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Sunday, 30 August 2015

Tweets 31/8/2015

Tweets  31/8/2015
I think Najib had better not to harass the Bersih leaders instead he should take the messages and face the wall to instropect and restropect what has gone wrong with his ministry.

I watch a video of how an angry person used his slipper to slap Najib’s face in the picture and I really had a hysterical laugh over the man expressing his anger towards a political swindler.

My advice to Najib is to face the truth and repent for all his wrongdoings and the sinful acts he has committed.  Don’t abuse his power or he will face his worst 1 day.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Tweets 28/8/2015

Tweets  28/8/2015
Many people say that Adenan Satem is good and ng…,  I think he is quite good for what he has done up to now when compared with Taib Mahmud who never cared to lift a finger to do. 

He only babbled on for 33 years and created many fanciful dreams for Sarawakians to day-and-night dream for the realisation.

I would think he is quite good if he is not dancing with the wolves.  Dancing with the wolves, he would become either wolf-like or be eaten by them. 

No Sarawakians would think him good if he is still in merry-go-round with the wolves.  There is a general awareness that we should never trust any leaders liked before.

Looking all over the world, think and meditate, what has happened to Democracy everywhere.  It is the trust in One leader so much so that autocracy has taken the lead.

Ex-Indonesian leader Suharto's family ordered to pay back millions

Published: Tuesday August 11, 2015 MYT 6:00:07 PM
Updated: Tuesday August 11, 2015 MYT 6:00:07 PM

Ex-Indonesian leader Suharto's family ordered to pay back millions

JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia's Supreme Court has ordered the family of ex-president Suharto to pay back millions in embezzled funds to the state, a spokesman said on Tuesday.

Suharto, who after 32 years of iron-fisted rule was brought down by widespread protests in 1998, was accused of massive corruption and nepotism benefiting his family and cronies.

The Supreme Court ruling marks the first time the family has been held accountable in any significant way for Suharto's alleged wrongdoing.
Family members were not immediately available for comment but have denied wrongdoing.

"The losing side will be given several days and if they do not pay voluntarily, then legal steps will be taken accordingly," Supreme Court spokesman Suhadi told reporters without elaborating.

The family of the so-called "smiling general" lost its appeal against a previous ruling and has been ordered to pay back $324 million in state funds misappropriated during Suharto's rule.

Indonesia's highest court delivered the verdict last month in a civil lawsuit filed by the attorney general that claimed Suharto's family had used a foundation to amass personal wealth by siphoning off state funds intended for education.

The ruling, which orders them to pay back 75 percent of the amount embezzled, was only made public this week.

The Suharto family remains politically active - Suharto's daughter is a member of parliament - but its influence has diminished significantly during Indonesia's transition to full democracy.
(Reporting by Kanupriya Kapoor; Editing by Nick Macfie)

My comments:
I am also looking forwards to the return of the embezzled funds by the political thugs and their family and cronies in Sarawak and Malaysia as a whole.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Jetty woes will persist unless erosion problem solved — Rep

Jetty woes will persist unless erosion problem solved — Rep

Kapitan Liew Wui Tchiun

SIMUNJAN: There had been more than 10 jetties being built here since 1991 but each was destroyed in a span of only three months after its completion, due to the strong currents of Batang Sadong.

Assistant Minister in Chief Minister’s Office (Resource Planning) Datuk Mohd Naroden Majais noted this, adding that over the last two decades, he had allocated between RM2 million and RM3 million for the construction of these jetties.

“The same applies to jetties in Gedong. The latest one was the one in Kampung Perintah Masjid in Gedong, where it practically broke into two only three months after its completion,” he told The Borneo Post yesterday.

According to Naroden – who is also Simunjan assemblyman, both this town and Gedong are situated at the concave part of Batang Sadong, which strong currents has been causing riverbank erosions that led not only to jetties being destroyed, but also shophouses collapsing.

“About 50 years ago, five shophouse units in Simunjan went underwater due to the soil erosion at the river bank,” he said.
As such, Naroden – who is also Assistant Minister in Chief Minister’s
Office (Bumiputera Entrepreneurs Development) – said he would commission another jetty construction here only after the RM3-million embankment project was completed by the end of the year.

The embankment project, which began in May, is among the efforts by the government to address the riverbank erosion.

Naroden said he hoped to develop the riverbank into a waterfront following the completion of the project.

The assistant minister’s statement came in response to the request by Iban resident Tawi Seli, 49, of Kampung Sabang, which is situated opposite this town across the Batang Sadong.

