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Monday, 30 November 2015

Tweets 30/11/2015

Tweets 30/11/2015
我认为真正会伤沙巴人的是Dr MM计划。还有严重的贪污舞弊滥权腐败的问题。Nurul Anwar 那小小无意的动作是[无伤大小雅]的。 再说苏禄公主要求来个合照,Nurul 总不好拒绝人家于自己[手臂之外],不要说[百里/千里之外]吧。这是非常没有礼貌的行为呃! 再说这[苏禄公主]的地位和权力都是[微不足道]的。

如果不是[有心人]炒作,我还不知道有这么一位[苏禄公主]/不公主。 这时代做公主也没有什么[了不起]的事。这是考本事和能力时代。 没有人可承担得起[坐享事成],靠别人的劳力享受人生。何必对敌方小小的动作大做文章而对自己大大的阔散99%的[毒瘤][无动于衷/大题小做] 小小无意的动作炒作就对照出自己大大的问题。 是包输的。

这位[苏禄公主][名没经传],什么都不是。 再说,苏禄国还存在吗? 这么样炒作[苏禄公主],其不是间接的承认苏禄国的存在。这世界上,怎么会有这么愚笨的人啊! 白养了。 也用一句我祖母的名言:[不像人]。 我说:[当然不像人话]。  

嗯。。嗯,如果是美国的Barrack Obama, 中国的习近品,Nurul Anwar拒绝跟人家合照,一点也不会失一个人的风范。 拒绝一个[名不经传][苏禄公主],岂不是显得很[狗眼看人低]吗?  做人不是太小气了吗? 炒这样的新闻,不是非常非常非常的病态思维的写照的吗?

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Flood: 268 people from 77 families evacuated

Kampung Ukong in Ulu Medamit is under several feet of water.
Kampung Ukong in Ulu Medamit is under several feet of water.

LAWAS: Several areas in Limbang and Lawas districts are flooded causing 268 people from 77 families to be evacuated to evacuation centres since noon yesterday.

The majority of them – 215 people from 60 families – are putting up at Medamit Evacuation Centre in Limbang while the rest (from Laws) are taking shelter at Trusan Community Hall.

Limbang District welfare officer, Goh Yong Kiet, when contacted yesterday said the evacuation centre at Medamit began operational from 2pm yesterday while the Operation Room was activated Tuesday afternoon, to monitor the situation following incessant heavy rain and the possibility of flood.

He said the evacuees were from villages in Ulu Medamit. Among them were Kuala Mendalam, Ensungai, Liang Datu, Rantau Kiran, Assan and Embol longhouses.

Meanwhile, Lawas welfare officer, Mohd Nur Khairul Pungut, said those evacuated were from the worst affected villages of Kampung Seberang Kedai, Kampung Gelapas, Kampung Tengah, Kampung Balai and Kedai Lama Trusan.

He said the flood water was also rising in Sundar namely in Kampung Sebelah Sundar, Kampung Baru, SK Luagan, Kampung  Bingkiai,

Kampung Sinampuan and Sundar police station. As at 6pm yesterday no evacuation order was made from these areas.

Meanwhile, the water level at Lawas town which was affected by flash flood yesterday has receded.

The people in flood prone areas are meanwhile reminded to be extra vigilant and should evacuate when the situation warrants it. They should also notify the nearest district flood operation room.

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My comments:
This is the result of speedy development without a Master plan to plan the proper drainage.  The government depends heavily on the housing developers to build drains and so we have the drains connected in one area and unconnected in another area. 

The drains are m% connected and n% unconnected to drain the excess water.   Just lend your imagination to think what will happen when there is a downpour for an hour or two.

The water is so 'Teh-tarik' in colour, I guess it is due to the overflowing river based on my knowledge of the flood water colour in Sibu.

Besides, I guess Lawas is also not very far from the Bakun Hydroelectric Dam.  I wonder if the authority concerned have built enough reservoirs to take in the deluge from the dam when the rate of spillover has increased many folds during the rainy seasons. 

If not, the low-lying areas will serve as good reservoirs for our big, big dam. 

The devastating floods occurred in the Kelantan state in December 2014- January, 2015 should serve as a good reference for all how the houses in all low-lying areas helped to keep excessive water from upstream before it made way to the sea.

This is how I see floods everywhere in this partnered country.

