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Tuesday, 31 May 2016

10 Qualities of a Great Nation

Posted on October 26, 2012

With an upcoming General Election that is expected to be the most hotly contested one ever since independence and the formation of our relatively young nation, Malaysia is at a crossroad. Perhaps for the first time the prospect of a change in government is realistic and both coalitions sense it.

Hearing the empty rhetorics of some leaders of the current coalition, one can only come to the conclusion that they are bankrupt. Certainly not of material wealth but of ideas.

What if there is a change in government and we have a chance to rebuild and reshape this nation? What kind of a nation would we want to build? What are the qualities that would make Malaysia a great nation?

Let me state clearly that I for one do not believe that change for the better will come overnight for two reasons. You can’t undo a political, administrative and social mindset that has been skewed towards a regime overnight. It will be a slow uphill task that requires perseverance.

Secondly, the new government does not necessarily be different in ability and even integrity from the old or have all the answers. The difference is that there is a chance for real reform and for the voices and aspirations of the people to be heard, and that is, if we choose to actively and constructively engage the new administration.

I would like to suggest 10 qualities that would make Malaysia a great nation, a place that we would be proud to call home and where we would see a reversal of the brain drain?.
  1. FREEDOM – Freedom to choose and to be who you want to be.Bertrand Russell, the English thinker said, “Freedom in general may be defined as the absence of obstacles to the realization of desires”.  Freedom has to be the bedrock of a prosperous nation for without freedom, the shackles which hold us from reaching for the impossible and exploring the unexplored remain. People must be free to think, free to dream, free to explore, free to express, free to change, and even free to fail.  Freedom has its risks but it is my belief that these can be mitigated by the other values like justice, graciousness, morality, truthfulness and many more.
  1. JUSTICE – The strong desire to ensure fairness and equality in our society, making sure that the rights of everyone are protected regardless.  New laws enacted and old laws amended or repealed must show a commitment to justice and meritocracy. The enforcement and interpretation of these laws must do so impartially by unshackling the judiciary from any influence of the Executive. The presence of justice in a society brings about a sense of security in its citizenry, promoting what is right and deterring what is wrong.
  2. GRACIOUSNESS – A society where people consider the interest of and give way to others even though they don’t have to. The opposite of this is selfishness.When we stop to consider how our actions might impact those around us, something magical happens. This world can suddenly become a better place.  Driving becomes less stressful, streets become cleaner, courtesy and consideration become the order of the day. This value might be one of the most challenging to flesh out but certainly not impossible and definitely worth striving for.  This quality in a nation is often a reflection of the leaders.  Leaders can lead the way in forging this value by displaying grace whenever there is opportunity.  This is the quality that makes us a civil or civilised society.
  3. MORALITY – A clear sense of morality that resides in the hearts of people, guiding them like an inner compass as to what is right and wrong even when no one can see or know.It is a concern for the substance of our heart rather than an outward conformity that is important.  In a pluralistic society like Malaysia, where various religions are practiced or not practiced, it is not just about embracing a particular religion and living a devout life.  It is about embracing a higher level of morality.  Better is the man who has no religion but lives a highly moral life than one who has religion but denies the requirements of that religion. We need to have a firm moral base to support all that we do so that we can eradicate corruption, criminal activities, social ills and family breakdown.
  4. MERCIFUL – A society that looks after the poor and needy without judging their status or why they are in that situation.  Being merciful is to be able to get under the skin of the person in need of mercy and rendering the necessary assistance. In every society, there will always be those who fall through the cracks and struggle to make ends meet. Such a society would have social safety nets to ensure that help is readily available and its citizens are on the lookout for those that may need help. Helping the poor and needy is not just the right thing to do but is a reflection of the kind of people we are.
  5. TRUTHFULNESS – Where truth is sought after in all areas, manifesting itself in transparency, integrity and honesty in all governmental and private dealings.  Al Gore said, “A commitment  to openness, truthfulness, and accountability helps our country avoid many serious mistakes that we would otherwise make”.  The lack of truthfulness emboldens those who wish to hide their evil deeds in the shadow of legitimacy. Having open and transparent tenders for all government projects and passing Freedom of Information legislations would be a step in the right direction. In such a society, leaders would be honest about mistakes made and actions would be taken without fear or favour.
  6. VALUE OF LIFE – A high value is placed on all life and no effort is spared to ensure that lives are preserved and extended.  Regardless of one’s ethnicity, religion, social status, and physiological condition, all lives would be equally valuable and not measured with money.  The rescue of the thirty-three miners in Chile after 69 days underground in 2010 illustrates this quality clearly.  No cost was spared to bring them out safely and their rescue celebrated the value of human life, a triumph over the prevailing trend of the world where decisions are mainly made based on monetary considerations only. Once we start valuing lives, we would start to look into issues of safety and health.
  7. CREATIVITY – Where creativity flourishes as people seek better ways to express and to serve each other.  Robert E. Franken in his book Human Motivation, defined creativity as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.  Again, this value can be applied in all sectors, from the arts, to industry, to education, to government and to business. Entrepreneurship and innovations would flourish as people seek for new and better ways to overcome problems, meet the needs of society, and to add value and quality to life. This quality is closely tied to freedom.
  8. EXCELLENCE – People work with all their heart and take pride in what they do.  People would find dignity in their work and produce the best products and services.  It is an excellence that is not motivated by fear of losing or the need to be numero uno, instead, it is motivated by a sense of self-achievement and recognition by consumers and recipients of our efforts.  Producers would not cut corners to maximize profit, products made will be of good quality and design, queues at government offices would be eliminated, waiters would serve with efficiency, and food would taste great!  People find dignity in what they do and we give them recognition!
  9. STEWARDSHIP – A nation where properties, resources and the environment would be looked after for the enjoyment of future generations.It would be a nation where conservation of our natural resources is not just a public relation exercise but birthed out of our deep conviction that saving the planet is saving our children’s lives. It would be a place where we hate wastages in the form of unnecessary and unsustainable projects; and where we want to maintain what we already have, like parks, buildings and roads. Such a society would willingly sacrifice any economic gain if it would threaten our environment.
These ten qualities of a great nation are by no means exhaustive nor are they quantifiable. But they are, I believe, the common yearnings of all human beings.  If the people of a nation are united in the  pursuit of these qualities, then they are surely attainable.
A story was told about the late Walt Disney’s vision for Disney World, the mega theme park in Florida.  By the time the theme park opened in 1971, Walt Disney had already passed away five years earlier.  At the opening ceremony, a guest remarked to one of Disney’s directors that it was a shame that Walt himself was not able to be there to witness the realization of his vision.  To that, the director replied that Walt indeed saw Disney World, for otherwise we would not see it.

