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Thursday, 26 April 2012

Health / Wealth

Health / Wealth                                                                          27/4/2012
          The spelling of these 2 words is only different by a letter ‘H / W’.  But which you concern more make a big difference of Heaven and Hell (差天差地)(天差地别).   Which is more important, health or wealth?  Well, well, well, if you are allowed to choose one only, which one will you select when the choice will make a direct impact on your health and life? 
          The operation of rare earth at Bukit Merah somewhere in West Malaysia caused so much irreparable health problems to the residents there.  People suffered from the menaces of cancer, skin problems and other chronic health problems.  Only the people who have undergone through the menaces there can tell the hell of the torture of the operation of the factory there.  The PM, ministers, high ranking officers and the consortiums had all the gains at the expense of the people.
 I believe that they laugh ‘their hearts out of their bosom’ (笑开怀) with the gains or returns in the operation of such lethal product to the hell of others.  The factory after all have proven to cause untold health problems to the residents there.  The ministers (XXXX4), be they Prime Minister, chief minister, ministers or  high ranking officers/2348  and the consortiums finally after causing so much disaster and torture to the residents decided to scrap off the factory for good.
          Now the factory of rare earth at Gobeng in Kuantan, Lynas owned by an Australian company  is being built and will soon be operating to the hell of the residents there.  I believe that XXXX4/2348 are paid well for the permits for the harnessing of rare earth at Gobeng in Kuantan.  The official procedures are almost all filed for the full operation.  We people only came to know about it after the big big factory is about to complete.  Now the license for the trade has been issued.  We people here and there are concerned and panicked and want to exercise our power to force the corrupt BN government to comply.
          Yes, we organised “Stop Lynas to save Malaysia! 2.0 version” .  We want a clean environment for the good of everybody as we are rest-assured that we cannot enjoy wealth without health and we cannot buy health with wealth either.  With the knowledge and cognition of this, we people relay to counteract the authority to think  ‘n’ times about allowing the Australian company to mine and process the rare earth here.  We have the clear pictures of what had happened at the rare earth mines and factory at Bukit Merah.   But Najib and his team just deny and deny and blind talk and blind talk about the safety and the measures taken to deal with the production as against the popular belief about the disaster it will bring.
          Tomorrow we have “Bershih 3.0 version for the environment and election“  to tell Najib and his team that we do not want Lynas in operation in Malaysia.  We want a clean environment and a clean election.  Our elections, be they state or nation elections, have always been so dirty.  95% of our voters can give witnesses how dirty the BN government has been.  James Masing (The X4 who said “Jangan lawan tauke!”) even did it openly to reward the long houses who gave the BN government full support in 516 in the Sarawak state election.  Look, doing dirty business openly without a slight tinge of shame at all.   We just felt ashamed of him.  We feel disgusted and ashamed to see Najib engage in ‘one man show’ how good the BN government is in giving fund allocations here and there.  Use we people’s taxpayers’ money to lure people to support the corrupt BN government, not knowing that he is actually abusing his power all the time at the disgust of us.  We just feel offended with his act of ‘borrowing the flowers to give to Buddha/ His goddesses’ . (借花献佛).  Many people like me feel humiliated and offended.  There is a famous saying from the bible “Return to the emperor  what belongs to the emperor; return to God what belongs to God……..)  (Any mistake, please correct me).  Here I would like to say “Return to the BN leaders what belongs to the BN leaders;  return to the people what they deserve.”   All the allocation funds belong to people and why you give allocation funds as if the money were from you.  Why?????????
          Tomorrow many people like me may not be present in’ the sit-down in protest’ for one reason or another, mind you it does not mean that we are not there in heart with those who are present.   We shall and will tell the BN government even more firmly in the 13 election.  Just wait and see!

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Who is the boss?