‘State government should take over repairs of dilapidated schools’

Dennis Ngau
Dennis Ngau
MIRI: Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau is happy that the true picture of schools in Sarawak needing urgent repairs and the poor delivery system are finally laid bare in the third series of the 2014 Auditor-General Report.

He proposed that the state government took over the responsibility to address problems without further delay with the federal government allocating the necessary funds.

Dennis blamed officers of the Ministry of Education in Putrajaya for failing to accord priority to these schools, including those in his constituency.

“There are schools needing urgent repairs which I have brought to the attention of the education office in Marudi that forwarded it (the request) to the higher authorities but no action has been taken so far.

“The officers in Marudi or the state for that matter do not have the authority nor the funds to do the repairs,” he said.

He said this when asked for comments on the report that 124 schools in Sarawak were in deplorable condition and in need of immediate repairs as contained in the 2014 Auditor-General’s Report.

Dennis is confident that Sarawak has the capability to undertake urgent repairs when circumstances dictated, and the call for devolution of power by the chief minister was spot on in mitigating the problem.

“Locals understand the gravity of the problem as they are on the ground while those in Putrajaya fail to comprehend and take their time instead of reacting without delay,” he said.

Dennis, however, is happy that many of the schools he recommended for repairs in 2013 are finally seeing the light of the day with work being carried out this year.

According to the Auditor-General’s Report, visits to 145 schools in the state revealed that 85.5 per cent of them were in ‘bad shape’, with major damages to the structure which pose a threat to the safety of the students.

The report stated that damaged infrastructure need to be repaired immediately to ensure a safe and conducive place for students.

According to the state Education Department’s record as of Dec 31, 2014, 388 schools from 1,452 schools in the state had been classified as in bad condition, 327 with minor damages and 464 with medium damages.

From 2012 to Dec 31, 2014, the department allocated RM202.52 million for maintenance and repair of schools.

Lack of funds was cited by the report as the main cause, and the department has estimated that a RM632.06 million- allocation is needed for maintenance and repair of infrastructure in schools from 2015 to 2018.

Read more:

My Comments:
 Putrajaya always have money to lavish on many 'white elephant projects', why do they no have the funds to upgrade the schools?  Check if there have been any funds allocation  for this purpose. 

 Number of dilapidated schools are much more than stated in AG's report ---Fatimah Abdullah, Welfare, Women and Government Development Minister

 Urgent Repair Required For 124 Schools In Sarawak - Audit Report

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 23 (Bernama) -- One hundred twenty four (124) schools in Sarawak are in deplorable condition and need to be repaired immediately said the Third Series of the 2014 Auditor-General's Report which was released today.

According to the report, visits to 145 schools in the state revealed that 85.5 percent of the schools were in 'bad shape', with major damages to the structure which pose a threat to the safety of the students.

"Damaged infrastructure need to be repaired immediately to ensure a safe and conducive place for students," said the report that was tabled in Dewan Rakyat, here today.

The report said according to the State Education Department's (JPNS) record as of Dec 31, 2014, a total of 388 from the 1,452 schools in the state have been classified as in bad condition, 327 minor damages and 464 medium.

From 2012 to Dec 31, 2014, JPNS had been allocated a sum of RM202.52 million for maintenance and repair of schools.

"Work was carried out satisfactorily but many buildings need to be repaired because they are in bad shape. However, there is a lack of funds," said the report.

"JPNS' estimated allocation for maintenance and repair of infrastructure in schools from 2015 to 2018 would be RM632.06 million," said the report.

My comments:
The rural people have been too docile and have trusted their ministers and leaders of their own ethnic groups too much.  The deplorable condition of the rural schools is the results of corruption and irresponsible leadership.  The said allocated funds have been embezzled all the time.  Due to ignorance, the rural people have been assly-treated.  

I must say the leaders have been too obsessed with their self-interests and positions to care much about the infrastructure of the rural areas.  

It is time to think independently and never let your leaders tell you whom to vote for good.  Tell your leaders boldly what you want and shun those who fool around and give vain promises.