We need to have a vision of what Malaysia would look like even before we start building it.  Let us begin to see it and start working towards it.  Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither would Malaysia.  It would take years, decades and generations even, but if we have a clear vision of what we want, we can build on the foundations laid by others and pass on the baton to the next generation when our time has expired.  Surely we can do it, surely we must!

Sarawak For Sarawakians, Really?

Posted on May 4, 2016

Apart from the banners of contesting candidates and parties in the 11th Sarawak  election, I also came across some banners from the Sarawak for Sarawakians (S4S) pro-sovereignty movement.

Rather than a cohesive and organized movement, S4S is perhaps more a popular sentiment among many Sarawakians.

It is the feeling that Sarawak has been short-changed by the West Malaysian ever since it joined the Federation of Malaysia with Sabah and Singapore back in 1963.

It is a fact that 53 years after joining, Sarawak and Sabah remains two of the poorest *states in the Federation, though blessed with abundant natural resources over its vast territories.

Why is that so? Have the West Malaysians colonized, mismanaged, plundered and raped the riches of the two East Malaysian states?
Yes, indeed they have. The West Malaysians through the Federal Government in Putrajaya have extracted the wealth of the two Borneo *lands and treated them like poor cousins.

But they never directly ruled Sarawak or Sabah. These two lands have always had local leaders. Putrajaya ruled through their proxies and stooge. Together they have made each other very rich at the expense of the people.

Sarawak has always been ruled by Sarawakians and by the Barisan Nasional government through PBB, SUPP, SNAP, SPDP, PRS, etc.

The Barisan Nasional and their Sarawakian proxies are responsible for the condition Sarawak is in. But now the culprits want to play the hero.
They have cleverly hijacked the discontent of Sarawakians towards the West Malaysian and now act like they are the “saviour”.

Adenan has been a key member of PBB for the last 40 years and has obediently served his Putrajaya master all this time. Can he now be the saviour?

He says he banned West Malaysian opposition politicians and activists because he wants to protect Sarawakians from “unsavoury” people. He embraces Najib because he wants to get autonomy and allocations for Sarawakians, so he says.

The truth is the same partnership that has plundered Sarawak is still working together to stay in power and to extend each other’s rule. Together with their business tycoons buddies, they will continue to milk Sarawak to the last drop before they are eventually kicked out.

Yes, Sarawakians, it’s time to remove all these proxies and stooge of BN and vote in true Sarawakians who places the interest of the people above all else.


Please share widely. Thank you .

Be Wary of The Adenan Fever

Posted on May 4, 2016

If you are in Sarawak right now during this period of campaigning for the *Sarawak Election, it would be quite obvious that the BN strategists have decided to ride on the Chief Minister Tan Sri Patinggi Adenan Satem’s brand name, the same way they rode on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s during the 13th General Election.

You would be forgiven if you thought that it was a US-style presidential election that is taking place. Everywhere you go you see huge billboards at every junctions declaring Adenan this, Adenan that. You have Team Adenan, The Adenan Way and even The Adenan Fever!

The man has shrewdly moved away from the big black shadow of his predecessor, Taib Mahmud, who retired from office as one of the most reviled man in Malaysia for his excessive corruption. It is easy to love someone when he seems to act and talk different from someone as tainted as Taib Mahmud.

Adenan branded himself as a reformer, a Mr Clean, a straight-talker and a defender of Sarawakians. But is he? The way he is conducting himself during this election alone should be a warning to Sarawakians that he is not what he made himself out to be.

These are some of the reasons why all Sarawakians should be wary of the Adenan Fever.
  1. His arrogance showed when he usurp the Election Commission’s right to decide on polling day by announcing that it would be April 30th. In the end the EC set it as May 7th. He also boasted that he has successfully told the EC to create the Murum and Mulu seats for the Kenyah and Kelabit people. In his eagerness to show what a big man he is, he has no qualms in shaming the EC who is supposed* to be conduct the election and carry out the re-delineation exercise independently.
  2. He disregarded Section 67 of the Immigration Act that states clearly that the *Sarawak Authority cannot stop anyone from entering to engage in legitimate political activities. He banned scores of opposition politicians and activists from West Malaysia coming to help in the election. What is he afraid of if he is so popular? Or does he just want to show that he has the power and is not afraid to use? This is called abuse of power and in this case, he is breaking the law.
  3. He again disregarded the law by violating Section 10 of the Election Offences Act on bribery by using *Sarawak funds to make allocations to constituents during campaigning.   Hundreds of millions of Ringgit so far has been “allocated” to constituencies throughout Sarawak by both Federal and *Sarawak governments. There have been reported instances where such allocations are conditional that the Barisan Nasional’s candidate win in that constituency. Such blatant violation of the Election Offences Act goes on and Adenan is party to all these violations.
  4. He is not above using the race card to win votes when he urged the Bumiputras to unite so that they can win the 3 seats in Miri. He again played to the Bidayuh crowd at Serian when he lied that the Opposition was against them (Bidayuh) having more seats by opposing the re-delineation exercise. The Judicial Review taken by PKR’s YB See Chee How was against the Notice given by the EC to the affected voters, that it was insufficient, not against the seat increase, much less against the Bidayuh seats. So Adenan is not above blatantly lying and playing the race card. With such behaviours, UMNO doesn’t need to come in to Sarawak, PBB is doing a pretty good job of racial politics themselves.
  5. He does not separate big businesses from politics when he directly appoints tycoons as BN candidates. No prize for guessing what would be their priority when it comes to making money for themselves or serving the people. Cronyism is legitimized. Sarawak has suffered enough through decades of such partnerships between politicians and big business and it could ill afford another round of plunder and pillage by these people.
  6. His arrogance showed again when he had the audacity to ask fellow Chief Ministers, Azmin Ali and Lim Guan Eng to apply for permission to extend their stay beyond the 2nd and 5th of May that they were restricted to. Such blatant disrespect for their office is a sign that public institutions mean little to him. Did he really expect these men who represented Selangor and Penang to go crawling to him on all fours?
When you have lawmakers who are willing to break the law, then you have people who think they are above the law. To them the law is a big stick they use to keep the rest of us in line.
Adenan is no reformer. He is no Bernie Sanders, Jokowi or Aung Sang Suu Kyi. He was the Special Adviser to Taib Mahmud and part of of Taib’s inner circle for decades. How can he be a reformer overnight and a defender of Sarawakians when he is part of the same Barisan Nasional regime that has been and is still plundering the wealth of Sarawak?
Yes, as those big billboards in Sarawak declared, “There is a new fever in Sarawak and it’s called the Adenan Fever.” That should be a warning sign that the second poorest state in Malaysia is about to be duped (again) into giving this man a big mandate.