In his request, Tawi said if there had been a jetty at the town area, his 13-year-old son Vickrane – a student of SMK Semunjan No 1 – would still be alive today.

“At the moment, there’s no jetty in the town area. We Iban folk living across the river have to use the waterway and alight anywhere, which can be dangerous.

“That what happened to my son when he tried to alight from the boat on July 30.

“As the engine broke down, strong currents swept the boat and hit it against the barge carrying building materials for the embankment project.

There were six on board (the boat) but only my son was killed in the incident.

“I believe that if there were jetties for them to alight, that accident would not have happened. This is why I ask for a jetty to be built about 50m away from the site of the embankment project,” said Tawi.

There are several villages such as Kampung Sabang, Kampung Labi and Kampung Alik across the Batang Sadong from this town, housing some 2,000 Iban and Malay residents.

On Tawi’s plea, Naroden said after checking with police and the rescue team on the July 30 incident, it is found that the cause was not the lack of jetties, but rather because of the engine breaking down coupled with having lack of safety precautions.

“The engine broke down, leaving it at the mercy of the currents. There was also no safety precaution on board – there wasn’t even any oar or paddle on the boat. If there’s one, the accident could have been prevented.

“Secondly, everyone on board was supposed to wear life jacket. We have enough life jackets for all passengers, especially the students. I’ve checked with the school authorities, I’m sure there are enough (life jackets) seeing that the number of students using the river transport tally with the number of life jackets available.

“I understand that the sorrow of the father (Tawi). However, I must stress that the accident occurred not because of the lack of jetties, but due to negligence.”

Naroden also said due to the fast rate of the strong currents destroying jetties, he would only build the jetty there after the embankment project was completed.

“If I were to build (a jetty) now, it would again be destroyed by river currents after three months,” he said Naroden.

Meanwhile, Kapitan Liew Wui Tchiun hoped that the government could bring an institution of higher learning.

“As you can see, nothing’s really happening here as compared to before this. Simunjan used to be the centre of administration, where people from Serian, Sebuyau and Gedong came here for their identity card applications, as well as renewal of licences.”

Liew also suggested that the state government would develop Gunong Ngeli – once the place where the Japanese mined coal to be shipped to their country during the Japanese Occupation – into a tourism spot that could boost the local economy.
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My comments:
How could they let these shoddy works to be repeated so often and so long?  Whose faults were these?

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Tweets 21/8/2015

Tweets 21/8/2015
Najib 的绝招之1就是凡事对他不利的状况,他就会对[肇事]的官爷来个[升官]的引诱。这一来,那些官爷就自然而然[自我封嘴]或者说[自愿]接受[撩扣]。当年民都鲁的张庆信到处去看水灾的灾祸的破损状况,然后口口声声说要求政府索赏RM500的n倍。 结果,没多久,张庆信就被传召去做特使。结果。。。。

同样的,这一次那些官爷要严查1MDB的丑闻,Najib就来个[升官]大调动来缭乱这让他[颜面尽失]的[1马丑闻]。他天真地相信这一来,[1马丑闻]就可以[不了了之]。这个版本,这个模式在这年头是不行了。Bersih 4.0不得不发动[抗议]。这也是不得已的事。正常的管道都[坍塌]了。人民只好[上街]了。

在这年代,Najib还是不忘耍弄[种族议程]。嘿。。嘿,现在,还有多少土族还不清醒。只要是M模式在进行着,土族/非土族是一起被拖下水的。以土族的名义,这一小撮的人是尽情的在掠夺和剥削。所以,大家看到的是很Satu Malaysia一小撮的人拥有90%的人的财富。这些[不义之财]是无数的发展金被掠夺。

Tweets 2182015

Tweets  2182015

Never decide the things for teachers and students from high high high chair without considering the needs and interests of teachers and students. 

Stop…………….............manipulating.  Listen to the people and anything concerning school education, please……………………………… let the schools say what they need and want. 

It is not what the Education Department to decide without any consultation and consideration.  Stop being so self-centred and egoistic.

Adenan Satem should say on behalf of Bersih 4.0 that they should be allowed to hold their gathering here on ……August, 2015 to prove himself to be a man of integrity.

It is Sarawak for Sarawakians.  What wrong is it to have Bersih 4.0 here in Sarawak?  Why………..can’t they have the gathering here in Sarawak?  What wrong?

If it is Sarawak for Sarawakians and we should be given this freedom to express our anger over Najib’s having RM2.6 billion in his account saying it to be the political funding and other mistakes.