One hundred twenty four (124) schools in Sarawak are in deplorable condition and need to be repaired immediately said the Third Series of the 2014 Auditor-General's Report which was released today.
According to the report, visits to 145 schools in the state revealed that 85.5 percent of the schools were in 'bad shape', with major damages to the structure which pose a threat to the safety of the students.
"Damaged infrastructure need to be repaired immediately to ensure a safe and conducive place for students," said the report that was tabled in Dewan Rakyat, here today.
The report said according to the State Education Department's (JPNS) record as of Dec 31, 2014, a total of 388 from the 1,452 schools in the state have been classified as in bad condition, 327 minor damages and 464 medium.
From 2012 to Dec 31, 2014, JPNS had been allocated a sum of RM202.52 million for maintenance and repair of schools.
"Work was carried out satisfactorily but many buildings need to be repaired because they are in bad shape. However, there is a lack of funds," said the report.
"JPNS' estimated allocation for maintenance and repair of infrastructure in schools from 2015 to 2018 would be RM632.06 million," said the report. -- BERNAMA
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015

撤銷4刑事控罪 養牛中心高層獲釋

撤銷4刑事控罪 養牛中心高層獲釋莫哈末沙烈(右)成功撤消刑事失信和扺觸公司法令控罪。他周二在妻子莎麗紮(中)和長子依茲米爾(左)陪同下出庭。






他被控於2009年12月1日至2009年12月4日,以及2009年5月6日至12月16日,在敦依斯邁花園的聯昌伊斯蘭銀行,身為國家養牛公司 執行主席的他,蓄意通過4張支票把總額975萬8140令吉,支付在吉隆坡購置One Menerung豪華公寓兩個單位,以及把4000萬令吉轉移到National Meatand Livestock有限公司的馬來亞銀行戶頭裡,因此牴觸刑事法典第409失信條文。





文告也提到,沙烈在今年9月緻函總檢察署要求撤消其所面對失信罪控罪的信函,提出要求撤消控罪論據,包括沒有挪用貸款,沒有扺觸刑事;2億5000 萬令吉是屬於商業貸款,非政府資金;按時分期付款繳付貸款;購買物業是根據貸款條例進行,並由公司子公司做出投資,並非由沙烈以人個或家庭名義購買等。

資料檔:涉2.5億弊端 養牛案轟動







而拉菲茲在2012年8月,在銀行及金融機構法令下被控上莎阿南地庭。他被指於2012年3月7日向媒體洩露大眾銀行4名客戶──國家養牛公司、國 家肉類與牲畜有限公司、Agroscience產業有限公司,以及國家養牛中心主席拿督斯裡莫哈末沙烈的餘額總結私人文件。同樣被控的還包括大眾銀行職員 佐哈裡。

My Comments:
犯了这么严重的失信罪,还是被[内判无罪] 。  这么样的作业,这么样的判决,这么样的配套:[官官相护]。  超爽。  嘿。。。。嘿,这么样的记载,这么样的纪录在[民心]:[公判100% 有罪]。  不要高兴的太早。  这是会有1天。  华语有句话:[怨有家,债有主] 是会有那么1天。 人民会跟你们算账的。

这一切的问题都是垄断的问题。[官不管制官,官只管官官串通的权益的官意]。  这是[意会不言传]的判决。  嘿。。。。嘿,RM2.5 亿的养牛拨款用来胡乱搞买产业,这不算犯法, 那么什么才是犯法呢?  我们人民只有[无言问Allah].  这到底是哪一门的logic 和法律?


报告显示,在2012年至2014年期间,隶属財政部的財长机构(MoF Inc),发放了37亿9千万令吉的管理补助金和21亿4000万令吉的发展补助金,分別给18家和8家公司。




2013年亏损最多的公司为Syarikat Prasarana Negara Bhd,数额达6亿7085万令吉。


My comments:
这些公司好像很容易就获得拨款,好像来自‘水龙头’的水,一开就有,不像学校等待拨款都是[望穿春夏秋冬水],还有雨季和旱季,穷追不舍到无法推摊,不得不给之下,才[心情都不甘愿]给。。。。。。lah!  这种情景,画面大家都不陌生。  华小董事和领袖们还比很多很多很多穷乡辟谣的国学,我相信都好很多很多很多。  不信的话,来,欢迎大家来我们砂邦来乡下走一趟。 Seeing is believing.

姆伦水坝徙置民震怒 每月补贴被”干捞”13万















Monday, 23 November 2015

Buddy-Adik way to reading-writing proficiency

Buddy guiding Adik at SK Tatau.
Buddy guiding Adik at SK Tatau.