Remember that the real Team Adenan are people like Najib Razak and Taib Mahmud, whom he openly admits he is very close to and enjoys good working relationships with. Just like Najib was the poster boy of BN during the 13th General Election, Adenan may show his true colours soon after the election.

A fever is an indicator of a problem, a blood infection in the body and we should be very wary of the Adenan Fever, it may kill you!

Self-Governing Sarawak 1963

On 27 May 1961, Malayan Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj proposed a merger for closer political and economic co-operation between the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, North Borneo (as Sabah was known then) and Brunei.

      British Prime Minister Sir Harold Macmillan supported the idea and the first Malaysia Solidarity Consultative Committee (MSCC) meeting was held in Singapore two months later, followed by an eye-opening visit by leaders from Sarawak and Sabah to Malaya on 12 August 1962. In 1962, a five-man team of 2 Malayans and 3 British representatives headed by Lord Cameron Cobbold conducted a referendum amongst Sarawakians on the proposed Federation of Malaysia.
    The findings of the Cobbold Commission led to the Malaysia Agreement signed on 9 July 1963 by Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore.   As spelt out in the 20-point requirements raised by Sabah and 18-point by Sarawak, the Agreement sought to protect the interest, rights and autonomy of the people of the two *states after the formation of Malaysia.
Sarawak Representatives at  Kuching Airport on 12 July 1963 after returning from London
where they signed the historic agreement to form Malaysia and end colonial rule.
Temenggong Jugah anak Barieng OBE, Datu Bandar Abang Mustapa CBE, Abang Haji Openg, Ling Beng Siew and P.E.H. Pike signed on behalf of Sarawak while Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj and Sir Harold Macmillan represented Malaya and Britain respectively.

      On 22 July 1963, the Governor of Sarawak, Sir Alexander Waddell, issued a proclamation to form the first Supreme Council with the appointment of Stephen Kalong Ningkan, the Chairman of Sarawak National Party (SNAP), as the first Chief Minister of Sarawak. The other members of the Supreme Council were Abdul Taib Mahmud, James Wong Kim Ming, Dunstan Endawie Anak Enchana, Awang Hipni Pengiran Anu and Teo Kui Seng. This marked the end of colonial rule and birth of Sarawak as a self-governing country.

大马契约赋沙砂特权 联邦受促正视

(兰瑙30日讯)兰瑙区众教会联合理事会(RANAU MGG)和沙巴原住民团结协会(PAN),于5月28日丰收节庆典上发表联合文告,呼吁中央联邦政府正视并恢复彼此于1963年所签署的马来西亚契约中的协议,包括所赋予沙巴和砂拉越政府和人民特别的权益。



兰 瑙区众教会理事会与沙巴原住民团协会的联合文告,强调这契约的内容都曾经得到组成大马伙伴代表经协商后同意签署的。当中明文规定给予沙砂两地人民拥有宗教 自由,教育自主权,在国会议席中的代表比列,保障原住民的特别权利,移民局的管理权,公民权的审核以及沙砂两地宪法制订权等。


联合文告力赞砂拉越阿迪南领导的砂政府,已经公然向联邦政府要求让联邦宪法和国家法律与马来西亚63年契约精神对齐。 理事会更要求沙巴政府该效法砂拉越政府要求联邦恢复63年契约。

同时提醒沙巴政府,因非法移民问题所成立的皇家委员会的任务似乎还没有看到任何解决方案。  沙巴非法移民的议题,深深影响着我们的社会,重新审批身份证是当今首要任务。






在沙巴和砂拉越这些不公平现象,显然违背了63年马来西亚契约的精神。 尤其是在宪法中第153条款中所赋予保障婆罗洲两地原住民的特别权利。 政府单位滥用行政权力违宪分配大量土地给私人公司造成本地原住民失去历代居所,其习俗地和猎场,造成永久性的痛苦和伤害。




My comments:
我希望砂沙两地人民和民间组织联合两地/国政府 要很认真启动我们的列车发动民间力量坚持要回我们的权益。  我们不可以再允许马来亚政府/UMNO-BN于所欲为了。 

Sunday, 29 May 2016

1. 馬來西亞联邦沒有東馬,也沒有西馬。只有砂朥越,沙巴,馬來亞联合邦。  砂朥越人的祖國是砂朥越。

2. 我們沒有中央政府和州政府,只有聯邦政府和砂朥越政府。

3. 我們是砂朥越人(Sarawakian),不是馬來西亞人(Malaysian)

4. 出國時候,在填寫入境表格要註明自己的國籍是Sarawakian

5. 目前的州議會應該更改為 砂朥越議會(Negri council)