Who is the boss?                                                     April, 2012
          A servant is a servant.  A master is a master.  But in Malaysia, Sarawak especially, a servant becomes a master once the master entrusts him or her the power to do the work.  This is the fact,  the practice and the phenomenon everywhere in Malaysia, Sarawak especially.  
Therefore , when James Masing’s in his Malaysia-famous saying “Jangan Lawan Touke!” in the incident when a physically challenged man who showed his support of PR coalition openly in the 416 state election, the man is denied of the welfare and other subsidies.   James Masing tells us the fact, the truth, the practice and the phenomenon in Sarawak and everywhere in Malaysia .   Why……. are you only so shocked now?
Isn’t it true that Taib Mahmud and his cronies are always so bossy, monopolising  and always “me first” in everything?  Check who decides everything for us people; who is in control the resources at will in Sarawak since time immemorial?  Guess, who is the richest man in whole-wide Malaysia?  Find out how much ill-gotten wealth Taib Mahmud, James Masing, Jabu, Mawan, Tengah Ali, Wong Soon Koh………..amassed in commission, corruption and collusion in the development projects signing off for different consortiums or contractors.  In a nutshell, who are the true beneficiaries of the development projects?  Ask yourselves who the boss is in practice and reality! 
          Sarawak is so rich in timber resources but isn’t  it ridiculous that we cannot get the quality timber products to develop our furniture industry?  So, “Timber, timber everywhere, (1)”    but why can’t we have the enough quality supply we require for the development of our furniture industry?  The Furniture Association has lately called for the attention in the press hoping the authorities concerned will take heed of their plights and will get the required assistance.  I am reassured to say it is useless unless they hold mass demonstration to protest and highlight to tell the whole-wide world how we suffer under the dictatorial master, Taib Mahmud and his cronies.
          For the past 4 or 5 years, I have had the liking for carpentry work.  I have tried to look for the quality timber to build coops for my poultry, frames to fence up the coops, benches to put my tools or things.  I see the potentialities in this industry.   Yes, I notice the shortage and the quality of the timber we have and the lack of the government initiative to foster the development of the furniture industry.  Taib Mahmud and his cronies our bosses are only interested to get the commission in contracting out the forests to timber companies.  We people know a large % of his astronomical amount of wealth is ill-gotten at the expense of we people.
          If our government is people-minded, we, no doubt, will have the best furniture industry in whole-wide Malaysia, if not the whole world because the state is timber-rich .   We will be well-served, do you think so?  I am confident enough to say we can engage many creative individual, especially, our Iban / Dayak friends.  They are so skilful and creative in carving, sculpturing,  ………….
          Due to space and time constraints, I can only pinpoint out an example of who the boss is.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012