IF it weren’t for their ‘Study Buddy’ programme, they might still be unable to read now.

Previously, they had problems with reading but today, although they may not have reached a satisfactory level yet, they know how to read — thanks to the Buddy Read With Me Programme from the Dyslexia
Association of Sarawak (DAswk).

“I have improved in my reading. Letter sounds and bottle caps are helpful. I am happy to have joined this programme because it helped me read in English,” said Jerryfer Tevay Awan from SK Long Loyang.

Another participant Jennifer Edik from SK Tatau said not only was her reading better but she could also write now.
“Bottle caps and letters sounds are good. I learned the most through these two methods.”

Ryand Lanying, who also followed the programme, said he could read English now but admitted his writing in English still needed improvement.

“I like the letter sounds method which is easy for me to remember. Bottle caps are interesting too,” said this Adik from SK Batu Keling.

Harisson Natanil Seliman, a former pupil of SK Ba Kelalan, has also benefitted from the letter sounds and bottle caps method.

“I couldn’t read and write until I left school but my reading and writing in English became better when I joined the programme in May this year. The use of letter sounds and bottle caps has helped my reading immensely. I learned a lot through this method and I am glad I took up this programme,” said Natanil who flunked his UPSR because he was weak in reading and writing.

The 14-year-old was brought to Kuching by DASwk president Dr Ong Puay Hoon after she discovered Natanil’s disability. Subsequently, Ong sent Natanil for special education class at SMK Tabuan Jaya State Sports School every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and for the intensive reading intervention programme in maths, English and Bahasa Malaysia on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Before coming to Kuching, Natanil could not even do his alphabets properly, let alone spell and read.
Buddy guiding Adik at SK Batu Keling.
Buddy guiding Adik at SK Batu Keling.

Buddy and Adik benefit

The Buddy Read with Me Programme benefits not only the Buddy but the Adik as well.

Buddy Geovanni Julan from SK Batu Keling said he has improved in his reading and writing skills, adding that the letter sounds and bottle caps were easy to follow and understand.

“I’m so happy I joined the programme because it has enabled to teach an Adik who needed help l like I once did.”

Vivien Junior from SK Long Loyang enthused: “My English has improved since I became a Buddy. I now know how to say and write a long word. Learning through letter sounds and bottle caps was really good. I not only learned to read English words correctly but also helped to teach the Adik.”

Rundy Batok Batang from SK Batu Keling concurred, saying the programme not only taught him to read and write but exposed him some to teaching experience as well.

“My Adik can read now. I find the experience very rewarding,” he added.

Another Buddy Irmynna Marcela from SK Tatau has also improved her reading and writing in English since joining the programme.

She credited the use of letter sounds and bottle caps for her progress.

Pairing of students
The Buddy Read With Me Programme pairs older students with younger ones in reading activities. The idea is to provide one-on-one guidance to help the latter improve their reading and comprehension abilities, their vocabulary and overall command of English.

Teacher-facilitators have also found the programme effective in helping students with writing and reading disabilities.

According to Mohd Muizzudin Mohdzain from SK Tatau, the programme not only helps to improve the Buddy’s reading proficiency but also the Adik’s grasp of both reading and writing.

“The use of bottle caps and sound letters is really useful. For one, it helps to speed up the learning process,” he said, noting that activities such as solving puzzles were also good as they prevented the students from feeling bored.

According to Enggan Embi, a teacher at SK Long Loyang, the use of letter sounds is both practical and beneficial.

“As an English teacher, I find it is easy for pupils to understand more by using bottle caps,” he said.

He hoped the programme would continue and teachers would apply this method in teaching weak pupils.

Enggan, who is also the school’s senior assistant (pupil affairs), believed the programme is appropriate, especially for students in rural schools to improve their English.

He said as facilitators, teachers could also gain more knowledge in teaching English from the programme.

“SK Long Loyang is so fortunate to have been selected for the programme. The English used is simple and basic. The presentation techniques used by DASwk are very interesting. The students can understand them quite easily.”

Enggan said overall, the programme has kept the students interested in learning and improving their English.
Progressive test for Adiks.
Progressive test for Adiks.

Fun way of learning
Azimah Abdul Rahman from SK Batu Keling also praised the programme, saying it helped weak students learn English in a fun way.