6. 我們沒有國父,只有開國元君 Sir James Brooke。

7. 砂朥越的誕生日是1841年8月18日,也就是國慶日。

8. 1841年9月24日是Sir James Brooke 加冕為王,也就是君主登基日。

9. 1963年7月22日是英國給砂朥越的獨立日,實際意義上應該是光复日。

10. 砂朥越的國旗是十字皇冠旗,目前的州旗是殖民的象征。
     Jalur Gemilang 是馬來亞联合邦國旗或者聯邦旗。非官方場合砂朥
     越人不應使用.   該升起聯邦旗表示自己認同聯邦。

11. 砂朥越的國徽是十字盾牌皇冠和野獾。犀鳥州徽也是被殖民的象

12. 砂朥越的國歌是 Fairland Sarawak, 州歌 Ibu Pertiwi 也是殖民象
      征。Negaraku 是馬來亞联合邦或聯邦歌,在正式場合播放聯邦歌,

My comments:
2018所谓"国选" 砂拉越和沙巴人还要继续放纵投入UMNO-BN的邪恶的[作假游戏] (make-believe)吗?  还是要这样[人猪狗]不分玩下去吗?  我希望AdenanSatem带领他的队伍狠狠,辣辣的跟马来亚霸权说[不]。  那么DAP/ PKR/Amanah/--PH就玩不起来了。  砂沙两国就有力的下我们的马威/威力。

Saturday, 28 May 2016

North Sea oil

Source: Norwegian Central Bureau of Statistics
Natural gas production in Norway (red) and natural gas exports (black)
In May 1963, Norway asserted sovereign rights over natural resources in its sector of the North Sea. Exploration started on July 19, 1966, when Ocean Traveller drilled its first hole. Initial exploration was fruitless, until Ocean Viking found oil on August 21, 1969. By the end of 1969, it was clear that there were large oil and gas reserves in the North Sea. The first oil field was Ekofisk, which produced 427,442 barrels of crude in 1980. Subsequently, large natural gas reserves have also been discovered.

Against the backdrop of the 1972 Norwegian referendum to not join the European Union, the Norwegian Ministry of Industry, headed by Ola Skjåk Bræk moved quickly to establish a national energy policy. Norway decided to stay out of OPEC, keep its own energy prices in line with world markets, and spend the revenue—known as the "currency gift"—in the Petroleum Fund of Norway. The Norwegian government established its own oil company, Statoil, and awarded drilling and production rights to Norsk Hydro and the newly formed Saga Petroleum.

The North Sea turned out to present many technological challenges for production and exploration, and Norwegian companies invested in building capabilities to meet these challenges. A number of engineering and construction companies emerged from the remnants of the largely lost shipbuilding industry, creating centers of competence in Stavanger and the western suburbs of Oslo. Stavanger also became the land-based staging area for the offshore drilling industry. Due to refinery needs when making special qualities of commercial oils, Norway imported NOK 3.5 billion of foreign oil in 2015.[5]

Norway is world's most prosperous country

Published: 03 Nov 2014 11:01 GMT+01:00
Legatum Institute's 2014 Prosperity Index ranked Norway as the most prosperous country in the world, with Switzerland at number two on the list.
The rankings are based on eight variables of a country's prosperity performance:
  • Economy
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Governance
  • Education
  • Personal freedom
  • Health
  • Security
  • Social capital
Norway performed best on Social Capital and worst (7th) on Entrepreneurship and Opportunity.

The Nordic nation retained its number one spot from last year, as the top-ranking most prosperous country. New Zealand moved to third place, up two spots from 2013, while Russia slipped to Europe's worst performing country in 68th place.

The study revealed 90 percent of Norwegians believe their country is a good place for immigrants to live, while 94.9 percent said they felt they could rely on their fellow citizens in a time of need.

Less optimistic however was that nearly one-third of Norwegians (29.7 percent) thought corruption in business and government  were widespread. Compare this to the Central African Republic's results - the least prosperous country in the world - where 75 percent of the nation's population believe corruption is widespread.

The study, now in its eighth year, offers a unique insight into how prosperity is forming and changing across the world.

The Index takes into account 142 countries, representing more than 96 percent of the world’s population and 99 percent of global GDP.

Prosperity Index: Top 20
1 Norway
2 Switzerland
3 New Zealand
4 Denmark
5 Canada
6 Sweden
7 Australia
8 Finland
9 Netherlands
10 United States
11 Iceland
12 Ireland
13 United Kingdom
14 Germany

My comments:
If Sarawak were an independent country like Norway, we could achieve if not at the same economic level  of Norway, at least near to her or perform as well as or better than Brunei.  Of course, it is on the condition that the leaders and people of Sarawak uphold the principle of democracy.

Friday, 27 May 2016

6月1起各城镇造势 S4S车队全砂跑透透









My comments:
是时候提[砂]丢[州]的 .  砂是联邦国.  为什么大家老是也砂州砂州........呢?  请大家练习说砂/砂邦.  怕什么呢?   所以,我帮你们更改了*

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

用: 总编时间:近看砂朥越 (copy and paste)

2016-05-24 17:42



在 还没换大马卡之前,从70年中开始,马来亚人的蓝登记是7个号码,然后以A字母带头;换了大马卡之后,马来亚人的身份证已没有A,国际护照号码则继续以A 带头。砂朥越和沙巴人的大马卡及国际护照则继续分别保留了K和H。说起来,很多年轻一代都不知道,原来这3个字母,在某种程度上也代表着3个主权邦属共组 联邦。Malaya (A) , Sarawak (K) , Sabah (H) .最后一个字母代表。

砂朥越、沙巴和马来亚(新加坡 后来退出)当年所签署的63建国协议(MA63)(Malaysia agreement1963)清楚阐明,砂朥越政府在53个领域拥有自主权,包括马来亚人,必须申请工作准证才能到砂朥越工作,入境砂朥越需要国际护照 (后来可用大马卡),而且逗留不能超过90天,以及英文是官方语文和主要公职必须是砂朥越人担任等等。