声讨和追讨         3/4/2012    (April)
      命中注定是老天的决定:性别,父母,肤色,天份,。。。。。。。。 50%.  命可自与公共定50%。 用心,认真,努力,懂得远用微观和宏观思考决定。。。。可自定;好环境,好政府。。。。。公共定这50%的命。
      Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ)RM46亿流失,到今天咱们人民还没头绪是那些,还有多少部长权贵一起偷盗。咱们人民知道张庆信,林良实,陈广才。。。。。。肯定有。可是法庭判决张庆信无罪,但是咱们人民认定他有罪。以他目前所拥有的财富跟他的总收人有很大的差距。他拥有两架私人飞机,曾被法庭充公。但是又退还。 我猜其间有[不可告人的秘密]. 咱们人民人民在BN执政司法非常不公之下,无能为力. 但是+但是咱们人民在13届国选会让他知道: [诚实永远是最好的政策和安全的]. 椐我所知, 还是坚决要参加竞选. 这是不懂得自我检讨,因此纵容于[自欺欺人]的行为他肯定不知道有认知的人民对他是感到很恶心的. 很想吐痰的.   
      马航损失RM 25亿。怎么一回事?谁是这RM 25亿损失的受益者。到底是谁允许损失增加到RM 25亿。 这一切咱们人民会交待民联政党设立特别委员会去调查和追讨。 这是非常不负责任的行为。
      Shahrizat 家族用于[牛业]的拨款RM25亿转变为[屋业]滥用拨款来购买豪宅和其他用途。触患众怒。2008 后,我国已进入不太一样的年代。一小群/一大群的人民已苏醒。 很有全民一起来抓盗贼的趋向。民联政党不负人民委托揭发一宗又一宗的巨款的贪污舞弊滥权腐败事件。Shahrizat 的老公被控上法庭。是否会被定罪而面对入狱的下场?或是默默没事退场?像张庆信保住财产,逍遥法外。 这就得看咱们人民如何追踪案情和发威?
      最近又发现一宗在Johore State RM1 亿多的农业拨款被滥用浪费. Najib 和他的队伍保持沉默。没多久以前,我才见证Najib耳聋目瞎自吹自擂BN执政行政管理好,虽然一宗又一宗的巨款的贪污舞弊滥权腐败事件在他耳边眼前爆发。悲也!每年RM数百亿黑钱流失国外,Najib 怎么说?
这是小学生都知道的道理:做人实在不可以那么自夸, 还不忘处处贬低踩跶他人垫高自己. 自夸没人夸,看起来好像很少刷洗肮脏又臭的大傻瓜。
      可是, Najib身为首相却处处贬低民联领袖,夸赞自己. 像什么? 太滥权专横霸道了吧。 很没休养也不知耻为何物。结果拳拳击中自己要害. 这就是华人常常爱互相提醒: 三思而后行/. 要积口德. 口不遮拦,信口开河,口若县河. 这些言行被定为极下等. 身为首相,怎么可以如此不顾形象和尊严,不好也. 把人民当白痴吗?  自己像个流氓。
      华校30年如一日,师资短缺和拨款不足. 这一切是都是BN执政与 UMNO大佬们太爱耍手段玩权利和力. 牺牲别人爽快自己. [玩假民主耍真专制].  当人民还是愚昧无知时, 这种玩弄操纵是俘虏愚民的捷径现今个个人民都有个人的判断和认知的本事, 都爱讨论沟通交流, 揭发贪污舞弊滥权腐败事件. 互相鼓励一起抓首相,首长,部长高官权贵们偷盗行为. 拨款抽佣金是偷盗行为. RM500, 到发展区只剩下RM150, 这是历来拨款抽佣金,拨款从首相暑到发展区的输送管中明目张胆中被掠夺. 因此,咱们人民所见证的发展措施都很低略 (poor quality).