“The use of letter sounds is interesting. It helps the students to remember the sounds of letters. Using bottle caps is creative as it can keep students interested in learning English,” she added.

According to Chin Hui Chiat from SK Ba Kelalan, the programme uses different techniques to help weak pupils with reading.

“Letter sounds give students a basis for reading and writing, especially in spelling words. Bottle caps encourage students who are weak to start reading as it involves phonetic reading.

“The programme is an eye-opener. Although schools have been teaching phonetics in class, this programme has given me the motivation to work further with the students’ reading skills,” Chin said.

School administrators are grateful to DASwk for selecting their schools for the programme.

SK Tatau headmaster Janudin Abdul Rahman thanked Ong, the DASwk staff and the State Education Department for choosing his school, saying the programme had proven successful in helping students weak in English to improve in reading and writing the language.

“On top of that, it helps the Buddies to teach their Adiks with confidence.”

Janudin said his school would extend the programme to all its pre-school teachers and Literacy and Numeracy Screening (Linus) teachers.

He revealed the school was also planning to organise a special workshop with DASwk, parents and children involved in Linus.

Head of the programme Wallace Lee said he was proud of the team for coming up with a workable, cost-effective and structured educational programme in English not only for dyslexics but also all children with learning difficulties.

He said witnessing the programme evolve from infancy in the MIUSA Empowerment Programme to the present Buddy Programme had been very exciting.

“Now we have a good and effective teaching and learning method for children with problems reading, spelling and comprehending.

“We like to thank the US State Department and the US Embassy Kuala Lumpur for their on-going support and assistance in the development of this programme.”

Lee said the programme’s continuity and constant development would ensure children receive the best learning method.

“The best present for a child is literacy and what better way to provide this gift than through an easy and proven programme developed to suit us. I would like to thank the trainers, teachers and participants undertaking this programme which has seen so much improvement over the duration of the programme,” he said.
Training session at SK Long Loyang.
Training session at SK Long Loyang.

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Understanding the Chinese psyche and learning from it

After the general election of 2013, and the annihilation of MCA and SUPP and other government Chinese parties, the Malay newspaper Utusan Malaysia infamously shouted in the headlines, “ApaLagi Cina Mahu?”

After a marriage of over 50 years between UMNO, MCA and MIC, it was obvious that the shout was one of absolute oblivion to the marriage relationship and total ignorance of the marriage partner. Otherwise, it was a groom that did not bother to understand his bride, and started shouting that he had been hard done by only when someone wooed her away!

So out comes the knife against the Chinese. “Lack of loyalty,” these and an assortment of allegations that can only be regarded as racism were spewed.

However, the Chinese psyche is a simple one.

When I was young after each school term we would visit out grandparents and our uncles. The questions would be asked, “How did you do in your exam?” And if we did well twenty sen or fifty sen would be the reward. The instruction from grandparents would be, “This is for your future, when you go for higher education” or “For the future rainy days.”

Hard work has been second nature to us. We do not expect handouts and we can work ourselves out in the system. Challenges and roadblocks are part of life’s lesson.

This is just ingrained into the Chinese psyche.

So after the education period of our lives, the Chinese would embark on protecting himself and to avoid the “future rainy days.” He would start his accumulation of wealth with that objective. A Foochow friend once told me that others may admire the multimillionaire timber tycoons, but they live with the phobia of going back to their childhood days of abject poverty and they continue their work with dogged determination to avoid that.

The Chinese are made up of a number of dialectic groups and each dialectic group has its own association. Each association then goes about providing education assistance, solving the problems of their group through scholarships and aids.

In Kuching for example, the Teochews set up Kuching High School. The Hakka lease their land out for the operation of Chung Hua Primary No.4. During the days of the Rajah, and the British Colonial era, they went to the missionary schools in droves.

Chinese philanthropists bequeath to the schools and other dialectic associations. Wawasan Open University of Penang and lately Sunway are beneficiary of this sense of duty  to give back to their society.

Jeffrey Cheah, the philanthropist behind the Sunway Group famously said, I aspire to inspire before I expire.” Other philanthropists set up their own foundation to give out scholarships for needy students.

So long as you leave them to their business and their education, the Chinese are not very interested in politics.

Even if you look at the Sarawak Chinese political parties, their focus is generally on education. The Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP)   versus United People’s Party( UPP) fight is an example.