(S4S) 运动就是在这种忧患意识下崛起。 再加上天时地利人和,砂朥越人民重新掌握了话语权。巫统目前处于弱势及需要获得砂朥越的支持、砂朥越首长阿德南这号人物在 这个时候出现,以及他顺势争取S4S这股新生代势力,终于水到渠成并为砂朥越制造了争取主权的声势或条件。阿德南争取到13项权力下放,现在一些公务要职 的主管开始由砂朥越人担任;同时,还要在3年内确保砂内的教师,至少有90%是砂朥越人。


砂朥越同事特意带我到圣约瑟私立学校(St.Joseph's Private School)。这原本是教会学校,后来改制成国民小学。它于2012年交还给教会,变成一所综合中小学及能够传授圣经知识的天主教私立学校。听起来有点有点匪夷所思,在马来亚不大可能发生。



此 外,已超过半世纪的砂朥越古晋浮罗岸圣德丽莎国小(SK ST THERESA),也在今年开始交回天主教古晋总教区接管。这是砂朥越第二间成功恢復原身的教会学校。 这所成功再改制的圣约瑟国际学校完全採用英文教学, 并以剑桥O水平会考(OLevel)及A水平会考(A Level)作为教学大纲。




自主权的意思就是自己决定一切。  不是老是[作贱] 自己,老是问马来亚老大们如何进行砂拉越的自主权。  是我们的权力,我们要怎么办就怎么办,就这么办。 干吗,开幕要Najib/Zahid来开幕。  这就是邀请狼进你家。  砂需要教育部长,还要请教马来亚老大吗?  自权由我们决定。  我们自己设立建立砂的品牌砂的教育系统。  真的不要老是习惯性要征求配合马来亚的老大的口味。

大家不妨检查我们砂议会部长们的思维。  几乎都是把马来亚政府捧在手心中。 所以他们才敢那么大胆一直不断掠夺和剥削咱们。 敢在我们的国度内撒野。  掠夺剥削后,来送一点礼。 还要我们感恩呢。 是时候拒绝马来亚政混们再霸凌。

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Remember Who is the Original Multi-Billionaire and Timber Mafia King!

23 May 2016

This was the nice little prezzie that Taib bought his young wife to celebrate their 5th anniversary and his 80th birthday last weekend.
35 year old Ragad's 5th anniversary present
35 year old Ragad’s 5th anniversary present – an RM1.5 million Bentley
After all, there have to be compensations for having a husband half a century older than yourself and for a certain type of lady a new RM1.5 million Bentley clearly does the trick – even if the family garage is already stuffed with endless other variations on the same theme.
Same couple, different flash motor
Same couple, different flash motor
We are, of course, merely talking about the transportation of a family of suspicious wealth from one side of their modest capital to the other – the roads outside of Kuching are not fit to use such motors, thanks to the policies of Taib himself.
Ragad with her present and its donor.
Ragad with her present and its donor.
Meanwhile, it is noticeable that the lavish anniversary celebrations over the weekend were not attended by the Prime Minister.
Najib, having hung around as much as possible to ‘gain the glory’ of Sarawak’s rigged state election ‘win’ for BN, was also noticeably absent from Adenan’s swearing-in ceremony.

Insiders have surmised that the reason was that the occasion inevitably gave a centre stage to Governor Abdul Taib Mahmud, who remains, of course, the real power behind his protege and brother in law, Adenan, and who still controls the economy of Malaysia’s richest state.

The two ageing billionaires (Najib and Taib) are said to have fallen out in a rather spectacular way as the 1MDB scandal plunged into its present debacle – according to one insider “frozen bank accounts create very bad tempers”.


Back in the beginning it was UBG

It is known that Jho Low, who is at the centre of the scandal, had already been working hand in glove with Taib in the planned off-loading of his family’s UBG group from 2008. Low spearheaded an investment into the group (becoming a 50% shareholder through his company Majestic Masterpiece) and became an alternate director to Taib’s son Abu Bekir.
Another little runner round for Ragad
Another little runner round for Ragad

Jho Low was later introduced directly to Najib, say insiders, and of course the evidence now obtained by Sarawak Report shows that Low used US$260 million obtained from 1MDB to then buy both himself and Taib out of the group at a very handsome profit in 2010.

That money enabled huge sums to be leveraged from banks such as AmBank to achieve the buy out, which must have pleased Taib immensly at the time. Now, however it has left all parties exposed in the glare of publicity.

Worse, there is growing speculation as to the sources of the money lent to 1MDB at highly favourable rates of interest.  Specifically, Goldman Sachs have made clear that one of the reasons they charged such enormous rates and the costs were so high for the US$3 billion loan taken out in March 2013, was because 1MDB (ie Najib) was in such a hurry they wanted the money raised in a week.
Could Taib Mahmud, who was known to be close to Goldman boss, Tim Leissener (who was at one point engaged to his neice) have been the eventual source of that enormous profitable loan, people in the know are now asking?

In which case the tensions would be all the more explicable between Taib and Najib!
Looking for things to spend the money on, while he is still around to 'enjoy' it all for himself?
Looking for things to spend the money on, while he is still around to ‘enjoy’ it all for himself? – The 

Taibs held a lavish party on Saturday
Meanwhile, it is clear that Taib has started to get used to his prizing from his previous Chief Minister’s post, a move he quite accurately blames on Najib, who had decided that Taib’s increasingly dirty image gave him the excuse to clip the wings of this over-powerful local leader.
Sabah's Musa Aman escaped the chop, because 1MDB exploded in Najib's face before hand.
Sabah’s Musa Aman escaped the chop, because 1MDB exploded in
Najib’s face before hand.

That was before Najib’s own image started to suffer the consequences of exposure, naturally.
Indeed, the developments over 1MDB can be said to have saved the political skin of East Malaysia’s other timber crook, Musa Aman, next door in Sabah.

Najib had also planned to chop him too, according to our intelligence, but is happy to cling to fellow crooks in return for their support, now that his own political position is undermined.

Meanwhile, Taib is currently plainly determined to try and enjoy those billions, which he has abused his position of trust to obtain and he is back flashing his wealth and overly young wife round little Kuching.
Driving his own roller now is his style
Taib is driving his own roller round his ‘manor’ of Kuching these days

Likewise, Ragad, who has been known to lose her temper and kick her fragile spouse from time to time, seems now settled into the prospect of a good eventual settlement.
Enough food for a town of hungry Sarawakian folk
Enough food for a town of hungry Sarawakian folk

After all, Taib has always put his business before anything else and had indicated that his eventual plan was to concentrate on that full time, once he had secured control of decision making in Sarawak through a willing agent.

