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Wednesday, 27 November 2013

花费要n 思

花费要n    27/11/2013
在我家,我如果没有经过我先生的:Yes/ No 会有比较多的不必要的花费。 是我,冰箱用了18 年,已修理了4 次。  几乎要修理第5次。 只因前一天有几小时的停电,隔天, 鱼肉都没有够冰冻。 于是,跟先生商量。 是我做决定,经济允许肯定要弃旧换新了。 可是,我先生还是要我再请技工来修理。

矣,不过这次并没有坏,只是有一些故障。 那天那位技工没有马上来。  到下午两,三点,我发现还可以好好的运作呢。 我便跟他说暂时不用修理了。 要买什么花费大的东西, 我们是要做很多考虑和商量的。 出钱的是他,我当然要询问他,要经过他的同意才买。 不同意,自己掏腰包/算了,不买了。 

1995年买的16寸大的电视机,我不知道他已修理了几次。  做修理,当然是在合算考量下才做的。 我那大冰箱有3个门,当年时RM2100买来的。 

如果政府任何花费有谨慎和独立的财政部,很多不必要的花费可以省下的。  可是Najib 做首相兼财政部长,非常独裁的权利和财力集一身。 难怪国债会如此节节迅速飚升。  4 年拜相花费顾问的费用是RM72亿。 (民联议员挖到消息)(报章看到的)  我开始都不敢相信这是真实的数目。 后来再次肯定后才相信,好像被重拳打击,感受非常不好。


  Tweets   27/11/2013
节育和节约救地球。  是时候联合国要硬性规定只能最多生3个。  或跟中国做法:[鼓励生1个;允许生2个;禁止生3]  管好人口;把资源好好的利用莱养饱和发展人资源(human capital.  有管好人口,才可以有效的减低赤贫率。  中国因此强大了。 印度和the Philippines 还有很多人吃不饱。

人人懂的节约是意愿。 这意愿需要个人的向上向善的心态来配合。 政府会做到节能节约,不挥霍,是需要一个很独立的财政部处理国家财务大事。  England 据报道Queen Elizabeth 要求起40% 的电费支援。 英国的财政部敢敢的说: 不。  英女王只好打退堂鼓。

是时候,我们人们要求首相和财政部长要分开。  财政部是由朝野两方人员一起掌管。  是时候政府要求政府各部门节能节约减开支。 不能再向人民开刀了。  挥霍浪费后,烂摊子要人民收拾。 太过分了吧!  Kuala Lumpur 市政厅要求起95%不等的门牌税是会引发无限愤怒。

掠夺性的征税只为了官爷们可以尽兴的挥霍浪费税金。 是时候我们人民要敢敢的和狠狠地跟政府:不/No。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
Najib 狼批逃税者为叛国。 我不知道Najib 会狼(豺虎豹)批贪污舞弊滥权和挥霍无度的大小官爷们和自己为:   什么?

Saturday, 23 November 2013


掠夺和捞   24/11/2013
In the name of Bumiputra, the crowned political clowns blunders and plunders.  In the claim of privileges, they pillage openly and legally in Satu Malaysia way / in one heart and mind.


看起来好像很威风,了不起。 在深入细看和析看:原来什么都不是,一点本事都没有。 只有在那权位的宝座上,拥有那么大的权威和胡乱涂鸦的笔功, 签个名,有/没看文件;看懂/不懂都没关系,最重要是赂金回馈(boomerang )有多少。

Squandering with the acts of plundering, swindling and embezzling all entwingled in the process of the activity.  Under the umbrella of the BN government, Shabbery Cheek is safe and sound even if the activity involved the cheeky acts of plundering, swindling and embezzling.

I believe squandering RM90,000 to pay the bill for the K-pop’s act and other related events like security, hotel, awards and so on for RM70,000 came as a shock to many.  Squandering  is like water tap-on draining away the money.   Alamak!  What a curse!  What a pity!  What a shame!