SUPP president Senator Sim Kui Hian works towards the recognition of the Chinese UEC exam by the Yayasan Sarawak, State Government and ultimately by the Federal Government while his UPP counterpart Dato Seri Wong Soon Koh  goes about soliciting for funds from the corporate sector, of up RM50 million to be distributed toschools and society.

It is interesting to note that the tussle between the Dayak based  parties Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP)  and Parti Tenaga Rakyat Sarawak (Teras), there is no such movement to woo the members and public with education. Education does not have such a central role in their societies. Then there is the understanding of powers. The Chinese, although respectful of authorities, demands results. If you are a representative of the Chinese then you are expected to carry that responsibility. It is your responsibility to bring up issues of Chinese problems to the powers that be.

If you do not carry out your responsibilities or are perceived not to be carrying it out, then you will be tossed out. You are there for the community.  Even the late SUPP stalwarts Stephen Yong and Ong Kee Hui had faced the wrath of the electorates in their times.

The Chinese civilization has been urban based for so many centuries so their instinct for survival in the modern setting comes as second nature. All these social dynamics are working towards pushing their society forward.

We must not forget that many of our fellow Malaysians of other races were dwelling in kampungs or in longhouses not more than three, four decades ago. So they have to grasp the intricacies of living the urban lives. Time is not a strong factor in the kampong so this is translated in their urban lifestyle. Similarly, they do not have to plan very far ahead, so live a day at a time.

Plus the fact that many of them suffer from the lack of or the delivery of a proper education in the kampungs it is not surprising that they suffer in the urban area where education is crucial for sustenance.

Thus, what the government should do is to push these other communities of society to learn and follow what the Chinese have done, with some modifications.

Till recently there has been so much reliance on government to help, the Malay, Iban and Bidayuh societies. Subsidies and handouts were the order of the day. Their society did not have the self-help mechanism, perhaps because they have to start from ground zero.

Now, their communities with their graduates must then start-up funds to put into their own society and work on the restructuring of their social behavior.

Thus, the launch of the Yayasan John Jinep (John Jinep Foundation) with fanfare is an encouraging sign for the Bidayuh society. The stated objective is to provide education assistance for the Bidayuh. It is hoped that they will extend to vocational training especially in the agricultural areas where they are still living in large numbers.

The earlier established Tun Jugah Foundation however, seems to be more towards the preservation of the Iban culture.

In West Malaysia the more well-known Malay charity is the Albukhary Foundation. Its website boasts itself having assisted 1,022 poor Malaysians to go for the Haj, given 1,477 students in over 50 countries  scholarships and setting up 200 tuition centres.

Like the Chinese community, these other races must start to share in and contribute to society. The haves must start raising the have-nots. The Sarawak Dayak Graduates Association must step up to the plate. Slowly, they will have to become role models for the younger generations to follow.

The Malaysian Chinese society has plenty of role models. The earlier generations had Wee Boon Ping and Wee Hood Teck in the business circles. The Marina Chins, Foo Kok Keongs, Poon Fook Lokes  and the Soh Chin Auns in sports triggered the imagination of the 70s, 80s and 90s generation.

Being the confident society that they are, the Chinese are not cowered to take role models from other society as well. Tony Fernandez would be a role model for many aspiring Chinese business especially for his creativity. They are not afraid to learn.

The Malay, Iban and Bidayuh leaders also have to fire up the imagination of their respective communities to push their young ones along. Are we getting enough mileage from the successes of Pandalela for her race and her community? We do not hear her giving leadership or motivation talks in school or in the business circle. After the euphoria of her Olympics dive, and after feting her for her achievements, perhaps she should be recruited to stimulate her community.

Bumiputera leaders should also start a savings campaign to encourage savings for the rainy days and looking at life in the longer term, not just living for the day.

However, we are only at the beginnings of exciting times. The launching of the Yayasan John Jinep should only be scratching the surface. The Iban socialites and well-to-do should now be challenged to set up their own foundations as well as those Malay millionaires set up foundations to assist the Malays. This can only spurt local development in society.

Remember, it is more blessed to give than to receive!
Write Straight, Write Sharp!

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We don’t want to be recipients of such inconsistent policies any more’

Dennis Wong
Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem says inconsistencies in the education policy have caused the state dearly over the years. - Bernama pic
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KUCHING, Nov 13, 2015:

Sarawak wants to play a bigger role in deciding on the education policy.
Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem said inconsistencies had caused the state dearly over the years and it was high time for the state to have a say when new policies are set.