Originally, this had been assumed to be his sons.  Now, however, his ex-brother in law Adenan appears to be doing just as good a job of ensuring that the contracts and concessions pass the way of Taib’s family companies as previously.
Adenan's former wife, Taib's sister Zainab, is 4th from left
Adenan’s former wife, Taib’s sister Zainab, is 4th from left
Adenan has proved content to speak reform, but to continue the management of Sarawak (and its ‘elections’) exactly as before – for the benefit of this clique of families and to the misery of the rest of the people and destruction of the jungle.

They must hope that the swirling clouds of global corruption investigations do not suddenly burst open over their heads also, or that the house of cards will not totally collapse, or that the chain reaction of revelations will not continue……..



1. 火箭就是利用马来西亚人50年对巫统(UMNO)的不满与种族主义政治恐惧,吓唬砂拉越人:一旦砂拉越国阵政权垮台(或让国阵政权不高兴了),巫统将东渡砂拉越,砂拉越人民将活在水深火热之中、民不聊生。

2. #六六空难(Double Six Tragedy)是一起发生在1976年6月6日,与亚庇(Kota Kinabalu)机场上空的一起空难。
11 人罹难,包括时任沙巴首席部长——Tun Fuad、交通公务部长——张天文、财政部长——Salleh、沙巴经济策划单位总监——Syed Hussein、地方政务兼房屋部长——Peter 等多位沙巴政权重要内阁成员。这是沙巴人心中的痛,因为一夜之间改变了沙巴40年的命运。而政府只以“这是国家机密档案”为由,至今仍为拒绝将调查结果公 诸于世。

3. #事件发展如下:
事发当天早上,当时的首长Fuad连同张天文和Salleh等几位内阁成员飞到纳闽 (Labuan),欢迎当时的联邦财政部长,来自巫统的——东姑拉沙里(Tengku Razaleigh,下称东姑)和砂拉越首长——Rahman Yaakub到访纳闽的炼油厂。第二天,也就是1976年6月7日,东姑拉沙里原本要到亚庇签署一份州政府与国油(Petronas)之间的石油合约。

但,空难在6月6日下午发生了,第二天的签署仪式也取消,一直到6月14日,由新首长哈里士(Harris Salleh)代表州政府签署,接受了5%石油税的合约。

4. #阴谋论:
据 说,1976年6月6日早上,Fuad率领沙巴州半数重要阁员飞往纳闽迎接东姑拉沙里(来自巫统的联邦财政部长兼国家石油公司创办人),和砂首席部长 Rahman Yaakub,还有一位彭亨州王室成员。在参观了纳闽的炼油厂之后,东姑拉沙里和Rahman Yaakub原本是跟随Fuad等人一起乘坐专机飞回亚庇,准备次日代表联邦政府与沙巴州政府签署石油合约。

当时,东姑和Rahman Yaakub,还有彭亨州王室成员已经登上飞机,并且扣好了安全带,准备起飞赴亚庇了。可是却因为临时接到一通由当时的沙巴副首长Harris打来的电 话,要求东姑拉沙里、Rahman Yaakub、彭亨州王室成员三人下机,另外安排他们去参观一座牧羊场。于是,姑里三人下了机,剩下Fuad和沙巴内阁成员11人飞回去亚庇。

当 天下午三点左右,飞机抵达亚庇机场上空的时候,被通知由于正有一架空军大力士运输机准备起飞,Fuad等人的专机必须先在上空盘旋,等待降落的指示。当专 机盘旋到靠近距离机场不远的森布兰(Sembulan)海面上时,飞机忽然爆炸;俯冲下海,接着又传来一声爆炸飞机支离破碎,机上11人被炸得血肉横飞, 悉数罹难!

第一个疑点:为什么3人会因为哈里斯的一通电话,就下机而去?当时东姑和Harris的解释,是说Harris临时邀请东姑,Rahman Yaakub和彭亨王室成员去参观牧羊场。





第四个疑点:当时负责安排F行程的,是一个名字叫做李江宇(Lee Kang Yu)的人。他是Harris的秘书。当飞机坠毁爆炸之后,这个人忽然从沙巴完全消失!后来听说有人给了他一笔钱,他跑到香港去居留,直到老死。都没有回过沙巴。


5. #沙巴主权被沙巴人出卖:

6. #阴谋导火线:
1974 年,马来西亚国会通过《1974石油发展法令》(Petroleum Development Act 1974)之前,沙巴的石油开采工作,一直都是沙巴政府自行负责。所赚取的金钱,都归沙巴政府所有。国家石油公司(Petrinas)成立于1974年8 月17日,是由当年的东姑一首策划创立的,目的在于统一国家的石油业务,将沙巴、砂拉越、吉兰丹、登嘉楼、彭亨等等发现石油的州属,拿下石油开采权,收归 国有。



1974 年,国会通过石油发展法令之后,东姑身兼财政部长及国油公司主席;他负责与每个州属进行谈判。在东海岸的登嘉楼和吉兰丹州,谈判工作进展顺利;当时国油与 吉兰丹与登嘉楼签署的合约规定,国油全权取得这两个州的石油开采、加工及销售权;丹登两州每年可以取得有关开采数量的5%税收。但是在于沙巴谈判相关事项 时,进展却并没有联邦所想象的那么顺利。

1974年,当东姑第一次向沙巴提出【交出石油开采权,每年分享5%税收】的建议时,立刻碰了钉子:当年担任沙巴首席部长的敦莫斯达化(Tun Muszapha)马上一口回绝!

据 说,当时Muszapha提出反建议,如果要沙巴交出石油开采权,那么,沙巴必须从中取得80%的盈利收入,剩下20%才归国油。后来经过数次谈 判,Muszapha答应最后的让步,是三七分账;即国油拿70%,30%归沙巴政府所有;如果中央不答应,Muszapha甚至恫言将率领沙巴退出马来 西亚!