国债逼近55% 危急水平了。Najib, Najib 肯定很慌张了。 不得不玩magic了。制造减债务的奇迹。  向人民开刀是最快,最方便的做法。12 年车辆作废肯定是很不负责任的浪费。 为了增加税金,消费是可以有endless possibilities 增加消费税。

A spendthrift always has to face the consequences of debts payment.  In deperation, the spendthrift has to resort to more aggressive acts of plundering.

Najib has been in office for 4 years plus, he behaves like a sick spendthrift who squanders and squanders without any consideration of the consequences.

Now he is in dire straits of national debts reaching 55% the maximum level allowed.  He is more / less on fire.  The endless possibilities of the autocrat is plundering in the process of squandering.

霸权的无限可能就是在挥霍中一直掠夺。国债逼近55%  Najib 吃尽甜头后就要好好品餐和品尝苦蒂了。  人民会给他好看。
A spendthrift is sick and his every act is sickening/ disgusting.

The application of funds for the people here and there has to go “through fire and water” (赴汤踏火) for the allocation.  The needs of 2348 just flow to them like tap-on.

It is easy to indulge in luxury but hard to stop/withdraw from the indulgence.  (丛简入奢易;从奢入简难)

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Squandering at the expense

Squandering at the expense…..22/11/2013
Squandering RM1.6 million for Korean-pop, Psy’s performance brings curse, not blessing whoever footed the bill as there are so many school buildings in Sarawak still in deplorably dilapidated state.    This squandering at the expense of the people only provokes /intigates anger and rage. 
        I hope someone will shoot enough pictures and documentary- made to show the whole world of the real conditions of school buildings in Sarawak.  Some buildings, I believe, based on the my reading of the article “The shameful neglect of rural schools”  (from the Sidelines )(thoughts & opinions) (3 Nov 2013) (The Borneo Post).
        I believe some schools might collapse at any time.   And the lives of Ah Gou and Ah Mau’s children are cheap.  Deaths and injuries can be so settled easily with the condolences expressed by 2348 and that’s it.  Done and life goes on bla…………………………….  That’s why I see the same happening repeated all the time.

        “Give due attention to dilapidated rural schools” says Voon.

         Two years ago, the figure of schools in dire and bad conditions was   
         brought to the attention of Muhyydddin which was about 600   
         schools nationwide, but most of them are in Sarawak and Sabah.
         (Voon Shiak Ni, PKR Women national vice-president)
        Squandering billions of RM in flying and maintaining the government-owned plane in order to facilitate Najib, Rosmah, Muhyyiddin ……qualified in the list to go for official visits brings curses, too.    All this quandering is at the expense of the people especially those who are still deprived of their rights for the basic facilities: water & electricity supply, good road system, good medical services, proper school buildings………………..
        Najib who is the PM and National Finance Minister has all the access to the coffer.  This conducive facility/access enables Najib to enjoy all the conveniences at the expense of the people.   Our national coffer is rich at the expense of the people.  2348 especially PM have all the easy access to this coffer.  They always handle the transactions in millions and billions, so they don’t see the hefty expenditure in flying and maintaining the government-owned plane(s) squandering. 
        You may say Singapore PM paid RM1.7 million a day for the trip to Brunei or what, but please compare the Gross Domestic Income with Singapore as well to say so.  Besides, why should you always follow / copy others like a copycat when you are not in the position to do so / on par with?  Any unnecessary spending  that is done at the expense of the people will bring curse, only.   Squandering at the expense of the people means CURSE, only. 
        People are watching and registering in our minds what you/ 2348 have done.  Be careful!   Bear in mind the old saying, “No extreme can last.”
        People here and there are exasperated  when they ask for some upgrading of the roads, drains, other infrastructures………………..the municipal councils tell them they have no money to do so or just ignore the people.  Imagine this pented up anger.  

Note:  If someone eats in the toilet, do you want to follow suit?  Or if someone eats pooh, do you want to eat, too?