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Sunday, 24 June 2012


Phobia                                                                                      25th June, 2010
          These are the words of phobia to say that “Salt and mineral water bottles can be weapons to topple government – Mohamed Nazri ”.  (The Borneo Post.  Home. P.18 . 14th June, Thursday).  Yes, corrupt and rotten form of government can be toppled by anything and everything.  The words ‘Bersih / Kodor / Dirt/ Corruption/ Collusion / Greediness, Rottenness ……………..’ ;  the things ‘pens, pencils, ink, sand, rice, tears, saliva………..’ all have the power to topple the government whom we people are prepared to flush out for good.
          Never a time is the election in Malaysia, be it a state or national  clean and fair.  90%  of the Rakyat will give proofs that it is full of the foul plays of the fools.  This coming one I have heard of the vote-buying that Vincent Lau Lee Ming (the late Robert Lau’s nephew).  The news has been spread, RM500 – RM1000 will be paid for the support of the votes.  Hi………………  we people are now wiser, even the Iban communities know how to deal with this bad practice but a good game of vote-buying by these corrupt political thugs fully-backed by the BN government.  Yes, take the money and say, “Thanks.”   To vote for or not, Aku (I) have to think it through and look for evidences to prove if the BN government is truthful in the practice to improve the lots of the people here and there holistically and systematically. 
          How sincere the BN government is manifested in good:
         è medical services
          è education system like Finland
          è road system well-connected and of quality and people-friendly
          èaccess to basic infrastructures
          èjob opportunities
         è conducive environment for personal development
          èsocial security  ààfeel safe / no fear of being robbed / kidnapped
                                   ààsafety net for the unemployed to fall to
                                  àà help the poor to help themselves       
        èpeople-centred and people-friendly in development and facilities
          But what we see is the monopoly in favour of those in authority.  It is the special rights of the few to enjoy the national resources at will.   It is blatant corruption and collusion and we people are at the mercy of these corrupt and greedy political thugs.
          Don’t feel shocked to hear that nowadays people like me like to ink your face in the newspapers with a cross  to tell you how we despise and abhor you.
          Najib and Muhyddin bark a lot nowadays to boast and bluff how good and well-supported the BN government is by the Rakyat and a lot of people now “about face” turn to the BN government.  They are so confident of the majority win of the BN coalition.  Goodlah!  But if the election results show otherwise, I hope Najib and his team would admit the defeat and just pack and go.  I hope they are well- prepared themselves and be humble and learn to be good and know the standard that people expect and know the law of competition through fair and clean practice..   Never let the sinful thoughts of 5131969 to creep in create scenes to get back the power that people entrusted to the PR coalition or behave like late Muammar Gaddaffi or Assad of Syria.  You will be condemned and cursed forever and ever.  It is shame of you to tell the Chinese that their wealth will be reduced by ?% if there is a change of government.  But We people have reached the same consensus that we  will lose even more as a whole if we continue to support the government practising monopoly.   We people will celebrate more with the two-party system that we all see and believe.  Be prepared to let go and admit your weaknesses and learn to win honestly and humbly again in the run for.. .