7. #巫统阴谋的开始
由于谈判陷入僵局,联邦政府便通过政治手段对付Muszapha领导的沙巴统一党(沙统)。当年, 由Tun Razak(Najib的爸爸)领导的国阵政府,先是以利诱方式,将Muszapha推上虚位的沙巴元首(Yang dipertua Negara)宝座;接着使用反间计,策动沙统副主席Harris造反。在沙巴邦选举前夕,与前任沙巴首席部长F联手成立沙巴人民党(Berjaya)。

并 且在1976年邦大选挫败沙统,结束了Muszapha长达10年的政权。人民党上台之后,由Fuad上台担任首席部长。Fuad上台之后,联邦政府第一 件急着要F做的事,就是将一份新的石油开采合约送到沙巴首付亚庇,并且排定1976年6月7日,由东姑亲自飞往亚庇,与Fuad签约。

8. #始料未及的沙巴人良心——Fuad

根 据当年有份参与讨论的政界领袖后来透露;当时F和阁员们达致的协议,是沙巴只有在争取到至少20%的石油税收的条件之下,才能交出沙巴州石油开采权。据 说,当时Fuad和阁员已经做好最坏的心里准备:如果中央不答应,就不签署合约;若中央欺人太甚,他们不惜率领沙巴退出国阵!

9. #脱离马来西亚vs巫统阴谋成功
熟 悉当年内情的人数甚至表示,Fuad曾经联络新加坡与砂拉越,希望取得共识,一旦谈判破裂,沙巴将与砂拉越联手退出马来西亚,与新加坡组成另外一个国家联 盟。当然,这些机密档案是没有人可以触碰的;当年透露消息的人,也没有办法拿出证据证明消息的真假。但是,可以肯定的一点是,1976年6月6 日,Fuad率领半数内阁阁员飞往纳闽的目的,就是希望向东姑当面提出他们的反建议。如果当年F争取成功,沙巴每年可以分享到20%的石油税收。

Fuad 和阁员们,为了代表沙巴人民争取更大的利益而葬送了性命。另一边厢,迅速取代F出任首席部长的Harris,在人民正在为Fuad和其他丧命的阁员哀悼悲 痛之际,在敦法等11条无辜死亡者刚刚过了【头七】的时候,就匆匆忙忙与姑里签署了石油合约。从此,沙巴的石油资源被中央政府掠夺,每年只能分享区区5% 的税收。

因此,有人强烈质疑,Harris很可能早就被中央收买,做为一枚棋子放在Fuad身边,在关键时刻发挥作用,将【不听话】的领 袖干掉。Harris的做法,是置个人利益于沙巴数百万人民的利益之上。当然,这些针对Harris的指责,都无法阻止他在沙巴政坛开创【Harris时 代】。

直到1985年,才被他的副手,同样是来自沙巴人民党的副主席拜宁吉丁岸( Pairin Kitingan),在邦大选中击败。当年的Pairin由于和Harris政见不合,被Harris开除出党,他另外组织沙巴团结党(Parti Bersatu Sabah,简称PBS),在1985年邦大选中,一句击败Harris领导的人民党多得政权。

10. #巫统东渡沙巴











去 年7月的砂朥越獨立紀念日,數千人(也有說萬人)從砂朥越各地湧到古晉,在大草場排出S4S,以及722的圖型,宣告一個新時代的降臨。他們多是砂朥越新 生代,不分種族和宗教,他們要的是一個新的砂朥越,這是一種外人很難體會的共同情感;是的,不需要馬來亞人來告訴他們是對是錯。

我在詩巫 一家西餐廳和政黨領袖結束談話時,已經午夜。要離開時,老闆娘過來,我有點不好意思,以為干擾了她打烊的時間。出乎意料,她說是我的讀者,從我進店,就留 意了。她拉著我談話,熱切的表達作為砂朥越人,她對這片土地的情感;只有真正的砂朥越人,才會熱愛砂朥越。她對砂朥越的愛,讓她厭倦一些外來的政治人物, 一再的要利用砂朥越人的純樸,挑起情緒,煽動仇恨,製造分裂。她沒有政黨色彩,沒有偏幫,但是,她要的是砂朥越能夠更好。




十九世纪英籍军人James Brooke 来到婆罗洲古晋,开始经商建立根据地,从古晋开始往北发展,逐渐占领婆罗洲西南部土地, 1841年白人拉惹王朝建立,国名‘’砂朥越‘’。




很 多马来西亚所谓的历史学家,都是以狭义的种族眼光去看待布洛克王朝。包括华人和马来人,骂他是侵略者,洋鬼子。如果他不是白人,而是马来亚人或者中国人建 立王朝,就不会被马来人,华人说成是殖民者了。比如馬六甲皇朝的蘇丹其實是印尼人過來建立的皇朝,有人说是印尼人殖民马六甲吗?  Johor的蘇丹其實就是 馬六早甲皇朝出逃的蘇丹建立的,有人说马六甲人殖民柔佛吗?



说回拉惹詹姆斯·布洛克當初來到砂朥越,是一個商人的身份,後來接受代表汶萊蘇丹在古晉管理的親王 Dato Patinggi 協助管理,和平息判亂。













第二代国王Charles Brooke 是砂朥越国家的辉煌盛世,全国子民都在建設和經濟發展,原著民人人一口流利英语。砂国不伦是经济,军事,教育和砂朥越钱币,都远远领先所有东南亚诸国,更将马来亚远远抛在后头。



Nine Cardinal Principles 。這是砂朥越憲法最基礎的依據和精神,後來現任總督(白毛)在1988年設計的九角星旗,就代表這九大原則1941,砂朥越建國100周年。





直到1963年7月22日,女王給砂朥越獨立(自治)砂朥越憲法仍然保留總督(Governor )的官職,這就是女王仍然擁有砂朥越的證明。



在所有砂朥越人心里(不包括亲马来亚的华人),为曾经辉煌的砂朥越国家感到无比的骄傲与想念, 100年的光辉盛世养育了八代砂人民。 砂国之梦存在每一个砂朥越人心里,现任砂朥越首长阿德南和白毛也不例外。