Sunday, 1 April 2012


[朝里有人好办事],是呀                              6/3/2012 (三月)
       这名言绝句,我猜大概是几百年/千年前,阿狗/阿猫有感而发的. 当年[天高皇帝远]. 我猜高官人员,星月高,更远.  很难接近,更难找到. 有机会接近,也找到是要靠关系和人脉的. 这名言绝句后来跟着咱们老祖宗移民来Malaysia产生了倒天覆地的转动却便成华人部长高官的名言绝句.  很灵的附身符.像万灵丹. 这名言绝句,部长只要一出口,华人便扑街服服贴贴. 我猜懂华语或不懂的部长高官都能朗朗上口,因为太灵了. 我猜西马马华会长林良实, 黄家定…….. 民政的林敬益,许子根………… 在2008之前常重复来钓华人票. 这名言绝句也是2010之前砂州人联最爱. Ex-刘会洲说过, 我见证很多人联部长高官常常说, 尤其是黄顺舸, 我不知道他重复过几次.  2009 之前他可以随心所欲的出口, 阿狗与阿猫总是听得患得患失,不知所措. 2009 只要他一出口说这名言绝句,他就被轰炸臭骂. 还送上几把掌. 416人联几乎垮台, 这之后,他完全禁口. 这名言绝句在东西马都变成禁忌.
       [朝里有人好办事] 孙伟瑄却冒犯禁忌脱口而出. (5/3/2012 See Hua Daily News) 我肯定孙伟萱认知少,知识也不多, 不知道BN执政华人元老们远用这经典绝句,如何被痛骂臭数. 不知道当年的经典绝句已经萎身成禁忌. 简直跟Najib Satu Malaysia 犯冲. 他好像人未老,心灵已腐化,讲出如此的废话.
       历史回顾: [朝里有人好办事], 是呀! 办了什么事,没办什么事. 事办成的品质和速度. 以前,人民比较愚笨,因此把[民权,民有和民享]的大大小小事都交给部长高官去管理. 没开花的结果,[民权,有和享]都转个身却变成[权贵权,有和享].
       [朝里有人好办事],是呀. 办了10%,不办90%. 是有办事啊! 因此, 数十年来去,华小师资短缺如一日,有越缺越多,越来越乱,APQ 不适合也不合格. 简直胡乱非为. Tamil 小学,据说也是同病相怜. 砂州国小却要面对西马教师留不住的苦恼. William Gani (Chairman of Sarawak Teachers Union)我不知道他呼唤喊叫几次了: 多多培训砂州当地教师. 可是,没有一个我你他族群的部长听到他的呼唤喊叫. 以我看没有大举旗帜大抗议, 当局是无动于衷. 才不理你们3721. 因此William Gani的呼唤喊叫都在空中飘. 因此乡下国小也面对大同小异的师资短缺的问题,也是数十年如一日. 所谓的人民代表们, 都跑去哪儿了?
       [朝里有人好办事],何此是2008之前华人的经典绝句,依我看也是各族群的信仰. 因此各族群只认定选自己族群的领袖来代表各别族群的去’争取’[,有和享]. 人民自己苯到自倒. 自己的[,有和享]自己要去争取. 怎么一回事?  各族群都很自私自利只盲目的去跟自己大争特争. 完全失去方向. 完全看不见(lost sight)人民自己本身的[,有和享].  民主,人民集体是最大. 这么分散正合仆人集团口味.  仆人便转个身当主人(master)变独裁耍弄主人. 各族群的领袖代表转个身却去争取个人的[,有和享]. [朝里有各族群人民代表却转个身变成独裁者好办事]:利用各族群人民对领袖的信任来骗各族群人民的选票. 把这些阿狗和阿猫人民骗得一团一团转.
       华人从相信到不信. 2006 砂州州选华人开始一小群也一大群的醒悟, 因此砂州人联跌了一大跤. 2008 各族群相续醒悟经过体验,思考,讨论,争辩, 八卦来9刮去,查证后,而大发威. 2010 砂州州选, 人联便坍塌了. 因为大家发现代表在朝里几乎都是帮独裁者和人民代表自己办事争取个人利益和地位. 
      [朝里有人好办事],是呀!  办事靠关系人脉. 因此, 咱们见证的发展尽是凭独裁者的喜恶而零零落落(fragmental),支离破碎(broken), 隔离的(isolated), 厚此薄彼,要看竞选其间得到多少支持, 也看其他情形, 竟选其间赂金都拿那么多了,够了, 地方发不发展,时限都由aku 自由来定夺. 因此承诺可以一拖变实数十年或还是保存等着或早就忘了. 要在下一届选举再重温. 因此, 咱们见证整体基本措施发展, 鸟瞰(birds view) 是很G() 型的, 没有发展蓝图,没系统的, 很任意随便的. 因此, 这里有小路建到你家楼梯口, 可能找不到中路接到大路旁. 那里大路相连又不连, 一段有铺(tar-sealed),另一段没有.  水沟流通又不通, 现在, 人民体验频频水灾,道路随时坍塌,…………. 来大家一起讲故事. 这一切都是独裁者和他的朋党的杰作. 这是G() 型民主的产物. 独裁者和他的朋党当家, 没开花所结的果. 到处都可以见证贪污舞弊滥权腐败.