“The flip flop policies in our education has led to poor proficiency in English. Raising Bahasa Malaysia (BM) at the expense of English rather than being proficient in both languages.”

“We don’t want to be recipient of such inconsistent policies any more, where it keeps on changing from English to BM then back to English again, so what would it be next, Tamil?” asked Adenan, referring to the inconsistency in the medium used to teach Mathematics and Science subjects in school.

The drop in English proficiency of graduates was a cause for concern in the state as it faced challenges in its industrialisation quest, he added.
 Education is one of the areas which the state wants to have control over, under the devolution of powers talk with the federal government.
Among the issues which are yet to be cleared is the state’s recognition of the Independent Chinese school qualification, the Unified Examination Certificate. 
Adenan said he would clear the confusion regarding the matter at the coming State Legislative Assembly this December.
The state had called for UEC qualifications to be recognised to address the brain drain in the state, but the Higher Education Ministry said the qualification did not fulfil the basic requirements of public university placements.

Though the state has recognised UEC in its civil service and state-owned private universities, the tussle for recognition by the federal government is still on going.

Another issue that cropped up recently in the state was when the Education Ministry appointed a Kelantanese Ustaz as a principal in SMK Paoh, a predominantly Dayak school in Sarikei.

Adenan said the state would step in if it was in its interest to do so.

“Let us study this case further before making any remarks further,” said Adenan after officiating the 2015 Sarawak Foundation Chief Minister’s Special Awards held here.

Adenan: S’wak wants some say in national education policy

November 13, 2015
Chief Minister also says he does not want Sarawak to have a flip-flop system where the education policy changes every year.
KUCHING: Sarawak Chief Minister Adenan Satem today reiterated that Sarawak wanted to have some say in the country’s education policy.

“We don’t want to be just the recipient of our education policy because the consequences will be on us.”

Adenan said this at the Sarawak Chief Minister’s Special Awards presentation and launch of the Hippers Programme of Yayasan Sarawak, here, today.

“We also don’t want to have what is called a flip-flop system, whereby the policy changes every year,” he added, referring to the usage of English and Bahasa Melayu in the teaching of science and mathematics in schools.

“We don’t want a situation where this year, we use the English language and next year, we go back to Bahasa Melayu. There needs to be consistency so that it would not confuse the students and parents.”

Adenan opined that the reason there were so many unemployed graduates in Malaysia was their non-proficiency in the English language.

He also said that Sarawak would now be focusing on its technical skills programme to equip students with the necessary skills required by the industrial sector.

“In the 21st century, technical education is getting more and more important. If we are going to industrialise, we need people with technical skills, not academic skills. We have to follow the current trend, otherwise we will be left behind,” he said.

On the acceptance of the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) holders into university, the Chief Minister said he would address the misunderstanding at the coming state assembly sitting.

He said Sarawak wanted to recognise the UEC because there were Bumiputera students studying in Chinese schools.

“There are some Chinese schools where the board members are all Chinese but 80 per cent of the students are Bumiputeras.

“In these schools, English and Bahasa Malaysia are also taught to their students,” he added.

On the lack of educational facilities in Sarawak, especially in rural schools, Adenan urged Yayasan Sarawak of which he is the chairman, to expand its hippers programme to more rural schools, so that they could enjoy facilities that were on par with *those in urban areas.

Tweets 24/11/2015

Tweets 24/11/2015

又是审查季节,又是‘买贵了/付多了’。教育部又超支n亿多了。这些拨款是如何被挥霍掉了,我们希望有关当位有一套像中国[除贪]。所采取的解决方案是使个个官爷[不敢贪,不要贪和不合贪]。解决[买贵了] 的问题就是把多余的数目通通还回,就是这么简单。 超支n亿多,嘿嘿。。。。

我们Sibu KapitSarawakBorneo,各华小,据报道(诗华日报22讯)还未收到拖欠的拨款,这是怎么一回事啊!我们只好抬头问Allah向他祈求帮忙。 每次拖欠惯了,308后,人民大小都紧紧追讨,这还是第一回。这我猜也是他们意料之外的事。钱是否早就分赃[吞了]。这一点也不奇怪。我希望我们人民领袖随时准备提控。