Monday, 23 May 2016








安 华说的完全正確。在野党与敦马哈迪等巫统造反派可以联手共同推翻首相纳吉,不过必须坚守体制改革,而不应该仅限于撤换首相。如果希联只著眼短期的 政治利益,忽视道德、法制精神而逾矩,使得自己斗爭原则和基石被破坏。正如安华所说,会掉入权力精英的危险游戏,以及他们用以维繫腐朽政权的奸计。

就 算首相纳吉下台,排挤人民,利益权贵的体制仍然不变,大马还是无法建立公正、清廉的民主问责制。大马的问题根本还是因为我国政经体制生病了。体制 不改,大马痼疾依旧不变,腐败案还是会继续不断上演,且永远不会有人为此负责。体制不变的话,希联就算上台执政,也会变成第二个巫统。

因 此,我赞同安华的真知灼见。希联是可以適度地和敦马哈迪合作,但是不能隨他起舞,必须尊受民主原则。如安华所说,人民希望看到希联是有原则的立 场,希联不能成为人民眼中阻止或耽误改革议程,或疏于捍卫人民命运的一员。要求自由、经济公平、减少財富悬殊、对抗贪污及企业贪婪,应该是希联不能动摇的 基石原则。

首相纳吉倒台是不能带来任何的有诚信的民主政治,制度不变,谁人上台也会迅速腐败。大马人民不希望一些国家的改朝换代,却换来 更大的退步的情况发生 在大马这片土地上。所以希联应该有系统的加强党员关于公正、清廉、法治等的政治理念,不离斗爭原则。否则大马腐朽破烂的制度仍会继续兴旺发展,不管是谁当 家。大马人民可不希望「送走乌龟,迎来王八」。

砂中央医院停车场计划 张健仁列数据说明 预算超出2倍




他 质疑,在2015年11月,卫生部对于该工程的预算开支是3亿5100万令吉。6个月后,沈桂贤所公布的工程数额却已增加到3亿7800万令吉,无端端增 加2700万令吉,这该如何解释?这2700万令吉也不可能是6%的消费税(GST),因为3亿5100万令吉的6%是2100万令吉,还有那600万令 吉又如何交代?

“另外,就算是3亿7800万令吉,6%的消费税也只是2268万令吉。沈桂贤说需要2600万令吉的消费税。他是怎样计算 出来这2600万令吉的?无论如何,不论它是3亿7800万令吉,还是3亿5100万令吉,这天文数字根本就是超贵价格。以上工程的合理价格最多也不过是 1亿令吉。”

(一)根据古晋南北市的标准,一个停车位的尺寸是 2.5公尺乘5公尺,即12.5平方公尺。 1750个停车位总共是21875平方公尺,再加上同等面积供该停车场内的车行道,总面积是大约43750平方公尺。建多层停车场的平均成本是大约700 令吉每平方公尺。以此方程式计算,该多层停车场的建筑费是大约3060万令吉,再加点预算以外15%的费用,该停车场最多也只是耗资3500万令吉。

(二) 至于那160房的廉价旅店,根据马来西亚建筑业的指南,建3星级酒店的成本大约是每平方公尺5000令吉。一间旅店的房间大约是32平方公尺。160房的 3星级旅店面积是大约5120平方公尺。5120平方公尺乘于每平方公尺5000令吉,总数是2560万令吉。这是一间拥有160客房的3星级旅馆的建筑 成本。廉价旅馆的建筑成本最少便宜30%以上。


相 比中央医院这工程中的日间护理大楼和病理学大楼,只是增设多几间手术房和化验室,又没有包括购买治疗癌症的电疗和化疗仪器。它又如何能和建整个300病床 的大医院相比? 若以该私人专科医院的建筑费来做指标,这两座日间护理和病理学大楼,顶多也只是这间医院建筑费的30%,即4000万令吉。




Sunday, 22 May 2016


依据联合国法条进行 S4S签名运动光明磊落







被 询及日前有数名人士前往警局备案要求撤除签名,陈各昌表示,该批人士确实有权利撤除他们的签名,不过这不会影响到签名运动的后续进行。由于电子版的签名册 已经发送出去,签名册已经是不能更改。至于要求删除的公众人士,他们的删除报告会作为第二份报告提呈给砂拉越政府和联合国吉隆坡办事处。




Saturday, 21 May 2016

Tweets 2252016

Tweets 2252016
有这么多证明砂拉越是一个国。 这么多年被UMNO-BN[洗脑],现在要重新[册除和灌输]也是要多方面,要不只一番努力才能让很多人知道砂拉越是砂国不是砂州。 如果砂拉越是州,那是[人猪狗不分的人]思维和坚持认为。 自己是猪狗的同类。硬要我们砂国人跟这些[人猪狗] 不分的人认同。 UMNO-BN马来亚政府政混的策划,政混们制造很多假象和臭玩[国际公约] 和有一群人还是一直吠叫[砂州]。报章也是[砂州,砂州,。。。。。。。]不停。 这是会万年遗臭。

醒觉的人肯定对这[砂州]的称呼厌恶无限制。 自己是猪狗人,硬要人跟你们认同。 这是犯了[天忌] 我们砂国人肯定也叫你[猪狗人] ,如果你们还是认为砂沙两国是砂沙州。  

我们砂国当然要[当家作主]AdenanSatem和他的队伍要很恨的,辣辣的踏下砂拉越的定位第一步。 stamp their feet to declare that Sarawak is a country, not a state in the Federation of Malaysia.

Yes, if Johore state wants to withdraw, they have to bail out from the Federation of Malaya (A) not from the Federaton of Malaysia.  Definitely  not. 

We are waiting for AdenanSatem and his team to take the action to declare Sarawak as a country, not a state in the Federation of Malaysia. 

It is not nice/face-losing to the Malayan government if we people send petition to United Nations to plead for secession.  It is our birthright to do so.  We are confirmed and convinced.  Prove us wrong if you can.