Ex-president 陈水扁of Taiwan, once, also received many political fundings and these fundings had become his own wealth eventually. 

It is matter of corruption and collusion that we all chop this finding to be so.  Najib, in fact, has to face the tribunal and …. for the wrong doings.  But………

Instead of Najib to be trialled/tried for allowing the doubtful ‘political donation’ to be deposited in his personal account, the whistle-blowers and the Edge have been harassed.  What logic is it?

Friday, 14 August 2015

Tweets 1682015

Tweets 1682015
一个制造武器的国家,领袖谈和平是否比登天还要难? 一群靠4RReligionRaceRiot and Rights of the privileged)宗教,种族和特权主义上位, 又以暴动的威胁籍口打压人民的政客谈种族和谐是[口是心非]。常常遇到适当场合便曝露[口心皆非]的丑恶[心面相]Ismail Sabri 就是这些思维模式政客的代表人物之一。

Ismail Sabri最近在…….上发的种族主义的言论是很[弄巧反拙]的。他真的没有赶上人民思维的列车。没有认真倾听像Zahra 那位马来姑娘的诉说。人民要的是有良好的生存环境。这是21世纪叻,竟然还有这么样的政客在你的面前 吠叫那些没有价值。只有破坏和谐的废话。这不是白费了人民的税金吗? 

我发现单靠耳朵听了就发表自己的看法是一件很危险的事。我真的把Ismail Sabri误认为是Shabbery Cheek差点骂错人了。这是非常不负责任的行为。对UMNO的一群政客们不时不时的发那些一点营养也没有的言论已经让人厌恶到极限。这些人都是[唯恐天下不乱/always have an axe to grind] 真的是浪费人民的税金。坐上这些大官位的人怎么如此不堪。真的是低三下四的人当道。

[偷盗行为]Prophet Mohammad 怎么说? 本来是那么容易解决的问题。这些政客就是要把它扭曲成种族问题想狠狠地的捞一笔[种族的情感] 殊不知,时代已经大不同了,这种靠[肤色][肤浅] 的思维模式早99%人的心中消除了。 99%人在意的政客们如何治理国家。 严重的贪污舞弊滥权腐败的情形才是99%人民的心中痛。想想,养了一群老鼠在家里,会怎样?

前一阵子,有老鼠侵进入我家,在我家除了偷吃和咬我家中各种可以吃/不能吃东西,我和先生的感受真的是像我们福州话说的[beleh hu guo/骚乱到要屈服了]。有3次小老鼠跌进有沈水的水桶。第一次,我看它小眼睛看着我,这是眼睛看眼睛的事。没有关系到礼貌/不礼貌的事。也没 有什么[恻。。/不恻。。之心],这完全是我真的不敢把它一棍打死, 所以给它放了。第二次,嘿。。嘿,又有一只小老鼠一定是不小心跳进有沈水的水桶。 怎么都爬不出来。

这一次,我真的[见死不救]。这只最后真的是淹死在水中。我对老鼠在我家中[吃喝拉屎] 厌恶到极限了。我也领教过老鼠那种[偷盗]的真本事。我把没有壳的花生放在一个容器内,容器口放了一个盖子。老鼠竟然有这么高本事把那盖子弄开,在那里吃得[不亦乐乎]。还有它竟然咬破我家楼下厨房旁边房间的蚊纱侵入。

想想,谁能忍受这种骚牢和侵犯。它们的尿粪更是奇臭无比的。所以,第三只,又跌进有水的水桶里,我还是用同样的[有满满仇恨]的心理[见死不救]。不过,那天早上,当我家阿斗知道有小老鼠在水中挣扎。 他就把它[救出来,放生]了。嘿。。嘿,我叫我先生去二伯家(他自己做)去拿一个老鼠笼,却捕捉不到一只,嘿。。嘿,有沈水的水桶反而[立大功]


想想99%的人对小人物到大人物/首相各种偷盗的行为是有多厌恶。Ismail Sabri不照照镜子好好看看自己和合伙们/队伍,还要在那里把一个[小偷]的行为[巧妙的转为种族的课题]去捞取政治本钱。这让人民[一目了然]看到这些巫统政客们低级的思维模式。看到这一群人如此容忍[小偷和大偷]。真的是[食物和粪便]不分的一群人。

这年代,谁还在乎那么[肤浅]的种族课题。民间,99% 的人民都是融洽和谐相处。人民不和谐是巫统政客们要[制造的假象] 。我观察20多下来,我一直看到的就是巫统政客们太焦虑 [各种族太和谐]了。不是吗?