul, Turkey on May 23, 2016. The world's first-ever humanitarian summit is determined to focus more on the root causes of the ongoing conflicts rather than symptoms for their solutions, said UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson on Monday. (Xinhua/Zhao Dingzhe)

ISTANBUL, May 23 (Xinhua) -- The world's first-ever humanitarian summit is determined to focus more on the root causes of the ongoing conflicts rather than symptoms for their solutions, said UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson on Monday.

Some leaders present for the World Humanitarian Summit joined a roundtable discussion on the issue of "political leadership to prevent and end conflicts," part of multi-faceted exchanges over how to make the current humanitarian aid system better to cope with the worst level of human sufferings since World War II.

Eliasson, speaking to reporters after the discussion, said there was "a great degree of unity" among the leaders about the fact that the international community has been focusing too much on the ongoing crises while underestimating the pre-conflict phase and conflict resolutions.

"We start to realize that the life of conflicts is much longer than we usually think of," he noted, saying the "burning houses and dying children" is only a small part of the whole conflict.

He said the world leaders have also seen the need to extend the definition of conflict in a way that would include "listening to the first vibration on the ground and act over that signal."

In Eliasson's view, prevention of conflicts is a competitive advantage of UN.

Xavier Bettel, prime minister of Luxembourg, told reporters that high spirit of solidarity in Europe will cross its borders and a "common will" will be soon adopted to overcome humanitarian crises.

Bettel also urged the international community to meet each year to assess progress being made so as to make the summit a real success.

Erastus Mwencha, deputy chairperson of African Union, told Xinhua that there is a strong need to develop a mechanism at the local level to deal with the needs of displaced people and to coordinate the humanitarian assistance in Africa.

He stressed the need for political leadership to help the 15 million people in need in Africa. "Otherwise the aid becomes a problem in itself," he added.

"Political leadership to prevent and end conflict" is considered as one of the most important commitments set by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for the Istanbul summit that involves delivering concrete policy and operational commitments.

The two-day summit is drawing some 5,200 participants, including 65 heads of state and government.

UN chief launches humanitarian aid efficiency improvement scheme

ISTANBUL, May 23 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon launched a scheme Monday aiming to significantly improve the efficiency of humanitarian aid, as part of the efforts to bridge the funding gap, at the World's First Humanitarian Summit.

"This Grand Bargain is a major step forward in humanitarian financing," said Ban at a ceremony in Istanbul's Congress Center, where the World's First Humanitarian Summit took place. Full story

My comments:

     I hope the United Nations has a unit to investigate unfair election practices prevailing in underdeveloped and developing countries to prevent unrest or restless to take place or more serious happenings to occur   
     I hope the United Nations have read and gone through the petitions Sarawakians and Sabahans have submitted.  We Sarawakians and Sabahans are angry about how we are treated in the Federation of Malaysia.   
     The grave problems we face is the collusion between the political thugs of Barisan National of Sarawak or Sabah and those in Peninsular Malaya.  Thus hey have plundered and explolited Sarawak and Sabah at will since 1963.  The people in general are really angry about these unfair practices and treatments. 
     Besides the practices of election are densely corrupt and unfair.  Democracy is not upheld in Malaysia.  It is counted by the number of seats won not by the number of voters.  The tremor of this angry is felt everywhere except the rural areas where the people are shackled by ignorance and poverty. 
     I hope this unrest can be dealt with properly before it is developed into armed unrest.  Long years of unfairness and injustice are the main causes of unrest everywhere in the world.  Prove me wrong if you can.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Who are the traitors selling Sarawak for a lot of money and power?

Who are the traitors selling Sarawak for a lot of money and power?

Once I thought Sarawak had a very, very, very, very …………. large land area.  It was because Taib Mahmud, the Chief Minister of Sarawak for 33 years and having various ministerial posts for 22 plus years always exclaimed that the terrain of Sarawak was just too large to be developed.  Hence,  he only planned 20 miles of road to be built a year if I am not mistaken.  I hope someone will check for me how many miles of road had been constructed and how much money had been embezzled during his reign as a Chief Minister of Sarawak for 33 years.

Another skill he employed to calm down Sarawakians was to ask them to wait patiently for the development while he himself plundered and exploited impatiently or speedily. 

With the comparison of the land area with different countries, I realised that Sarawak is really not so large as I once imagined it to be.  It is the mentality of the leader that count.  How much he or she cares to develop the country as a whole versus to build up one’s ultra mega wealth at the expense of people instead.  Sarawak has been let down by both Abdul Rahman Yaccob and Taib Mahmud especially. 

As the head leader of the member country, he collude with UMNO-BN pf                  the Malayan government to plunder and exploit Sarawak at will.  Shamelessly, he takes the seat as the governor of Sarawak and he advised the Sarawak government led by Adenan Satem to keep all the promises made during the 11th Sarawak election when he broke every promise people can name of during his 33+ as the Chief Minister of Sarawak.  He never cared to establish Sarawak as an equal partner country in the Federation of Malaysia. 

For 33 + years, Taib Mahmud and his team collude with UMNO-BN political thugs to plunder and exploit Sarawak at will.  Adenan Satem is said to have been his adviser for years.   

Adenan Satem won 87% in the 11th  Sarawak election.  Is he going to establish Sarawak as a member country, not a state?  We want to see how assertive he is to establish Sarawak as a member country. and what he is going to do to establish his stance.  How is he  going to deal with the “Federal Departments” in Sarawak?  How is he going to deal with the Stamp Duty?  

Taiwan should be a good reference to us Sarawakians.  Yes, it is the political will to establish Sarawak as a member country, not a state.  The 11 states in the Peninsular Malaya are in the Federation of Malaya, definitely, not in the Federation of Malaysia which I see clearly now is made up of three member countries Sarawak, Sabah and the Malaya Peninsular.

Hence it does not really make sense of Sarawak and Sabah to take part in 2018 “14 national election” which I see is solely for the 11 states in the Peninsular Malaya, not including  Sarawak and Sabah.  So I hope all the Sarawakians and Sabahans just refuse to indulge in the make-believes of the UMNO-BN  evil tricks anymore. 

Sarawak is a member country and we only have an election.  We should restart the election for the local government for good.  I hope Sarawak Prime Minister Adenan Satem with the trust of 87% of the people will establish the record-breaking move again to declare Sarawak as a member country and have the autonomy based on MA63.  The changed laws through the process by different evil hands are not counted to be legitimate. 

If you cannot make your brother be your son; nor your sister your daughter,; ……… you just cannot make changes at will with the MA63. 

I hope Adenan Satem will assert this iron-like fact strongly without fear.  By addressing Sarawak as a state is just like changing your status as a brother or sister to be the son or daughter.  Adenan Satem is a trained lawyer  and he should know better.  But now he has the power to lead his team to create a new Sarawak if he has the political will to realise the way.

Since for the past 53 years, Sarawak has been remade and reformed in UMNO-BN ways, with the general awareness, I hope Adenan Satem and his team will do something to make and reform Sarawak to be a member country, not a state subordinate to the “central government”  and undo all the evilness of UMNO-BN. 

To re-establish Sarawak as a member country having the autonomy, it is to carry out.  It is not necessary to get it passed in the so called “Parliamentary assembly/国会  Remember Sarawak is a country by virtue.  Look at Taiwan and what the President of Taiwan does.  Or the commonwealth countries, an individual country has its own equal entity, you see.  Now what we Sarawakians do is to establish ourselves as a member country in the Federation of Malaysia or get prepared to secede.