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Thursday, 29 January 2015

Foreign Labourers 30/1/2015

Foreign Labourers 30/1/2015
Foreign labourers whoever they are as long as they have worked in Malaysia honestly for at least 5 years, keeeeeeeeeeeep them, why not???????

Find out and pin those who have gone astray.  Why is it so difficult to do so?  Please be humble enough to co-operate with the employers to list them for good and save all the trouble of recruiting labourers all the time. 

Please respect the employers and be employer-centred in the activities.  It appears to me there is “an axe to grind” in the process of recruiting and de-cruiting foreign labourers. 

Mind you, there will be retribution for any dishonest dealings to gain in the business as against the will of the people.  It is a sin to monopolise the business

And you have brought so much inconvenience to them instead of facilitating them.  Why are there so many protests on MyEg and Bestinet in the recruitment of labourers?

Proactive 30/1/2015

Proactive 30/1/2015
‘Floods come and go in 3 primary schools’ in Kapit,  so?  Whose faults are they?  Think!  Who granted them these rights to abuse your rights?  Now, you are actually eating your plights once and for all. 

So, you know what to do next.  Dredge the place yourselves!  Ask for help and I believe you will get all the aids you need to drain and keep enough water in the well for your own good.

If the MP comes to your constituency to check the level of the water and you should thank him and be as polite as ever before but know what in your heart.


第一步,就是管好自己的【身心灵】。 第二步,就是很爱很爱很爱大自然。第三步,就是看自己的土地还剩多少颗树来阻挡风雨。 风雨需要树林来阻挡防灾。雨水需要植物来阻挡.  第四,就是管理好自己的土地。用你们的智慧,衣食住行,哪一条件会欠缺? 自己想一想! 一家一户需要多少土地制造乐园?

政府为什么不开发土地给人民呢? 想着想吧! 我们的政府在各国各地几乎都是一个模式:【私心太重】。只顾对自己和同伙和商家有利益的建设。因此90%世界的资源是操在1%人的手中。 Why 问问自己吧:因为造就这一切现象都是自己把个人权利交给政客领袖和商家们。 因此,有这样的后果和结果。

我看到美国有像香港有【棺材屋】。土地这么多,国家这么大,却硬要【sardine挤人】在城市。制造【无助,无奈和痛苦】。为了什么? 无限的奴隶人,管制人的生死。 用各种利益死死的捆绑人民。就这样我看到一个一个一个一个。。。。。。。。的沦陷于这些邪恶政客们的陷阱而不自知。

⫕⫖年的胡乱非为造就今天的人民被掏空的【狼狈相】。 就是【狼豺虎豹】的杰作。 所以要【改运】就是从自己开始。如果自己对自己信心不足,赶快去寻找一个可靠的人【指点迷津】。 看和听以往你们所信任的人,许下了多少包包的承诺。打开自己的包包数数看。实现多少了。 听完后,你的【脑子】记录多少政客们的承诺的话语呢?

看看自己的【脑包子】有那些记录。 好好清算一下。 时辰到了,好好把握自己的前程和未来。 财富和幸福都在自己的手里。 这个【小我】一定要结合可靠的【大我】才有可能更完整的达到【个别】和【集体】的目的:平安,健康和快乐。 有了这些条件,不管是【精神的,还是物质的财富】像【水】滚滚而来,享用不尽。

请相信你手中掌握的一把钥匙。 那便是开采自己天赋的【金钥匙】。不管你是谁。在那里都没关系。 你都可以开出一片天的。只要你全心全意发展自己所拥有的一切,尽心尽意也尽力的完成任何有益自己和他人的事。【个人】结合【他人】才是最佳的搭配。这就是个人和社区的关系要保持良好救自己和救他人。


For ‘Limited budget to clear clogged drains in villages’ SMC chairman Tiong said so.  So-so-so, we people must think of a way to solve the problem ourselves.  Do we better choice to face the worst?  Let’s do something to hel

I wonder why he has not asked the state government for more funds so as to clear the clogged drains that “cause prerennial flash floods in Kampung Bahagia Jaya, Kampung Sentosa and Dampung Jeriah…..”

I wonder if he knows the seat he takes means that he should guard for the interests of the said people instead of telling them SMC does not have enough funds to do the work.

Then who should be responsible for the damage from floods?  I wonder if he feels ashamed of himself when he says it again and again and again senselessly.

I think he has been carried away by his social position and the wealth.  He is just too obsessed to notice the changes in the real life situation.
p him. 

Let him keep the money for the time being and we will get them back OneDay.  So, don’t be so calculative now. So, let’s go to do the work for them.  Let them relax and stay in the comfort zone.

Datuk Tiong Thai King, the chairman of SMC says:  ‘Illegal extensions face demolition’.  Let maaaake a humble request to measure the size of his mansion and compare hhhhis and yyyyours. 

Be humble when you request for an explanation why he can have such a huge house as against your small house very hard to accommodate all the required things in the house. 

I think his explanation is very important.  Maybe, we should ask him to reduce the size of his house to your house size to justify his command.  What do you think?

Maybe, we should extend our houses downward secretly so that these people won’t bother us all the time at the comfort of them and discomfort of us.

It is time we should think what is best for us without their knowledge.  This world belongs to us and it is our rights to ward off all the plights ourselves when the government is good for nothing/O.